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1、高考英语词汇之核心词汇 词汇的学习必须做到分类,有的词需要精细化分析分类,有的词需要记住词义即可,当然词都离不开情境,用在情境里面才有意义。1.personal/psnl/adj.个人的;私人的 亲自的;本人的 人际的身体的【英语释义】Your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else; connected with individual people;not connected with a persons job or official position;connected with a persons body.【同源词】pe

2、rson n. 人;个人(individual) personally adv.亲自;就个人而言personality n.人格, 个性 personalize v. 使个性化personalized adj.个性化的 personify v.使人格化;赋与以人性【同近义词】own/ individual/ subjective/ physical/ private adj. 个人的;亲自的【常用短语】personal relationships 人际关系personal details个人基本资料personal effects/belongings/possessions 私人物品/财产/

3、财物【场景使用】1.He learned this lesson the hard wayfrom his own personalexperience.他付出了极大的代价从自己的亲身经历中才获得了这个教训。2.Passengers are reminded to take all their personalbelongings with them when they leave the plane.乘客被提醒下飞机时要带走所有个人物品。3.Having good personalrelationships is the most important thing for me.具有良好的人际

4、关系对我最为重要。【成语例句】事必躬亲【出处】唐张九龄谢赐大麦面状Wellpersonallycall back every applicant like you. 我们将事必躬亲地回访每一个像您这样的应聘者。【高考真题】1.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her personalopinion. 在总统发布了官方的通告后,她表达了自己的看法。(上海卷) 2.What makes this shop different is that it offers morepersonalservices.

5、 使这个商店与众不同的因素是它可以提供更多的个性化服务。(辽宁卷)2.tie/taI/ v.拴;扎;束缚n. C 领带;领结 纽带;联系 平局【英语释义】To fasten or secure;to confine or restrict; to connect or unite.【同近义词】fasten / fix/ secure v. 系牢【常用短语】tie up系紧;拴牢tie knots 打结【场景使用】1.Tiethe newspaper in a bundle. 把报纸扎成一捆。2.Tieup your shoelaces. 系上你的鞋带。3.I dont want to beti

6、edto schoolwork.我不想被学校工作束缚。4.The game ended in a tie. 比赛最终打成了平局。【成语例句】息息相关【出处】清严复救亡决论Dicks life is tied tomachines. 迪克的生活总是与机器息息相关的。【高考真题】The murderer was brought in, with his hands tiedbehind his back. 杀人犯被带了进来,他双手被绑在背后。(全国卷)3.still/stIl/ adv. 还;仍旧 然而甚至更 adj.静止的;寂静的【英语释义】Continuing until a particul

7、ar point in time and not finishing; despite what has just been said; not moving; calm and quiet. 【同源词】stillness n. 静止 stillyadj. & adv.静止的(地)【同近义词】quiet/ silent/ noiseless/ soundless/ peacefuladj. 安静的【场景使用】1.There is stilltime to change your mind. 你还有时间改变主意。2.Dan found biology difficult, and physics

8、 harder still. 丹觉得生物很难,物理则更难。3.The weather was cold and wet. Still,we had a great time. 天气又冷又潮,不过我们仍旧玩得很开心。4.Keep stillwhile I brush your hair. 我给你梳头时你不要动。【高考真题】The housestill needed a lot of work, but at least the kitchen was finished. 房子还需要很多工作,但是至少厨房完成了。(全国II卷)4.offer/fr/v. 提供;提出 出价;开价 n. C 提供(物)

9、报价【英语释义】To say you are willing to do something for someone; to provide.【同源词】offering n. 提供;祭品 【同近义词】volunteer/ provide/ propose/ present/ supply/ give v.提供【常用短语】offer to do something 愿意做某事accept / take up an offer ( = say yes to an offer ) 接受提议turn down / refuse / decline an offer 拒绝提议make (sb) an o

10、ffer (for / on sth) 向(某人)开价(报价)on offer 可买到的;供使用的;提供的【场景使用】1.In my opinion, if youre willing to take some risks, then this offersthe best chance. 在我看来,如果你们愿意冒险一试,那么这就是最好的机会了。绝命毒师2.He invited me to a party, and then heofferedto buy me a dress. 他邀请我去参加派对,并且主动提出给我买了一套裙子。蛇蝎女佣3.The company withdrew their

