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1、高考英语词组总结必修1 Unit 11. Calm down 平静下来;镇定下来2. Be concerned about 关心;挂念3. Make a list of 列出4. Be crazy about 对着迷5. According to 根据所说;按照6. Get along with 与相处;进展7. Fall in love 相爱;爱上8. Try out 试验;试用9. add up 合计10. set down 放下;记下;登记11. get sth. done 做;使被做;12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物13. go through 经历;经受

2、;14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套15. on purpose 故意16. in order to 为了17. join in 参加;加入18. communicate with 和交流19. face to face 面对面地20. suffer from 遭受。必修1 Unit 21. play a role (in 在。中担任角色;在。中起作用2. play a part(in 扮演一个角色;参与3. even if 即使4. be based on 以。为基础5. give a command 命令6. from one place to another 从一处到

3、另一处7. the sa meas 相同的。8. come up 走近;上来9. such as 例如。;像这种。;10. ever before 从前11. close to 距离。近12. make use of 利用13. no longer 不再。14. in the early days 在早期15. takewith 随身带着。必修1 Unit31. get sb interested in 使某人对感兴趣2. the best way of doing sth /the best way to do sth干最好的方法3. care about 关心忧虑4. care for /

4、to do sth希望或同意做某事care for sb 喜欢某人5. give in 投降让步6. make camp 野营宿营7. dream of doing 梦想做某事8. persuade sb into/out of (doing sth说服某人做某事/不做某事9. try to persuade sb to do尽力说服某人做某事= advise sb to do sth10. insist on sth /doing sth 一定要(某事;坚决主张11. make up ones mind 下定决心12. put up ones tents 搭起帐篷13. set /break

5、(beat/hold a record 创造/打破/保持记录14. have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth梦见某人/某物/梦想15. dream of/about dream a dream16. be determined to do sth 决心干某事(表状态17. determine sb to do sth使某人下决心做某事(表动作18. sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间19. A be similar to

6、B A与B相似20. read ones mind 看出某人心事t ake ones mind off sth 转移注意力k eep ones mind on sth 把注意力放在keep/bear sth in mind 记住She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重21. give in to sb 对某人让步give away赠送give off 放出(液体气体气味光热量give out分发give in放弃必修1 Unit41 Prepare to do sth 准备做某事2 Get prepare 准备好3 instead of 代替4 a num

7、ber of 大量的5 thousands of 成千上万的16 it seemed that Shake with 使受震惊7 Shake hands with sb. 与某人握手8 Shake down 安顿下来9 Be bursting to do sth. 急于做某事9 Burst into/in 闯入10 Burst with anger 勃然大怒11 Be in ruins 成为废墟12 Ruin ones hopes 使某人希望破灭13 Judge sb 评价14 Judge by/from 从。看来15 Be/feel honoured by 对。感到荣幸16 Give hon

8、our to sb 敬重必修1 Unit51. as a matter of fact 事实上2. blow up 使充气;爆炸3. stop sb.(fromdoing sth. 阻止某人干某事4. come to power 当权;上台5. set up 建立6. in trouble 处在困境/麻烦中7. lose heart 丧失勇气和信心8. worry about 担心9. out of work 失业10. putin prison 把投入监狱11. realize ones dream of 实现的梦想必修2 Unit129. look into 调查30. serve as

9、作之用,担任,供职31. take apart 拆开32. rather than 而不是,与其33. think highly of 着重,器重34. belong to 属于35. in search of 寻找36. in return 作为报答37. at war 处于交战之中38. removefrom. 将.从移开39. care about 关心,在乎40. agree with同意;与相符,一致;(事物,气候等合适必修2 Unit21. Takepartin 参加2. used to 过去常常3. Change ones mind 改变主意4. play an importan

10、t role in 在.中起重要作用5. Compete against/for 与.比赛6. work out 计算出7. Make sure 有把握8. a set of 一组9. Aswellas 也;又10. every four years 每四年11. One after another 陆续地12. all over the world 遍及世界13. As a matter of fact 事实上14. pick up 拾起必修2 Unit3必修二Unit41. as a result 结果2. die out 灭亡,逐渐消失3. pay attention to 注意4. c

