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1、5B英语各单元知识点牛津小学英语各单元知识点总结Unit1词组:句子:a new term一个新学期 have a lesson上一节课 boys and girls 孩子们the first lesson第一节课 the first lesson of the new term新学期的第一节课Miss Li and her students李老师和她的学生们 on Monday在星期一Nice to see you.见到你很高兴。 on Monday morning在星期一早上in the morning在早上 have an Art lesson 上一节美术课 at a Chinese l

2、esson在语文课上 this term 这学期eight subjects八个学科 tell me告诉我 an interesting story 一个有趣的故事how many lessons 多少节课 let me see让我看看 at once立刻,马上 like Maths very much非常喜欢数学 the hot coffee热咖啡 near the clock在钟的附近 plus and minus 加和减 from Sunday to Saturday从星期日到星期六 1 .What day is it today ? Its Tuesday. 今天星期几?今天星期二。2

3、. What day is it today ? Its Friday .今天星期几?今天星期五。3. What lessons do you have in the morning? We have Chinese, English, Maths and Science.你们早晨上什么课?我们上语文、英语、数学和科学。4. What lessons do you have on Wednesday afternoon? We have English, Music and PE.星期三下午你们上什么课?我们上英语,音乐和体育。5. What subject do you like? I li

4、ke Maths. 你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢数学。6. How many days are there in a week ? There are seven . 一个星期有几天?七天。7 . How many English lessons do we have a week? We have four.我们一周上多少节英语课?四节。8.Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校。句型转换: 1. Its Tuesday. ( 对划线部分提问) What day is it today?2. I like English and Maths. ( 对划线部分提问)What su

5、bject do you like?3. We have eight subjects this term. ( 对划线部分提问) How many subjects do you have this term?4. We have Chinese, Maths and English in the morning. ( 对划线部分提问) What lessons do you have in the morning?5. Nice to see you. (同义句) Nice to meet you./Glad to see you./Glad to meet you. Unit2词组:句子

6、:a telephone call 一个电话 at school在学校 speak to him和他说话call her(宾格)给她打电话 after lunch午饭后 speak to Helen 和海伦通话a bad cough 严重的咳嗽 a high fever高烧 stay in bed呆在床上stay at home呆在家里 .get better soon尽快好起来 be absent缺席 still feel ill依然觉得病的 take some medicine吃一些药 feel better感觉好些 Classes are over.所有的课结束了。School is o

7、ver .放学了. open your mouth张开你的嘴 get some fruit for you给你带一些水果 close the window关窗have a lot of rest多休息 wrong number打错电话see a doctor看医生 1. Why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席?(相当于Why are you not here today?) 1. See you soon. 一会见。3. I hope you get better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。4. How do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样啊?

8、 I feel( tired, hot, thirsty, ill) 我觉得(累的,热的,渴的,病的)。 I can get a / some for you. 我能给你一/ 一些。5. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(相当于Whats the matter with you?) Ive got a ( fever, toothache, cold, cough) 我得了(发烧,牙痛,感冒,咳嗽)。 Im sorry to hear that. 听到这我感到很抱歉。I hope you get better soon.希望你早日康复。6.Whats wrong with

9、 him? He has got a toothache. 他怎么了?他牙疼了。7.Whats wrong with her? She has got a bad cold. 她怎么了?她得重感冒了。8.May I speak to Helen ? This is Helen speaking.我可以和海伦通话吗?我是海伦。Unit3词组:句子:take photos拍照 go shopping(去)购物 collect stamps集邮 make clothes做衣服 .grow flowers种花 make model ships做模型船.draw pictures画画 make mode

10、l planes做模型飞机 wash clothes 洗衣服 read newspapers看报纸 read magazines看杂志 make cakes做蛋糕 cook nice food做美味的食物 do housework做家务 fly a kite放风筝 listen to music听音乐 water the flowers浇花 play football踢足球 play cards打牌 play chess下棋 play computer games 玩电脑游戏watch TV看电视 have many hobbies有许多爱好many beautiful stamps许多漂亮的

11、邮票show them to his classmates把它们给他的同学看 Chinese stamps中国邮票 show us his stamps=show his stamps to us 给我们看他的邮票 animal stamps动物邮票Here they are .它们在这儿 write music 写音乐 the same hobby相同的爱好make pretty dresses for my doll 给我的洋娃娃做漂亮的连衣裙 use a computer使用电脑 1、关于业余爱好,我们可以问:Do you have any hobbies?你有些爱好吗?Yes, I d

