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1、生命科学与技术学院生命科学与技术学院国际一流水平研究生课程简介课程名称:细胞信号转导课程代码:170.517课程类型:一级学科基础课 二级学科基础课 其它: 考核方式: 考试 教学方式:讲授适用专业: 生物科学、生物技术、生物医学工程专业 适用层次: 硕士 博士开课学期:秋季 总学时:32学分:2先修课程要求:细胞生物学课程组教师姓名职 称专 业年 龄学术方向刘剑峰(负责人)教授生物物理学41细胞信号传导、药物高通量筛选、膜蛋白质结构与功能研究苏莉教授生化与分子生物学46肿瘤信号转导刘剑淼教授生化与分子生物学38肿瘤信号转导蒋新农副教授生物物理学42肿瘤信号转导易平副教授生物物理学38肿瘤信号

2、转导课程负责教师教育经历及学术成就简介:1989年至1993年 在武汉大学生命科学院攻读生物化学专业学士学位。导师: 王延枝教授;1993年至1995年 在法国巴黎第十三大学攻读分子生物学及生物材料学硕士学位。导师: M. Crepin教授;1994年至1995年 在法国巴黎第十三大学癌细胞基因分子实验室和巴黎第十二大学国家科研中心实验室工作一年。导师: J. Courty教授和M. Crepin教授;1996年至1998年 在法国巴黎第十二大学国家科研中心实验室攻读分子生物学及生物化学博士学位。导师: M. Crepin教授和D. Barritault教授; 1999年至2001年 在法国巴

3、黎Cochin医院、国家医学研究中心分子基因实验室(INSERM U257)开展博士后研究工作。导师: G. Gacon教授;累积在国际学术期刊如 PNAS,EMBO J, J Neurosci, Oncogene, J Bio Chem等上发表SCI论文34篇,全部论文影响因子超过150。先后主持国家自然科学基金重点项目2项,自然科学基金面上项目 4项,国家科技部国家重大科学研究计划蛋白质专项子课题1项,国家高技术研究计划(863计划)1项,国家科技部国际科技合作项目1项。课程教学目标:为帮助学生了解研究前沿及提高英语听说能力,为国家培养国际化优秀人才,拟将本课程建设成为师资力量雄厚、教学模

4、式先进,课程教材水平高,教学形式多样,教学内容丰富的课程,为培养基础知识和基本理论扎实、应用知识的能力和探究创新意识强的科研人才作贡献。课程大纲:第一章 绪论(2学时)1.1细胞信号的主要种类义1.2 信号转导的主要研究方法第二章 性激素受体介导的信号通路(2学时)2.1胞内受体的结构和功能2.2性激素受体结构和类型2.3配基依赖性ER激活方式2.4性激素受体异常与肿瘤的相关性第三章 GPCR(4学时)3.1 GPCR的基本类型3.2 G蛋白与跨膜细胞信号转导3.3 异三聚体G蛋白3.4异三聚体G蛋白的效应器3.5 小G蛋白3.6肿瘤细胞中的GPCR异常第四章 离子通道(2学时) 4.1离子通

5、道的结构与分类 4.2肿瘤细胞中离子通道的功能异常第五章 胞内第二信使(2学时)5.1 cAMP5.2 cGMP 5.3 Ca2+5.4肿瘤细胞中第二信使导致的下游信号异常第六章 Ras/Raf/MAPK信号通路(2学时)6.1受体酪氨酸激酶的结构与分类6.2 Ras/Raf/MAPK信号转导途径6.3 肿瘤细胞中Ras/Raf/MAPK信号通路的异常调节第七章 PI3K/Akt信号通路(2学时)7.1 PI3K的结构与分类7.2 PI3K/Akt信号转导途径7.3肿瘤细胞中PI3K/Akt信号通路的异常调节第八章 mTOR信号通路(2学时)8.1 mTOR信号转导途径8.2 肿瘤细胞中mTO

6、R信号通路的异常调节第九章 JAK/STAT信号通路(2学时)9.1 细胞因子及其受体分类9.2 JAK/STAT信号途径9.3 肿瘤细胞中JAK/STAT信号通路的异常调节第十章 细胞因子与肿瘤(4学时)第十一章 Wnt/Notch/Hedgehog信号通路(2学时)11.1 Wnt信号转导途径与肿瘤11.2 Notch信号通路11.3 Hedgehog信号通路第十二章 细胞凋亡(2学时)12.1概念12.2细胞凋亡途径12.3细胞凋亡机制 12.4细胞凋亡异常与肿瘤发生的相关性第十三章 肿瘤血管发生(2学时)教材:1. Bruce Alberts et al.Molecular Biolo

7、gy of the Cell, 5th edition2. Harvey Lodish et al.Molecular Cell Biology, 6th edition主要参考书:1. 姜勇,罗深秋主编.细胞信号转导的分子基础与功能调控(第一版).北京:科学出版社,20052. 翟中和等. 细胞生物学. 北京:高等教育出版社,20003. 孙大业等.细胞信号转导(第三版). 北京:科学出版社,2001本课程达到国际一流水平研究生课程水平的标志:1、师资方面:所有任课教师均能用英语授课。2、教学内容方面:向学生介绍信号转导领域的研究前沿及新方法、新技术。3、教学方式方面:讲授,结合学生英语演讲

