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1、文献检索报告报告编号:201221110311045文献检索报告课题名称:通过藻毒性试验提取细菌中的防污活性物质姓名(学号):检索日期: 2012年5 月 16日院系(专业):化学化工学院联系方式: 课题名称中文:通过藻毒性试验提取细菌中的防污活性物质英文:Extraction of antifouling compounds from the marine bacterium through the algae toxicity tests一、选题简介:用简短的文字说明选题来源,说明文献检索的目的。毒性鉴别评估(toxicity identification evaluation,TIE)是

2、由美国环保局提出的一种综合的毒性评估技术体系,该方法以生物毒性试验为基础,综合运用各种物理化学实验方法,以及相关性分析和数理统计等各种分析方法,鉴别成分不明的沉积物样本的致毒原因,既能很好地确定造成沉积物污染的有毒物质的种类和浓度,又能很好地阐明有毒物质浓度与生物效应之间的关系,是一种较为理想的沉积物毒性评估方法。藻类属于海洋污损生物,它们通常对船舶、海中设施、沿海工业及海水养殖带来严重的危害, 如增加船舰航行的阻力; 使海水冷却管道和热交换器的冷凝管管径缩小, 甚至完全堵塞; 促进腐蚀; 使海中的仪表和机械失灵; 增加海中建筑物桩、柱的截面积, 加大波浪和海流的冲击力; 堵塞网孔,与养殖的贝

3、、藻类争夺附着基和饵料等。所以,防止海生物污损已成为船舶行业及水产界等必须要解决的一个重要问题。细菌对藻类的影响主要体现在,一方面细菌吸收藻类产生的有机物质,并为藻类的生长提供营养盐和必要的生长因子,从而调节藻类的生长;另一方面,细菌也可以通过直接和间接作用抑制藻类的生长,甚至裂解藻细胞,从而表现为杀藻效应,这类细菌一般称为溶藻细菌,而细菌与藻的这一相克关系则为利用细菌防治赤潮提供了科学依据。近年来,从海洋细菌中提取活性物质作为防污剂受到重视。有人曾经对18 种处于指数生长期的菌株进行筛选,发现其中7 种有防污作用,并认为细菌胞外物质具有防污活性。我国科学家近年来对有关海洋细菌对舰船防污的影响

4、也比较活跃。本论文拟通过藻毒性试验等手段筛选具有防污活性的海洋微生物,利用TIE技术,从具有防污活性的几种微生物发酵液中,初步确定起防污作用的主要化学物质,并对其防污机理进行初步探讨。二、检索词及检索策略:中文检索策略:1. 藻类*毒性效应2. (海洋+藻类)*毒性*检测3. 细菌*防污性外文检索策略:1. Algae* Toxic Effect2. (Marine+ Algae)*Toxicity* Analysis3 Bacterium * Antifouling三、检索数据库国内数据库:1. 中文科技期刊全文数据库(维普) 1989-2012年2. 中国学位论文数据库 1984-2012

5、年3. 中国学术会议论文数据库 1984-2012年4. 中国科技成果数据库 1983-2012年5. 中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 1994-2012年6. 中国博士学位论文全文数据库 1984-2012年7. 中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 1984-2012年8. 中国重要报纸全文数据库 2000-2012年9. 中国科技论文在线 2003-2012 10. 中国学术会议在线 2005-2012年 11. 国家科技图书文献中心 1989-2012年12. 国家科技成果网 1978-201 13. 中国专利数据库 1985-2012年 14. XX 国外数据库:1. SciFinder

6、Scholar2. ACS(美国化学学会) 1879-2012年3. RSC数据库4. Wiley 1997-2012年5. SCI 1997-2012年6. EI 1969-2012年7. CSA 8. Elsevier online 1823-2011年9. SpringerLink 1967-2011年10. NTIS-National Technical Information Service 1964-2011年11. Conference Papers Index 1982-2011年12. DII德温特专利数据库 1963-2011年13. 欧洲专利局(espcenet)(14.