11、ome into being 形成,产生5. get dressed 穿上衣服;穿戴起来6. in peace 和平地,安详地;和睦地7. in danger 在危险中;垂危8. protectfrom 保护不受(危害9. be concerned about 担心,烦恼;忧虑10. have an effect on 对有影响必修2 Unit51. be honest with 对说老实话2. play jokes on 戏弄3. break up 打碎;分裂;解体4. by chance 偶然;意外地5. come up with 提出6. dream of 梦见;梦想;设想7. be b

12、ased on 以为基础8. or so 大约9. sort out 分类10. stick to 坚持11. above all 最重要;首先必修3 Unit11. take place 发生2. in memory of 纪念3. play a trick 开玩笑24. look forward to 期望5. as though 好像6. have fun with sb. 玩的开心7. turn up 出现8. keep ones word 守信用9. hold ones breath 屏息选修3 Unit 21.balanced diet 平衡膳食2.throw away 扔掉3.a

13、mount to 合计;总共达 debt 欠债 amazed at 对.感到惊愕6.cut down 砍到;削减;压缩 tired of 对.厌倦 curious about 对.感到好奇9.get away with 被放过;(做坏事不受惩罚10.tell lies 说谎11.get rid of 摆脱;除去12.research of 调查;研究.13.earn ones living 谋生14.glare at 怒目而视15.benefit from 得益/利于16.take exercise 运动17.take off从.中去掉;脱落(衣服等;起飞;迅速

14、流行;突然大受欢迎必修3 unit31.make a bet 打赌2.go ahead 前进;往下说 accident 偶然;不小心4.account for 说明;导致;做出解释 be honest 说实话6.shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 rags 衣衫褴褛8.even if 即使;尽管9.permit/allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 about 关心;在乎11.get into trouble 陷入困境 a matter of face 事实上 for 关于;就而言14.give att

15、ention to 注意15.honor sb. for sth. 因而表彰某人必修3 Unit41. think ofas 把看作2. in time 及时;总有一天;终于3. cool down 冷却4. go by (时间前进;推移;走过5. putinto 把.变成;译成6. depend on 依靠;依赖;取决于7. now that 既然8. come into existence 开始存在;产生9. be different form 与.不同10. allow sb to do sth 允许.干11. on ones surface 在表面12. as well as 也;还有

16、.13. prevent. from 阻止;制止14. escape from 从逃跑15. get close to 靠近;接近16. cheer up 感到高兴;感到兴奋17. break out 突然发生18. to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是19. be harmful to sb 对某人有害20. in ones presence 当着某人的面;在某人面前必修3 Unit51. be/go on a trip 去旅行2. rather than 而不是3. as well as 还有4. go through 经历5. as far as 远到6. be

17、surrounded by 被包围7. Settle down 定居8. have a gift for 对有天赋9. be close to 靠近10. figure out 合计为11. in the distance 在远处12. at dawn 在黎明必修4 Unit11. devote to 把献给;把用在2. rather than 与其;而非3. mean doing 意味着干某事34. mean to do 打算、想要去做某事5. argue for 为辩护6. argue with 与争论7. argue against 争辩8. set up 建立;创立;竖起9. look

18、 down upon/on 藐视;瞧不起10. refer to 提到;说起11. care for 照顾;照看;喜爱12. be intended for 为准备13. wander off 走失;走散;偏离(正道21. as well as 除之外,也还22. deliver a baby 接生23. be delivered to sp. 被送到某地必修4 Unit21. Lead a life 过.的生活2. Wish for 希望得到;渴望3. With the hope of 怀有.的希望4. Free from 没有的;不受.拘束的5. Insist on 坚持做某事6. Sea

19、rch for 寻找7. Be satisfied with 对.满意8. Get exhausted 耗尽必修4 Unit 31 pick out 挑出;辨别出2. star in 主演;担任主角3. be caught in 被绊住4. be set in 以为背景5. play jokes on sb 开某人的玩笑6. make fun of 嘲笑;取笑7. bump into 碰撞;与相撞8. be content with 对满足9 .badly off 穷的;缺少的10. cut off 切断;断绝11. in search of 寻找12. worse off 境况更差13. b

20、e remembered as. 作为.而被铭记14. at times 有时15. on the edge of 在.的边缘必修四M4 Unit41. Be likely to 很可能2. At ease 舒适3. Neither nor 既不也不4. Up and down 上上下下5. Tend to 趋向6. Close to 接近于7. Look sb in the eyes 无愧于心正视某人8. Watch out 小心9. Prevent from 阻止做.10. Introduceto 把介绍给11. Be similar to 与相似12. Take action 采取行动1

