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1、否定转移的用法否定转移的用法1) 将think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。 I don”t think I know you.我想我并不认识你。 I don” t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。注意:若谓语动词为hope,宾语从句中的否定词不能转移。 I hope you weren”t ill. 我想你没有生病吧。2) 将seem, appear 等后的从句的否定转移到前面。 It doesn”t seem that

2、they know where to go. 看来他们不知道往哪去。 It doesn”t appear that we”ll have a sunny day tomorrow. 看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。3) 有时将动名词,介词短语或整个从句的否定转变为对谓语动词的否定。 I don”t remember having ever seen such a man. 我记得从未见过这样一个人。 (not否定动名词短语 having) It”s not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the stre

3、et. 在这里,人们不会想到在街上会碰上陌生的人。(anyone 作主语,从句中的谓语动词不能用否定形式。)否定转移用法总结Deep Rising English kenny128 (2006-03-11 12:52)有感于课文中一句话的理解)山东高唐一中 刘长友外研版的新课标英语课本第二册Module 1 “Zhou ai()p2中有这样一句话:I think I dont get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit. 不少有学有基础的学生,其中包括一些老师,对这一个句子中,该不该用否定转移的句子,展开了

4、激烈讨论。下面我们有必要把有关否定转移的用法深入弄清之后,再来回答这一问题。1在带宾语从句的复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect, guess, fancy, feel, imagine等表示“观点、信念、推测”等心理活动的动词时,否定谓语从句的not往往转移到主句,成为“形式否定主句,意义否定从句”,这种语法现象就叫做否定转移。如:I dont think he will come this afternoon.我认为他今天下午不会来。I dont believe I have the pleasure of knowing you.很

5、遗憾,我并不认识你。I dont guess that they have got married.我猜他们还没有结婚。I dont expect they have finished the work.我料想他们还没有完成工作。I dont suppose he will return to his hometown after a few years of study abroad.我看他在国外学习几年后不会回家乡了。I dont feel you should go.我觉得你不应该去。I didnt imagine that Tom would help her.我猜想汤姆不会帮助她。2

6、主句中的谓语动词若与情态动词或状语连用时,不转移否定。I cant believe that they are married.我真不敢相信他们结婚了。We cant believe that he turns an honest penny.我们不能相信他是用正当手段挣钱。You mustnt think hes an honest person.你不可以认为他是一个诚实的人。I didnt ever suppose that they were happy.我并不认为他们是幸福的。但是,在带有cant和couldnt的句子中,有时cant和couldnt带有否定转移的含义。如:She ca

7、nt seem to do it. (=She seems not to be able to do it.)她似乎不能做这件事。3当think用在疑问句中时,不转移否定。Why do you think I cant change your note?你为什么认为我换不开你的钞票呢?4由knew, fear, mean, I am afraid等动词形式构成的宾语从句中,其否定词not,通常不进行否定转移。当然,这并不是说否定词not不能否定以上动词形式,而是说否定宾语从句和否定主句谓语动词的意思不同。试比较:He knew you wouldnt tell on him.他知道你不会出卖他

8、。He didnt know you should tell on him.他没想到你竟会出卖他。I mean you didnt do it right.我是说你做得不对。I dont mean you did it right.我并不是说你做的对。I am afraid that he wont threaten me with death.恐怕他不会以死来威胁我。I am not afraid that he will threaten me with death.我不怕他以死来威胁我。5动词hope不可进行否定转移。I hope it wont snow.我希望天不下雨。I hope

9、she doesnt dislike the flowers.我希望他不会讨厌(会喜欢)这些花。6在下列几种情况下,think的宾语从句中的否定词通常不可前移到主句中:1) 宾语从句中有固定短语,如cant help, not at all, not only but also 等。I think everybody cant help laughing if they see it.我认为,人们看到时会禁不住大笑。I think she is not only beautiful but also kind.我认为,她不仅漂亮,而且善良。2) 宾语从句中not与just, enough, q

10、uite, much等副词连用。如:I think you are not quite sure about it.我认为,你们对这一点并不能完全肯定。I think shes not much like her mother.我觉得,她不怎么像她的母亲。3) 宾语从句中含有no, nothing, never, nobody等。如:I think she has never been there.我认为,她从未去过那里。4) think本身有其他词修饰或与其他动词构成并列谓语。如:I sometimes think he is not an honest man.我有时认为她并不诚实。I d