7、 美国专利局USPTO (http:/ 日本特许厅(http:/ PCT国际专利(http:/ 4、资料筛选与整理五、检索结果根据以上检索词和检索策略,查找了上述中外数据库及互联网搜索,筛选出相关相关文献14篇,如下:1. Toxicity of chlorina benzenes to marine algae 中文题目:氯化苯对海洋藻类的毒性作用Authors:MA Yan-jun; WANG Xiu-lin; YU Wei-jun;ZHANG Li-jun

8、; SUN Han-zhangAuthor affiliation:MIT Media Laborator Preceptual Computing Section 20 Maes Stress; Cambredge MA 02319 USA Document type :Journal Article (JA)Journal name :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyAbstract:Growth of Chlorella marine, Nannochloropsis oculata, Pyramidomonas sp, Platym

9、onas subcordiformis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum exposed to monochlorobezene (MCB), 1, 2-dichlorobenzene (1, 2-DCB), 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrachlorobenzene (1, 2, 3, 4-TeCB) and pentachlorobenzene (PeCB) was tested. Tests of 72 h-EC50 values showed that the toxicity ranged in the order: MCB1,2-DCB1,2,3,4-Te

10、CBPeCB,and that toxjcity of chlorinated benzene (CB) alone to marine algae was almost in the order: Pyramidomonas sp. Platymonas subcordiformisNannochloropsis oculata Chlorella marine Phaeodactylum tricomutum. Study of the QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship) between Kow and toxicity

11、of CBs to marine algae showed good relationships between-logEC50 and logKow.Key Words: toxicity,marine algae, chlorinated benzenes,EC(50)摘要:本文研究了MBC、1, 2-DCB、1, 2, 3, 4-TeCB、PeCB对小球藻、南极冰藻、微球藻、亚扁藻、三角褐指藻的毒性作用,测试72h EC50值结果显示四种物质对藻类毒性作用顺序为MCB1,2-DCB1,2,3,4-TeCBPeCB,氯化苯对对藻类毒性顺序为:南极冰藻亚扁藻微球藻 小球藻 三角褐指藻。2.

12、Toxic effects of Irgarol 1051 on phytoplankton and macrophytes in Lake Geneva中文题目:Irgarol 1051对日内芜湖浮游植物和大型植物的毒性作用Authors:Nystrm, Bo,Becker-Van Slooten, Kristin,Brard, Annette,Grandjean, DominiqueAuthor affiliation:The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Document

13、type :Journal Article (JA)Conference name :Water ResearchAbstract : Irgarol 1051 is a recent herbicidal compound, inhibitor of photosynthesis, used in antifouling paints. This toxic is persistent in aquatic environments, with low abiotic and biotic degradation, highly phytotoxic, and has already bee

14、n detected in estuaries and coastal areas, with suspected negative impacts on non-target organisms (aquatic plants and algae). We measured the toxicity of Irgarol 1051 to macrophytes and phytoplankton from Lake Geneva (between Switzerland and France) by determining chlorophyll fluorescence yield, an

15、d phytoplankton primary production. Long-term toxicity for phytoplankton was estimated in a microcosm study, and growth inhibition tests were performed with isolated algal strains. The concentration of Irgarol 1051 was analysed in the water, and the most polluted site showed a higher level (up to 13

16、5ng/L) than the lowest observed effect concentration for phytoplankton (880ng/L), while the macrophytes appeared to be more tolerant to Irgarol 1051 in short-term tests. The microcosm study showed that phytoplankton structure might be even more sensitive to Irgarol 1051.Key Words: Phytoplankton,Macr

17、ophyte,Ecotoxicology,Herbicide,Primary production,Irgarol 1051摘要:Irgarol 1051的毒性在水生环境中是持久性的,有较低的非生物和生物降解,高度植物毒素,影响水生生物的的生长。我们通过测量其对大型植物和浮游植物的叶绿素荧光产量和浮游植物的主要生产确定毒性效应。3. Toxicity of hexazinone and diquat to green algae, diatoms, cyanobacteria and duckweed 中文题目:六嗪酮和敌草快对绿藻,硅藻,蓝藻细菌和浮萍的毒性效应。Authors:Peters

18、on, Hans G,Boutin, Cline,Freemark, Kathryn E,Martin, Pamela ADocument type :Journal Article (JA)Journal name :Aquatic ToxicologyAbstract:Hexazinone and diquat are two broad-spectrum contact herbicides used in a variety of crop and non-crop applications. Both pesticides are highly water soluble and p

