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1、介词和介词短语专项练习介词和介词短语专项练习一、选择填空()1. It s hot summer in Beijing.A. by B. on C. at D. in()2. The desks and chairs are made wood.A. from B. of C. by D. i nher Great()3. China is famousWall.A. as B. for C. to D. ofsay ing so?()4. What do you meanA. with B. of C. for D. bythe southeast of()5. Taiwan is Chi

2、na.A. in B. to C. on D. atthe()6. Our teacher told us to look new words in the dicti on ary.A. for B. up C. at D. intoSep tember,()7. She was born 1990.A. at B. on C. in D. tothe()8. These coats are different _ coats over there.A. in B. on C. at D. fromlead ing()9. Tha nk you very much the eraser me

3、.A. for, at B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for()10. Since you are trouble, whynot ask help?A. in, for B. i n, to C. with, for D. with, to()11. No one can stop her leav ingfor Chi na.A. of B. from C. to D. for()12. - When did Mr. Green come back.- nine o clock yesterday morning. A. At B. For C. In D. On

4、()13. Mr. Ted taught English in China 1999.A. for B. since C. in D. at()14. Don t tell anybody about it. Keep it you and me.A. among B. betwee n C. in D. with()15. He is a good stude nt. He gets well others.A. up, on B in, on C. on, with D. on, at()16. My father ofte n helps me mymaths.A. of B. to C

5、. on D. with()17. Li Ping is good maths, but heis weak En glish.A. at, at B. at, in C. in, in D. in, at()18. The woma n a red dress is myaunt.A. in B. at C. of D. onthe()19. A new bridge was built _ river.A. on B. over C. in D. ofschool()20. The girl often gets 8:30.A. at, in B. to, on C. at, at D.

6、to, at()21. Walk the bridge and you llfind the post office.A. along B. through C. across D. p ast()22. Can you write a letter En glish?you?” Thecoffee.A. with B. in C. by D. from ()23. “Whats wrong _ doctor asked.A. from B. with C. for D. in ()24. Gran dma p refers teaA. about B. to C. on D. of()25.

7、 You are gett ing too fat. Eat ing too much is bad your health.A. for B. to C. about D. withsnow.()26. Y esterday it sno wed. Now the roads are coveredA. with B. by C. for D. in()27. It s not good to be late school.A. on B. for C. in D. tothe ladder()28. Poor Tom fell the ground.A. off, into B. dow

8、n, into C. dow n, onto D. off, on to()29. My father has gone to New York. He ll be back four mon ths.A. after B. in C. later D. forIs this kind of car made()30.Harbi n?A. of B. in C. by D. from()31. It s time supper. Lucy andLily are sitti ng the table.A. to, at B. at, for C. for, on D. for, at()32.

9、 Their parents are waiting bus.A. to B. at C. on D. foror()33. Be careful whe n you get the bus.A. in, off B. on, off C. on, from D. in, from()34. Please don t shout the boy.He is right.children toA. at B. on C. with D. from ()35. It is dangerous play fire.theA. for, with B. for, / C. to, with D. to

10、, / ()36. y frie nd, Miss Che n, lives other side of the street.his hometow nA. by B. for C. in D. on ()37. How far is it Beiji ng?A. between, or B. either, or C. both, and D. from, to()38. Joh n hit Bob .A. i n the face B. on his face C. in face D. by the face()39. If you spe nd more time yourstudi

11、es, I am sure you will do well them.A. in, in B. on, on C. on, in D. in, on()40. Don t read the sun .It s bad your eyes.A. in, to B. un der, to C. in, for D. un der, for()41. She wan ted Tom to si ng herfrien ds.A. to B. for C. at D. into()42. Marx bega n to lear n Russia n his fifties.his surprise,

12、 he found theA. in B. at C. for D. since()43. child at home.A. For B. To C. At D. With()44. Our teachers are not only strict their work, but also strict theirstude ntsA. i n, with B. with, in C. i n, in D. with, with()45. How many songs had you learned the end of last mon th?A. at B. on C. by D. in(

13、)46. Look the blackboard. Don tlook out the win dow.A. in, from B. to, with C. to, to D. at, of ()47. Open your books and turn _ page 10.A. at B. to C. in D. ofThursday()48. We have no less ons after noon.A. on B. in C. / D. at()49. Does he always go to work _ bike or foot?A. by, by B. on, on C. by,

14、 on D. on, by ()50. Tom s sister had breakfast _ hurry and went school.A. in, to B. for, for C. to, to D. after, i ntotime to save()51. The doctor came her life.the footA. in B. on C. at D. before ()52. There is a big lake the moun ta in.theA. on, to B. of, of C. to, with D. at, of ()53. All the peo

15、ple were sad n ews.A. to B. for C. at D. withlearning()54. I was good others.A. in, to B. in, in C. at, from D. at, /()55. It s very important me to saysometh ing you.A. for, for B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for()56. There is a big hole the frontwall and two beautiful pictures theback wall.A. in, in

16、B. in, on C. on, on D. on, in()57. It is very kind you to helpme.A. to B. for C. of D. onthe()58. She arrived in Sha nghai _ after noon her birthday.A in, of B. on, of C. on, to D. at, in()59. My sister wan ted to have a bike her own.A. on B. to C. of D. by()60. The young man spent a lot of money hi

17、s clothes.A. in B. with C. to D. onyour()61. How are you getting work?A. on with B. up with C. along for D. among to ()62. The boy asked his father bottle of water.A. to B. for C. with D. i n()63. Chi na is East Asia. Japan is the east of China.inA. in, to B. to, in C. on, to D. on,our bedroom,()64.

