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1、英语高等考试的实词与虚词.英语的虚词与实词虚词 虚词没有实在乎义,不可以独立担当句子成分,包含冠词、介词、连词和叹息词 :并且还有一个重要的特色,那就是,虚词没有词形的变化:一、冠词 (art.) :用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如: a , an , the.1.不定冠词 :a, an2.定冠词: the二、介词 (prep.) :表示它后边的名词或代词与其余句子成分的关系。 如 in ,on ,from ,above ,behind, across,against,along, around,among,before,below, beneath,besides, beyond,despite

2、,during,except,front,including,inside,like,into, next,near, of,onto,out, outof,outside, over,owningto, per,regarding,since,through,till,towards,under,unlike,until,up,upon,via, while, with,within,without1.简单介词:是由一个单词构成的介词。可分为三类:一般介词 :如 at , by , for , from , in ,of ,on , to , with 等合成介词 :如 onto , int

3、o , within 等分词介词:如 including 等2.二重介词:是由两个简单介词连用而构成的介词。 如: from behind , since before , until after 等3.短语介词:是由两个或两个以上的词所构成的短语构成的介词。如: in front of , because of , instead of等三、连词 (conj.) :用来连结词、短语或句子。 按在句子中的作用可分为并列连词和附属连词:After, although, also, and, anywhere, as, as long as, as soon as, because, before

4、, both and but,.considering, either or even if, even so, even though, everywhere, for, hence, however, if, in case,in order that, instead of, likewise, never, nevertheless, not only but also, now that, once, or,otherwise, regardless, since, so, so that, such that, thus, till, until, unless, when, wh

5、enever, wherever,whether, where, while1.并列连词表示平行或平等关系的并列连词: and ,both and , as well as, not only but also , neither nor 等表示转折关系的并列连词 :but , yet , while 等表示选择关系的并列连词: or , either or 等表示因果关系的并列连词: for , so 等2.附属连词:是指引从句的连词指引名词性从句的连词:that , whether,if指引副词性从句的连词:when ,while, as,since ,before , after , o

6、nce , assoonas, until , till ,because , now that, although, though , even if ,even though , no matter how, no matter what,whatever ,however,whetheror , if , unless , so long as , as long as ,in order that, so that ,sothat , as if , as though,than, where , wherever等四、代词 (pron.) :主要用来取代名词。如:all, anoth

7、er, any, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, every,everybody, everything,he, her,himself, themselves, itself, I, it, me, mine, yours,neither, nobody,none, nothing, other, others, so, some, something, someone, that, these, they, this, those, us, what,whatever, when, whenever, who, whoever, whose

8、,五、叹息词 (interj.) 表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如: oh ,well , hi , hello.一篇文章 10 个空, 一般 7 个空是 有提示词的 , 相当于用所给词的正确形式填空; 此外 3个是 没有提示词的 ,需要我们填入连词,代词,介词,冠词等虚词。1) . 名词前面一般用冠词,代词或介词等。. A young man, while traveling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water. _ water was sweet. Besides, shopping at this time of the

9、 year was not _ pleasant experience. The young man went home _ a happy heart. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for _ great works._ time going by, the boy has grown into a strong man. .The girl danced _ the music of Paul Mallrat s band.( 2 ) . 缺主语或宾语,一般填代词。. Here are two bags. The blue _ is mine. Suddenly

10、the wall moved _ was made of trees. New technologies have made _ possible to turn out new products faster._ is important for our students to exercise one hour every day.( 3 ) . 并列的两个或多个单词,短语,或句子之间设空,一般填入并列连词 and, but, or 等。. Each winner receives a gold medal, a diploma _ a sum of money. He was very

11、tired from doing this for a whole day, _ he felt very happy. Which do you prefer, folk music _ pop music?(4 ). 两句之间, 假如不是并列句, 则很可能是主从句, 所以需要填入附属连词 ( what , which , who, how, when 等)。比方宾语从句,定语从句或许是状语从句的连结词。这种空格需要同学们依据句子构造,剖析到底是什么从句,进而选择适合的附属连词。 . Finally he reached a lonely island _ was completely cu

12、t off from the outside world. _hard your try, it is difficult to lose weight. . If you happen to get lost in the wild, you d better stay _ you are. _we have enough evidence, we cannot win the case. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from_ their parents speak

13、at home.At the same time, there had been a growing number of overseas students _came back to China after study.My face turned red on hearing _ my mother said. ._ she couldn t understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in herlessons.It was the ability to do the job _ matters not where

14、you come from or what you are.No sooner had she gone out_ a student came to visit her.实词是指有实在乎义, 能独立担当句子成分 的词,包含名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词和数词。并且还有一个重要的特色,那就是,实词有词形的变化,特别是动词,堪称变化无常:1 、名词 (n.) :表示人、事物、地址或抽象观点的名称。如: boy , morning , bag , ball , class , orange.2 、形容词 (adj.) :表示人或事物的性质或特色。如: good ,right , white , o