21、3. Show respect for 尊敬某人14. Be willing to do 愿意做某事必修4 Unit51、meet ones need 满足某人的需求2、make a profit 赚取利润3、be based on 以为根据4、get close to 接近5、remind sb. of 提醒某人6、name after 以命名7、large amounts of 大量8、face to face 面对面9、amuse oneself 消遣10、come to life 恢复生气11、involve in 使参与12、take an active part in 积极参与13

22、、a variety of 各种各样的14、along with 与一起15、have fun 玩得高兴16、in other ways 用其他方法必修5 Unit11. Point of view 态度;观点2. Put forward 提出3. Draw a conclusion 得出结论4. Expose to 暴露。中5. Come to an end 结束6. Apart from 此外7. Look into 调查8. In addition 另外9. Make sense 有意义10. At times 有时411. Be for/against 支持/反对12. Conclud

23、e sth. With/by sth 以。结束13. In conclusion 最后,总之注意1. blame sth. on sb. 把某市归咎于某人2. be to blame 应承担责任;该受责备3. If you are not to blame, then who is?辨析1. Put away 放好;积蓄2. Put an end to 结束3. Put down 记下4. Put out 熄灭5. Put up with 忍受6. Put off 推迟7. Make sense of 明白,理解8. A sense of 感必修5 Unit21. Consistof 由组成2

24、. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是3. Break away from 脱离;脱掉4. Leave out 省去;遗漏5. Make a list of 把列出清单6. In memory of 为纪念7. Feel proud of 对感到骄傲8. Divideinto 把分成9. Refer to 说到10. On special occasions 在特殊的场合11. Take the place of 代替12. Break down 损坏必修5 Unit31.take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续 all directions 向四面八方3. lose si

25、ght of 不再看见.4. remind of 使回想起或意识到5. in no time 立刻,立即6. sweep up 打扫;横扫7. assist in 帮助;援助;协助8. depend on 依靠,依赖9. catch sight of 瞥见10. speed up 加速11. A lack of 的缺乏必修5 Unit41. on ones own 独自;独立2. be eager to do sth 渴望于3. concentrate on 全神贯注于4. accuseof 因指责或控告5. go on a story 去采访6. cover a story 采访/报道7.

26、make sure 确定;查明;弄明白;确保8. ahead of time 提前9. have a good nose for sth 探查发现某事物的能力24. be supposed to 应当;认为必须25. defend against 防卫以免于必修5 Unit51. first aid 急救2. get injured/burnt 受伤; 烧伤3. protectagainst sth 防止; 遭受4. depend on 依靠; 取决于; 依而定5. squeeze out 榨出6. over and over again 重复7. in place 在适当的位置8. fall

27、 ill 生病9. sense of touch 触觉10. put ones hands on 找到11. dress the injuries 包扎伤口12. make a difference 有作用选修6 Unit11. focus on 聚集;集中2. a great deal 大量3. scores of 许多;大量4. concentrate on 集中;聚集5. at the same time 同时;一起6. in the flesh 活着的;本人7. as well as 和.一样好;既.也(又;不仅.8. take the place of 取代;替代9. break a

28、way from 脱离;放弃10. on the other hand 另一方面;但是11. be well worth 很值得选修6 Unit21. Give sb a deep impression 给某人一个很5深的印象 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Make up of Be popular with Pass to Translate into Day by day Pay attention to Take ones advice Take it easy 构成 受.的欢迎 把.递给 把.翻译成. 一天一天地 注意 接受某人的建议 轻易;不紧张 用完 突然离开;逃

29、走 偶然地;意外地 测试;试验 向往;想要 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. burn to the ground make ones way make an effort glance through vary fromto crystal clear bore sb. with sth. impress sb. with sth. 全部烧毁 前往 努力 匆匆看一眼 由到不等 完全透明的 用某事去烦某人 使某人铭记某事 给某人留下印象 处在恐慌中 进入恐慌状态 保证 蜿蜒前行 不遗余力,尽力 为所感动;对有印象 10. be impressed by 12. be in a panic 13. get into a panic 14. guarantee to do sth. 15. wind ones way 16. spare no effort 10. Run out of 11. Run away 12. By chance 13. Try out 14. Look forward to 选修 6 Unit3 1.due to 2.accustomed to 3. feel like doing sth. risk 5.get

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