11、 offerof employment. 公司撤回了原先的聘用提议。4.Activities on offerinclude sailing, rowing, and canoeing.提供的活动包括驾驶帆船、划船和划独木舟。【高考真题】If Mr. Dewey had been present, he would have offeredany possible assistance to the people there. 要是杜威先生当时在场的话,他就会给那儿的人提供任何可能的帮助。(湖南卷)5.addition/dn/n.U加;加法(反:subtraction减法)C增加的人/物【英语

12、释义】The act or process of adding; a thingor personthat is added to sth else.【同源词】add n. 加法;加法运算v. 增加;加起来;做加法;补充说additional adj.附加的;额外的 additionally adv.此外;又;加之additive adj.附加的;加法的 n. 添加剂;添加物【常用短语】addition to sth 增加 with the addition of 外加in addition 另外;此外 in addition to 除.之外【场景使用】1.The additionof net

13、working facilities will greatly enhance the system. 增加网络设备将会大大增强系统的性能。2.The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.该公司提供廉价的因特网接入服务。此外,它还推出免费的共享软件。3.A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be offered a bonus scheme. 新合同已经准备就绪。除此之外,还将给员工设立

14、一个奖金计划。 4.In additionto their portable telescopes, the group has also built a complex of permanent observatories. 除了便携式望远镜外,这帮人还建起了一座复杂的永久的天文台。BBC: 宇宙5.I was offered a raise in pay as well as two additionalagents under my command.他们要给我加薪,还增派了两名手下给我。大西洋帝国【高考真题】In additionto their simple beauty, what

15、makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house. 除了他们简单的美之外,土坯房倍受青睐的原因在于其调节室温的能力。(全国卷)6. success/skses/n.U成就;成功 C成功的人或事【英语释义】The achievement of an aim or purpose; a person or thing that achieves success.【同源词】succeed v. 成功;继承;继任 successful adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的successfully ad

16、v. 成功地;顺利地 successor n.继承者;后续的事物【同近义词】victory n. 胜利 accomplishment/ achievement n. 成就 【常用短语】be a success as a . = be successful in.做很成功succeed in doing sth成功做成某事 success in 在方面的成功【场景使用】1.Confidence is the key to success. 信心是成功的关键。2.The experiment was a big success. 实验取得了巨大成功。3.Its another strong sce

17、nt-based theory, but has it any chance of success? 又是一个基于气味的理论,不过这真的有效吗?流言终结者4.I think were going to have a big successon our hands. 我认为我们联手会创造巨大的成功。年轻一代【成语例句】马到成功【出处】元张国宾薛仁贵楔子I wish you everysuccessin the future. 祝你将来事事马到成功。【高考真题】1.It is your efforts, not your intelligence, that determine your succ

18、ess.决定你成功的是你的努力,而不是你的智力。(湖北卷) 2. When first introduced to the market, these products enjoyed a greatsuccess. 当第一次投放市场时,这些产品就获得了巨大的成功。(四川卷)7.produce/prdjus/ v.生产;制造 引起;产生 上演;制作 出示;掏出 /prdjus/ n. U产品;农产品【英语释义】To manufacture; to cause to occur or exist; something produced; a product. 【同源词】product n. 产品

19、;产物 producer n.制作人;制片人;生产者productive adj. 生产的 production n. 产品;生产productivity n. 生产力;生产率productiveness 生产率;生产能力【同近义词】manufacture/ make/ create v. 制造;生产【常用短语】dairy produce 奶制品 agricultural / organic produce农产品/ 有机产品【场景使用】1.Each crab eventually has to shed its shell and producea bigger one.每只蟹都要卸掉这个外壳

20、,然后长出一个更大的来。BBC:生命2.Ice sheets producedimmense floods of water which all had to drain away somewhere. 冰带产生了巨大的洪水,必须有地方容纳这些奔流的洪水。地球起源3.The industrial age turns Britain into a world power. Itproduceshalf of worlds coal. 工业时代将英国变成了世界强国。它出产全球一半的煤炭。我们的故事【成语例句】行行出状元【出处】明冯惟敏玉抱肚赠赵今燕曲Every profession produce

