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1、人教版八年级下英语期末专项复习语法选择专项训练语法选择专项训练NOWadayS many PeOPIe get USed to WaSting things, especially young PeOPIe In the school, WaSte Can 1 everywhere SOmeStUdents ask for 2 food than they Can eat and OtherS Often forget to turn Off the IightS 3 they IeaVe theCIaSSrOOm.WaSte Can bring a IOt Of PrObIemS SOmeO

2、ne SayS China is rich in SOme resources, SUCh as coal, oil, trees and SO OrL SOme PeOPIe even say, “ 4 rich OUr COUntry is! n BUt actUalIyWe 5 no COaI Or OiI to USe in IOO years if We go OnWaSting We really feel 6 about What We CarI USe in thefuture. We can, t imagine how We Can go On IiVing 7 these

3、 resources Think about it 8 I think We ShOUldSay U noM to the StUdentS WhO WaSte things every day.In OUr daily life, We CalI do things 9 WaSte fromhappening FOr example, We ShOUld turn Off taps after USing it. Don t throw the USed PaPer because We Can recycle it. Let, S Start OUt SmalI from now OrL

4、Littie by little, everything WilI be Changed WaSte Carl be StOPPed One day if We do 10 best.The nature WilI be more harmonious and OUr COUntry WilIbecome more and more beautiful.)1 A. be SeeingB.are SeenC. SeeD. be Seerl)2. A. manyB. moreC. muchD. most)3. A. afterB.beforeC. SinCeD. Whether)4. A. HOW

5、B. HOW aC. WhatD. What a)5. A. haveB. hasC hadD. WilI have( )6 A. WOrry B. WOrrieS C. WOrriedD. WOrriedIy)8. A. CareB. CarefUIneSS C. CarefUlIyD.CarefUI)9. A. StOPB. to StOP C. StOPPingD. StOPPed)10. A. WeB. US C. OUr D. OUrSOne day a POOr man WaS t raveling On horseback .At noon, he1tied his horse

6、to a tree and then Sat down to eat SOmethingA few IninUteS later, a rich man Came along and tied his horse to 1 Same treeUPIeaSe tie your horse to another tree, ” Said the POOr manMy horse is Wild It WilI kill 2_ V BUt the rich man said, U I ShalI tie my horse as I Iike! ” He tied UP his horse and h

7、ad his IUnCh nearby.After a moment, they heard a terrible noise The two horses 3 They Went UP to them, but it WaS too late. The rich man S horse 4 “See What your horse has done! n Criedthe rich man. UYOU WilI have to Pay for it. V And he brought the POOr man before Mr.KnOWMr. KnOW asked the POOr man

8、 SOme questions .But he made no answer. At IaSt Mr. KnOW said, “This man is dumb ( 哑 的).He 5 speak. ”UOh, V the rich man ShOUted 6 . “He can! He SPOketo me When I met him. ”“Are you sure?” asked Mr. Know. 7 did he say?nHe told me 8 my horse to the Same tree 9 hishorse WaS Wild and WOUld kill my hors

9、e”“Oh, M Said M KnOW “So he Warned you. Then Can you expectto get money10 him?VThe rich man Said nothing andIeft SiIently.()1. A. aB. anC. the D. /()2. A. youB. yourC. yours D you:TSelf()3. A. fightB. fought C. are fighting D. Werefighting()4. A. WaS killedB. is killingC. will killD. has killed()5.

10、A. mustB. mustn tC. CanD. ca, t()6. A. angryB. angrilyC. angerD. angrier()7. A. WhyB. WhereC. WhenD. What()8. A. tieB. to tieC. not to tie D. to nottie()9. A. becauseB. SOC. WhenD. UnleSS()10. A. forB. fromC. WithD. aboUtTOnI ShOOk his money box again.NOthing! He PUt all 1 COinS On the bed and Caref

11、UlIyCOUnted them. AlI that he had WaS $20. 5. He Wanted a bicycle, but it WaS st least $60. 2 COUld he get the rest Of themoney?He knew that his friends all had bicycles It WaS hard to hangOUt With PeOPIe SinCe he WaS the OnIy One WithOUt a bicycle. He thought about 3 .He COUldnt t get money from hi

12、sParents, 4 he knew they did, t have enough money.There WaS OnIy One Way to get money, and that WaS to earn itby 5 He had to find a job He decided to ask Mr Greenfor 6 .UWel1, you Can Start right here, Said Mr. Green. “You see, my WindOWS need 7 and my Car needs WaShingM That WaS thebeginning Of Tom

13、 S Part-time job .For the nex t t hree days, he WOrked 8 every day after finishing his homeworkHetook dogs for WaIkS and CIeaned roomsThe day finally Came When TOm got his money and found itWaS $82 He WaSted no time and Went down to the ShOP to buy the bicycle he WantedHe rode home proudly, IOOking

14、forward 9 ShOWing his new bicycle to his friends TOnI Iiked hisbicycle Very much because he had bought it With his OWn money. Atlast,his dream Came true.His ParentS Were PrOUd Of him,10()1.A./B. theC. aD. an()2. A. WhatB. HOWC. WhoD. WhattimeD. CIeanedZhang Jie WaS 13 years Old.He 1 on his Way home

15、after SChOOI IaSt MOnday evening .When he WaS in his Iift (电 梯), it SUddenIy StOPPed.Zhang decided to help himself OUt 2 he felt a Iittie SCared.He tried to OPen the Iift door, but he gave UP the idea Iater and StOOd against the WalI because he thought 3 Iift may fall down SUddenly. He then PreSSed

