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最析高中英主必修4 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World中知识点整理二.docx

1、最析高中英主必修4 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World中知识点整理二必修4 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.知识点整理二18.cover的用法(1)v包括,涉及The revision covers everything we learned last term.这次复习包括我们所学的全部内容。The lecture covered a lot of subjects.这些讲座包括的主题极为广泛。(2)v占(面积)Our city covers an ar

2、ea of ten square kilometers.我们的城市的占地面积是10平方千米。(3)v盖,遮盖,掩盖,覆盖I had no umbrella so I covered my head with a newspaper when it rained.Ocean covers about three-quarters of the earths surface.海洋覆盖了地球表面的大约四分之三的面积。(4)v走完(一段路)The car covered 200 miles a day.汽车一天走完200英里。He covered the distance in fifteen min

3、utes.他十五分钟走完这段距离。(5)v采访,报道All the papers covered the election in depth.各报刊都详细报道这次选举。Who will be sent to cover the event?谁将被派去采访这个事件?(6)v(够)支付Will 10 pounds cover the cost of a new shirt?买这件新衬衫10英镑够吗?My salary fully covers all expenses.我的薪水足够一切开支。(7)nC盖子;套子;罩Will you please take off the cover from th

4、e bottle?请把瓶子盖拿掉好吗?(8)nC封面;书皮;封套My book needs a new cover.我的书需要一新封面。(1)Do you have enough to_all your daily expense?Oh,yes,enough and to spare spe(r)节约,剩余.(绰绰有余)A.cover B.spend C.fill D.offer(2)Is the money your parents gave you enough?No,I have to have a part-time job to_my school expenses.A.cost B

5、.pay C.cover D.offer(3)All the leading newspapers(主报)_the trade talks(贸易谈判) between China and the United States.A.covered B.printed C.announced D.published(4)The boy covered his eyes_his B.with D.under(5)Indexes_all sorts of subjects. indexndeks索引A.cover B.refer C.covers

6、n my grandpa was young,he had to_several miles a day to school since he had no money to take a bus.A.cover B.take C.get D.make(7) Sir,why are there no reporters working in the office?Sorry,but all of them are out to_the main events of today.A.get B.find C.cover have to find more boo

7、ks on this subject.These three books cant_all the problems discussed,I think.A.tell C.set D.cover(9)The book is said to be a special one,which_many events not found in other history books.A.writes B.covers C.prints D.reads(10)The factory_one third of the town.It is so big.A.covers B.takes ove

8、r D.was built(11)His father is a laid-off worker with a total income of around 300 yuan per month,which_only the basic needs of his family.A.offers B.supports C.affords D.covers(12)How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?Well,the media_(cover) it in a variety

9、 of forms.(13)Do you have enough_(cover) your daily expenses?Oh yes,enough.(14)Hurry up! We still have 30 miles_(cover) before darkOK.I will make every effort not to fall behind.(1)A (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)A (6)A (7)C所有记者都出去采访今天的主要事件了。(8)D我认为这三本书不可能包括所有谈到的问题,cover表示“包括,涉及”(9)B据说这本书很特别,它涉及的很多事件在其他历史中找不到。c

10、over表示“涉及”的意思。(10)A (11)D他父亲是一位下岗工人,每月只有总共300 元钱左右的收入,这仅仅能够支付他们一家的基本花费。support表示“支持,支撑”;afford表示“负担得起”;cover表示“走完,看完,够付(费用)”(12) have covered你对即将在南京举行的青年奥林匹克运动会了解多少?很了解,媒体已经用各种各样的形式对它进行了报道。(13)to cover (14)to adj锋利的,尖的;敏锐的;急剧的 (1)Dogs have a_sense of smell and are often used to search

11、for something by the police. A.positive C.sceptical D.fierce (2)Nowadays,there is a_increase in childrens creativity,for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents. B.slight C.natural D.modest (1)B (2)A现在,孩子的创造力剧增,因为我们都非常鼓励他们发展自己的天赋。20.与close相关的短语close down (广播电台、电视台)停止播音,停

12、播 (工厂等的)关闭,歇业 The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch. 公司已决定关闭芝加哥的分公司。 close down on严厉取缔;镇压Gambling must be closed down on.必须严厉取缔赌博。Close down on the drug traffic!禁止贩毒!close in 白昼渐短 The days close in as autumn becomes deeper. 随着深秋的到来,白昼渐渐短了。 围拢,迫近The enemy began to close in. 敌军开始逼近。 cl

13、ose up 关闭;停歇 The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use. 自从高速公路通车以来,那条旧公路已经封闭了。 靠拢;靠近;靠紧 The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story. 老师叫孩子们在营火旁互相靠拢些,接着就开始讲起故事来。 close with 以结束;用关闭;接受,同意 close off封锁,隔离;结帐 close

14、 out削价抛售存货;停业;结束;完成 close about包围,围住 close over淹没;遮盖;封闭 辨析:close与closely (1)close作副词时,意为“靠近;接近”,表示的是具体意义上的“近”,即距离很近。 The children sat close together.孩子们紧靠着坐在一起。 It was very dark.I followed close behind my father.天很黑,我紧跟在父亲后面。 (2)closely副词,意为“紧密地;密切地,仔细地”,表达的是一种抽象意义,常修饰分词、形容词和动词。 The two events are c

15、losely connected.这两件事有密切的联系。 They watched the enemy closely.他们密切注视着敌人的动向。 链接: 用法与close和closely类似的三组词: deepdeeply(深) highhighly(高) wide widely(宽,广) He sat there,deep in thought.他坐在那里,陷入沉思。 What impressed me deeply was that he was brave and hardworking.给我留下深刻印象的是他的勇敢和勤劳。 The well is three meters deep.