8、。4、教材方面:国际上生物医学领域最受欢迎、最经典的两本英文教材。5、其它:Syllabus of World-class Graduate Courses in College of Life Science and TechnologyCourse Name:Cell SignalingCourse Code: 170.517Course Type: Fundamental Course for 1st Level Disciplines Fundamental Course for 2nd Level Disciplines Others:Examination:ExaminationT

9、eaching method:LectureMajors: biology, biotechnology, biomedical engineering Level: MSc PhDSemester:Fall Credit hours:32Credits:2Prerequisite Courses: cell biology, biochemistryTeachersTitleMajorAgeResearch InterestsLiu Jianfeng (course master)ProfessorBiophysics41Cell signaling, high throughput dru

10、g screen, the structure and function of membrane proteinsSu Li ProfessorBiochemistry and molecular Biology46Cancer cell signalingLiu JianmiaoProfessorBiochemistry and molecular Biology38Cancer cell signalingJiang XinnongAssociate ProfessorBiophysics42Cancer cell signalingYi PingAssociate ProfessorBi

11、ophysics38Cancer cell signalingCV of the Course Principal Instructor LiuJian feng: 2002 present Professor, College of Life Science and Technology, HuaZhong University of Science and technology, Wuhan, China. 2001 2002 Staff Scientist in Aventis Pharma, Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA. 1999 2001 Post-do

12、c Fellow in Institut Cochin Gntique Molculaire (ICGM), Paris, France. 1994 1999 Research Assistant in the Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Croissance Cellulaire, la Rparation et la Rgnration Tissulaire (CRRET) University of Paris XII, Creteil, France. 1993 1994 Research Assistant in Institut doncolog

13、ie Cellulaire et Molculaire Humaine (I.O.C.M.H), University of Paris XIII, Bobigny, France.Professor Liu has published 34 peer reviewed papers in nice journals including PNAS, EMBO J, J Neurosci, Oncogene, J Bio Chem etc, and the total impact factors of this publication is higher than 150. His has m

14、ultiple research fundings including two grants sponsored by the NSFC Key program, four grants sponsored by the NSFC General program, one grant sponsored by the national science and technology department key research project for protein, one grant sponsored by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Pro

15、gram of China, and one grant sponsored by the national science and technology department international technical cooperation projects.Course Objectives: The course is aimed to train talented scientist for the country, it will provide information about the research frontiers in cell signaling field f

16、or the master students and help them to get more proficient in English speaking and writing. Course Outlines:Chapter 1 Introduction(2 credit hours)1.1 Cell signals 1.2 Technologies used in cell signaling researchChapter 2 Cell signaling mediated by sexual hormone receptors(2 credit hours)2.1 The str

17、ucture and function of intracellular receptors2.2 The structure and types of sexual hormone receptors2.3 Ligand dependent activation of ER 2.4 Sexual hormone receptor and tumorChapter 3 GPCR(6 credit hours)3.1 Classification of GPCR3.2 G protein and transmembrane signaling transduction3.3 Hetero-tri

18、meric G proteins3.4 The effectors of hetero-trimeric G proteins3.5 Small GTPases3.6 GPCR and tumorChapter 4 Ion channels(2 credit hours) 4.1 The structure and classification of ion channels 4.2 Ion channels and tumorChapter 5 Second messengers(2 credit hours)5.1 cAMP5.2 cGMP 5.3 Ca2+5.4 Abnormal sig

19、naling downstream of second messengers in tumors Chapter 6 Ras/Raf/MAPK signaling pathway(2 credit hours)6.1 The structure and classification of receptor tyrosine kinase6.2 Ras/Raf/MAPK signaling pathway6.3 Abnormal Ras/Raf/MAPK signaling in tumor cellsChapter 7 PI3K/Akt signaling pathway(2 credit h

20、ours)7.1 The structure and classification of PI3K7.2 PI3K/Akt signaling pathway7.3 Abnormal PI3K/Akt signaling in tumor cellsChapter 8 mTOR signaling pathway(2 credit hours)8.1 mTOR singaling8.2 Abnormal mTOR signaling in tumor cellChapter 9 JAK/STAT signaling pathway(2 credit hours)9.1 The structur

21、e and classification of cytokines and cytokine receptors9.2 JAK/STAT signaling pathway9.3 Abnormal JAK/STAT signaling in tumor cellChapter 10 Cytokine and tumor (4 credit hours)Chapter 11 Wnt/Notch/Hedgehog signaling pathways(2 credit hours)11.1 Wnt signaling and tumor11.2 Notch signaling11.3 Hedgeh

22、og signalingChapter 12 Apoptosis(2 credit hours)12.1 What is apoptosis12.2 Apoptotic pathways12.3 The mechanism of apoptosis12.4 Apoptosis and diseaseChapter 13 Tumor angiogenesis(2 credit hours) Textbooks:1. Bruce Alberts et al.Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th edition2. Harvey Lodish et al.Molecu

23、lar Cell Biology, 6th editionReferences:1. 姜勇,罗深秋主编.细胞信号转导的分子基础与功能调控(第一版).北京:科学出版社,20052. 翟中和等. 细胞生物学. 北京:高等教育出版社,20003. 孙大业等.细胞信号转导(第三版). 北京:科学出版社,2001Features as a World-class Graduate Course:1. Teachers Qualifications:All faculites are able to teach in English.2. Course Contents: Keep the students updated about the research progress.3. Teaching Format: Lectures, oral presentation by students in English4. Textbook: English textbooks most commonly used by biomedical students in the world. 5. Others:

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