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1、谢谢用英语口语怎么说谢谢用英语口语怎么说英语口语中谢谢怎么说to thankthankyethankythankeeThanks.thank例句谢谢您,先生。Thank you, sir.很好,谢谢。Fine, thanks.我很愿意。谢谢你。I do very much. Thank you.不管怎样还是要谢谢你。Thank you all the same.谢谢。你也一样!Thanks. And you too!谢谢你的提醒。Thanks for the warning.很好,谢谢你。All right, thank you.再一次谢谢你,谢谢你给我讲的故事,谢谢你在军中做的一切。Than

2、k you once again for your story and for what you have done in the military.非常感谢,谢谢你的合作,谢谢你的关心。Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration.谢谢你花那么多时间(听我吐苦水),谢谢你的接待。Thank you for your tiein kleine liedme.谢谢的英语口语表达thank (v.)用法为 thank someone for something。人可以省略,不过要注意,若 thank 后面要加事情,中间的for

3、 不可省略喔!(O) Thank you, sir.谢谢你,先生。(O) Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮忙。(X) Thank your help.谢谢你的帮忙。(O) Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。thankful (adj.)用法为 be thankful for something 或直接加 that 子句。I am thankful for what you have done for me.我很感谢你为我做的一切。Im thankful that Ive got a job.我很庆幸自己有份工作。appreciate (v.)常

4、见用法有三种,第一种为 appreciate + 名词。要注意的重点为这个名词必须为事情,不能是人。简单来说,人不能当 appreciate 的受词喔!千万别用错啦!I appreciate the pay raise.我对加薪抱持着感激之情。The boss appreciates Duncans effort.老板很感谢 Duncan 的付出。第二种为后面接动名词的用法,appreciate + V-ing。I appreciate having this opportunity to display my talent.我很感谢有这个能展现自己才能的机会。第三种为后面直接加 that 子

5、句。I appreciate that you made the effort to come.我对你能拨冗前来感到很感激。要注意!当 appreciate 直接加 that 子句,且 appreciate 后面接 if 或 when 引导的子句时,要先加 it。I would appreciate it if you could let me know whether you will attend the meeting in advance.如果你能提前告知我你是否会出席这场会议,我将会十分感激。grateful (adj.)常见用法有三种:第一种为 be grateful (to so

6、meone) for something。Im grateful to my manager for talking me up in front of the boss.我很感谢我的经理帮我在老板面前说好话。第二种为后面接不定词的用法,be grateful to V。Im grateful to be promoted!谢天谢地,我要升迁啦!第三种为后面接 that 子句。Im just grateful that I dont work for Tony any more.感谢老天!我终于不用为 Tony 工作啦。“万分感谢”用英语口语怎么说1. Thanks a million!万分感

7、谢!2. I appreciate it indeed!我真的很感激!3. I dont know what to say.真不知道说什么才好了。4. Its very nice( kind ) of you.你真是太好了。5. What would I do without you?要不是你,真不知道该怎么办。6. Thanks for the help. I owe you one.多谢帮忙。我欠你个人情。7. Im truly grateful for your help.我非常感激你的帮助。8. You have my gratitude.十分感谢。9. I cannot expres

8、s to you how grateful I am.我无法向你表达我是多么感激。10. I cant thank you enough.不胜感激。11. Thanks.谢谢!谢谢的英语口语表达thanks; thank you例句与用法He did not even bother to say thank you .他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。Please accept our thanks to mr. jones and yourself .谢谢您和琼斯。I must remember to write and thank her .我一定得记住去写信谢谢她。No more , thank

9、 you , i am full up .不添了,谢谢,我已经吃饱喝足了。If you please, sir, might he have it ?谢谢你,先生,他可以收下吗?Thank you。i dare say you mean very kind .谢谢你。你真是一番好意。I thank you, sir, for all your courtesy .先生,我谢谢您的盛情。I will thank you to mind your business .我将谢谢你少管闲事。Yes , that s all , thank you .就是这些手续,办完了。谢谢。He is better , thank you , doctor .他好些了,谢谢你,医生。

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