11、o think you shouldnt hurt her.我的确认为你不该伤害她。I think and hope that Im not disturbing you so much.我认为,也希望,我不太打扰你。5)think以过去时、完成时等出现,则不一定要求否定前移。如:I was thinking that he wouldnt succeed.我在想他不会成功。I thought you didnt marry her.我原以为你不会与她结婚。I had thought he wouldnt come.我愿意为他不会来呢。但是,在现代英语中,为了使语气柔和,过去时态的句子中偶尔也

12、可见到这种否定转移。如:I dont think this man would want to hurt me.我想,这个人不会伤害我。6)think的主语不是I或we,而是其它人称。如:They think she will not come.他们认为她不会来。7在现代英语中,下面两句都可以说:I dont think he will succeed.I think he wont succeed.我认为他不会成功。我想,我们探讨完有关否定转移的用法之后,师生就可为这句话的争议也该就此为止了吧。因为语言现象是变化多样的,我们没有必要把所有的语言现象都要从语法的角度去衡量,而是应该从发展的角度

13、对待现代语言,只要在现实生活中真实再现语言情景的句子,不管它是否符合语法,那都是合乎情理的。毕竟语法是为语言服务的,现实的句子是无法用全部语法来解释的分类归纳1not+think,believe,suppose,imagine+thatclause(that 从句)在这种句式中,not从宾语从句的谓语动词的前面,转移到了主句谓语动词think,believe,suppose等的前面。即(否定前移)例如:e.g.:Im sorry,but I dont think I know you对不起,我想我并不认识你。e.g.:I dont believe hell come我想他是不会来的。这类句子后

14、面的反意疑问句更能准确地说明not的否定范围。如:I dont think youve met Xiao Xin,have you?我想你没遇见小新,对吗?在初中范畴,做这类否定转移的反义疑问句的窍门:例句:I dont think youve met Xiao Xin(改成反义疑问句)步骤1:将否定转移掉,原句变为:I think you havent met Xiao Xin.步骤2:把I think 无视掉,原句变为:You havent met Xiao Xin .步骤3:按照一般方法,后面加上:have you ?上述做题方法在初中范围内95%是能用的。2notbecause(of)

15、这种结构中的 not否定的是后面 because引导的从句或 because of引起的介词短语。也就是说,not从because(of)的前面转移到了主句或整个句子的谓语动词的前面。例如:He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过某事如何如何,就轻易相信它。I didnt take a raincoat because it was raining我不是因为下着雨才带雨衣的。3not+动词不定式或介词短语在这类结构中,我们实际上是将否定后面不定式的not转移到了谓语动词上

16、。如:Jack does not seem to like you(= Jack seems not to like you)杰克看来不喜欢你。He didnt take the boy from the tracks to safety to win his own famebut to be nefit the boys parents他把男孩从铁轨上抱到安全地带,不是为了获得个人的名誉,而是为了孩子的父母。He didnt come here by train他不是乘火车来的。4.never know.You never know how indebted I am for your k

17、indest care and your warmest support.我非常感激你对我无微不至的关心和最强大的支持。形式与用法谓语的否定转移形式上否定主句的谓语,实际上是否定从句的谓语当动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, feel的主语是第一人称、谓语动词为没有任何副词修饰的一般现在时,它们的否定式实际上是对宾语从句的否定。表示说话者提出一种委婉的看法或主张。如:I think that he will help us. I dont think that he will help us. 我认为它不会帮助我们。I believe tha

18、t he is right. I dont believe that he is right. 我认为他不对。I suppose that he likes it. I dont suppose that he likes it. 我想他不喜欢它。2. 形式上否定谓语动词,实际上否定复合宾语当动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, feel, find的主语是第一人称、谓语动词为没有任何副词修饰的一般现在时,它们前面的否定式实际上是对复合宾语的否定。表示说话者所提出的一种委婉的看法或主张。如:I think math difficult. I d

19、ont think math difficult. 我认为数学不难。I find the story interesting. I dont find the story interesting. 我认为这个故事没有趣。I expect so. I dont expect so. 我认为不会。状语的否定转移有些句子形式上否定谓语动词,实际上是对句子后面状语进行否定。如:Lets not talk about it here. 我们别在这里谈吧。Dont read in the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。Dont talk with your mouth full of food. 不要口里含

20、着食物说话。2注意动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect, feel在下列情况下,否定不转移:(1) 这些动词跟其他另一个动词一起做并列谓语时,如:I believe and hope he wont do that. 我相信并且也希望他将不会那样做。I feel and admit that we are not foolish. 我觉得并且也承认我们并不愚蠢。(2) 用于疑问句时,如:Do you think it is not going to rain? 你认为天不会下雨吗?Dont you believe that he has done

