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1、中考听力专项训练同步沪英语解题技巧1英语中考听力专项训练同步(沪)知识定位听力是一种常见的考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力;通常上海卷英语听力考察:听句选图、根据对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案、根据短文内容判断正确或错误、听录音,填入所缺的词等几种形式。知识梳理测试应试技巧 1、快速读题有目的“听” 借用英语中“As soon as”的句型,聪明的考生一旦拿到试卷,就应该利用一切可能的 时间进行听力测试的快速读题,对将可能听到的信息或考核内容进行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,也即有目的地“听”。这是中考听力测试中能否得到

2、高分乃至满分的关键,它使考生由被动转为主动,打一场有准备的仗。听力答题的良好发挥,也将帮助考生更镇静,沉着,以饱满的情绪进行下面的答题。2、平心静气集中精力 要善于控制自己的情绪,尤其要排除对听力测试的恐惧感,坦然放松,静心聆听。不能 因为一个单词或一句话没听清楚而急躁慌乱,影响后面内容的聆听而影响答题。3、注重训练及时反馈 “铁杵非一日能磨成针”,考生在平时训练时需要认真,如果出错,一定要弄清楚错误 的根源是什么,是听的问题,是理解的问题,还是词汇的问题,自己要做到胸中有数。通过及时反馈,才能不断地提高自己的听力能力。题型分析与解题要点1、听句选图以 2003 年中考听力第一大题为例,它由

3、2002 年的 6 幅图等量选择,改为从 7 幅图中选 6 幅,相对提高了试题的区分度。但如果通过仔细读题,该类题的难度还是不大的。建议考生可根据读题预测一些关键词,这些关键词通常应为名词或动词。2、根据对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案这一大题属于情景会话题,常考核考生对于对话细节的捕捉,内容包括对话地点、人物2职业、时间、价格、数字、电话号码、颜色、天气、国家、活动等,但通过读题,考生可以缩小答题的范围,锁定听力句子中的关键词,并可适当作些记录,帮助自己进行计算或判断。例:(1)A.At7:15 B.At1:30 C.At6:35 D.At7:10 分析:通过读题分析,本题所问问题为事情发生的时

4、间。所以我们在听录音时要重点听 时间。(2)A.In a shop.B.At a restaurant.C.In a cinema.D.At home 分析:从四个选项可以容易地预测这个对话所问的问题一定是对话发生的地点。这个步 骤完成了,就可以说这个题做对了一半。那么接着再去听对话,即可对其中的地点加以必要的重视。此外,对数字不敏感的同学,可以在这方面进行一些强化训练,建议同学们可以利用家 中的电话号码簿或黄页簿,用英语大声朗读出这些数字。如以电话号码的方式直接读出,注意“double”的用法;或以价格或数字的方式读出,注意 million,thousand,hundred 后不加s。(此法

5、每天十分钟,十天为一疗程,效果显著。)3、根据短文内容判断正确或错误 听力的短文内容通常为一则故事,与对话理解不同,短文表达一定完整的思想内容,涉 及到的词汇量大,牵涉的知识面宽,它考核学生的整体理解能力,因此难度也相对较大。考生通过读题,可初步划出题干中的关键词,然后,带着 5 个 W 即 What,Who,When,Where,Why去听题,做到对全文的理解。同时,对于数字、价格、次数等细节问题也可相应地进行关注。其次,要重视听第二遍。在听第一遍时,往往只能听懂大意,初步掌握问题所涉及的重点,一些细节性的问题及一些必要的判断和推理主要取决于听第二遍。4、听录音,填入所缺的词 近年来的中考听

6、力第五大题多以表格或短文的形式出现。因此,请考生记住几个原则: (1)顺序原则。出于难度因素考虑,中考听力填词通常是按顺序出题的,即考生只需按 考题的顺序,一一等待并捕捉相关的信息,答题即可。(2)格式统一原则。考生在答题后,应注意观察表格前后,上下相关信息的格式。如动 词词组是否统一用不定式形式,或动名词。名词是否需要大写,或加上相应的冠词。数字前是否需要加上 No,或是价格后是否加上¥或 yuan.(3)语法精确原则。仍然是提醒考生不要犯语法上的小错误,如名词单复数、动词第三 人称单数在一般现在时中加 S 等。(4)单词过关原则。表格题中经常要考核到考生对大纲词汇的拼写是否正确,这些词汇

