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牛津译林版单元复习学案7B Unit 5Unit 8.docx

1、牛津译林版单元复习学案 7B Unit 5Unit 8牛津译林版单元复习学案(7B Unit 5Unit 8)基础自测一、词汇拓展1. same(adj.)_(adj.)(反义词)不同的_(n.)区别;不同2. strange(adj.)_(n.)陌生人 _(adj.)(反义词)熟悉的3. quickly(adv.)_(adj. )快的;迅速的_(adv.)(反义词)慢地 _(adj.)慢的4. wonder ( vi. & vt.)_(n.)奇迹 _(adj.)美妙的, 美好的5. surprised (adj.)_(adj.)令人惊讶的_(n.)惊讶;惊喜6. outside (adv.)

2、_(adv.)(反义词)在里面7. alone (adj.)_(adj.)孤独的8. low (adj.)_(adj.)(反义词)高的9. fail ( vi.& vt.) _ (n.)失败_(v.)(反义词)成功 _ (n.)成功 _ (adj.)成功的10. ability (n.)_(adj.)有能力的, 能干的11. send (vt. )_(vt.)(过去式) _(vt.)(过去分词)12. badly(adv.)_(adj.)坏的. 不好的_(adj. )(反义词)好的13. build (vt.)_(n.)建筑物14. trouble (n.)_(adj.)(人)忧虑的;烦恼的_

3、(adj.)令人烦恼的;讨厌的15. noise ( n.)_(adj.)吵闹的, 嘈杂的_(adj.)(反义词)安静的_(adv.)安静地二、短语归纳1. 停止做某事_ 2. 照例;像往常一样_3. 坐下 _ 4. 转身;(使)翻转 _5. 在路上 _ 6. 自言自语 _7. 拿起, 举起 _ 8. 逃离, 跑开 _9. 害怕_ 10.再也不, 不再 _11.听说, 知道_ 12. 同时 _13.遍及全世界 _ 14.快点, 赶快 _15. 收到的来信_ 16. get away _17. go through _ 18. from then on _19. a little _ 20. b

4、elieve it or not _21. save from _ 22. put out _23. in hospital _ 24. by the way _25. try ones best _ 26. do well in _27. take part in _ 28. lose ones way _29. look after _ 30. grow up _三、句型再现1. Were going to come here again next weekend. (be going to do sth, 表示“打算、计划、安排做某事”。)我们打算这周去游泳。We _ _ _ _this

5、 weekend.2. Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key. (tooto 表示“太而不能”, 与其用法类似的有sothat“如此以至于”。)这男孩年龄太小, 不能上学。(l)The boy is _ young _ go to school.(2)The boy is _ young _he cant go to school.3. He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire. (be+adj. +enough to

6、do sth.表示“足够去做某事”。)她足够自信去参加这个比赛。 She is_ _ _ take part in the match.4. We look forward to hearing from you soon. (look forward to doing sth.表示“期待做某事”。)我们期待着你的来访。 We are _ _ _your visit.要点聚焦一、词汇精讲1. reply说, 答复, 回答课文:Nobody replied. 没有人回答。拓展:reply还可作名词, 意为“回答”;其同义词是response“响应;反应;回答”, 是名词形式, 动词形式为resp

7、ond, 是不及物动词, 常用短语是respond to。 You have to respond to her invitation. 你必须对她的邀请作出回应。活学巧用他没有回答我们。He gave us no _.2. fall讲, 落下;掉落;倒课文:Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. 爱丽丝向下掉了很长时间, 然后才落地。拓展:fall over跌倒, 摔倒 fall in love with her爱上她 fall behind his friend落在他朋友的后面fall off the tree跌落;

8、从树上掉下来fall asleep入睡I was too tired and fell asleep quickly. 我太累了, 所以很快就入睡了。活学巧用用fall相关短语填空: They_(爱上了)each other and they got married later. He _(跌落)his bike, and broke his legs. Study hard, or you will _(赶不上)others.3. alone adj. 单独, 独自课文:She found herself alone in a long, low hall. 她发现自己一个人在一个又长又低的

