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1、新托福综合写作两大结构安排模式分析比较新托福综合写作:两大结构安排模式分析比较新托福考试写作部分的第一个任务是“Integrated Task”即综合写作,它是一种全新的题型,大部分学生对于如何应对综合写作缺乏相关的知识和经验,很大程度依赖于教师的指导,其中一个重要的方面就是如何安排文章的结构。对此,ETS并没有给出详细的官方建议,只是在ETS公开的综合写作评分标准中,给出了5分(即满分)作文的定义如下:A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coh

2、erently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections. 可以看出,ETS并没有规定一篇综合写作应该使用某

3、种固定的结构模式,而只是从信息点的准确提炼,信息组织的条理性和语言的准确性这几个角度定义了一篇满分作文。然而实践中,这样的指导性建议太为笼统。学生还是期望教师能够给出一种易于理解的,安全有效的且操作性强的结构,在考试时依照这个结构构建文章的主体,并以此为基础填充细节,从而快速高效地完成作文。我们可以总结出两种适合新托福综合写作的结构安排,为了形象理解,称为“点对点”型和“面对面”型的结构,本文就将对这两种结构进行分析和比较。一、“点对点”的结构 “点对点”的结构指的是把综合写作中的阅读材料和听力材料的每一个对应点都单独提炼出来用一个段落加以阐述。这种结构的优点是可以把阅读文章和听力材料的对应关

4、系更细致地进行说明,使文章层次感强,同时反映出考生提炼信息和对比信息的能力更高。比如下面的一篇范文就是ETS给出的满分作文,是一篇典型的“点对点”型的结构安排方式。Introduction Relationship between reading and lectureThe lecturer talks about research conducted by a firm that used the group to handle their work. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and

5、somewhat inaccurate when compared to what happened in reality.First Point of ContrastFirst, some members got free rides. That is, some didnt work hard but got recognition for the success nonetheless. This also indicates that people who hard were not given recognition they should have gotten. In othe

6、r words, werent given the opportunity to “shine”. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.Second Point of ContrastSecond, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involved and aggregated resources. Ho

7、wever, the speaker talks about how the firm found that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. Groups needed time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This is another place where experience contradicted theory. Third Point of ContrastThird, influential peo

8、ple might emerge and lead the group towards glory If the influent people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has influence to counter the decision made. In other words, the group might turn dictatorship,

9、with the influential party as the leader, and might become less in its thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed.二、 “面对面”的结构 “点对点”的结构指是最理想的结构安排模式,但有时候考生并不能准确地寻找到阅读和听力材料之间的对应点。这有可能是因为阅读和听力材料之间的对应点本身就不是很明显,或者由于考生自身的能力问题,没有完全听懂或看懂,则要写成“点对点”的结构安排模式,难度会比较大。遇到这种情况,朗阁海外考试研究中心则建议考生可以尝试

10、使用“面对面”的结构安排模式。它与“点对点”的结构安排模式的区别在于,“面对面”作文的结构并不是逐条阐述对应点,而是在总的阐明听力和阅读文章之间的关系后,分别总结听力材料或阅读材料的要点,从“面”上阐述听力和阅读材料之间的联系。以下一篇范文也是根据ETS提供的一套模考题所写的范文,由于此题很难“点对点”地分析听力和阅读之间的关系,因此采取了“面对面”的写法。Introduction Relationship between reading and lectureThe lecturer talks about the natural process of crystallization and

11、 how the speed of cooling can influence such process, which is proved by Bowens crystallization experiment explained in the reading passage.Points in the lectureNatural crystallization happens when magma, which is extremely hot in its molten form deep in the earth, gradually cools off when it moves

12、towards the surface of the earth. During the cooling process, the energy from heat is lost, and the atoms which compose the magma begin to move more slowly, forming into an orderly pattern, which turns the magma into a solid crystal structure. However, if the cooling process takes place too rapidly,

13、 then there is not enough time for the atoms to be arranged into such an orderly pattern. Therefore, crystallization cant take place. Instead, a brittle, glass-like material will form.Points in the ReadingNorman Bowens experiment in the 1920s proved this theory. By collecting and melting elements in

14、 rocks, Norman created artificial magma in his laboratory. He first cooled the magma slowly, as in the natural crystallization process, and got mineral crystals. But then he suddenly replaced this normal cooling with rapid freezing, and found frozen glass materials surrounding the solid crystal stru

15、cture.可以看出,“点对点”和“面对面”的结构有各自的特点,但总的来说“点对点”的结构在“对比型”的新托福综合写作中要更适用一些,因为它能把矛盾点逐一呈现,更细致地体现了听力和阅读材料之间的关系。但掌握“面对面”的结构也很有必要,因为它可以适用一些听力和阅读材料之间的关系是一致、延伸或解释型的考题。此外,在考生无法寻找到所有的对应点时,用“面对面”的结构也算是一种补救措施。典型的问法是:Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on point made i

16、n the reading。1、阅读:找核心句子和关键词语 这部分阅读的文章都是节选自一些学术文章,所以文字比较简洁,每个句子所包含你的信息量也会大一些。 和普通阅读文章一样,文章的首句即为整个文章的主题,接下来文章会围绕这个主题展开一些细节性的话题。 此外,还要把握文章的最后一段,和每个段落的一些关键词语,以判断作者的语气和态度。在段落中间,一般情况下,第一句为主题句,后面就论据,考生注意表示转折和原因的副词“ but , because ,yet”等以确定作者的语气和对该话题的态度。 2、听力:判断说话人的语气,记录说话者的观点和支持性例子 听力是这类考试的难点,但考生如果已经明白了阅读材

