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1、出国旅游常用英语中英对照出国旅游常用英语(中英对照) 出国旅游常用英语一览表,出国旅游必备英语。一 问候、感谢、交际、询问英语二 搭乘飞机、转乘飞机等机场英语三 入境入关检查对话英语四 兑换外币和咨询英语五 乘坐交通工具常用英语六 酒店常用用语七 餐馆点餐用餐英语八 购物时常用英语九 紧急情况下常用英语一出国旅游常用英语之问候、感谢、交际、询问Good morning 早晨好! I dont know 我不知道Hello 你好! I cant speak English 我不懂英文Good evening 晚上好! Yes , Please 请Good bye 再见! Excuse me 劳驾

2、See you later 再见! I am sorry 对不起Good night 晚安! Could you do me a favor?能够帮我忙吗?Take care 保重! Please say it again请再说一次How are you? 你好吗? Anyway 总之Fine. Thank you谢谢你,我很好! Of course 当然Have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安!By the way顺便提一下my name is - 我叫- if 如果,假设May I have you name?请问你贵姓? Besides另外,况且Nice to see you 很高

3、兴认识你。Actually 实际上Thank you very much谢谢! May I smoke here?能在这里吸烟吗?Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助。 May I use thisphone? 能够使用电话吗?You are welcome不用谢。 May I sit here?能够坐在这里吗?Thats right 你说的对 May I ask something?我想问点事情Yes, I think so我也这样认。 Is there a police station here?附近有警察局吗?Where is the toilet厕所在哪里? Wh

4、at time is it now?现在几点了?Where are you from?你是从哪里来的? I am tired 我很累Whom should I ask to? 我应该问谁?As soon as possible 近快-What is this for?这是做什么的? Please help me 请帮助我It is important这非常重要 I feel sick 我感觉不舒服Im in a hurry我时间很急 Im lost 我迷路了二 出国旅游常用英语之搭乘飞机用语Where is my seat?我的座位在哪里? Seat number 座位号码Where shou

5、ld I put this?手提行李放在哪里? Airline ticket飞机票Could you change my seat,please?请换一换我的座位 boarding pass 登机牌May I have tea/coffee/juice/water? 请给我来杯茶emergency exit 紧急出口Beer, please请给我来杯啤酒 life jacket 救生衣Will this flight get there on time?航班正点到达吗? Thisform? 这张表格?Aisle(window) seat靠走廊(窗户)位 take-off起飞Could you

6、tell me how to fill in请告诉我如何填写 Landing著陆航班中转用语How long will we stop here?我们在这里停留多久?Are there any duty-free shops in the waitingroom?在侯机室有免税店吗?Im in transit to Melbourne 我是换机去墨尔本How can I get to the connecting flight counter ofChina airline? 我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机柜台?Where is boarding gate for China airline

7、CA173?国航CA173登机口在哪里?Where can I check in? 在哪里办理登机手续?What is the gate number? 在几号登机口登机?机场取行李用语Where can I get my baggage? 我去哪里取行李?Here is my claim tag 这是我的托运 行李卡Could you please check iturgently?请抓紧时间找我的行李How many pieces of baggage have youlost?你丢失了几件行李?Can you tell me the features of yourbaggage?请描绘

8、你所丢失的行李的外表特徵It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag是一件大的皮箱,挂有我名字的标签We may have lost some baggage so wed like to makea lost baggage report. 我想填写一份丢失行李登记单How soon will I findout?需要多长时间可以找到我的行李Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon asyouve located it 找到行李后,请尽快送到我的酒店。三 出国旅游常用英语之入境检查对话问:

9、May I see your passport, please?请出示你的护照答: here is my passport. 这是我的护照问: Whats the purpose of your visit?你到澳洲的目的?答: Sightseeing (business,study)观光(商务,留学)问: How long will you be staying in Australia?你计划在澳洲逗留多久?答: 10 days 10天问: where are you staying ? 你住在哪里?答: Ill stay at Hyatt hotel ? 我住在凯悦酒店问: Do you

10、 have a return ticket to Taiwan?你有回台湾的返程机票吗?答: Yes, here it is. 有, 在这里问: How much money do you have with you?你随身带了多少钱?答: I have 2000 U.S dollars 2000美元问: Have a nice stay 祝你在澳洲旅行愉快!答: Thank you. 谢谢!Im sorry. I dont understandEnglish对不起,我不懂英文。Does anyone here speakChinese?有懂中文的工作人员吗?入关常用词Immigration

11、入境检查 duty-free items 免税品Passport control护照检查 Quarantine 检疫Outgoing passengercard 入境登记卡 Residents本国居民Ongoing passengercard 出境登记卡 Non-residents外国居民Customs declaration card 海关申报单Visa 签证Currency declaration现金申报单 Destination 目的地A gift for my friend送给朋友的礼物 Valid (invalid)有效(无效)Chinese medicine 中药 Cash 现金P

12、rohibited articles违禁品 Yellow card健康卡入关检查用语Your passport and declaration card,please请出示你的护照和海关申报单Do you have anything to declare?你携带的东西有必须申报的吗?No. I dont 没有Please open this bag 请打开这件行李What are these? 这是什?东西?These are for my personal use这是我的个人用品This is a souvenir that Im taking toChina这是我带会中国的纪念品Do yo

13、u have any liquor orcigarettes?你带有任何酒类或香烟吗?The cameras are for my personaluse这架照相机是我自用的Youll have to pay duty onthis这件物品你必须交纳关税四 出国旅游常用英语之兑换外币和咨询用语Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币?Can you change this into AustralianDollars?请将这些外币兑换成澳元?What is the exchange rate ? 兑换率是多少?Do you accept travelerschecks?你这里接受旅行支票吗?Id like to cash this travelerscheck请将这些旅行支票换成现金Id like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱May I have a statement ofaccounts?请给我兑换发票Exchange of foreign cur

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