18、 There is nothing in a new bed.A. and B. without C. with D. exceptthe way must be()65. The bag _ moved away.A. in B. by C. on D. at()66. The new houses were built young trees.A. among B. on C. with D. into()67. Don t write black pencil or blue ink.A. in a, in B. i n, with C. with, with D. with a, in

19、the()68. The man turned the key lock and ope ned the door.A. to B. in C. on D. with()69. You can do the clea ning all yourself.A. by B. to C. for D. with()70. There is someth ing wrong with his bike, so he came here his girlfrie nd s.A. by B. in C. with D. on()71. Children in western countries can u

20、sually get all kinds of presents Christmasand their birthdaysA. on, on B in, at C. at, on D. by, on()72. The two rooms are the samesize.A. at B. for C. on D. ofthe()73. About 100 peo pie en tered classroom.A. to B. in C. into D. /a smile()74. Mr. Brow n sat back his face.A. with, on B. with, in C. f

21、or, on D. with, at()75. We can t live water air.A. with, and B. without, or C. for, on D. with, atthe()76. Mary found a small bag ground the way to school.A. on, on B. on, in C. in, by D. in, atthe()77. The boat is passing bridge.A. across B. through C. into D. cross()78. My room is the sec ond floo

22、r.105 BeijingA. at B. on C. in D. to ()79. y uncle lives Street.A. on B. at C. to D. ofall the win dows()80. He sle pt well _ open.A. whe n B. while C. with D. because()81.1 don t think you can finish the work my help.A. since B. because C. without D. un til()82. His pare nts will be here twoo clock

23、.A. in B. on C. to D. aro undthe()83. The plane is flying clouds.A. on B. above C. over D. through ()84. The children threw a stone the flog.A. at B. for C. on D. cross()85. The old man sat a big tree,keep ing away sunshine.A. under, from B. on, in C. in, from D. over,onan old taxi.()86. He arrived

24、here 1995.A. by B. in C into D. with ()87. He s stayed here _A. for B in C. after D. since()88. The field was full sheep andthey were lyi ng the ground.A. with, on B. of, on C. with, i n D. of, onto()89. the end of last year, they hadhad four En glish parties.A. At B. By C. On D. After()90. “ We mus

25、t hand in our composition Thursday,” said the mon itor.A. before B. since C. after D. i n()91. New China was founded 1949.A. in B. on C. at D. since()92. They say they will have a basketball match school.A. beh ind B. after C. aro und D. about()93. Do you do your homework home?A in B. at C in side D

26、. onschool.the()94. She usually has lunchA. in B. to C. at D. from()95. A group of people moved _ east the Great Salt lake.A. from to B. in .in C. on .in D. to .to()96. This kind of mach ine is made Chi na.A. in B. of C. by D. atyour()97. s there eno ugh rain coun try?A. about B. aro und C. in D. at

27、()98. Now we know there are no liv ing thi ngs the moon.A. at B. over C. in D. on()99. Li Ping is taller than Wnag Hai but shorter than Wu Dong. His seat is Wu Dong s.A. behind in after B. behind in front of C.Wa ng Hai s in front of .behind D. betweenand ()100. We saw them playing football the play

28、gro undA. on B. n ear C. round D. over()101. Li Ping is good En glish. Healways works hard it.A. at .at B. atin C. in at D. with atyou,()102. What s the matter Tom?A. to B. of C. in D. with()103. The Great P yramid is made ston es.A. by B. of C. in D. with()104. their joy, the seagulls cameto eat no

29、t the crops, but the locusts.A. With B. To C. For D. Of()105. all the stars the sun is then earest to us.A. Of B. Among C. Betwee n D. About() 106. Young Tom became interested scie nee.A. of B. on C. in D. about()107. I have a few other friends you.A. besides B. except C. except for D. but ()108. Be

30、ijing is the north ofChi na.A. in B. to C. on D. ofthe east of China.()109. Japan is A. to B. on C. in D. ofa hat.()110. He always goes outA. of B. about C. in D. at()111. the help of our teacher, hishan dwrit ing is gett ing better and better.A. Under B. In C. With D. Onbus?()112. Do you go to school A. of B. on C. by D. at()113. We go to school every day Sun day.A. besides B. exce pt C. beside D. exce pt for ()114. Under the table, there is a box books.A. filed of B. full of C. fill with D. filled ofus()115. Can you come and stay fo

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