16、all the buttons (按钮),hoping it WOUId make the Iift 4 again, but it didn, t WOrk Zhang then PreSSed the UStOPM button to IOCk the Iift to make SUre it WOUld not falL 5 a CelIPhone, Zhang tried ShOUting IOUdIy to get the attention Of PeOPIe outside, but 6 answeredHowever, the young boy 7 give UP tryin

17、g He Sent OUt a note for asking for help through the door and hoped SOmeOne WOUld PiCk it UP and help him out. He knew it might 8 a IOng time before SOmeOne found the note and SaVed him. SO he decided to do his homework after doing all these SOOrl after he finished his homework, he 9 at IaStOn Weibo

18、, many PeOPIe SPOke highly Of the boy, because he COUld keep CaIin in 10 a dangerous SitUatiOn.()1. A. isB. WaSC. areD. Were()2. A. ifB. SOC. becauseD. although()3. A. aB. anC. theD./()4. A. WOrkedB. to WOrkC. WOrking D. WOrk()5. A. WithOUtB. WithC. FOrD. AbOUt()7. A. doesn* tB. didn, tD. WaSn, tC.

19、isn t()8. A. to takeB. takeC. takesD. taking()9. A. SaVeSB. SaVedC. WaS SaVedD. is( )6 A. everyone B. IIO OneC. anyone D. SOmeOneSaVed( )10. A. SOB. VeryC. SUChD. muchTyIer WaS a troublesome StUdent. He Sat in the backrow. EVery time I asked him 1 a question, he WOUld replyWith a flip (轻率的)answer.If

20、 he got it wrong, he WOUld getVery 2 USUalIy kids COUId Sit quietly in CIaSS However,TyIer WaS just IOUd One day, TyIer WaS talking WhiIeI 3 I Said to him, UTyIer, Why not 4 in OUrdiscussion instead Of having One Of your own?M He StOOd UP from his chair, PUShed it over, and ShOUted 5 I Sent himto th

21、e OffiCe and he received a 6 OUt-Of-SChOOIPUniShmentThe Week WaS 7 WOnderfUI time for me, but When itCame to the end, I began to feel WOrried SO I Came UP With aPIan. On the day Of his :TetUrn, I told him if he felt Iike heWaS going to IOSe COrltrol in class, he 8 SteP OUtSidethe door for a momentFr

22、OIn then on, TyIer Changed a IOt In fact, he WaS a SmartChild and he even StOPPed a fight between two StUdents One day. 9 he never USed the PriViIege (特权)to IeaVe theCIaSSrOOnl for a moment. I believe that Ietting him decide for himself made all the differenceWherI the year WaS over, he WrOte me a t

23、hank-you note about how good the year had been 10 him. I StilI keep it todayand find it Very moving to reread it WherI I get StreSSed about teaching.C. answering)1. A. answer B. to answerD. answered()2. A angryB. IOUdC.angrilyD. IOUdly()3. A. teach B.WaS teachingC. taughtD. areteaching()4. A. joinsB

24、.joinedC. joiningD. join()5. A nothingB.SOmethingC.anythingD.everything()6. A. WeekB WeekSC. week,S D. WeekS,()7. A. aB. anC. theD./()8 A. CanB. cant C. COUldD. COUIdn, t()9. A. BUtB. AndC.SO D. AlthOUgh()10. A. forB. OfC. atD. WithWe are IUCky to IiVe in a rich COUntry Where We have manythings. 1 ,

25、 most Of US USUalIy WaSteEIeCtricity is One thing that We WaSte most .Lights, TVs,radios and Other things are Often kept On even When no One 2 them. We ShOUld turn them Off Wherl We do not needthem It takes IeSS than a SeCOnd 3 it. Anyhow, notWaSting electricity SaVeS money, 4 We do not have toPay f

26、or the electricity We do not USeThe SeCOnd thing that We Often WaSte is water. FreSh Water is PreCioUS(宝贵的),so it 5 be wasted. It is OnIy aSimPIe matter Of turning Off a tap I am SUre 6 Cando this easily if he wants to.AnOther big WaSte is food.My mother USed to COOk SO much food that much Of it 7 a

27、way. I told her We had WaStedSO much food. She thought I WaS right and now She COOkS OnIy 8 We Can eatIt is not right to be WaSteful. I find 9 a SimPIeWay Of not WaSting things.That is to USe OnIy What We need. 10 not touch What We do not need In this way, WeCan StOP being wasteful.( )1.A BeSideS B.

28、 BUt C. HOWeVer D. As( ) USing B are USing C. is USed D. areUSed( )3 A. to be done( )4. A. Why( )5 A. needB. doneB. WhenB. IleednC. doingD. to doC. because D Wheret C. ShOUldD.ShOUldnt t)6. A. nobody B. SOmeOneC.everybody D.none)7. A. threw B. WaS thrownC. is thrown D WilIthrow)8. A. WhiChB. WhatC. that D. WhOnlhave)9.A.there isB.there areC.there has D.thereD. DOne)10. A. DOeSB. DOC. Did语法选择专项训练N5DBBAD610CDCBC5CCDAD610BDCAB三、5BBDAC610BCAAC四、15BDCDA610BBBCC五、5BABDB610CACBA六、5CADCD610CBBAB

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