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1、高中英语单词天天记miss素材miss 双解释义 vt. & vi.1.未击中,未抓住,未达到; 未看见,未领会 fail to hit, catch, see, understand, etc. vt.2.未出席,未赶上; 未能利用,失掉 fail to be present at sth; arrive too late for sth; fail to take advantage of sth vt.3.发现遗失 discover what is lost vt.4.避免 avoid or escape from (sth unpleasant) vt.5.想念,惦记 feel sor

2、ry or unhappy at the absence or loss of 基本要点 1.miss的基本意思是没能达到某人的既定目标,可以表示“没打中”“没猜中”“没到手”“没拿到”“没赶上”“没看到”“达不到标准”“不守约”“不尽义务”“发觉不在”“惦念”“避免”“失败”等。2.miss既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。3.miss还可表示渴望做到而未做到或无法做到,这时常接动名词作宾语。4.miss的现在分词missing可用作形容词,在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语。 词汇搭配 +名词 miss a ball没接到球 miss a ca

3、tch没接着球,接漏 miss a small detail 错过一个细节 miss a word漏掉一个单词 miss an accident免于事故 miss an appointment失约 miss attendance未出席 miss fire枪炮打不响,俏皮话不好笑,得不到预想的效果 miss ones aim没达到目的 miss ones classes缺课 miss ones dinner吐饭 miss ones footing 失足,踏空 miss ones hold松手 miss ones mark 没打中目标,没达到原定的目的,失败 miss ones tip出岔子,没达

4、到目的 miss ones way迷路 miss plant不发芽 miss school没有到校上课 miss stays船抢风失败 miss the ball未击中球 miss the boat错过机会 miss the bus失掉机会,遭受失败 miss the chance错过机会 miss the deadline错过截止日期 miss the farming season误农时 miss the goal 未射中球门 miss the mark没打中目标 miss the notice没看到通知 miss the point不懂这点 miss the start of the mo

5、vie错过了电影的开头 miss the target未打中目标 miss the train未赶上火车 副词+ never miss从未错过 seldom miss很少错过 +副词 miss accidentally偶尔错过 miss badly非常惦念 miss barely差一点击中 miss completely完全错过 miss coincidentally一致惋惜 miss dreadfully恐怕错过 miss narrowly差一点错过 miss possibly可能错过 miss seriously严重地错过 miss sorely极其想念 miss terribly非常惦念

6、 miss tragically悲伤地错过 miss unavoidably不可避免地错过 miss out省略,遗漏,错过机会,不理睬(某人) +介词 miss by差多少就成功做 常用短语 miss by(v.+prep.)差就成功做 lose a chance beyond time, distance, etc.miss sb/sth/v-ing by sthThe bullet missed me by two inches.子弹只差两英寸就射中我了。They missed the train by three minutes.他们晚了3分钟,没有赶上火车。We only misse

7、d seeing each other by five minutes.我们仅差5分钟而没有见上面。 miss out(v.+adv.)1.遗漏忘; (被)略去 fail to includemiss sb/sthoutDont miss out your brother when you send round the invitations.发送请帖时不要把你兄弟给漏了。Take care to spell every word right.You missed out the “d” from “bridge”.注意把每个词都拼写正确,你把bridge中的d漏掉了。You may miss

8、 out the third paragraph of the article while reading it.你读这篇文章时可略去第3段。The typist has missed out a line because of her carelessness.打字员由于粗心漏掉了一行。Ive missed your name out by mistake.我不小心把你的名字漏掉了。I read the letter to her, and deliberately missed out certain lines.我把那封信读给她听,有意略去某些话。His account of the a

9、ccident misses out one or two important facts.他写的事故报告漏述了一两项重要事实。Ill miss out the sweet course.我不想吃这道甜食了。2.错过机会 miss a chance or opportunitymiss outIf I dont go to the party,I shall feel Im missing out.如果我不去参加聚会,我将会感到错失良机。miss out on sthHe missed out on a chance to go to college because of his ill he

10、alth.他因身体不好,失去了上大学的机会。Living in the country,I often feel that I am missing out on the activities of city life.我住在乡下,常常感到没有机会参加城市生活的活动。miss sthoutJacelin missed out all the fun because of his broken leg.杰斯林因为腿骨折而错过了享受这一切乐趣的机会。3.不理睬(某人) pay no attention to (sb)miss sbout 用于be ed结构It was Cages own faul

