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湖南少儿出版社 四年级上册英语教案.docx

1、湖南少儿出版社 四年级上册英语教案Lesson 1 Nice to meet you!一、 教学目标 知识目标:能掌握新单词glad, are, brother, sister; 能听懂、会说本课对话。能力目标:能灵活运用“Good morning! How are you? Glad to meet you.等问候语进行日常问候。二、教学重点:用向他人问候。三、教学难点:四、教学准备:五、教学过程:Step 1 warming upGreetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,T: Nice to see you aga

2、in.Ss: Nice to see you again too!Step 2 presentation and drill教师用不同的问候语向不同的学生进行问候。T: Hello, S1, nice to meet you!S1: Nice to meet you too!T: ( ) Hi, whats your name?S2: My name is .T: Glad to meet you.S2: Glad to meet you too!Lesson 2 Whats that?1、教学目标1.能听懂、会说新单词triangle, square, flat ;2.能辨别含三角形的物体及

3、数量;3.能听懂、会说本课对话。2、教学重点及难点1.重点:描述含三角形的物体形状及其数量。2.难点:理解名词的复数形式。3、教学准备不同形状的三角形剪纸若干、单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带。4、教学步骤Step 1 warming up1.师生问候。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you .And you ?T: Im fine, too, thank you.2.唱英语歌曲“Good morning”。Step 2 presentation and dr

4、illGame-magic eyes(火眼金睛)教师将卡片快速闪过,学生说出卡片上的单词,卡片闪过的速度逐渐加快。分组进行比赛。T:Whats this?Ss: Its a flag.T: Whats that?Ss: Its a.1.在游戏的过程中板书句型,并带读。然后让学得快的同学当“小老师”,展示图片,并用“Whats that?提问。2.出示一些形状的卡片,让学生门快速辨认。T: Whats this?Ss: Its a triangle.T: Whats that?Ss: Its a square.T: Whats that?Ss: Its a circle.T: Whats tha

5、t?Ss: Its a rectangle.帮助学生回答。板书单词,并带读。让学生集体、分组、单个练读单词。3.把各种形状的彩色纸板放入一个纸盒中。然后从中拿出一张。T: Whats that?Ss: Its a triangleT: Guess, how many triangles are there?S2: .S3: .T: Lets count together.跟学生们一块数数,着重教11以后的数字。4.听课文A部分录音,复述所听内容。5.听录音,跟读。Step 3 practice分组练习课文A部分,然后分角色表演。游戏-making friends (找朋友)教师板书单词circ

6、le, triangle, rectangle, square, 学生在单词下贴上相应的图片。1.创设情景,自由会话。情景:启发学生从周边熟悉的环境(校园、教室、家、公园等)中寻找含有三角形的物体,并说出它们的数量。2.评价。3.练习。P54.家庭作业。Period 21、教学目标1.能掌握新单词square, circle, rectangle, teapot;2.能运用“There are.”描述物体的数量;3.能听懂、会说本课对话;4.能描述由各种不同形状构成的物体。2、教学重点及难点重点:熟练运用What shape is this? Its a.描述物体的形状。难点:理解名词的复数及

7、现在进行时态。3、教学准备 若干形状各异的白纸、教学磁带等。4、教学步骤1.师生问候。2.复习已学的形状和数量。游戏-lets count! 数数比赛教师将形状各异的白纸摆放在讲台上,学生数出每种形状的数量。数的又快又准的为胜。T: How many triangles are there? Lets count.Step 2 presentation and drill1.用课文A部分的句型呈现并操练 rectangle, square, circle。出示一个square。T: what shape is it? Is it a triangle?Ss: No, it isnt.T: Yo

8、u are right. Its not a triangle. Its a square.板书单词square,带读。2.用同样的方法教rectangle, circle。3.听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 practice1.分组进行课文C部分活动,请完成得好的一组上台表演。3.课文D部分。1)阅读故事,回答问题。T: What is Dino doing?S1: He is drawing?T: What is he drawing?S2: Triangles and circles.T: Whats that in picture 4?S3:.2)听录音,跟读。3)分角色有感

9、情地朗读。Step 4 consolidation1.创设情景,自由会话。情景:让学生简单地话画出自己的房间,然后与同伴交谈各种不同形状物体及其数量。2.练习。3.家庭作业。Lesson 3 Look at that elephant.1、教学目标1.能听懂、会读一些简单的描述性形容词;2.能掌握句型“Look at.”3.能运用本课句型口头描述事物(如动物)的特征。2、教学重点及难点重点:描述动物。难点:理解its, its。3、教学准备单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。4、教学步骤Step 1 warming up 1.师生问候。2.利用动物头饰让学生感知表示动物的单词,用表情、体态等表现动

10、物的特征。T(用大象的图片遮住脸):Im miss elephant. Im big. Hello, boys and girls.Ss: hello, Miss Elephant.T(换下大象的图片,用猴子的图片遮住脸)“Im Miss monkey. Im naughty.(边说边乱翻东西)Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Monkey.T(换上老虎图片):Who am I now?Ss: You are a tiger.T: Yes. I Step 2 presentation and drill1.出示小鸟的图片。让一名学生照刚才教师的做法,扮

