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1、健身教练必备英语动作英语库有关训练的表达法 About training步形步法练习 stance and footwork exercise一般素质训练 general fitness training动作组合练习 combination exercise手形手法练习 hand form and hand technique exercise基本功练习 basics training; fundamental exercise行进间练习 exercise in locomotion . movement)保护下练习 practice with assistance训练时间表 training

2、 schedule; training timetable低强度训练 low-pressure workout适应性训练 adaptive training有氧训练 aerobic training无氧训练 anaerobic training全面训练 all-round training变换训练 alternating training间歇训练 interval training意识训练 awareness training循环训练 circuit training力量训练 power building肌肉训练 bodybuilding重复训练 repetition training综合训练

3、 combination training耐力训练 endurance training广泛训练 extensive training密集训练 intensive training强化训练 intensive training徒手训练 fist-fighting training心理训练 psychological training热身练习 warm-up exercise基础练习 essential exercise集体练习 group exercise垫上练习 mat-work; mat exercise散手练习 free-hand exercise辅助练习 auxiliary exerc

4、ise平衡练习 balance exercise器械练习 weapons exercise徒手练习 bare-hand exercise腿部练习 leg exercise力量练习 weight training基本拳法 basics fist techniques基本步法 basics footwork基本动作 basics movement基本姿势 basics posture基本步型 basics stance基本技法 basics techniques基本理法 basics theory固定方法 fixed method个别辅导 individual coaching移步与转体一致 sy

5、nchronize step with body turning重心保持在左(右) 脚 hold weight on left (right) foot重心转移到 transfer weight onto重心移至左脚 transfer weight onto left foot重心称到左脚 shift weight onto left foot重心移到右腿 weight moves onto right leg左(右) 拳收回腰际 draw left (right) fist back to hip与在一直线上 in line with向位置落步 land at收回位置 retrieve to

6、; return to两脚分开与肩同宽 feet shoulder-width apart想像性格斗对练 fight against an imaginary opponent空中转体180度 turning body 180 degrees in the air以拧腰带动扫腿 use waist as driving force for leg sweep以为轴 using as pivot以右脚为轴 using right foot as pivot以左肘为轴 using left elbow as pivot单脚直立旋转 one-foot upright spin以前脚掌着地 land

7、on the ball of the foot基本站立姿势 fundamental stance左(右) 腿蹬直 left (right) leg straightened蹬直左(右) 腿 straighten left (right) leg左(右)手划弧 circle left (right) hand改变劲力方向 change direction of force眼睛随视双掌 eyes follow both palms两脚平行开立 feet apart and parallel腹式呼吸法 abdominal breathing exercise爆发式吸吸 explosive breat

8、hing身械不协调 body and weapon not to coordinate讲解与示范 explain and demonstrate集中注意力 concentrate ones attention眼向前平视 eyes look straight ahead眼看方向 eyes look to力达部位 concentrate power at; force is focused at 抓住不放 hold on to sth.前臂斜交叉 cross forearm diagonally臂部呈弧形 the curved arm自然深呼吸 deep and natural breathing

9、转体不充分 incomplete body turn弧形步上跳 leap in curved step以为轴 pivot on以脚跟为轴 pivot on heel以脚掌为轴 pivot on the ball of foot以脚为轴转身 foot pivot以腰为轴 waist serves as axis以全脚掌着地 with sole flat on ground左脚全脚着地 with left foot flat on the floor两脚全脚着地 with both feet flat on the ground在前面 in front of在体前 in front of body

10、经内侧 passing to the inside of经外侧 passing to the outside of身体疲劳 physical fatigue; physical strain精神集中 concentration全神贯注 focus on全身放松 relax whole body热身准备 warm up and get ready准备活动 warm-up; limber up准备动作 preparation movement眼随剑走 eyes follow sword动作组合 combination movements动作示范 demonstration of the movem

