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1、河南省新乡市八年级英语上学期期末选择题大全300题一、选择题1Wait and seehe will turn the table some day.A变换桌子 B发脾气C踢翻桌子 D扭转形势2(题文)His father was born _ .Ain the 1950 Bin 1950s Cin the 1950s Din the 1950s3I was working hard on the problem when a wonderful idea suddenly went_ my mind.Ain Bover Cacross Dthrough4An earthquake happe

2、ned in Yaan Sichuan in April 2013. people lost their houses in it.AThousands BThousand of CThousands of DThousand5I decide to practice harder I will be more confident when I speak in front of the class.Aso that Bafter Cbecause Dbecause of6You made so many mistakes in the test. I think you_be more ca

3、reful next time.Acan Bshould Ccant Dshouldnt7March is a good time _China.Avisit Bvisits Cto visit Dvisiting8(题文)Theres going to _ English movie tonight.Abe Bbe an Chave Dhave an9Of all Gong Linnas songs, I like her Uneasy(忐忑) .Awell Bbetter Cbest Dthe best10(题文)Our teacher _a big sister to us. We al

4、l _her very much.Alook like; likes Blooks like; like Cis like; likes Dis like; like11I think Monday is _ than Friday.Agood Bwell Cmuch Dbetter12I need_to write_now.Here you are.Atwo papers; onBtwo pieces of paper; onCtwo pieces of paper; inDtwo pieces of papers; in13How was your vacation in Canada?I

5、t couldnt be worse! I dont _ want to talk about it!Aeven Bnever Cover Dthen14 Do you _ what he said? Yes, I think he told the truth.Aquestion Bbelieve Cimprove Dpromise15(题文)It is dangerous for you _ football in the street.Aplay Bplaying Cto playing Dto play16Turn on the TV now, your favorite progra

6、m _ soon.Astart Bstarts Cstarted Dwill start17Have you read todays newspaper? No, I havent. Is there in it?Asomething important Banything specialCnew anything18(题文)一Because of G20,_visitors come to visit Hangzhou.Yes, my hometown is one of_ in China.Amany and many;the most beautiful citiesBmore and

7、more;the most beautiful cityCmore and more;the most beautiful citiesDmore and more; the beautifulest city19Thank you for showing me the way to the bank.You are welcome. Im _ to help.Asorry Brich Cglad Dpoor20Here _ some desks and B.are C.have D.has21Thank you _ mending the bike _ me.Awit

8、h, to Bof, to Cfor, to Dfor, for22What if they to the class late?Awill happen;go Bwill happen;will goCwill be happening;will go Dwill be happened;go23Where would you like to go this summer?Id like to go .Aanywhere cool Bcool anywhere Csomewhere cool Dcool somewhere24Is this the homework you need to

9、hand in today?Oh, yes, Mom. I thought I had put _ in my schoolbag. Thank vou.Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything25There is _ with my eyes. I cant see clearly.Asomething wrong Bwrong something Cnothing wrong Dwrong nothing26If you can help me _ the party games, please tell me _this Friday.Aout;

10、 by Bwith; by Cwith; in Don; on27-Would you mind not putting your bike here? An English party will be held here. -_ . Ill put it somewhere else.ANot at all. BYes, Id love to. CCertainly. DOf course.28Would you like to go shopping with me this Sunday?Sorry,I _ Lisas invitation to her party that day.A

11、accepted Bdiscussed Crefused Dprepared29(题文)I dont know _ next.Well, dont worry. I will help you.Awhat to do it Bhow to doCwhat to do Dhow doing it30Dave,Im inviting you to KFC after school. Is six oclock OK with you?Sure!_AThats right BCatch you then CThats terrible DI hope not31Susan,can you come

12、to my party on Saturday afternoon? .ANo,thanks BYes,please CSure,Id love to DThats all right32At present,blogs are traditional diaries among young people.A.very popular popular asC.not so popular as D.much more popular than33Do you like the country life?Yes.In the country there are cars,and the

13、re is pollution,too.A.more;fewer B.more;more C.fewer;less D.less;more34Dont let homework _ too much time. Children need to play.Agive up Btakeup Clook up Dput up35(题文)I dont know if Mr.White_ to watch the soccer game with us next weekend.I think he will if he _ free.Awill go; is Bwill go; will beCgo

14、es; is Dgoes; will be36Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.Aexperiments BexpressionsCexperiences Demotions37To show _ we are going to miss her, we will have a surprise party for her.Ahow many Bhow