11、做”小鸟“,向大家问好。T: here is another picture. Who can come here and say hello” to us?走到学生中间,指着台上的”小鸟“。T: Look at that bird. Its beautiful. Yes or no?Ss: Yes.通过语气和动作让学生理解单词 beautiful 的含义。T:S1, please say hello” to us.2.出示课文A部分教学挂图。T: Where are they?Ss: They are in the zoo.T: Lets go to the zoo and see the

12、animals, OK?Ss: OK.T (不让学生靠近图片)keep a bit far away from the animals. Its dangerous. Look at that elephant. Is it big? (做手势)Ss: Yes.T: Look at its ears. Are they big?Ss: Yes.T: And its legs are.Ss: Big.T: Yes, the legs are big too.帮助学生回答。然后板书句型,带读,让学生们集体、分组、单个读。3.用类似的方法教单词naughty, strong。Step 3 pract

13、iceGame-quick response(快速反应)教师出示动物的图片,学生快速读出单词。同时让一名学生站在台前表演动作,教师进行描述,帮助学生们不断熟悉句型“Look at that.Its .”1.听课文A部分录音,跟读。2.让学生充当“小老师”带读。3.分组练习。4.分角色表演。Step 4 consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话。情景:星期天,几个好朋友相约去动物园游玩。大家兴趣盎然地讨论着。(可分组进行)S1: Look at that elephant. Its big.S2: Look at that monkey. Its naughty.S3: Look at

14、 that tiger. Its strong. Its big. Its yellow and brown. Look at its nose. Its big.S4: Look at this bird. Its small.S5: Look at this mouse. Its small too.2.评价。3.练习。4.家庭作业。Period 21、教学目标1.能掌握一些描述性的形容词,并能运用它们描述事物(如动物);2.能阅读理解,并朗读课文D部分小故事;3.培养学生细心观察的习惯,渗透爱护动物、珍惜生命的教育。2、教学重点及难点重点:熟悉一些常用的描述性的形容词。难点:运用所学形容

15、词对动物进行描述。3、教学准备4、教学步骤Step 1 warming up1. Greetings.1.师生问候。Game-Monkeys see, monkeys doT: I am tall. I am strong.I am short. I am fat.I am beautiful. I am big.I am small. I am naughty.(课前将这些形容词板书在黑板上。游戏结束后请“小老师”带读。)2.学唱一首童谣。What is this? Its a pig. Oink, oink, oink!What is this? Its a pig. Oink, oink

16、, oink!What is this? Its a cow. Moo, moo, moo!What is this? Its a cow. Moo, moo, moo!一边出示图片,一边带读,傍黑组学生熟悉句型和节奏。接着出示其他的动物图片,学生按节奏回答,并模仿叫声。可单个进行表演唱,教师给予评价。Step 2 presentation and drillGame -guess, guess, guess!三人一组。一人出示单词卡片,一人用很半晌的形容词描述:its.,一人猜单词,其他学生一齐判断正误。S1: Is it a dog?Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt

17、.1.出示图片tiger。T: Look at that tiger. Is it strong?Ss: Yes, its strong.T: Its a tall strong tiger.将图片tiger 放在 strong后,并在strong前加 a。带读。T; Look at this tiger. Is it big?Ss: Yes, its big.T: Its a big elephant.同样在 big 前加a,在big后贴上图片,带读。T: look at this monkey. Is it naughty?Ss: Yes, its naughty.指导学生在单词两侧添加图

18、片和 a。然后,启发学生自己按同样的方法学习a beautiful bird,a small mouse。Step 3 practise1.两人一组进行练习。2.2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。Step 4 consolidation1.启发学生运用所学语言材料谈论动物。鼓励学生们大胆创设情景,自由进行会话。T: Animals are our good friends. We should love them and take good care of them. Do you like animals? Which animals do you like best?2.评价。3.练习4.家庭作

19、业。Lesson 4 These are flowers一、 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说新单词;2. 能听懂、会说本课会话。二、 教学重点及难点重点:掌握新单词,及运用“what are these/those?” ”These/Those are ” 辨别事物。难点:these和 those 的 区别。三、 教学准备单词卡片、教学磁带。四、 教学步骤Step 1 warming up1. 师生问候。T(身着休闲衣,头戴太阳帽,肩背旅行包走进教室):Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Morning, madam.2. 引入本课话题。3. T(指着窗外):What

20、 a fine day! Do you enjoy the weather today?Ss: Yes.T: Its sunny.(边说边画相关景物)What do you want to do?Ss: (自由谈论) I want to T: Look at me. I really want to go for an outing.出示教学挂图,帮助学生理解 outing 的 含义。T: have you ever gone for an outing? Where did you go?引导学生说出地名,引起学生对于这个话题的兴趣。T:So many places you went! Yo