7、常包括人名、国家、国籍、职业、学科、兴趣爱好、活动、活动时间、活动地点等,对同学们的单词拼写要求是相当高的。例题精讲【试题来源】2007 上海中考【题目】Part l Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共 6 分)3A B C D E F G 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 【答案】I. 1. E 2. C 3. D 4. G 5. A 6. B 【解析】音频:59101I. 1. Look, the students are planting trees.2. Mi

8、ke, time for bed. Turn off the TV. 3. Children are happy to see the heavy snow.4. Tony, you mustnt drive so fast. Its dangerous.5. Its my first time to take a trip by ship.6. Little Mary has to play the violin for two hours every day.【知识点】中考听力专项训练同步(沪)【适用场合】当堂例题【难度系数】3【试题来源】【题目】II. Listen to the dia

9、logue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共 10 分)7. A) Yellow. B) White. C) Green. D) Orange.8. A) Wednesday. B) Thursday. C) Friday. D) Saturday.9. A) Once a week. B) Twice a week. C) Three times a week. D) Every day.10. A) See a film. B) Take a plane. C) Buy

10、 film tickets. D) See her cousin off.11. A)Light pollution. B) Air pollution. C) Water pollution. D) Noise pollution.12. A) English. B) Maths. C) Physics. D) Chemistry.13. A) 140 yuan. B) 80 yuan. C) 60 yuan. D) 20 yuan.14. A) Go out for dinner. B) Ask the man to cook.C) Go shopping with the man. D)

11、 Cook dinner for the man. 15. A) The train was late. B) He lost his way.4C) The traffic was heavy. D) He started too late. 16. A) At a bus stop. B) At a post office.C) At the Peoples Square. D) At a police station. 【答案】II. 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D 11.C 12. A 13.C 14. D 15. C 16.A【解析】音频:59102II. 7. M: I

12、like yellow and white. What about you, Miss Green?W: My favorite color is orange. Q: What color does the woman like best? 8. W: Tony, is it Thursday today?M: Its Friday. W: Oh, well have an English party tomorrow, wont we?M: Yes. Q: What day is it today? 9. M: Do you clean your bedroom every day?W:

13、Well, Mum usually does it. But I do it myself on Saturday and Sunday. Q: How often does the girl clean her bedroom? 10. M: Shall we go to the cinema this evening?W: Sorry, Ill have to see my cousin off at the airport. Q: What will the woman do this evening? 11. W: Look, the river is so dirty.M: Yes.

14、 Something must be done to stop people from polluting it. W: I quite agree with you. Q: What are they talking about? 12. W: George, did you do well in your final exams?M: Well, I got an A for English, a B for maths, and Cs for physics and chemistry. Q: In which subject did George do best? 13. W: Exc

15、use me, how much is this pair of sports shoes?M: It was eighty yuan a pair last week, but now its only sixty yuan. W: Great, Ill take the red pair. Q: How much is the pair of sports shoes now? 14. W: Jimmy, have you had dinner?M: Not yet. W: Then you must be hungry. Let me cook something for you. M:

16、 Thanks. Q: What is the woman going to do? 15. W: Terry, why are you so upset? Is there anything wrong?M: I missed the train. Though I started very early, still I was late. W: How did it happen? M: I didnt know the traffic was so heavy. Q: Why didnt the man catch the train? 16. M: Excuse me, madam?W

17、: Yes?5M: Does this bus go to the Peoples Square? W: Sorry. Im not sure. You can ask the policeman over there. Q: Where are the two speakers? 【知识点】中考听力专项训练同步(沪)【适用场合】当堂例题【难度系数】4习题演练【试题来源】【题目】III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合

18、的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7 分)17. Jack and his wife went to a restaurant last Friday evening.18. They drove their car to the restaurant.19. It was easy for them to park their car outside the restaurant.20. The restaurant was so busy that they waited for a long time.21. They were pleased with the food a