11、ent动作分析 movement analysis动作难度 movement difficulty动作次序 movement sequence动作规格 movement specification . standard)动作结构 structure of movement动作标准 standard of movement动作组合 series (sequence, combination) of movements动作幅度 range of movement动作感觉 feel of movement动作质量 quality of movement动作节奏 rhythm of movement动

12、静结合 combine movement and stillness内外结合 combine internal and external神形兼备 combine mind and body圆形动作 circular movement向上划弧 circle up向后摆动 back swing转腕旋膀 circle arms and rotation wrists双手叉腰 hands on hips; with arms akimbo双臂环绕 double arms circle双手抓握 double grip后腿蹬地 push off rear leg; push off the ground

13、with back foot腿部动作 leg movement摆腿速度 leg-swing speed摆动幅度 range of swing两腿交叉 legs crossed两肘松垂 relax and drop elbows屈膝微蹲 bend knees and squad down slightly上体前俯 bend upper body forward借力发力 borrow opponents force and use it against him拳势呼吸 breathing following movement呼吸节奏 breathing rhythm左右转换 alternating

14、 left and right挺胸立腰 chest thrust out and waist erect握紧拳头 clench fist咬紧牙关 clench teeth易犯错误 common error同时完成 complete at the same time完全放松 completely relaxed关节松开 joint open放松肌肉 relax muscles力达脚尖 concentrate force at toes步伐错乱 wrong and confused footwork连续动作 consecutive movement示范动作 demonstration多余动作 ex

15、tra movement单个动作 single movement; element of movement; each move of the movement沉肩坠肘 drop shoulders and elbows双膝微屈 bend knees slightly; knees slightly bent屈膝松胯 bend knees and relax hips自然呼吸 natural breathing; breathe naturally肌肉力量 muscular strength肌肉控制 muscle control肌肉放松 muscle relaxation训练过度 overtr

16、ain保持平衡 keep (body) balance握拳姿势 fist form用劲方法 methods of applying force充分伸展 fully extended掌心向内 palm facing in掌心向外 palm facing out拳眼向上 the eye of the fist facing up拳眼向下 the eye of the fist facing down足趾抓地 grasping the ground with toes力达脚尖 power reaches the toe力达脚跟 power is focused at heel后脚拔跟 heels o

17、f rear foot off ground后蹬有力 powerful of the pushing off with the rear foot勾尖向上 hook pointing up心与意合 integration of Xin . mind) and Yi . will)意与气合 integration of Yi and Qi气与力合 integration of Qi and Li . force)肩与髋合 integration of shoulders and hips肩臂练习 shoulder and arm exercise肘与膝合 integration of elbow

18、s and knees手与脚合 integration of hands and feet用脚背踢 kick with the back of foot用脚尖踢 kick with the tip of foot踢打摔拿 kick, strike, throwing and grasping瞻前顾后 look ahead and beware of the back眼看前方 look forward向前平视 look straight ahead转体90度 turn body 90 degrees转移重心 shift weight转腰不充分 waist not turned sufficien

19、tly保持不动 remain stationary分解练习 segment drills分解动作 segment movement自我放松 self-relaxation静心聚神 serene heart and concentrated mind重心前移 shift weight forward短冲训练 short-term intensive training短期课程 short-term course高与肩平 shoulder height与肩同宽 shoulder width apart单臂绕环 single arm circle单个动作 single movement单势练习 sin

20、gle posture exercise上体后坐 sit back (on hips)抖腕亮掌 snap wrist and flash palm具体动作 specific movement专项技术 specific technique专项训练 specific training速度训练 speed training技术训练 technical training立身中正 stand straight and centered并步直立 stand upright with feet together开步站立 stand with feet apart右腿蹬直 straighten right l

21、eg右脚起跳 take-off on right foot技术特点 technical characteristics; technical features技术水平 technical level胸式呼吸 thoracic breathing脚跟外蹬 heels outward; heel pushed out脚趾抓地 toes grasp the ground脚尖内扣 toes inward脚微内扣 toes pointing slightly inward脚尖外撇 toes outward脚尖外展 toes pointed outward; toes turned out脚尖点地 toe