11、t if she felt missed out at the party; she made no effort to be friendly to people.如果凯奇觉得在聚会上受了冷落那是她自己找的,她对别人就没有友好地表示过。 句型例句 用作不及物动词S+(+A)I aimed at the black spot and missed.我瞄准了那个黑点,但没打中。He took a cut at the ball but missed.他削球削了个空。The engine kept missing.这台发动机老是熄火。Im afraid that he may miss.恐怕他会失

12、败。They missed their test.他们错过了考试。用作及物动词S+n./pron.The bullet missed me by a hairs breath.那颗子弹差一点就打中了我。The arrow missed the target.箭未能射中靶子。He missed the 9:30 train.他没赶上9:30的火车。He tried to catch the ball, but missed it.他想抓住球,但接漏了。The goalkeeper just missed the ball.守门员差一点扑住球。He missed the bank and fell

13、 into the water.他没有跳上岸,掉到水里了。He seldom misses his aim.他难得有一次没有达到目的。He hammered away, but half the time he missed the nail.他用锤一个劲地敲,可是多半都没敲在钉子上。As two of my answers missed the mark,I cant get a good grade this time.因为我有两个问题没有答上,这次我得不了好分。He missed the point of my joke.他没有领会我的笑话好笑在什么地方。She missed him i

14、n the crowd.她没有在人群中看到他。I missed the first part of the speech.我没听到报告的第一部分。He missed his only chance.他错过了唯一的机会。He arrived late and missed his appointment with the doctor.他到晚了,错过了和医生预约的时间。Please be quiet.I dont want to miss a word of the news on the radio.请安静,收音机的新闻广播我一个字也不想漏掉。I nearly missed my flight

15、.我差点误了班机。Hes missed school three days this week.本周他缺了3天课。I was sorry to miss you when I called.我来拜访你时,发现你不在,很遗憾。I didnt miss my umbrella until I got off the bus.下公共汽车后我才发现伞不见了。The two boys miss their father a great deal.这两个男孩非常惦念他们的父亲。I miss you terribly!我多么惦记你呀!We have missed you badly since you we

16、re gone.自你走后我们非常惦念你。I miss everything in my hometown.我怀念家乡的一切。He missed the sunshine when he returned to England after five years in a hot country.他在炎热的国家住了5年回到英国后便怀念那里的阳光。I have not missed cigarettes a bit.我一点都不想抽烟了。S+v-ingI dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的

17、机会。He never missed attending the lectures.他从未缺席过这些讲座。The two cars narrowly missed hitting each other.那两辆车险些相撞。He just missed going to jail.他差点进监狱。We only just missed having a nasty accident.我们差一点发生了一场严重事故。I just missed burning my hands.差点烧着我的手。He narrowly missed being run over by a car.他差点儿被汽车压死。He

18、almost missed being allowed to fly in space.差点没让他去作宇宙飞行。I miss living in the country.我怀念以前住在农村的日子。其他v-ing as s-Compl.One boat is missing.一只船失踪了。My notebook is missing.Ive just discovered it.我的笔记本丢失了。我刚刚才发现。v-ing as Attrib.They started off at once in search of the missing girl.他们立即出发去寻找丢失的女孩。Newspape

19、r reporters have been asking about the missing child all day.新闻记者整天都在打听有关那失踪孩子的消息。The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.侵略军开进一个邻国,借口寻找他们失踪的士兵。v-ing as o-Compl.He flew into a temper when he found the stamps missing from the le

20、tters.他发现信封上的邮票没有了,大发脾气。 词语辨异 miss, lose, mislay参见lose条。miss, fail这两个词都可以作“不成”解。其区别在于:miss通常要搭用动名词短语; 而fail通常要搭用动词不定式。例如:The squirrel was lucky that it missed being caught.那个松鼠很幸运,恰好没有被抓住。I have failed to catch the train.我没有搭上那班火车。 正误解析 1.我没看过那部电影。误 I missed to see that movie.正 I missed seeing that