21、u can see many beautiful and interesting things from an outing, right? Please tell me what you saw in one or two words.S1: Trees.S2: Flowers.S3: The sun. S4: A river.S5: Birds.重复一些名词的复数,帮助学生复习巩固。Step 2 presentation and drill1. 指着黑板上已经画好的单个事物。T: Look! Its a beautiful scene of an outing. Whats this?Ss

22、: Its a 边说边画,并鼓励学生一起说。T and Ss: These are birds.鼓励学生展开想象,为郊游的画面增添事物。T: How about these birds?引导学生适当拓展,操练单词birds。Ss: They are beautiful/flying/lovely/kind/板书句子,带读。2.T (边问边画蛋在鸟巢丽)What are these?Ss: Eggs.T: Yes. These are eggs. Can we touch them?Ss: No/Yes.T: Dont touch them. They are birds eggs.T: Wha

23、t are these?Ss: these are birds/trees/eggs.T: What cant we touch?引导学生从实际生活中寻找答案。板书Dont touch3. T: This is a nest. Whats that?鼓励学生利用黑板上所画的事物进行回答。Ss: Its a出示单词卡片ladybirds.T: What are these? These are ladybirds. What are those? Those are birds. 板书单词,带读。并通过手势,表现these 和those的区别。4.T:Id like to add more th

24、ings(画海鸥). What are these? They are seagulls.板书单词,带读。Step 3 practiceT: What are these?Ss: These are desks/pens/pictures.T: What are those?Ss: Those are cups/balls.让学生扮成“小老师:“提问。2. 听课文AB部分录音,复述所听内容。3. 让一名学生充当“小老师“,带读。4. 分组练习。5. 分角色表色。 Step 4 consolidation1. 创设情景,自由会话。情景:秋高气爽,班上组织到岳麓山秋游。大家兴高采烈地谈论着山上的景

25、色。分组进行表演。S1: What are these?S2: These are ladybirds.S3: What are those?S4: Those are birds.2. 评价。3. 家庭作业。听磁带,背课文。Period 2 一、 教学目标1. 能掌握新单词;2. 通过模仿和表演,对所学句型进行交际和运用;3. 能阅读并理解课文D部分对话。二、 教学重点及难点重点:模仿、表演各种动物,培养学生的观察习惯及再交际生活中运用语言的能力;难点:名词的复数形式。三、 教学准备四、教学步骤师生问候。T(戴上头饰):Hello, everyone. Im a bird. Who are

26、you?S1,2,3: We are birds, too.T: Oh, good morning, beautiful birds.S4,5,6: We are ladybirds.T: Good morning, lovely ladybirds.S7,8,9: We are eggs.T: How are you, poor eggs?S7,8,9: We are fine.S10,11,12: We are seagulls.T: Oh! How do you do, lovely seagulls?S10,11,12: How do you do?游戏-Quick response(

27、快速反应)教师出示单词卡片,学生快速读出。然后将单词卡片黏再黑板上,全班齐读。教师指图提问,学生集体回答。Step 2 presentation and drillGame-guess, guess, guess 3-4人一组进行游戏。每一轮让两组学生参与,分别站再讲台的两侧。教师出示单词卡片,游戏双方通过动作(叫声)等表演除了,其余学生猜表演的是什么。(游戏过程中,教师注意把握节奏,反复呈现。)T: What are these?Ss: These are birds/frogs/ladybirds/T: What are those?Ss: Those are ladybirds/dogs

28、/birds/听课文C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 practiceGame-golden fingers教师将单词卡片黏再黑板上,学生根据对话 “what are these/those?” ”these/those are” 中的信息,指到相应的单词卡片。男、女生分组进行比赛,每轮各组两人对话,一人指单词。指的快的为胜。Game-rhythm game将全班分为两大组,每轮游戏两人一小组参与,随着节拍回答教师的提问,节奏逐渐加快,跟不上者需站起来;游戏最后站者少的一组为胜。T: What are these?S1,2: These are birds.T: Whats that?S3,4:

29、 That is a bird.1. 听课文C部分录音,跟读。2. 让全班学生以6-8人为一组自由组合,模拟课文C部分进行表演。其中4人表演动物(或事物),2人表演对话。教师对各组表演进行评价。S1: Today is a fine day. Lets go out for an outing, OK?S2: OK!S1: Look! What are those?S2: Oh! Those are birds.S1: Look! What are these?S2: These are ladybirds.Step 4 consolidation1. 课文D部分。1) 阅读,理解故事大意,标

30、出难以理解的地方。2) 听录音,跟读。3) T: What cant we touch and break easily? Please talk about it? Ss: Dont touchThey break easily.引导学生从实际生活中找到答案。T: What must you clean (up)? I must clean my desk up.Ss: I must clean (up)4) 全班分角色齐读故事。5) 分组分角色自由朗读。6) 分角色表演。2. 评价。3. 练习。4. 作业。听磁带,熟读课文。Lesson 5 I like noodles一、教学目标1.能听懂、会说新单词;2.能听懂、会说本课对话;3.能运用”What do you like? “和 “I like /d

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