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高二下新世纪unit 3.docx

1、高二下新世纪unit 3重点单词Unit 3 On Friendship知识要点1. 重点单词单词词性中文含义衍生词相关用法burdenn.& v.负担,重任;被困扰,承受负担,be burdened withmeanwhileadv.同时(合成词)indicatev.表明、表示n. indicationzerov.把注意力集中于zero in onaffectionn.友爱,爱情是affect的衍生词affect v影响、(=have an effect on)respectn.尊敬adj. respectableshow respect to sbdefinev.给下定义n. defini

2、tionmeanadj.吝啬的n. meaning意思意义means手段、方式by means of通过手段by no means决不approachableadj.随和的,易接近的2重点词组支持,对有利 go for关心,在意 care about吸引注意力 draw(ones attention)易接近的,易到达的 be approachable放松,舒适 at ease不费力地 with ease以为基础 baseon把注意力集中于 zero in on同时 meanwhile集中精力在 focuson显得高兴容光焕发 light up贬低 teardown依附于附在 attachto实

3、际上 in reality=actually=in fact互相迁就 give and take向某人传达(送)信息、消息 convey sthto sb3重点句型Furthermore, the more you smile,the more natural your smile will beIt is learning when to talk that is important4重点语法The Structure for Emphasis(1)强调结构(1)(一)TextVocabulary and Patterns1go for:be suitable for适合于,支持,对有利e

4、gShe showed some qualities going for her in the speech,and thus got the first prize 她在演讲中展示出有利的素质,因此赢得了一等奖。注意:go in for爱好,从事e gWith the Olympics drawing near,more and more people go in for sports 随着奥运会的临近,越来越多的人们爱好体育活动了2care v.(1)to think that something or someone is important,SO that you are intere

5、sted in it,worried about it etc关心,在意care about关心,在乎e gIn modern society what many people seem to care about is only money现代社会很多人在乎的似乎只是钱。I care about him and hate to see him SO sad 1ike this我很关心他,不喜欢看到他如此伤心。care whathowwhether etce gShe will not care what she can do as long as she can stay with her

6、friend只要能和她朋友在一起,她不在意做什么。(2)As if I cared!-Something is not important to you at a11 好像我在乎似的!e gAs if I cared whether he comes with us or not! 好像我在乎他来不来一样!(谁稀罕)(3)care for somebodysomething:to look after someone who is not able to look afterthemselves;take care of照顾,关心e gHe thanked the nurses for the

7、ir caring for him while he was sick他向在他患病期间一直照顾他的护士们道谢。In China the old are being well cared for在中国,老年人们被照顾得很好。(4)not care for somebodysomething:not like someone or somethinge gI dont much care for his parents 我不大喜欢他的父母。3draw v(drew,drawn)(1)to produce a picture of something using a pencil,pen etc 画

8、e gKate had,drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it。凯特画了一座小房子,旁边有一条小溪流过。She asked the little girl to draw a picture of the man shed spoken to她让小姑娘为与她讲话的人画一幅像。 draw somebody something为某人画e gCan you draw me a map of how to get there? 您能为我画一幅如何到那里的地图吗?(2)draw(somebodys)attention:to make

9、 someone notice something draw(somebodys)attention to: 吸引注意力e gI have been asked to draw your attention to the fo11owing points 有人要求我请您关注以下几点。 The Iraq War has drawn international attention 这个案子吸引了世界范围的注意。(3)draw a conclusion:to decide that a particular fact or principle is true according to the inf

10、ormation you have been given得出结论e gIt would be unwise to draw firm conclusions from the results of a single survey 根据一个调查的结果就作出确切的结论是不明智的。(4)draw somebody to something:to attract someone or make them want to do something吸引某人做某事e g What first drew you to teaching? 是什么最初使你产生教书的念头的? , The festival is l

11、ikely to draw huge crowds 这个节日有可能吸引大批的人。(5)draw nearcloser:to become closer in time or space将要来临,接近 e gMaria grew anxious as the men drew closer随着那人接近,玛丽娅变得紧张。Christmas is drawing near 圣诞节马上到了。(6)to move someone or something in a particular direction by pulling them gentlye gBobby drew a chair up to

12、 the table鲍比把一把椅子拉到桌前。 Mike drew me aside to whisper in my ear麦克把我拉到一边低声耳语。(7)to take money from your bank account;withdraw(从银行中)取款,提款e gMrSmith drew $8,000 in cash from a China bank 史密斯先生从中国的一家银行提取了8000美元的现金。(8)especially British English to finish without either side winning in a game such as footb

13、all(比赛)打平,战平e gIt is really a close gameThe two teams drew 3:3 真是一场势均力敌的比赛。两队3比3平。 The German football team drew with the Chinese football team in the final 决赛中,德国足球队与中国队战成平局。4approachable adj(1)friendly and easy to talk to易接近的e gAs a teacher MrLi is very approachable作为一名教师,李先生很平易近人。 (2)easy to reac

14、h易到达的 e gThe top of the mountain is approachable only by going up some very long steps 只有爬上那些高高的台阶才能登上山顶。approach v: to move towards or nearer to someone or something接近e gAs I approached the house,I noticed a light upstairs 当我接近那座房子的时候,我注意到楼上有灯光。 She heard footsteps approaching 她听到脚步声在接近。approach n.

