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1、名词性从句讲义精简版名词性从句定义:在句中承担名词的作用一、分类找出句子的谓语动词和分析句子的成分?思考名词可以做那些成分?阿甘正传The movie is so moving and encouraging.I appreciate his mother.Gump is a real man.I enjoy the part, the warm end. What I saw repeatedly is so moving and encouraging.I appreciate what his mother said.Gump is who we should learn from.I

2、enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky.观察下面的句子,判断分别是什么从句?1. 主语从句:在主从复合句中作主语的从句,形式为:主从+谓语+其他(或者it作形式主语)。2. 宾语从句:在主从复合句中作宾语的从句,形式:及物动词+宾从,介词+宾从,形容词+宾从。3. 表语从句:在主从复合句中作表语的从句,常跟在系动词之后,说明主语的状态、内容、特征和身份等。形式为:主语+系动词+表语从句。4. 同位语从句:在主从复合句中作名词的同位语的从句,常用在抽象名词后,解释说明抽象名词的内容。二、识别(看左边原则)句首/it +主语从句动宾/介

3、宾/形宾/ + 宾语从句系动词+表语从句抽象名词+同位语从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句主从+Vt(1)句首(2)句尾(it)Vt + 宾从动宾介宾形宾系动词+表从n(抽象)+同从(1)主句完整(2)主句(抽象名词)+从句指出下列各名词性从句的种类1. I know whatever he did. (宾语从句)2. She wondered if the buses would still be running. (宾语从句)3. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. (表从)4. She

4、 watched out for that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat. (宾从)5. When we will start is not clear. (主从)6. I had no idea who her best friend was. (同位)类别功能例词从属连词指起连接作用,不充当从句中的任何成分that, whether, if连接代词既起连接作用,本身又作从句的成分what, whatever, (主,宾,表,定)who,whoever(主,宾,表)whom, whomever (宾)which, whi

5、chever,(主,宾,定)whose, (定)连接副词既起连接作用,本身又作从句的状语when, whenever,where, wherever,how, howeverwhy,三、连接词四、解题技巧1. 划从句2. 判成分3. 定连词(顺句意)五、高频考点(一)that引导的定语从句与同位语从句区别语义thatwhen/where/why定语从句从句位于先行词后,起修饰限定的作用在从句作主语、宾语、表语,可省意义与先行词一致同位语从句从句位于抽象名词后,对名词起补充说明的作用从句结构完整,不作任何成分,只起连接作用,不可省需要翻译出来如:Alongwiththeletterwashisp

6、romisethathewouldvisitmethiscomingChristmas.Doyoustillrememberthechickenfarmthatwevisitedthreemonthsago.解析:在句中,that引导同位语从句解释说明promise的内容,that不充当任何句子成分,只起连接作用,而在句中,that在其引导的定语从句中作动词visited的宾语,对先行词thechickenfarm起修饰作用。常接同位语从句的抽象名词有:belief信念with the exception除外explanation解释doubt怀疑idea主意hope希望opinion观点ne

7、ws消息thought想法possibility可能性truth事实wish愿望question问题fact事实problem问题promise诺言report报道reply答复advice建议suggestion建议word消息warning警告 练习题The news that our football team won the match was encouraging.(同从)The news that he told us was exciting.(定从)(二)名词性从句中,关于it作形式主语和形式宾语的易错点1. 形式主语 (1) It+系动词+形容词+that从句。常见的形容词

8、有:necessary必要的certain明确的right正确的clear清晰的(un)likely(不)可能的possible可能的strange奇怪的obvious明显的natural自然的important重要的e.g. It is necessary that a college student (should) master one or two foreign languages.It is strange that you (should) trust Jane.(2)It+系动词+名词+that从句。常用于这种结构的名词有:a pity遗憾a honor荣耀a shame令人遗