9、厅里。辨析:alone, lonelyalone用作形容词时, 意为“单独的”, 只作表语, 不能用作定语, 侧重说明独自一人;用作副词时, 意为“单独地;独自地”。lonely用作形容词, 意为“孤独的”, 表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞, 有强烈的感情色彩, 指因缺少陪伴而产生的孤独, 可用作定语和表语;用作定语时, 意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”, 多修饰表示地点的名词。He lives alone. 他一个人生活。When I stay at home, I always feel lonely. 在家时, 我总是感到很孤单。The land is so lonely that nobody wan

10、ts to live here. 这片地太荒凉了, 所以没人愿意住在这。活学巧用用alone和lonely填空:She felt _ after leaving her family.Tom lived _ when he was in China last year, but now it he lives with his friends.There werent anybody here on the _island.4. a little少许, 一点课文:Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. 爱丽丝打开瓶子并且喝了一点。拓展:a lit

11、tle, little修饰不可数名词。a little表示“一些”, little表示“很少”;a few, few修饰可数名词。a few表示“一些”, few表示“几乎没有”。 There is still a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里还有一点水。The rain is too heavy. There is few people in the street. 雨下的太大了, 路上行人寥寥无几。活学巧用用little相关短语填空: On the table, there is still _(一点儿)bread. So we need not go t

12、o the supermarket this week. She has many gifts and gives _(一些)to her brother.相约中考(2014.无锡) _(一点) wine will not harmful to your health. Just dont drink too much.5. lose vt. 迷失;丢失课文:Last week, a 5-year-old boy lost his way and cried in the street. 上周, 一个五岁的小男孩迷路了, 在大街上哭泣。拓展: be/get lost 迷路 lose my wa

13、y我迷路了 lose a match输了比赛lose oneself in music 专心于音乐lose my face丢脸My sister always loses herself in music. 我姐姐总是沉浸在音乐中。活学巧用用lose的相关短语填空: The boy always_(专心于)math problems. The team _(输掉比赛)because they didnt try their best. I usually _(迷路)in a new place.6. agree vi. & vt. 同意;应允课文:I dont agree. 我不同意。拓展:a

14、gree with sb. about sth. 同意某人某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree的反义词是disagreeMy mother agrees that she will buy me a new bike.活学巧用他同意重新返校学习He _ return to _school for study at last. 二、句型突破1. Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter the garden. 不久, 爱丽丝小得足以通过那扇门了, 于是她决定进入花园

15、。点津:我们用一般过去时谈论在过去发生的动作或存在的状态。在一般过去时的句子中, 常带有表示过去时间的状语, 如just now, yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last night/week/month/year, two days/a week/three years ago, in 1999/2008筹。如: I made the bed just now. 我刚刚把床铺好。 He left for Shanghai last night.、他昨晚去了上海。动词过去式的变化规则如下:用法举例一般的谓语动词后面直接加-eda

16、sk- asked以不发音的e结尾的动词, 直接加一darrive - arrived以辅音字母加一y结尾的动词, 把y变成i, 加-iedstudy- studied以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词, 双写最后一个辅音字母, 再加-edshop- shopped动词过去式的不规则变化如下:不规则变化举例保持不变set- set cut- cut元音有变化come- came draw- drew辅音有变化lend - lent build - built元音、辅音均有变化catch- caught buy- bought其他am/is- was are- were一般过去时的否定句式和疑问

17、句式是:行为动词一般过去式的否定形式是在行为动词前加did not, 缩写形式是didnt, 其后的动词为原形。如:He did not go there yesterday. 他昨天没有去这里。 be动词的一般过去式的否定形式是在was和were后面直接加not。如: I was not here one hour ago. 一个小时前我不在这里。 由行为动词构成的一般过去时的陈述句改为疑问句, 在句首添加助动词did, 其后的动词为原形。回答用Yes, 主语+did.或No, 主语+didnt.。如: -Did you go to the party Last night? 你昨天晚上参加

18、聚会了吗? -Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 是的, 我去了。不, 我没去。 由be动词构成的一般过去时的陈述句改为疑问句, 直接将be动词提前至句首, 回答用Yes, 主语+was/ were.或No, 主语+wasnt/werent.。如: -Were you happy yesterday? 昨天你开心吗? -Yes, I was. 是的, 我很开心。活学巧用上周我没有帮助他学英语。 I _ _ _him with his English last week. 2. I can fly! 我能飞!点津:本句型结构为:sb. can do sth., 表示“某人能做某