15、range .3、数词 (num.):表示数量或事物的次序。如:one , two , three , first , second , third , fourth.4、动词 (v.) :表示动作或状态。如: am , is ,are , have ,see .5、副词 (adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其余副词,说明时间、地址、程度等。如:well , very ,here, often ,quietly , slowly.构词法 Word Formation在英语中词的构成方式主要有三种: 合成、转变和派生。一、合成 Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。方式: 1. 直接写在

16、一同。 2. 用连字符 (-) 连结。 3. 由两个分开的词构成。(1)合成形容词方式例词1形容词形容词red-hot2形容词名词first-class, full-time, part-time3形容词此刻分词good-looking, free-thinking,4形容词过去分词ready-made5形容词名词 -edgood-tempered, middle-aged, cold-blooded6名词名词 -ediron-willed7名词形容词world-famous, day-long8名词此刻分词beauty-loving, freedom-loving, job-hunting,

17、9名词过去分词man-made, water-covered,10副词形容词ever-green11副词此刻分词hard-working, far-seeing12副词过去分词well-prepared, quickly-cured, well-known.13数词名词five-year14数词名词 + 形容词five-year-old15数词名词 -edfour-legged, six-storied(2)合成动词构成方式例词1名词动词day-dream2副词动词overcome, upturn翻起3形容词动词white-wash(3)合成名词构成方式例词1名词名词horseback , b

18、ank-note, newspaper, cellphone,2形容词名词back-yard, forehead,3动名词名词hiding place, reading-room4动词副词get-off, break in,5副词动词output, overflow(4)合成副词 however, maybe, wherever, whenever, forever(5)合成代词 whoever, whatever, everyone, nobody, myself, something, anything,二、派生 Derivation前缀前缀 含义 例词a- 处在 arise, aside

19、, alone.en-使可能enrich, enable, enslavedis-不,否认dissatisfy, dishonest, disappear, disorder, disagreeun-不unable, unknown, uncommon, uncomfortable, unfair,做相反动作unclose, undress, uncover, untiein-inactive, incapable, inpatient, incorrectim-不,非impossible, impersonal, impolite, immature, impracticalir-irreg

20、ular, irresponsibleil-illogical,non-不,非non existent, non-interference, non-conductor, non-stopde-向相反方向发展Decentralize (分别) , defrost (解冻)anti-反(对)anti-freeze, anti-fascistmis-错误的,坏的misdoings, misunderstand, misfortunere重复,再rewrite, remarry, reunite, recycle,co-共同co-exist, co-operate, co-educationex从前

21、的Ex-husband, ex-presidenttele远程telephone, telegraph, telescopesuper-在上边,超级supermarket, superpower,under-在 之下underline, underestimate, underground,inter-互相,之间international, interact, inter-changesub-下,次subtitle, submarine, subconscious, subcontinent,trans-过,穿过,变transformation( 变形 ), translatevice-副vi

22、ce-premier, vice-president.semi-半semifinal, semicircle, semi-automaticbi两个bicycle, biennial 两年一次的tri三个triangle 三角形 , tricycle 三轮脚踏车 , triplets三胞胎mul-多,多种multiply, multi-national, multi-colouredkilo-千kilometre, kilogram后缀后 缀例 词-er-ess-or-ar-ese名 -ian词 -ist-ent/-afarmer, weaver, pain-killer, murderer,

23、speaker, cooker, recorder, heateractress, waitress, princess, hostessconductor, sailor, transistor, operator,beggarChinese, Portuguese, Japanesemusician, Egyptian, physicianscientist, dentist, communist, socialist,assistant,villager,stranger,nt-ment-nessargument, judgment, governmenthappiness, great

24、ness, illness, coldness, sleeplessness-tiondictation, preparation, repetition, action, information, invention-ingbuilding, wedding, painting.-ship-age-ty-th-ance-ence-ful-al-y-dom-ismleadership, friendship, hardshipshortage, marriage, leakageloyalty, cruelty, penalty, sixty, twenty, thirty, certaint

25、ytruth, warmth, length, growth, fifteenth, fourthacceptance, assistance, reliance, appearancedependence, confidence, reference, entrance, defencemouthful, handful, plateful,refusal, denial, arrivaldifficulty, possibility,freedom, wisdom, kingdomsocialism, materialism注意: -ese, -ian, -ist 既能够构成名词,又能够构

26、成形容词。-er构成的名词,既有表示人的,又有表示物的。后缀例词-alcentral, industrial, national, natural-anEuropean, American, Australian-erneastern, northern, southern-ablreasonable,horrible,terrible,believable,comfortable,eforgettable, sensible-fulcareful, cheerful, grateful, faithful,-ishchildish, Swedish, selfish.-ive-y形 -les

27、s容destructive, collective, active, creative, effective thirsty, dirty, windy, sunny, cloudy, healthy, funny careless, hopeless, helpless, homeless, limitlesssleepless,fearless,词 -en-ous-ary-ic-sogolden, wooden, woolencourageous, famous, continuous, serious, variousimaginary, revolutionary, secondaryrealistic, historic, poetictroublesome,

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