12、o. I like ( taking photos) 是的,我有。我喜欢。(拍照) No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。 可以拓展为:Does Ben have any hobbies ? Yes , he does . He likes collecting Chinese stamps . 本有爱好吗?是的。他喜欢收集中国邮票。Does your uncle have the same hobby? Yes, he does.你叔叔有同样的爱好吗?是的。Does she like going shopping? No, she doesnt她喜欢购物吗?不,她不喜欢。2、也可以问:Wha

13、ts your hobby ? I like growing flowers . Me , too .你的爱好是什么?我喜欢种花。我也是。Whats your mothers hobby ? She likes making clothes .你妈妈的爱好是什么?她喜欢做衣服。3、叙述某人的爱好,我们可以说:He / She likes ( going shopping ).他 / 她喜欢。(去购物)。 He / She doesnt like ( growing flowers ).他 / 她不喜欢。(种花)4Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do . I li

14、ke taking photos. 你有爱好吗?是的,我有。我喜欢拍照。5Do you water the flowers every day ? Sometimes I do . Sometimes I dont . 你每天浇花吗?有时我浇。有时不浇。6My brother doesnt like watching TV.我哥哥不喜欢看电视。句型转换:1.He likes going shopping. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)Does he like going shopping? No, he doesnt.2.Ben likes collecting stamps. (改为否定

15、句)Ben doesnt like collecting stamps.Helen and I like making pretty dresses. (对划线部分提问)What do Helen and you like?3.My fathers hobby is keeping goldfish. (改为一般疑问句)Is your fathers hobby keeping goldfish?知识点:一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后的动词词尾有所变化。第三人称单数动词词尾的变化有几种形式: 1. 一般情况加-s reads, says, takes 2. 以ch, sh, s

16、, x, 或o结尾的词加-es teaches, washes, goes, watches 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的词变y为i再加-es studies, cries, carriesUnit4词组 句子:speak loudly 大声地讲话 run fast 跑得快 jump high 跳得高 sit quietly 安静地坐着 dance beautifully跳舞跳的优美 walk carefully 小心地走 write carefully 认真写swim well 游泳游得好 an English friend一位英国朋友 write an e-mail写一封电子邮件 his E

17、nglish friend他的英国朋友in the computer room在电脑房里 study Chinese学习语文 want to play table tennis 想要打乒乓 under the tree在树下surf the internet浏览网页 play table tennis with Wang Bing 和王冰打乒乓 write to me 写信给我 live in London 住在伦敦 a letter for me 一封给我的信 write an e-mail to my English friend写一封电子邮件给我的朋友 from Monday to Fr

18、iday从星期一到星期五 every day 每一天 every week 每一周live in a small town near London住在伦敦附近的一个小镇里in the sea 在大海里 on the beach 在海滩上 do exercise 做锻炼 from my Uncle Lee来自我的李叔叔1.Does Mike jump high? Yes, he does. 麦克跳得高吗?是的,他跳得高。 2.Does Nancy run fast? No, she doesnt. 南希跑得快吗?不,她跑得不快。 3.What does Mike usually do on Su

19、ndays? He usually takes photos. 他通常星期日做什么?他通常拍照。 4.What does LiuTao usually do in the evening? He usually waters flowers. 刘涛通常晚上做什么?他通常浇花。 5. What does Su Yang usually do after school ? She usually reads science magazines . 苏洋通常放学后干什么? 她通常读科学杂志。6. What subjects does he study at school ? He studies E

20、nglish ,Maths , Science and Art . 他在校学习什么科目?他学英语,数学,科学和美术。7.What does she usually do on Saturday ? She usually goes shopping and does housework . 星期六她通常干什么?她通常购物,做家务。8.My mother washes clothes in the evening.我妈妈在晚上洗衣服。9.Im busy. 我忙的。 10.Were the same age. 我们是同龄人。句型转换:1. Helen usually goes shopping o

21、n Saturdays. (对划线部分提问) What does Helen usually do on Saturdays?2. Does he jump high? (改为陈述句)He jumps high.3. He runs fast. (改为否定句)He doesnt run fast.知识点:1. 在一般现在时中,行为动词与he, she, it等第三人称单数的搭配时须在行为动词后加s或es,我们来看例句:He likes English very much. 他非常喜欢英语。2. 将句子变为一般疑问句时要借助于助动词does来帮忙,此时行为动词要用动词原形,如:Does he l