15、 much Chow often Dhow long38Dont _ his words too seriously. Hes just kidding(开玩笑).A.take B.have C.make D.give39Its raining heavily,so we _ at homeAmust stay Bhave to stayCmust be stay Dhave to staying40Dont _ jeans to the party. Its impolite.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.wearing41- _ will your head teac

16、her come back from America?-In two days.A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far42I think Qingdao will be better and there will be _ people and _ pollution.A.more; fewer B.fewer;less C.less ; less D.fewer;more43First, open the box. Next, take it out. _, eat it.A.Next B.Second C.First D.Finally44L

17、ily put a lot of _ in _of tea.A.sugar;the two cup B.sugars;the two cupsC.sugar;the two cups D.sugars;the two cup45-Lets make fruit salad. - _ .A.No,Im not B.Thank you C.Thats all right D.Thats a good idea46I like to go to the museum because I can learn a lot _ B.of C.with D.from47-The light

18、is on. When you leave, please _ . -OK,I wont forget _ it.A.turn it off;to do B.turn off it;doingC.turn on it; to do D.turn it on; doing48-Hi,Cindy! Do you like to watch _ TV show Readers?-Yes, I do. I think Readers is _ educational TV;a B.the;an C.the;a;the49I think this story is _

19、 interesting than that one. I like that story better.A.very B.much C.less D.a lot50He looks serious. _, he is very warm-hearted(热心的).A.In the end B.In danger C.At fact D.In fact51The girl looks unhealthy. She should _ more vegetables and fruit every day.A.eats B.eating eat D.eat52Look at my new

20、 bike.Wow, its so cool! When and where _ you _ it?; buy; bought C.did; buy D.did; bought53The children couldnt go to school _ the heavy snow.A.because B.such as for D.because of54Mrs. Brown forgot _ the door and two bad men got in.A.locking lock C.locked D.lock55Some people _ feel

21、 sick when they read a book in a car or on a boat.A.need B.might C.should D.must56Its time to watch English news. To improve our English, lets _ the TV and _ our mouths to listen and speak.A.turn on;open;turn on C.turn down; close D.close;turn down57(题文)-The old woman wants us _ her with the

22、housework.-I think we should help her.Ahelp Bto help Chelps Dhelping5865All parents _ their children can be successful.Adecide Blisten Chope Dtry59When did your uncle _ in Shanghai?Aarrive Bget Creach Darrived60Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world.That is, it is larger th

23、an_country in Asia.Aany Bany otherCother Danother61(题文)Its careless(粗心)_the same mistake again in your composition.Afor you to make Bfor you makingCof you to make Dof you making62How many people came to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?Its hard to say._people,I think.AMillion of BMillions ofCTw

24、o million of DTwo millions of63_ he was tired, _ he didnt stop _AAlthough; but; to rest BThough; /; workingCAlthough; /; resting DThough; but; working64(题文)My math teacher is very _ and she dances very _.Abeautiful;beautiful Bbeautiful;beautifullyCbeautifully;beautiful Dbeautifully;beautifully65-Whe

25、re is your sister?-Im not sure. She _ be in the library because she likes reading.A.mustnt B.may C.can D.cant66 What will you do after you finish your schoolwork? My parents expect me _ a writer.Ato become Bbecoming Cbecomes67Oh,I have the flu,and I have to see the _Ateacher Bfarmer Cdoctor Dworker6

26、8This kind of book is for children to readA.enough well B.enough good C.well enough D.good enough69Can you come to my party this Sunday?Yes, Id love to. Thanks so much for your B.relationship C.invitation D.preparation70We plan _ basketball play C.playing D.plays71His m

27、other is ill, so he _ stay at home and look after her.A.has to B.have to C.can D.cant72You are halfway to _ a problem just by talking to someone about it.A.solve B.solving C.finish D.finishing73Almost everyone in my home _ traveling around the world.A.enjoys B.enjoy C.enjoying enjoy74What do yo

28、u want to be in the future? _. Because I like to study medicine.A.An engineer B.A doctor C.A pilot D.A pianist75Its very kind of you to help me find the house._.AThats right BOh,noCNo problem DGoodbye76The weather in Beijing is colder than _.Ain Hefei BHefei Cthat in Hefei Dthat of Hefei77How can I improve my English ?Youd better find more time _ your listening.A.practice B.practicingC.practiced practice78What will your life _ tomorrow?A.1ike like C.likes D.looks like79Doctors often suggest, “ _

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