22、s on ground脚内扣 foot turned inward脚外展 foot turned outward脚跟转向里 turn heel inward过渡动作 transition movement上体后倾 (trunk) leaning backward上体后倾 (trunk) leaning forward上体正直 trunk upright跌扑滚翻练习 tumbling exercise前臂内旋 turn forearm inward前臂外旋 turn forearm outward典型错误 typical fault统一规格 the unified standard高与肩平 up

23、 to shoulder level; shoulder high高与腰齐 waist high;配合协调 well coordinated腰部练习 waist exercise腰如中轴 waist like an axle上动不停 without stopping previous movement腕部动作 wrist action; wrist movement手腕交叉 wrists crossed运动量 training load绷脚面 toes pointing slightly inward格斗术 fighting arts; fighting techniques; combat

24、skill攻防术 the art of offence and defense勾脚尖 hook foot; ankle joint flexed反关节 bend joint backward身似弓 body like a bow走弧线 circular movement深呼吸 deep breathing腋下空 empty armpits肘微屈 bend elbows slightly; elbow slightly bent外三合 external three conformities内三合 internal three conformities面对面 face to face; facin

25、g each other头正直 head erect; head straight or upright轮换做 do it alternately承上势 continue from the previous movement高姿势 in a high position低姿势 in a low position呈弧形 in an arc反方向 opposite direction反绕环 reverse circle逆方向 reverse direction俯卧撑 push-up向外推 push out向上推 push off向前推 push forward向下推 push down向下压 pre

26、ss down后转身 rear pivot; reverse pivot放松踢 relaxed kicking单手操 single movement practice支撑腿 standing leg; supporting leg侧迈步 take a step sideways上半步 take half a step上下肢 upper and lower limbs前跳步 forward jump step划圆 describe a circle划弧 describe a curve插步 back cross step滚翻 somersault腾空 in flight起跳 take off起跳

27、脚 take-off foot身型 body form身法 body technique; body work眼法 eye technique; eye work步法 footwork; foot technique手法 handwork; hand technique指法 finger technique; finger work握拳 make a fist; clench the fist发声 make a sound团身 body tucks俯身 bend forward弓背 to arch back; back arched拔背 pick up back; back straight挺

28、胸 chest (thrust) out含胸 relax chest; hollow chest; draw chest in鼓腰 arch lower back塌腰 drop waist收拳 pull fist back收腿 pull back the leg收腹 pull in abdomen . squeeze or contract abs)收髋 hips in收胯 draw hips in; withdraw hips收左脚 withdraw left foot收臀 buttocks (tucked) in; tuck in bottom敛臀 keep buttocks in蹶臀 b

29、uttocks raised; raise hips落臀 drop hips; buttocks lowered送髋 hips pushed forward挺髋 hips thrust out挺腹 bow out abdomen . extend or expand abs)圆裆 round crotch area; round inner thigh尖裆 pointed crotch area夹裆 squeezed crotch area松胯 hips relaxed松肩 relax shoulders松腰 relax waist松握 hold loosely敛胯 tuck in hips沉

30、髋 sink hips; hips lowered沉胯 drop hips沉肩 drop shoulders分腿 legs apart分力 separated force并腿 legs together抬腿 lift leg抬头 raise head抬肘 lift up elbow; elbow up屈膝 bend knees; knees bent屈肘 bend elbow; elbow bent垂肘 elbow down扬肘 raise elbow; elbow raised;乍肘 elbow out; expand elbow坠肘 drop elbow坠肩 sink shoulders开肩 open shoulder joints顺肩 extend shoulder (forward)勾脚 flex foot全蹲 full squat半蹲 half squat拔跟 heel raised提踵 heel up收腹 pull in abdomen; hold belly in仰卧 in supine position侧卧 lie on side俯卧 lie face down抬头 lift head上踢 kick up掩膝 knees turned inward大缠 large twinin

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