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1、仁爱版英语七年级上册语法总结七年级语法总结1、目前所学的动词的形式有4 种:动词原形;如:do;have;like动词的单三式(常在动词原形后加s);如:get-gets动词不定式(to+动词原形);如:meet-to meet动词ing式(动词原形后加ing)如:look-looking2、表示征求意见或建议邀请的礼貌用语Would you like +to+动词原形? (你想要吗?)How about+动词ing ?(怎么样?好不好?)What about +动词ing? (怎么样?好不好?)Why not +动词原形? (为什么不呢?)Why dont you +动词原形 ?(你为什么不

2、呢?)Lets +动词原形.(让我们吧。) 表示同意、答应:Yes,Id like to./Oh,Id love to. All right/OK.Great!Sure.Good idea!Thanks.Ill be glad to Thanks.That would be very nice.Id like that.表示不同意、拒绝:No,thanks.Sorry,I cant.Id like to.But Im afraid I cant/I have no time.3、目前学过的情态动词有can, may,could,would和will等五个。学好情态动词必须把握三个用法:后必须跟

3、动词原形 ;没有三单式(其后不能加s);可以把情态动词提到句首构成疑问句;可以在情态动词后面加上not构成否定句。4、目前学过的后跟动词不定式(to+动词原形)的有:would like to+动词原形(想要做某事); want to+动词原形(想要做某事);forget to+动词原形(忘记要做某事); like to +动词原形(喜欢做某事); love to +动词原形(喜欢做某事)ask sb. to +动词原形.(请/叫某人做某事)tell sb. to +动词原形.(告诉/叫某人做某事)would like sb. to +动词原形.(想叫某人做某事)want sb. to +动词

4、原形.(想叫某人做某事)have to +动词原形(必须/不得不做某事)Nice/Glad/happy to +动词原形(很高兴做某事) 如:Nice to meet you. Im glad to be here.5、目前学过的后跟动词原形的有:情态动词:can,may,could,would,will后;助动词do,dont,does,doesnt后(does,doesnt一出现,三单式要滚蛋);动词please(请)后:如:Please tell him about the picnic.短语Why not/Why dont you后;动词let 后;如:Let Jane help yo

5、u. Lets go home.动词help后,也可带to;如:Lets help Maria (to) carry water.祈使句以动词原形开头,如:Have a seat , please.请坐下。 6、目前学过的后跟动词ing的有:Be动词后的动词;如:Are you kidding? Im just looking.This is Michael speaking.所有的介词后;已学过的介词有:at,for,about,in,on,from,of,to,with,after等。如:What about +动词ing? Whatabout flying a kite with me

6、?How about +动词ing? How about going fishing this Sunday?Its time for going home=Its time to go home.Thank you for helping me=Thank you for your help.go +动词inggo fishing去钓鱼; go shopping去购物do some shopping购物like/love +动词ing (喜欢做某事)7、有单复数变化的词名词(1) 名词单数变复数的方法 1)大部分在词尾加s.如:dog-dogs2)以-s, -x, -ch, -sh 结尾的加

7、es. 如: class-classes bus-buses glass-glasses box-boxes watch-watches(手表) fish-fishes 3)以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的,变y为i,加婴儿) family-families(家庭) study-studies(书房) fly-flies(蝇子)注意:boy -boys play-plays toy-toys way-ways monkey-monkeys4)以 f, fe结尾的,变f, fe为v,加es.half-halves(一半)knife-knives(小刀)yourself(你

8、自己)-yourselves(你们自己)(2) 特殊变化的词1) a 变e: manmen(男子) womanwomen(女子) snowman-snowmen(雪人) Englishman- Englishmen(英国人)Englishwoman-Englishwomen(英国妇女)2) o变e:foot-feet(脚) tooth-teeth(牙齿)3) 单复数同形:Chinese-Chinese(中国人) fish-fish(鱼) yuan-yuan(人民币元) 4) mousemice (老鼠) childchildren(儿童) 5)合成词中一般变后面的词:apple tree-ap

9、ple trees(苹果树)但下列需前后都变:man teacher-men teachers(男教师) woman doctor-women doctors(女医生)6)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:people(人们)police(警察们)本身就是复数,family指“全家人”时,本身也是复数,它们都不能加s. 如:The Chinese people are very kind.中国人民都 很友好。 Kangkangs family are all tall and thin.康康全家人都又高又瘦。be动词: 单数am, is; 复数are行为动词:复数:动词原形单数:在行