21、 a good thing? 难道你不相信他做了一件好事?(3) 用作插入语时,如:Li Lei, I think, wont be angry with you. 我想李蕾不会生你的气。Tom, I suppose, wont be against it. 我猜想汤姆不会反对。Mike, I believe, hasnt seen the film. 我认为迈克没有看这场电影。(4) 动词前有其他副词修饰时,如:I really think its not necessary for us to go there now. 我的确不认为我们有必要去那儿。I feel strongly tha

22、t he shouldnt do such a thing. 我强烈地认为他不应该做那样的事。(5) 动词为非一般现在时或主语不是第一人称时,如:I thought that he wouldnt come back soon. 我原以为他不会回来得这么快。She didnt believe that he became a good boy. 她不相信他变成了一个好孩子。He thinks that he isnt fit for the job. 他认为他不适合这件工作。He doesnt believe that what we told him is true. 他不相信我们告诉他的事

23、是真的。(6) 当宾语从句中含的否定为notat all, not a little, not a few, not enough, cant help等固定搭配时,如:I think that he doesnt know it at all. 我想他对那一点也不知道。I suppose that it is not enough to remember the words if you want to learn the language well. 我认为如果你想把这门语言学好,那么只记单词是不够的。I believe that you cant help singing our nat

24、ional anthem when you win the first place in the Olympic Games. 我相信当你在奥运会上获得第一名时你会情不自禁地唱起国歌来。(7) 当宾语从句中含no, nothing, nobody, nowhere, hardly, seldom, little, few等否定词或半否词时,如:I believe that nothing can make me give it up. 我想任何事情也不能使我放弃。I think that no one can escape if the ship sinks in the sea. 我认为如果

25、这艘船沉入海底的话,那么谁也逃不掉。I suppose that he is a man of few words. 我猜想他是一个言语不多的人。经典例句1在带宾语从句的复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect, guess, fancy, feel, imagine等表示“观点、信念、推测”等心理活动的动词时,否定谓语从句的not往往转移到主句,成为“形式否定主句,意义否定从句”,这种语法现象就叫做否定转移。如:I dont think he will come this afternoon.我认为他今天下午不会来。I dont belie

26、ve I have the pleasure of knowing you.很遗憾,我并不认识你。I dont guess that they have got married.我猜他们还没有结婚。I dont expect they have finished the work.我料想他们还没有完成工作。I dont suppose he will return to his hometown after a few years of study abroad.我看他在国外学习几年后不会回家乡了。I dont feel you should go.我觉得你不应该去。I didnt imagi

27、ne that Tom would help her.我猜想汤姆不会帮助她。2主句中的谓语动词若与情态动词或状语连用时,不转移否定。I cant believe that they are married.我真不敢相信他们结婚了。We cant believe that he turns an honest penny.我们不能相信他是用正当手段挣钱。You mustnt think hes an honest person.你不可以认为他是一个诚实的人。I didnt ever suppose that they were happy.我并不认为他们是幸福的。但是,在带有cant和could

28、nt的句子中,有时cant和couldnt带有否定转移的含义。如:She cant seem to do it. (=She seems not to be able to do it.)她似乎不能做这件事。3当think用在疑问句中时,不转移否定。Why do you think I cant change your note?你为什么认为我换不开你的钞票呢?4由knew, fear, mean, I am afraid等动词形式构成的宾语从句中,其否定词not,通常不进行否定转移。当然,这并不是说否定词not不能否定以上动词形式,而是说否定宾语从句和否定主句谓语动词的意思不同。试比较:He

29、 knew you wouldnt tell on him.他知道你不会出卖他。He didnt know you should tell on him.他没想到你竟会出卖他。I mean you didnt do it right.我是说你做得不对。I dont mean you did it right.我并不是说你做的对。I am afraid that he wont threaten me with death.恐怕他不会以死来威胁我。I am not afraid that he will threaten me with death.我不怕他以死来威胁我。5动词hope不可进行否

30、定转移。I hope it wont snow.我希望天不下雨。I hope she doesnt dislike the flowers.我希望她不会讨厌(会喜欢)这些花。6在下列几种情况下,think的宾语从句中的否定词通常不可前移到主句中:1) 宾语从句中有固定短语,如cant help, not at all, not only but also 等。I think everybody cant help laughing if they see it.我认为,人们看到时会禁不住大笑。I think she is not only beautiful but also kind.我认为,她不仅漂亮,而且善良。2) 宾语从句中not与just, enough, quite, much等副词连用。如:I think you are not quite sure about it.我认为,你们对这一点并不能完全肯定。I think shes not much like her mother.我觉得,她不怎么像她的母亲。3) 宾语从句中含有no, nothing, never, nobody等。如:I think she has neve

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