9、憾的事a wonder奇迹good news好消息no wonder难怪a fact事实no surprise不奇怪It is a pity that you didnt attend the lecture yesterday.It is no wonder that youve achieved so much success.(3)It+ be+过去分词+that从句。常用于这种结构的过去分词有:said据说told有人告诉heard有人听说reported据报道decided作出决定suggested有人建议advised有人建议ordered根据命令remembered有人记得tho

10、ught有人认为considered认为well-known很著名hoped有人希望announced据宣布It is reported that no passengers were injured in the accident.It is generally considered that boys are better at science than girls.注:It is suggested/advised/ordered/requested/insisted/demanded +that+主语(should)+动词原形+其它。e.g. It is suggested that

11、you(should) spend more time in studying English.(4)It+动词(+宾语或状语)+that从句。常用于这种结构的动词有:seem显得happen碰巧matter重要occur出现hit突然strike突然It happened to me that I was away when he called.It occurred to me that we should get in touch with the manager.2. 形式宾语1)动词find, feel, think, consider, make, believe, guess,

12、suppose, assume等后有宾语补足语时,要用it作形式宾语,而把that引导的宾语从句后置。e.g. I think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day.I have made it rule that I keep diaries. Wethinkitpossiblethatyoucanfinishthejobtoday.2)谓语动词appreciate,dislike,hate,like,love,make等接由if或when引导的宾语从句时往往在从句前加上形式宾语it.例如:Iwouldapprecia

13、teitifyoucouldcometomybirthdayparty.3)动词hare,take,hide,punish,put等,后接由that引导的宾语从句式,往往在从句前加形式宾语it.例如:ItakeitthatyouwillbeleavingShanghaisoon. wepunisheditthatwehadfinishedtheprojectaheadoftime.4)短语动词answerfor,countondependon,insiston,seeto等后接有that引导的宾语从句时,必须冠以形式宾语it.例如:Imcountingonitthatyouwillcome.S

14、hellseetoitthathegoesahead.注:作形式主语和形式宾语时只能用it. 补充点:1)作介词的宾语(介宾)一般情况下介词后常用wh-类连接词引导宾语从句。(有的介词如in, except, but后可跟that引导的宾语从句)We are talking about whether we admit students into our clubs.They look similar except that one is a little tall.2)作系表结构的宾语(形宾)常用于此类结构的形容词有:sure, certain, glad, pleased, happy,

15、afraid, surprised, satisfied, amazed, astonished, aware, confident, delighted, glad, grateful, proud, sad, sorry等表示“情感”的形容词。Were all pleased that we have once again overcome the difficulty.I am extremely sorry that I have troubled you so much.(三)wh-ever与no matter wh-的用法区别Wh-ever既可引导名词性从句,又可引导让步状语从句;

16、而no matter wh-只能引导让步状语从句。e.g. Wherever you go, you should take care of yourself. (让步状语从句)=No matter where you go, you should take care of yourself. You should believe whatever your father said. (宾从)(四)as if/though, because, why可以引导表语从句注意:because引导的表语从句,主语不能是reason或cause,其后是事情发生的原因;why后面是事情的结果。常用句型为:

17、This/That is because 那是因为.,This/That is why 那是什么的原因而且since, as不能引导表语从句。e.g. Thats why he failed the exam.This is because I got up late.注:The reason why is that ,什么的理由是,why引导的是定语从句,that引导的是表语从句。判断正误The reason why I hate you is that you lied to me . (对)The reason is that you lied to me. (对)The reason

18、is why you lied to me. (错,why后是结果)Its because you lied to me. (对)This is why I hate you (对)(五)that和what的区别that在名词性从句中不作句子成分,只起连接作用,除在宾语从句中一般不可以省略;而what在引导名词性从句中不仅起连接作用,而且做句子成分,如:主语、宾语、表语和定语等,可以表示的话(东西,人,时间,地点,速度等)内容。That she works hard is well known to us all.What you said at the meeting made a deep

19、 impression on us.判断正误:That he needs to get rid of smoking is your help. (错,主语从句缺宾语,改为what)What he needs to get rid of smoking is your help. (对)All that he needs to get rid of smoking is your help. (对,定从that做宾语)技巧:在从句中,what要充当主语、宾语等成分。that 不作任何成分。what引导名词性从句,what=all that(六)who,whoever,no matter who