19、事”。 类似的句型还有sb. could do sth., 表汞“某人能做某事”, 但是can表示现在能做某事;could表示的是过去能做某事。否定式为sb: cant/couldnt do sth/, 表示“某人不能做某事”。此外, 情态动词could可表示一种委婉的语气, 比can更能显示有礼貌。may较正式, 语气较弱;而must表示“必须, 一定”, 语气最为强烈。注意:我们也可以用be able to来表示能力, 但be able to强调通过努力而获得的能力, 而can则强调自身已具有的能力。 I cant tell you the truth now. 我现在还不能告诉你真相。

20、The old man was able to swim across the river when the boat broke down. 当游船毁坏时, 这位老人设法游过了河。 Mary must be in the office. I saw her there two minutes ago. 玛丽一定在办公室, 两分钟前我还看到她呢。 May I see the letter? 我可以看看这封信吗?活学巧用( ) I still _ speak English well, even though I spent a lot of time in it. A. cant B. mus

21、tnt C. couldnt D. shouldnt 3. What a brave young man! 多么勇敢的年轻人啊! 点津:本句为感叹句, 句型结构为:What+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词十主语十谓语;What+adj.+不可数名词复数名词十主语十谓语, 表示“多么的啊!”。感叹句的另一句型为:How+adj. /adv.+主语十谓语十其他, 表示“多么啊!”。 How beautiful these flowers are! 这些花真漂亮! What beautiful flowers! 多么漂亮的花啊!. 活学巧用 ( ) _an incredible thing tha

22、t he is the first one to arrive! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a 4. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是最聪明的动物。点津:我们常用形容词来描述人和物。形容词可以放在名词前作定语;形容词也可以放在系动词后作表语。注意:除be动词外, 系动词还包括become, feel, get, look, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn筹。这些词后面常接形容词作表语。 She felt a little ill. 她觉得有点不舒服。. 活学巧用 树叶秋天

23、变黄。Leaves turn _ in autumn.5. She sleeps anywhere. 她随处可以睡觉。 。点津:我们常用不定代词指代某个不特定的人或物。不定代词一般有四种形式: 不定代词some-常用于肯定句。疑问句中, 如果希望得到对方肯定的回答, 也会用some。其中, somebody/someone表示“某人”, something表示“某物”。 不定代词any-常用于否定句或疑问句。anybody/anyone表示“任何人”, anything表示“任何事物”。 不定代词no-有否定含义, no one表示“没有人”, nobody= not anyone, noth

24、ingnot anything. 不定代词every-可以用于各种句式中。everybody/everyone的意思是“每个人, 人人”, everything的意思是“每件事, 一切”。注意:不定代词everybody/everyone/everything一般都被视为单数, 谓语动词用单数。 Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点儿什么吗? Is everybody/everyone here? 大家都在吗?活学巧用_ is ready. 一切都准备好了。 I saw nobody there. = I did not _ _.易错防范一、can和c

25、ould的区别典例呈现 ( ) Tony _ go to opera on Saturday because hes going to study for next weeks test. A. cant B. couldnt C. mustnt D. should【答案】A【易错剖析】在解题时, 要区分can和could的用法。表示“能力”时can表示现在的“状态”;could表示过去的“状态”。can和could表示“可能性”时, can表示现在的可能性大, 表示现在的可能性小的用could;could既可表示现在的可能性, 也可表示过去的可能性。二、hear和listen的区别典例呈现(

26、 ) He is_ carefully, but could _nothing. A. hearing; hear B. listening; hearing C. listening; listen D. listening; hear【答案】D【易错剖析】注意hear和listen用法之间的区别。hear为动词, “听见”, 强调听的结果;listen为动词, 意为“听”, 强调听的动作, 不一定能听见。巩固训练一、单项填空( )1. -_ you please sweep the floor? - Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework.A. Must B Could C. May D. Can( ) 2. The fire was completely _ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen.A. cut down B. put out C. give out D. floated away( )3. _ Simon and Jim

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