21、sits own topmost master. 行行出状元。【高考真题】1.Franks dream was to have his own shop in which to producethe workings of his own hands.弗兰克的梦想是有一家可以生产自己的手工制品的车间。(湖南卷)2.The play to be producednext month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.将在下个月创作出来的节目的主要目是为了反映当地的文化。(安徽卷)8. expect/kspekt/ v.预料;预计 等待 要求;期望

22、猜想;认为【英语释义】To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of;to consider likely or certain;to consider reasonable or due;to consider obligatory; require;to presume; suppose.【同源词】expected adj. 预期的;预料的 unexpectedly adv. 预料之外的;意外地 expectation n. 期待;预期expectant n. 期待者;候选人【同近义词】anticipate v.期望

23、hope/ await v. 希望 suppose/ presume v. 认为require/request 要求look forward to 期望;盼望【常用短语】as expected 不出所料 expect to do 期待去做;期望做某事live up to ones expectation 不辜负某人的期望【场景使用】1.I wasexpectingyou in my office 20 minutes ago.我在你办公室等了你20分钟。豪斯医生2.Its what we expected. 这是我们所期望的。BBC:凡尔赛宫3.He dressed in the finest

24、 cloth and expectedhis courtiers to do likewise. 他穿着最高级的衣料,还希望大臣们也这样。BBC:凡尔赛宫4.It is expectedthat the report will suggest some major reforms. 预计这个报告会提出一些重大的改革。 【高考真题】What we expectfrom you is working hard rather than hardly working. 我们期待你的是努力做事,而不是几乎什么都不做。(安徽卷)9.cause/kz/ n.C起因 C事业 U理由 v. 导致;引起;(使)发

25、生【英语释义】Areason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way; an organization or idea that people support or fight for; to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant. 【同源词】because conj. 因为 causal adj. 因果关系的;有原因的causelessadj.偶然的causally adv.有原因地【同近义词】career n. 事业;职

26、业 enterprise n. 事业 reason n. 原因【常用短语】a good cause崇高的事业 be for a good cause做好事;行善with/without good cause理由充分/无缘无故【场景使用】1.Unemployment is a majorcauseof poverty. 失业是贫穷的主要原因。2.There is no causefor concern. 没有理由担忧。3.The bad weather is causingproblems for many farmers. 恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。 【高考真题】1.The news t

27、hat house prices will fall has causedmany people to sell their houses at lower prices.房价将要下跌的消息已使很多人以较低的价格卖房子。(湖北卷)2.He did not compromise easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.他不轻易妥协,但他愿意接受对一项崇高事业的任何建设性建议。(江苏卷)10.state/steIt/ n.状态;情况 C国家;政府;州 v. 陈述;说明【英语释义】The

28、 condition of someone or something at a particular time; a country; an area forming part of a federal republic; to formally write or something.【同源词】stated adj.规定的;阐明的;定期的stateless adj.没有国家的;无国家主权的 statement n.声明;陈述;叙述;报表;清单【同近义词】nation/ country n. 国家 announce/ declare v.宣布【常用短语】in a state of 处于.状态 a

29、 confused state of mind 思绪纷乱matters/affairs of state 国家大事 the United States 美国【场景使用】1.The country was in a stateof war. 这个国家正处于战争状态。2.There is no need to statethe obvious. 显而易见的事实就不必陈述了。3.It wasstated that standards at the hospital were dropping.据称,那家医院的医疗水准在不断下降。 4.We are going to make a statement.

30、 我们要做一个声明。办公室【成语例句】灰心丧气【出处】明吕坤呻吟语下建功立业Youve still got a brokenstateof mind.你还是一副灰心丧气的样子。【高考真题】1.Given the general stateof his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 考虑到他的健康状况,他手术后恢复要一段时间。(北京卷)2.All the dishes in this menu, unless otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.除非另有说明,菜单上所有的

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