15、:a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方法(1)approach toe gA new approach to teaching languages 教授语言的新方法。 He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through story telling 他决定采用一种不同的方法,通过讲故事来教圣经。(2)(time or event)is getting closer(时间或事件)接近e gthe approach of autumn秋天的脚

16、步近了 Its a sign of the approach of middle age这是快到中年的标志。(3)movement towards or near to something靠近,接近e g Our approach frightened the birds我们的靠近惊坏了鸟儿。5. at ease:feeling relaxed, especially in a situation in which people might feel a little nervous放松,舒适e gShe felt completely at ease with Bernard她和伯纳德在一起

17、觉得彻底放松。(1)putset somebody at(their)case(=make someone feel relaxed)e gshe had an ability to put people at their ease 她有能力让人放松。(2)with ease:if you do something with ease, it is very easy for you to do it不费力地e gThey won with ease 他们轻而易举地取得了胜利。6convey v(1)to communicate or express something,with or、wit

18、hout using words传达(意见,感情)e gAll this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram所有这些信息可以用一简单图表来表示。Ads convey the message that thin is beautiful广告传达着这样的信息:瘦即是美。He was sent to convey a message to the UNSecretary General他被派去带个信给联合国秘书长。convey something to somebodye g1 want to convey to children that

19、 reading is one of lifes greatest treats我想带给孩子们这样的信息:读书是人生一大乐事。convey a sensean impressionan idea etce gYou dont want to convey the impression that theres anything illegal going on. 你不想带着这样的感觉:有什么不法的事在发生。(2)to take or carry something from one place to another运送,携带e gYour luggage will be conveyed to

20、the hotel by taxi您的行李将由出租车运到旅馆。7zero in on(sb.sth.):to direct all your attention towards a particular person or thing直接对准,注意力集中于e gShe immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument她一下子切中了他争辩中的弱点。8focus on(1)to give special attention to one particular person or thing,or to make people do关注,

21、注意力集中e gHe needs to focus more on his career 他需要对事业多加关注。 , focus your attentionmindefforts on somethinge gShe tried to focus her mind on her work 她试图集中精神工作。 we need to focus public attention on this issue 我们需要公共聚焦于此事件。(2)to point a camera or telescope at something,and change the controls slightly so

22、 that you can see that thing clearly(照相机,望远镜)聚焦于e gShe turned the camera and focused on Martins face。她转动照相机将它对准马丁的脸。(3)(eyes)if your eyes focus,or if you focus your eyes,you look at something and can see it clearly e gAll eyes focused on her所有的眼睛都盯着她。 His eyes were focused straight ahead 他眼睛注视着前方。91

23、ight up(1)to give light to a place or to shine light on something点燃,使光亮e gThe flames lit up the sky烟花照亮天空。(2)to become bright with light or color照亮e gAt night the harbor lights up夜晚海港灯火通明。 As the screen lit up,he typed in his password屏幕亮了,他输入了密码。(3)if someones face or eyes light up,they show pleasur

24、e,excitement etc容光焕发light up withe gHis eyes lit up with laughter 笑意闪亮了他的眼。Her face lit up with pleasure 快乐使她容光焕发。Suddenly a smile lit up her face 她脸上突然浮现出微笑。(4)(informal)to light a cigarette点烟e g1 watched Paul light up again 我看见保罗又点燃了香烟。10. attribute n.: a quality or feature, especially one that is

25、 considered to be good or useful素质,品质e gWhat attributes should a good manager possess?一个好的经理应该具备什么素质?(二)Additional reading1attach v(1)attach something to something:to fasten or connect one object to another;fix_e gAttach a recent photograph to your application form (2)be attached to somebodysomethin

26、g:to like someone or something very much , because you have known them or had them for a long time依恋,喜爱e gIts easy to become attached to the children you work with 你很容易就会和你在一起的孩子产生依恋的情绪。2indicate v(1)to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true 表明indicate(that)e

27、 gResearch indicates that over 81 percent of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary. 研究表明超过81的教师对薪水不满意。The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime这项研究表明贫穷和犯罪之间有联系。(2)to say or do something to make your wishes,intentions etcclear 表明e gThe Russians have already indicated their will

28、ingness t0 cooperate 俄罗斯人已经表示了他们愿意合作。 Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year 罗纳森教授表明了明年年底退休的打算。_ n3outlook n(1)ones general attitude to life and the world观点,看法outlook _对观点、看法e gExercise will improve your looks and your outlook锻炼将改善你的外表和世界观。positiveoptimistic

29、outlook 积极乐观的态度e gShe still has an optimistic outlook for the future她仍旧对未来抱有乐观的态度。(2)what is expected to happen in the futureOutlook_展望,前景e ga bright outlook for future对未来的美好憧憬economic_ outlook经济财政政治前景a bleak economic outlook itWestern Europe西欧的惨淡经济前景4affection na feeling of liking or love and carin

30、g;fondness喜爱,挚爱affection for注意区分:affecte gShe had a deep affection for the old man 她深爱这个老人。She looked back on those days with affection她满怀爱意回忆那段时光。Their father never showed them much affection他们的父亲从未表现出对他们的爱。分层练习A基础练习ISpellingaFill in the blanks with a word using the hints of its English meaning1easy to talk to or deal friendly a_2an object that is able both to attract iron and steel objectsand also push them away m_3in addition;besides f _4sincerel

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