21、movie.析 miss作“错过”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作其宾语,不能用动词不定式。2.他们在森林里迷了路。误 They missed their way in the forest.正 They lost their way in the forest.析 miss和lose都有“迷失”的含义,但在lose ones way固定词组中不能换用成miss。 学习参考 1.miss用作不及物动词在英语口语或俗语中还可用来表示“流产; 小产”。例如:Her daughter missed yesterday evening.昨晚她的女儿流产了。2.miss作“未看见,未领会”解时

22、是否定动词,所以加上了not就成了肯定的意思。例如:The bank is just around the corner; you cant miss it.银行就在拐角附近,你不会看不见的。 miss misses ) 双解释义 C1. 错失,不中,未得 a failure to hit, catch, hold, etc., that which is aimed at S2. 小姐 (a title placed before the name of) an unmarried woman or girl S3. 女老师 a woman teacher S4. 小妞,小姑娘

23、a girl whose size is between that of a child and a woman 基本要点 1.miss用作名词时可作“错失,不中,未得”解,也可作“小姐”解,是作“错失,不中”解的miss的同形异源异义词,用于姓名或姓之前,是对未婚或婚姻状况不明的女子的称呼,也可用作选美会上优胜者的头衔,首字母要大写。2.miss还可用于小学生对女教师、顾客对女店员、主人对佣人的称呼。3.miss作为戏谑语可译为“小妞,小姑娘”。 词汇搭配 动词+ feel the miss of sth 感到有所失 give sth a miss避开某物,省去某物 形容词+ lucky m

24、iss侥幸的逃脱,幸免于难 near miss接近击中 bread-and-butter miss天真无邪的小姑娘 elderly miss上了年纪的小姐 lovely young miss可爱的小姑娘 perky miss傲慢的姑娘 pert miss冒失的姑娘 saucy miss莽撞的姑娘 school misses女中学生 slim miss苗条女郎 +名词 M- Florida佛罗里达最佳小姐 M- Smith史密斯小姐 常用短语 give a miss避开; 不去干某事 avoid; not to do sthgive sb/sth a missWhy did you give h

25、im a miss?你为什么躲避他?I think Ill give the fish course a miss.我想免去鱼这道菜。I usually go swimming on Mondays, but Ive decided to give it a miss this week.我通常逢星期一去游泳,但我决定本星期不去了。Im tiredI think Ill give the film a miss.我太累了我想不去看电影了。Ill give the sweet course a miss.这道甜食我不吃了。 near miss1.炸弹、炮弹等接近目标,但未命中 bomb, sho

26、t, etc. that lands near the target but not quite on itWe had a few near misses in the first raid.在第一次袭击中,有几次我们都只差一点儿就命中目标。2.幸免 situation where one just avoids or escape from, some mishapThe car did not hit me but it was a near miss.汽车没有撞上我,但只差一点儿。I got there just after youd left-such a near miss.我到那

27、里时你刚好离开,只差一点儿我们就碰上了。The two aircraft came very close to each otherit was a near miss!两架飞机靠得很近,差一点就撞上了! 句型例句 A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。Its hit or miss.好歹一试。He could hit his target one hundred times without a single miss.他打靶能百发百中。She thought she was going to have a baby, but only had a mis

28、s.她感到快要生孩子了,然而却流产了。That was a lucky miss.得免于难,真是侥幸。The shop-assistant was sick,Miss Baker filled in for him.售货员病了,贝克小姐替他售货。Miss Mary has been a governess in that family for years.玛丽小姐已在那家当了多年家庭教师了。Mr. Brown and Miss Wilson were married this morning by a priest.一位牧师今天上午为布朗先生和威尔逊小姐主持了婚礼。My brother mar

29、ried Miss Jenny. 我哥哥与珍妮小姐结婚。Today, in the second round of womens doubles, theyll meet Mrs.White and Miss Sandy of England.在今天的女子双打第二轮比赛中,她们将迎战英格兰的怀特夫人和桑迪小姐。The Misses Green are sisters.格林小姐们是姊妹。Good morning,Miss!老师,您早!Two cups of coffee, miss.两杯咖啡,小姐。Jenny is a pretty miss.珍妮是个漂亮的小妞。She is a saucy little miss!她是个黄毛丫头!She was a French miss engaged to tutor his children.她是受聘来当孩子家庭教师的法国姑娘。 补充资料 同义词v. avoid, escape, leave out, let go, lose, mistake, omit, skip; long for, mourn, pine for, wantn. girl, kid, maid

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