17、料的意思,那么听力也变得不那么难了。因为阅读部分已经揭示了听力的主题,考生需要做的就是判断听力文章的观点和阅读之间的观点,是相互支持还是反驳,支持/反驳的支持性例子有那些,这就是听力的重点。 鉴于听力的长度和难度,考生需要在听的过程中做笔记。与阅读部分一样,记录关键词和句子,这些词语和句子往往存在于转折或者过渡词语的后面。 3、写作:关键词语不变,有合理的结合和恰当的过渡词语把听力和阅读部分的意思进行结合 第一段:总结听力和阅读部分的主要观点和内容 In the listening material , the author pointed out a fact/phenomenon that

18、 -(指出听力文的重点,)which was opposed to ideas -(总结阅读部分的观点)in the reading materials . 第二段:展开论述听力和阅读部分观点的分论点 In the first place / firstly / to begin with , speaker believed that -(指出听力部分分论点内容) he reasons for his /her views were as follows , first - second -(听力分论点细节),while the author in the reading material

19、confirmed that (阅读部分的观点) which was totally different from the viewpoints in the listening parts.第三段:总结段论 To sum up , -(重新总结一下文章的主要意思。不用加入自己的观点。)这个模版可以简单总结为:总(总结听力和阅读的核心内容指出它们之间的关系)分(分开论述听力和阅读的观点和细节性信息)总(总结全文观点)Post-writing Activities1. Content and Organization:1.1 Introduction:a) Is there a general

20、statement that “locates” the topic for the reader?b) Is there background information that interests the reader?c) Is there a thesis statement that interprets the topic and controls the entire essay?d) Is there an organizer that gives the plan of the essay body? (not always necessary)1.2 body paragra

21、ph:a) Is there an opening transition that shows the ordering system (e.g., time, degree of importance, familiarity)?b) Is there a controlling idea that controls the paragraph and supports the thesis?c) Are there enough supporting points?d) Is there sufficient detail?e) Are the supporting points orde

22、red (e.g., time, degree of importance, familiarity)?f) Are signals used between various points within the paragraph?1.3 conclusion:a) Is it concerned to the final body paragraph (by a key word or idea or by a transition)?b) Does it refer to the thesis statement?c) Is there a summary related to the v

23、arious body paragraphs?d) Is there a statement of belief that advises, suggests, recommends, predicts, or offers a solution?2. Language use:a) Are the sentence forms generally correct?b) Does each subject noun have a verb, and are clauses joined by connecting words?c) Do parallel structures use the

24、same grammar forms for their content unites?d) Do sentence topics/subject nouns relate to topics or comments of earlier sentences?e) Are prepositions followed by nouns or noun phrases?f) Is a comma used when an adverb phrases comes before a sentence base?g) Is a comma used to separate a relative cla

25、use that describes from the sentence base?h) Are verbs in the correct tenses?i) Do nouns agree in number with their verbs?j) Do singular third-person present tense verbs end in “S”?k) Do nouns that require articles have them?l) Is spelling generally correct?二、Independent writing 给30分钟写一篇300字的文章(只能打字

26、)。此篇文章的评分标准有4个: 1.Address the writing topic effectively (有效地阐明主题) 2.Well organized and well-developed (条理清楚,发展充分) 3.Use specific details and examples to support your view (论据具体明确) 4.Word choices and sentence variety (遣词造句能力) 评分标准1:effectively addresses the writing topic and task.评分标准2:well organized

27、 and well developed评分标准3:uses specific details and examples to support you view评分标准4:displays language facility by demonstrating syntactic variety, word choice and idiom典型的问法是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 方法1:15条通用理由此方法的操作十分简便,只需记住下表1中的15个词语就可以了。从托福写作考试的题目范围来看,我们可以将这15个词语作为

28、15条通用理由划分为两大类别,即:“事物类”和“人物”类。“事物类”通用理由(7点):方便、经济、效率、耐久、安全、环保、空间“人物类”通用理由(8点):经验、性格、乐趣、成就、健康、交流、情感、他人表1: 汽车吃饭雇佣好处坏处在家吃饭店吃年轻人年长者方便经济效率耐久安全环保空间经验性格乐趣成就健康交流情感他人使用说明: 1. 将题目中的关键词(Key Word)填入“话题”一栏的第一格; 2. 简单的判断一下题型,从而决定“话题”栏中第二行的内容。如:“利弊评价型”题目可以将“好处”与“坏处”分别填入左栏与右栏(见表1第一题);“比较选择型”的题目可以将选项分别填入左栏与右栏(见表1第二题与

29、第三题);“判断型”题目则将“同意”与“不同意”这两方观点填入两个栏里。3. 依次考察事物类与人物类理由与话题栏中关键词的关系。“利弊评价”题目中满足好处则在栏内打勾,坏处打叉;“比较选择型”题目则在相应的选项之下用勾、叉表明好处与坏处。 实际应用举例: 1. Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific details

30、and reasons to support your response. 题目:有些人认为汽车改善了人们的生活。另外一些人则认为汽车造成了严重的问题。 你的观点是什么? 本题是一道典型的“利弊评价型”问题,即评价汽车对于生活的好处与坏处。依照上文指示,我们可以将“好处”与“坏处”分别填入“话题”栏中第二行,然后依次向下寻找可以满足作答的理由。首先,汽车使人们的出行更加方便,这是一个不争的理由,所以在“好处”一栏里打勾;同时,汽车为人们的生活带来的效率,加速了生活节奏,这一点也很明显,打勾。当然,拥有汽车的家庭可以经常出门自驾游,男女老少共聚一车,齐享天伦之乐,增进了家人间的情感。而汽车的出现


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