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1、第六章第六章 讨论与结论讨论与结论ContentsClick to add Title1Click to add Title2Click to add Title3Click to add Title4Continue with Discussion“讨论讨论”的重点在于对研究结果的重点在于对研究结果的解释和推断的解释和推断,并说明作者的结并说明作者的结果是否支持或反对某种观点、是果是否支持或反对某种观点、是否提出了新的问题或观点否提出了新的问题或观点等;等;撰写讨论时要避免含蓄撰写讨论时要避免含蓄,尽量做尽量做到直接、明确到直接、明确,以便审稿人和读以便审稿人和读者了解论文为什么值得引起重视

2、者了解论文为什么值得引起重视(Place your results in a wider context)“Selling”my data!讨论:基本内容对对结结果果提提出出说说明明、解解释释或或猜猜测测;根根据据这这些些结结果果,能能得得出何种结论或推论?出何种结论或推论?指指出出研研究究的的局局限限性性以以及及这这些些局局限限对对研研究究结结果果的的影影响响;并建议进一步的研究题目或方向并建议进一步的研究题目或方向;指指出出结结果果的的理理论论意意义义(支支持持或或反反驳驳相相关关领领域域中中现现有有的的理论、对现有理论的修正理论、对现有理论的修正)和实际应用和实际应用讨论:注意事项讨论:


4、 Pattern2.Cause/Effect or Effect/Cause Pattern3.Comparison and Contrast PatternResults&Discussion:A Few Patterns Problem/Solution Pattern1.Problem:Statement of problem or question at issue2.Criteria:Statement of criteria for satisfactory solution(could be combined with explanation of the problem)3.S

5、olution:Statement of solution or answer4.Detail of Implement:Explanation of the solution,point-by-point in a descending order of importance or in order of the necessary steps to be taken to implement the solution5.Limitations:Explanation of limitations of the solution6.Alternatives:Explanation of al

6、ternative solutions considered and rejected(includes reasons for rejection)Cause/Effect or Effect/Cause Pattern1.Issue:Statement of the issue,cause?or effect?and statement of conclusion2.Causes(Effects):Support for the conclusion,I.e.analysis of causes or effects,arranged in descending order of prob

7、ability of importance3.Alternative cause(effect):Anticipation and refutation of alternative possibilities4.Summary:Restatement of the conclusionComparison and Contrast Pattern1.Conclusion:Statement of the conclusion and a forecast of points of comparison and contrast2.Support:Comparison or Contrast,

8、present a point-by-point comparison or contrast in descending order of importanceEmphasizing similarities:present a point-by-point comparison of similarity in descending order of importance,then the points of contrast or differenceEmphasizing difference:present a point-by-point contrast of differenc

9、e in descending order of importance,then the points of comparison or similarity3.Summary:Restatement of the conclusion,perhaps with a synopsis of positive support Conclusion-结结 论论“结论”中的基本内容:作者本人研究的主要认识或论点(包括最重要的结果、结果的重要内涵、对结果的认识等);总结性地阐述本研究结果可能的应用前景、研究的局限性及需要进一步深入的研究方向;结论中不应涉及前文不曾指出的新事实,也不能在结论中简单地重复

10、摘要、引言、结果或讨论等章节中的句子例例1:Our analysis indicates that we can reduce the L.A.heat island by as much as 3.Cooler roof and paving surfaces and 11M more shade trees should reduce ozone exceedance by 12%in Los angles and by slightly less in other smoggy cities.(主主要要结果果及及结论)The combined direct and indirect ef

11、fect of the cool communities strategies can potentially reduce air-conditioning use in a Los Angeles home by half and save about 10%of A/C use of a one-story office building.The total direct and indirect annual savings in the L.A.basin,including that attributable to smog reduction,is estimated at US

12、 0.5B per year.The corresponding national A/C saving is about 10%.(潜潜在在的的效益效益)结论的组织形式结论的组织形式例例9-2(一(一览表形式)表形式)Based on the analytical and experimental investigations presented in this paper,the following conclusions may be made:1.The radially rotating miniature high-temperature heat pipe has a simpl

13、e structure,low manufacturing cost,very high effective thermal conductance and large heat transfer capability.2.The non-condensable gases in the heat pipe have an adverse effect on the heat pipe performance.It results in.3.Eqs.(33)and(34)predict reasonably well the temperature distributions along th

14、e heat pipe length and are a useful analytical tool for heat pipe design and performance analysis.时态时态概述研究活动概述研究活动 结论部分的第一个句子或前几个句子常常是部分的第一个句子或前几个句子常常是对研究目的或研究目的或主要研究活主要研究活动的概述(不少作者不写概述而直接叙述主要的概述(不少作者不写概述而直接叙述主要结论)。)。文章使用文章使用“论文文导向向”时,研究活,研究活动的概述常用的概述常用现在完成在完成时。This paper has conducted the search fo

15、r a practical magnetocaloric cooling configuration for the large near-room temperature refrigeration and air conditioning market.当文章使用当文章使用“研究研究导向向”时,则常使用一般常使用一般过去去时。Overall energy balances for the various compressor elements were established to model the heat transfer between each of the compressor

16、 elements.(compressor:压缩机机)叙述主要结论叙述主要结论在在结论结论中需要写出其中一些重要的研究中需要写出其中一些重要的研究结结果果时时,通常用一般通常用一般过过去去时时。The effect of the structure on the free surface at the leading edge increased the total wave height by 6%.(leading edge:机翼前机翼前缘缘;wave height:波高:波高)在叙述自己研究工作的主要在叙述自己研究工作的主要结论时结论时,通常可使用,通常可使用现现在在时时以及推以及推测动词测动词(如(如appears,seems等)或情等)或情态动词态动词(如(如may、could等)。等)。The lateral bucking capacity of beams with transverse loads are affected by the location of applied load as well as the fiber orientation.(lateral

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