10、为动词后加s或es(即动词的三单式)。 如:Maria likes milk.(likes是三单式,为单数)Maria and Jane like milk.(like是动词原形,为复数)指示代词 单数:this这个 that那个复数:these这些 those那些8名词s所有格单数名词后直接加 “ s ”:Jims coat 吉姆的外套 Jeffs mother杰夫的妈妈以s结尾的复数名词,只加“”Teachers Day教师节 the twins books双胞胎的书不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“ s ”Childrens Day 儿童节 mens shoes男式鞋表示两者共同拥有时,

11、只在最后一个名词后加sLucy and Lilys mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈)表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加sLucys and Kates rooms 露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子)9、人称代词和物主代词表人称代词主格Iweyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouhimheritthem中文我我们你,你们他她它他们物主代词形容词性myouryourhisheritstheir名词性mineoursyourshishersitstheirs中文我的我们的你的;你们的他的她的它的他们的用法:人称代词主格:作主语,常放在句首;人称代词宾格:作宾语,

12、放在动词和介词后;形容词性物主代词:后有名词时,用形容词性;(有名则形)名词性物主代词:后无名词时,用名词性。(无名则名)10.句子的成分主语:是句子要说明的人和物,是动作的发出者,是句子的主体,一般放在句首。主语由名词,代词担任。谓语:说明主语的动作。只有动词才作谓语,一般放在主语之后。宾语:是动作的接受者。放在动词或介词后。由名词,代词担任。如:Michael often looks after his sister at home on Sunday.主语 谓语 宾语11. 三单问题总则:主语是第三人称单数时,动词(谓语)要用三单式。如: He gets up at six。 由于主语H

13、e是第三人称单数,动词get后要s,即gets是三单式。 可以作第三人称单数主语(三单主语)的有:(1)he, she,it;(2)单个的人;单个的物。 动词三单式的构成 (1)特殊的:beis havehas (2)有规律的:1)大部分在词尾加s; 如: getgets take-takes needneeds knowknows 2)以s, x,ch, sh,o 结尾的加es; 如:guessguesses(猜) watch-watches(看) teachteaches(教) fishfishes(钓鱼) gogoes(去) dodoes3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,加es.

14、如:studystudies(学习) flyflies(飞,放) carrycarries(提) worryworries(担心)注意:buybuys saysays playplays12.特殊疑问句特殊疑问词的用法意思用法例句who谁问人的身份,姓名等He is LiLie Who is he ?He is my brother. Who is he ?whom谁问人的身份,姓名等(问宾语)I can ask him the question.Whom can you ask the question?what什么问人的职业或事物是什么He is a worker. What is he?

15、He has a book. What does he have ?which哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物The big box is mine. Which box is yours?The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?whose谁的问所属关系This is her book. Whose book is this ?This book is hers. what color什么颜色问颜色(表语)My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?What time几点问点时间We play game

16、s at five in the afternoon ?What time do you play games?when什么时候问时间We play games in the afternoon ?When do you play games?where什么地方问地点(状语)We play games at home on Sunday。Where do you play games on Sunday?why为什么问原因He isnt at school today because he is ill.Why isnt he at school today ?how怎样问健康状况、做事的方式

17、等He is fine/strong. How is he ?I go home by bike. How do you go home?how old多大几岁问年龄He is ten. How old is he ?how many多少跟复数名词,问数量There are thirty boys in my class.How many boys are there in your class?how much多少跟不可数名词问数量或价钱 There is some milk in the bottle.How much milk is there in the bottle?how far

18、多远问路程Its five kilometers away from here How far is it from here?how soon多久问in+一段时间He can finish it in half an hour.How soon can he finish it ?how long多久问一段时间,问物体的长短He has lived here for a year. How long has he lived here?The desk is one meters long. How long is the desk ?how often多久(一次)问频率I go to se

19、e my parents once a month.How often do you go to see your parents?对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。1、对句子的主语提问,其语序是:疑问词+谓语+其他成分?(整个句子是陈述句语序)She is their teacher. Who is their teacher?主语 谓语 主语 谓语2、对句子主语的定语部分提问,其语序是: 疑问词+主语(即定语所修饰的名词)+ 谓语+其他成分?(整个句子是陈述句语序)My book is over there. Whose book is over there

20、 ?主语的定语 主语 谓语 疑问词 主语 谓语以上两点方法都是:用正确的疑问词代替画线部分,再把句号改为问号,其余部分一般不做改变3对表语或宾语的定语部分提问,其语序是:疑问词+表语或宾语(画线部分所修饰的名词)+一般疑问句(省略画线部分和它所修饰的名词)Im looking for my watch. Whose watch are you looking for ? 宾语的定语 宾语 疑问词 宾语 一般疑问句(省略掉my watch)4、对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句(省略掉画线部分)? He lives in Beijing . Where does he liv