20、who 引导名词性从句,有疑问语气,没有范围;whoever陈述语气,有一定的范围。有两个作用,一是相当于anyone who引导名词性从句,表达的主体是任何人,二是相当于no matter who引导让步状语从句;no matter who只引导让步状语从句。e.g. Who can work out this problem is not known.Whoever can work out this problem will be praised.No matter what he says, I wont be angry.(7)if 和whether引导从句的区别主语从句宾语从句表语

21、从句同位语从句句首只能用whether,作Vt的宾语作介词宾语whetherwhether均可whether此外,在名词性从句中,表示选择与or not连用,只能选择whether(= ifor not)。在不定式前用whether to do。用if 和whether填空Whether the meeting will be held is still a problem. It is doubtful whether/if he will come here. I have no idea whether the meeting will be held. This decision wi

22、ll have effects on whether or not he will succeed.He hasnt decided whether to visit the old man Let me know whether or not he will come. I dont know whether/if he does any washing or not(8)if/whether/that引导名词性从句连接词词意句子成分能否省略That无不充当句子成分宾从可以省略if/whether是否不能省略练一练,用if/whether/that填空。That you are accept

23、ed by Tsinghua University is good news.It suddenly occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office.We have offered her job, but I dont know whether/if shell accept it.(9)强调句与主语从句的区别 判断下面是强调句还是主语从句?Its a rule that he gets up at 6:00 every day. (主从)Its a little girl that/who I want to see. (强调

24、)Its clear that he has finished his homework. (主从)It was on Monday night that all this happened. (强调句)解题技巧:去掉It is that 后,句子仍然完整,即为强调句,反之,为主语从句。真题考查:【2019全国卷三】Im not sure who is more frightened, me or female gorilla (大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere.【2018北京】11. Without his support, we wouldn

25、t be _ we are now.A. how B. when C. where D. why【答案】C【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:没有他的支持,我们是不会在现在这个位置的。how表方式,when表时间,where表地点,why表原因。“_ we are now”是表语从句,结合句子的意思可知,该处指我们所处的位置,故该从句应用where引导。C选项正确。【2018北京】15. This is _ my father has taught meto always face difficulties and hope for the best.A. how B. which C. that

26、D. what【答案】D【2018天津】9. The gold medal will be awarded _to wins the first place in the bicycle race.A. whomever B. wherever C. whoever D. whatever【答案】C【解析】考查名词性从句连接词。句意:无论谁获得自行车比赛第一名,金牌将授予他。分析句子可知,宾语从句中缺少主语,故用whoever,表示“任何人,无论谁”。故选C。【2018江苏】21. By boat is the only way to get here, which is _ we arriv

27、ed.A. where B. when C. why D. how【答案】D【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯一的途径,这就是我们如何到达的。分析which引导的非限定性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句。分析句意可知,这里用连接副词how引导表语从句,充当方式状语,表示“如何”。故选D。【2017北京】23. Every year, _ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.A. whatever B. whoever C. whomever D. whichever【答案】B【2017天

28、津】4. She asked me _ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadnt.A. when B. where C. whether D. what【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:他问我是否已经把书还给图书馆了,我承认。我还没有还。A.什么时候;B.在哪里;C是否;D.什么。根据句意,故选C2.【2016北京】29. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is _one can be entirely free from dust.A. wha

29、t B. that C. whether D. why【答案】B【2016天津】11. The manager put forward a suggestion _ we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do.A. whether B. that C. which D. what【答案】B【2015湖南】26.You have to know _ youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.A. what B. that C. where D. who【答案】C【解析】试题分析:根据分析可知:You have to know后面是一个宾语从句。宾语从句的连接词有连接代词和连接副词,连接代词有:who, whom, whose, which, what,在句中担任主语、宾语、定语或者表语,连接副词有:when, where, why, how,在句中担任状语的成分。Youre going if you are to

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