22、ike English very much? Yes, he does. 他很喜欢英语吗?是的,他很喜欢。3. 第三人称单数的特殊疑问句是在一般疑问句的基础上,再于句首加上特殊疑问词, 如:What subject does her brother like? 他哥哥喜欢什么科目?He likes Chinese. 他喜欢语文。一、英汉互译Unit6词组 句子: at a PE lesson在一节体育课上 give orders 发命令 try to do试着(做某事 follow the orders跟随命令 stand in a line站成一排 do some exercise做些锻炼

23、put your feet together双脚并拢 put your knees together双膝并拢 jump up and down上下跳 listen carefully仔细地 ten times十次 turn left 向左转turn right向右转 turn left and right 左右转put on把放在上 touch with用触摸stand up起立 lie on ones back仰躺 lie on his back(他)仰躺 feel tired感觉累的 lift up your left leg提起你的左腿 lift up your arms抬起你的双臂to

24、uch the flowers with her mouth用她的嘴触摸花put the plate on his finger把盘子放在他的手指上 stand on the mans shoulders站在那个男人的肩上 sit on the womans knee坐在那个女人的膝盖上1.Put your hands on your head. All right.把你的双手放在你的头上。好的。2.Can you put this big grape on your mouth ?你能把这个大葡萄放在你的嘴上吗?3.Touch your left leg with your right ha

25、nd. OK.用你的右手摸你的左腿。好的。4.Touch your toes with your fingers three times .用你的手指触摸你的脚趾三次。5.Turn left and right seven times . 左右转体七次。6.Lie on your back and lift up your legs eight times .仰躺,抬起你的双腿八次。7.The boy has two small eyes and a big mouth .这个男孩有双大眼睛和一张大嘴8.It has two heads , two necks , four arms , ei

26、ght fingers and six legs .它有两个头,两个脖子,四条手臂,八个手指和六条腿。Unit7词组 句子:没有时间休息 have no time for rest 没有时间吃早饭have no time for breakfast 起床 get up 准备be ready for 准备吃早饭 be ready for breakfast去学校 go to school 洗脸 wash ones face 刷牙 brush ones teeth 值日 on duty观看足球比赛 watch a football game 确实忙be really busy 开始上课 class

27、es begin 快点 be quick 让我们快点 Lets hurry 随身带些面包 take some bread with me 还没有 not yet 在夜间 at night 太迟了its late 忙碌的一天 a busy day 吃早饭have breakfast 吃午饭have lunch 吃晚饭have supper 吃正餐have dinner 回家come home go home (去)睡觉go to bed 需要打扫图书馆need to clean the library做家庭作业do ones homework 想要看电视 want to watch TV 骑自行

28、车ride a bike 骑马 ride a horse 洗衣服wash clothes 去参加聚会go to the party 放风筝fly a kite 步行 on foot 打排球play volleyball 打乒乓play table tennis 加入我的行列join me 从早上七点到晚上十点from seven in the morning to ten at night 1、 询问几点了?可以用 Whats the time? = What time is it? Its 2、. .的时间到了。/ 该了。 Its time to(动词词组) 如:Its time to ha

29、ve breakfast. Its time for(名词) 如:Its time for breakfast.3、 想和我一起吗? Do you want to join me(宾格)? 4、 他没时间吃早饭。 He has no time for breakfast. (同义句) He doesnt have any time for breakfast. (no=not any)注意:在具体的几点钟前面,我们用“at”如:at ten oclock.在哪一天 如在星期几前面我们则用“on”on Monday在一段时间里我们则用“in” in the morning /in a week重

30、点句子:5.What time is it? Its a quarter past seven . Its time for school . 几点了?七点一刻。该上学了。 6I want to make a cake. Do you want to join me? No, Im cooking rice. 我想做蛋糕。你想加入我吗?不,我正在做饭。 7I want to play cards. Do you want to join me? No, Im doing my homework 我想打牌。你想加入我吗? 不,我正在做家庭作业。.8.Do you want to go shopp

31、ing with me ? No , I dont .Im watering the flowers. 你想和我去购物吗?不。我正在给花浇水。 9.What time do you go to school ? I go to school at ten to seven .你什么时候去上学? 我在六点五十去学校。10Classes begin at half past eight .八点半开始上。Unit8词组 句子:at the weekends 在周末 Friday afternoon星期五下午 talk about谈论(某事)talk about their weekends谈论他们的周末 talk about our hobbies谈论我们的爱好spend ones weekends过周末 spend your weekends 度过你的周末

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