19、nd service there.22. Jacks wife went outside to get the wallet.23. It was an enjoyable evening for Jack and his wife.IV. Listen to the dialogue and complete the table (听对话,完成下列表格,每空格限填一词):(共 7 分)Personal InformationFull name: (24) Lee Age:16Male Female School: (25) Sky Middle SchoolTV Viewing Habits

20、When to watch TV:6:00-7:00 (26) evening,Sunday (27) Time spent watching TV each week: (28) hoursFavourite programmes:World (29) , (30) 6【答案】III. 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F 2I.T 22. F 23. FIV. 24. Ivan 25. Blue 26. Monday 27. afternoon 28. 4/four 29. News 30. Sport【解析】音频:59103III. Last Friday was Jacks

21、birthday. So in the evening he and his wife drove their car to a new restaurant in the center of the town. It was raining quite heavily. They tried hard to find a place right outside the restaurant to park their car. The restaurant was quite busy. As they had booked a table, the waitress took them s

22、traight there. They had a wonderful meal. The service was excellent and food was delicious. After they finished their meal, Jack asked for the bill. Then he realized that he had left his wallet in the car. His wife stayed in the restaurant and he went outside to get his wallet. To his great surprise

23、, he found that their car was gone. IV. W: Good morning, Im a reporter from Channel Young. Could you give me a few minutes for a short interview?M: Sure. Id love to. Whats it about?W: Were doing a survey of students TV viewing habits. We want to find out what TV programs young people like to watch.

24、So would you please tell me your name first?M: Ivan Li.W: OK. Ivan Li. I-V-A-N Ivan. Right?M: Yes. W: And how old are you? M: Sixteen. W: Which school are you in? M: Blue Sky Middle School.W: I see. Do you watch TV every day?M: Well, I want to, but I cant. I have to do a lot of homework. I usually w

25、atch English program from six to seven on Monday evening. W: Then how about weekends?M: On Sunday afternoon I can watch TV for three hours. W: Oh, I see. That means you spend four hours watching TV each week. Am I right?M: Yes. W: Then what kind of TV programs do you like?M: Er, I like world news ve

26、ry much and sport is also my favorite.W: World news and sport. OK. Thank you so much.M: You are welcome. 【知识点】中考听力专项训练同步(沪)【适用场合】当堂例题【难度系数】3【试题来源】2013 上海中考【题目】A Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)71._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _【答案】1F 2C 3D 4A 5B 6E【解析】音频 59104I. Listening compr

27、ehensionA. 1. Riding a bicycle is good exercise, isnt it?2. Look, the children are playing happily in the water.3. Mike and Sue went on a picnic and they had a wonderful time.4. Linda makes better cakes than anyone else in the town.5. Its a good habit to do some reading every day.6. Mr. Black will h

28、ave to stay in hospital for several days.【知识点】中考听力专项训练同步(沪)【适用场合】当堂练习题【难度系数】3【试题来源】【题目】B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (10 分)7 A)$700 B)$500 C)$300 D)$2008 A)English B)French C)Chinese D)Canadian9 A)Janes B)Peters C)Bettys D)Sallys10

29、A)Fathers Day B)Mothers Day C)Teachers DayD)Childrens Day11A)He asked his teacher for help B)He worked it out himselfC)He asked his classmate for help D)He found the answer from the Internet 12A)Because Lisas dad is strict B)Because he didnt buy a giftC)Because Lisas dad doesnt like him. D)Because h

30、es never met Lisas dad 13A)Mother and son B)Teacher and studentC)Doctor and patient D)Waitress and customer 14A)Hong Kong B)Museums C)Travelling D)Food15A)In a bank B)In a restaurant C)In a bookstore D)In a hotel16A)She wants to work for MrJones B)MrJones can fix the recorderC)She wants to meet MrJo

31、nes D)MrJones needs a recorder8【答案】7B 8D 9B 10A 11A 12D 13A 14C 15C 16B【解析】音频 59105B.7. W: Have you decided how to go to New York? M: Yeah. A plane ticket costs 500 dollars, but if I take a train, its only 200 dollars. Q: How much is a plane ticket to New York? 8. M: Good morning, class, Id like you to meet your new teacher.W: Hi, I

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