21、e ? 状语 疑问词 一般疑问句(省略掉画线部分in Beijing )5、对谓语和宾语提问,其语序是:疑问词(What)+ 一般疑问句(其中谓语动词要用do 的相对应形式代替, 省略掉宾语)He watches TV in the evening What does he do in the evening?He watched TV yesterday evening. What did he do in the evening?He is watching TV now. What is he doing now?否定句:;含有否定词not或 no的句子。改否定句的方法:先加后借 在句中

22、找到Be动词(am, is, are)或情态动词(can,may,could,would,will),在它后面加not;找不到以上词时,借dont或doesnt,放在动词前。注意:句子是三单主语时,借doesnt;不是三单主语时,借do.并且:doesnt一出现,三单式要滚蛋。13、冠词的用法a /an 不定冠词,表示“一个”,放在单数名词前,指不确定的某一个; a 用在元音前(不是元音字母);an 用在辅音前(不是辅音字母)。如:(1) an English boy,an apple,an orange, an egg , an eraser, an old monkey, (2) an h

23、our一个小时 half an hour 半小时 (hour中h不发音)(3) a “ d”(一个d), an “i”, an “f”, an “x”, a “u”.the 定冠词,表示“ 这,那,这些,那些”,放在名词前,表示特指。14.数 词(一)、基数词 注意 eleven, twelve , thirteen, fourteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, one hundred/thousand等词的拼写。具体用法如: Lesson Twelve, Class Two, Grade Eight, The No. 45 bus, C

24、hannel Five, Room 302, the No.2 middle School, a five-year-old daughter注意1、“前有,后无;前无,后有”即 two hundred books , hundreds of books2、如 eight-year-old 的词后面要加名词3、“在某人几十岁时”用 in ones +整十的复数 如:in her fifties, in their thirties4、表示“ 多高、多宽、多长、多深,年龄少大、距离多远”时,用“数量+单位+形容词” 如:two months old, twenty meters deep(二)、

25、序数词注意 first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, ninety-ninth, one hundredth等词的拼写。 具体用法如:the Twelfth lesson, June 5th, the Second World War, on his twentieth birthday.(三)、分数, 小数和百分比:分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;分子大于一,分母加 s,分子和分母之间一般用连字号。 如3/5读作three-fifths, 1/3读作one-third07

26、8读作zero point seven eight 7.45读作 seven point four five45%读作 Forty-five percent 67%读作sixty-seven percent注意:分数表示1/2, 可以用a/one half 表示;分数1/4,3/4也可以用quarter表示。如:1/4读作one-fourth or a quarter, 3/4读作three-fourths or three quartersHalf of the students live in the school on weekdays. (习惯上省略a)One- third of th

27、e students are on the playground.Three-fourths of the earth is covered with water.(四)、时间和钟点7:15读作seven fifteen/ a quarter past seven7:30读作seven thirty/half past seven7:35读作seven thirty-five/ twenty-five(minutes)to eight8:03读作 three minutes past eight注意:如果分钟不是5的倍数,minute不能省略。(五)、日期和年份on March 8读作 on

28、march the eighth on 8th of March读作 on the eighth of Marchin 1998读作 nineteen ninety-five, in 2008读作 in two thousand and eight15.介词 一、介词一般位于名词或代词之前,在句中不单独做任何成分。介词本身有独立的含义,但意义不够完整,在句中使用时,后面必须接有宾语构成介词短语后,才能表达完整的意义。介词短语在句中常作状语、定语、表语或宾语补足语。 二、介词的用法: (一)表示时间的介词的用法: 1。at, on, in (1)at 在句中用在钟点之前。意为“在点钟”如:at

29、six在6点 (2)at用在固定短语中。如: at noon在中午;at this time of year 一年这个时候 (3)on常用于表示具体的哪一天或某天的上午、下午及晚上或用于固定短语中。如:on the morning of June 在6月5日的早上; on a cold winter night在一个寒冷的冬天的夜里;on May 20th 在5月20日 (4)on用在星期前。如: on Sunday在星期日 (5)in用于年、月前面,季节、世纪前以及固定短语中。如: in 2008 在2008年; in October在10月; in spring 在春天; in the t

30、wentieth century 在二十世纪; in his twenties 在他二十多岁时; in the morning / afternoon / evening在早上/下午/晚上 2.before ,after,in in是以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于一般将来时态中。 eg: I will come back in three days.我三天以后回来。 after是以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间以后,常用于过去时态中。 eg:She went after three days. 她三天以后走的。 before 表示“某时刻或某时间之前”时态根据句子而定。 E.g: Chec

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