16、这口井有三米深。 What he has done is highly thought of.他所做的事受到了很高的评价。 The kite flew high in the sky.风筝在空中高高飞扬。 Open your mouth wide.张开嘴。 Nowadays English is widely used all over the world. (1)Close to the post office_two women,who are watching the gate_. A.stand;close B.stands;closely C.stand;closely D.stan

17、ds;close (2)The little boy sat_to his father and listened_with great interest. A.close;close B.closely;close C.closely;closely D.close;closely (3)Jone and Tony are_friends and they have been keeping_contact since they graduated from college. A.closely;close B.close;close C.closely;closely D.close;cl

18、osely(4)Because the shop_all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A.has closed down B.closed down closing down D.had closed down(5)Look out! Dont get too close to the house_roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of which D.that(6)He sat_against the wall and listened to the teacher_.A.close;close

19、 B.closely;closely C.closely;close D.close;closely(7)The old road has been_since the highway was opened to public use.A.closed to B.closed in C.closed up D.closed over(8)It was raining heavily,and little Mary felt cold,so she stood_to her mother.A.close B.closely C.closed D.closing(9)If the firms fa

20、iled to make enough money,they would_.A.close down off C.turn down D.set off(10)The children mustnt get_the river,its dangerous. A.close B.close to C.closely D.closely to (1)C 邮局附近站着两位女士,她们正密切注视着门口。(2)D 小男孩紧靠着他的父亲坐着,饶有兴趣地仔细听着。closely意为“仔细地” (3)B (4)C商店即将关门(5)A (6)D她靠墙坐着,仔细地听老师讲课。(7)C自从公路通车以后,

21、那条旧公路就被封闭了。close in白昼渐短,包围,封闭,逼近;close up关闭,靠拢,靠紧;close over遮盖,淹没 (8)A (9)A (10)B 21.序数词与a/an连用时,不是表示顺序,而是表示“又;还;再”等意义。 In spite of the first two failures,he tried a third time.尽管前两次失败了,他又试了一次。 He was the first student to come to school today.他是今天第一个到校的学生。First impressions are the most lasting.After

22、 all,you never get the second chance to make the first impression.(改错)将后两个the改为a。很多同学错在第二个空to make a first impression上了。在做题的时候不够细心,因为此题的句意是:第一印象是最持久的。总之,你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象,make a first impression. first为干扰因素。若句意改变为:你没有机会去改变你的第一印象You never get a second ch

23、ance to change the first impression。此处再填the就合情合理了。22.辨析:because与because of because从属连词,后跟一个完整的句子,构成原因状语从句。 He is absent today because he is ill. because of“因为,由于”,复合介词,后跟名词、代词或名词性从句,可置于句首或句中。 I believed him because of what he said. thanks to作状语,多用于表达正面意义,“多亏,幸亏”Thanks to him, Im getting better and b

24、etter. Thanks to your help, we finished the task in time.owing to tu由于,因为Owing to careless driving, he had an accident. There was no game owing to the rain. as a result of因为,作为的结果As a result of this interview, the number was reduced to two.on account of因为 account for说明,讲清The train arrived late on ac

25、count of(=as a result of)a heavy snowdue to 可作状语、表语或后置定语,一般不用于句首。His failure was due to carelessness. He was injured due to (=owing to)a car accident .学法点拔:due作形容词时,意为“预定的,预期的;应付的”;be due to后接名词时,意为“由于/因为”,to为介词;be due to后接动词时,意为“预计/预期做某事”,to为不定式符号。The companys financial losses were due to poor mana

26、gement.公司的财政损失是由于管理不善引起的。The meeting is not due to start until three.会议预计要到3点钟才开始。His book is due to be published in October.他的书预定在十月份出版。due for sth应得到;应有Shes due for promotion soon.她不久就要晋升了。 (1)The open-air celebration has been put off_the bad weather. case of spite of C.instead of D.beca

27、use of (2)From space,the earth looks blue. This is_about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water. A.why C.because D.whether (3)Being a pop star can be quite a hard life,with a lot of travelling_heavy schedule. A.with regard to relation to to D.owing to(4)I want you to_

28、every cent you spent.A.count on B.account for C.make for D.go for(5)Any money that is_to you will be paid before the end of the month.A.prepared B.due C.dull D.payable(6)My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;_,he could neither eat nor a result B.after all C.any way D.otherwi

29、se(7)_the heavy rain,the baseball game was interrupted and had to be put off.A.Due to B.Owing to C.Thanks to D.As a result(8)The policeman said the accident last night_careless driving,so much money_be paid by the driver.A.was due to;was due to B.due to;was due to due to;is due to due to;w

30、as due to(9)Justin kicked the ball into his own goal.It was_his stupidity that we won the game.A.owing to B.according to C.close to D.thanks to(10)How about your rock climbing? Very exciting._the gloves you bought me.I was able to avoid hurting my hands.A.Result from B.In case of C.Thanks to D.In ad

31、dition to(11)The bus was due to_at 5 pm,but it arrived one hour late due to_by the heavy fog.A.arrive;having been held up B.arrive;have been held upC.arriving;be held up D.having arrived;having been held up(12)Why did the project come to stop halfway?It was partly d_to financial difficulties.(13)Did you remember to pay the telephone bill?The telephone bill? That isnt_(到期)yet. (1)D (2)C (3)D作为一个流行歌手,他们的生活相当艰苦,由于

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