19、ersistent in the aquatic system. Hexazinone is mobile in soil and, thus, the potential for leaching into ground water and for overland runoff into surface water is high; diquat, however, is rapidly bound by soil and sediment to a biologically inactive form, at least temporarily. Toxicity to green al

20、gae (two species), diatoms (two species) and cyanobacteria (five species) was determined using inhibition of 14C uptake. Toxicity to the floating vascular plant, duckweed, was tested by measuring seven-day growth inhibition. Test organisms exhibited large differences in sensitivity to both herbicide

21、s. The green algae, diatoms, and duckweed (all eukaryotes) were more sensitive to hexazinone than were cyanobacteria (prokaryotes). Mean concentrations at which 50% inhibition occurred in these groups were 0.01 (green algae), 0.05 (diatoms), 0.07 (duckweed), and 0.6 (cyanobacteria) mg hexazinone per

22、 litre, respectively. In contrast, green algae were comparatively tolerant of diquat (EC50values approximately 0.6 mg l1), while the cyanobacteria and diatoms were much more sensitive (mean EC50values of 0.074 and 0.079 mg diquat per litre). Duckweed showed the greatest sensitivity to diquat, with 5

23、0% inhibition of growth occurring at 0.004 mg l1. That some non-target aquatic plants are susceptible to diquat toxicity at less than 0.01 mg l1is significant, as most methods of diquat analysis have minimum detection limits of 0.01 to 0.05 mg l1. Therefore, algae and vascular aquatic plants may suf

24、fer phytotoxic effects in a contaminated water body even when diquat is undetectable chemically. Differential sensitivity to herbicide contaminants among taxonomic groups of plants may have ecological consequences. Cyanobacteria may produce neuro- and hepato-toxins and constitute a poor food resourc

25、e for higher trophic levels relative to the other organisms tested. Contamination of surface water with hexazinone may degrade water quality for wildlife, both by causing food reduction and habitat loss through inhibition of green algae, diatoms and macrophytes, and by allowing the proliferation of

26、cyanobacteria. Varying responses among the different test algae to the two herbicides under study indicated that a wide taxonomic range of test species is necessary in evaluating the impacts of contaminants in aquatic systems.Key Words: Algae,Cyanobacteria,Diquat,Duckweed,Expected environmental conc

27、entration (EEC)Hazard assessments,Hexazinone摘要:对绿色藻类(两种),硅藻(两个物种)和蓝藻(5种)使用抑制14 C吸收。实验通过测量七天生长抑制率得出测试生物对两除草剂表现出的巨大差异敏感性。4. The ecological toxic effects of dibutyl phthalate on Phaeodactylum tricornutum中文题目:邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对三角褐指藻的生态毒性效应Authors:Huili, YANG Shunshan, DUANAuthor affiliation:暨南大学水生生物研究中心/热带亚热带水生态

28、工程教育部翻里研究中心,广东,广州,510632Document type :Journal Article (JA)Journal name :Ecology and Environmental SciencesAbstract : In order to research the dibutyl phthalate (DBP) to the Marine microalgae ecological toxic effect, choose the triangle brown refers to the algae (Phaeodactylum tricornumm) as a test

29、subject, set seven DBP mass concentration processing, namely acetone control, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 7.5 mg. L-1, determined to the growth of algae triangle brown, photosynthetic pigment mass concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in the index. The results show that the exposure o

30、f triangle DBP of brown refers to the growth of algae all had significant inhibitory effect, triangle brown algae cant tolerate to 7.5 mg L-1 DBP of, when DBP mass concentration for 5 mg L-1, triangle brown algae in refers to two days before almost no growth, from the third day began to grow, and qu

31、ickly into the index period, Chlorophyll a, c and qualities of carotenoids concentration DBP with exposure to the increase of concentration and gradually reduce; As DBP exposure concentration increases, triangle brown algae light system to (PS ) maximum efficiency of conversion of light energy (F/v/

32、Fm), PS potential activity (Fv/Fo), actual light energy conversion efficiency (Yield) and photosynthetic electronic transfer efficiency (ETR) were reduced, but compared with the control, low quality concentration treatment groups (than 4 mg L-1), each index down is not apparent, and 5 mg L-1 in stress after the 12 h, Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, Yield, ETR gradually rise, the parameter value or even more tha

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