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1、高三基础知识天天练 英语阶段考评5人教版阶段考评(五)(必修五)本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How does the man find the paper?AIts very hard for him to finish it on time.BIts

2、very easy for him to finish it on time.CWe dont know.2How much money has the woman borrowed from the man?ATwenty dollars.BEighty dollars.COne hundred dollars.3Who likes the bicycle less?AThe man. BTom. CThe woman.4What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BFriends.

3、CPatient and doctor.5How did the woman like the movie?AShe liked the movie very much.BShe thought it was boring.CShe thought it was just so so.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68题

4、。6What do we know about Jim?AHe has been absent from school for six days.BHe has been ill over the past few days.CHe doesnt like Mrs.Smiths lessons.7How many classes has Jim had?A6. B4. C2.8What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman will help with Jims lessons.BThe woman is worried about Jim

5、s lessons.CJim will not be able to pass the exam.听第7段材料,回答第911题。9Where does this conversation take place?AAt a stadium.BAt an exhibition.CAt a theatre.10Why does the man stop the woman?AShe has no ticket for her dog.BIts against the rule to bring a dog in.CHer dog is behaving badly.11What will the w

6、oman do next?ALeave immediately.BBring her dog in.CBuy a ticket for her dog.听第8段材料,回答第1214题。12On what day does this conversation take place?ASaturday. BMonday. CWednesday.13What is the mans new apartment like?AIt has many different rooms for children.BIt is a wonderful building with a big yard.CTher

7、es not much space inside,but a large back garden.14What are the man and his family unlikely to do in their new apartment?AHave a swim.BPark their car inside.CPlay a game outside.听第9段材料,回答第1517题。15How does the woman feel when she meets the man?ANervous. BSurprised. CHappy.16How many children does the

8、 woman have?ATwo. BThree. CFour.17Who most probably insisted on having so many children?AThe man.BThe mans wife.CThe mans mother.听第10段材料,回答第1820题。18When did the speaker buy his ticket?AThis Monday morning.BAt least two weeks ago.CLast Monday morning.19How did the speaker go to the airport?ABy train.

9、 BBy car. CBy bus.20What can we learn about the speaker?AHe went directly to the airport from his home.BHe has been in a plane only once.CHe was very excited from the very beginning of the flight.答案:15 BBABA610 BCBCB1115 BCBAB1620 ACBCB录音材料:(Text 1)W: I find it very hard to finish the paper on time.

10、M: This is how you feel.As for me,its only a piece of cake.(Text 2)W: Well,Jim,could you please lend me another twenty dollars?I want to buy a pair of shoes.M: If I lend it to you,that will be one hundred dollars youve borrowed from me.(Text 3)W: Tom likes the bicycle his father bought.What do you t

11、hink of the bicycle?M: I dont think I like it as much as he does.(Text 4)W: Hello,Mike.Its a nice day,isnt it?How about going for a walk?M: Id love to,but Im not feeling well now.I think I caught a cold.W: Oh,Im sorry to hear that.(Text 5)M: I did enjoy the movie with WilliamSHart playing the lead i

12、n it.W: So did I!Although at the beginning I thought it was going to be a boring one.(Text 6)W: Oh,Id like to discuss your sons attendance.M: Mrs.Smith,Im really sorry about Jims not being in class yesterday.W: Actually,its been several days.Counting from today,weve only had six classes,yet hes alre

13、ady missed four.He wont be able to pass the exam if he continues to do this.M: Sorry.He doesnt feel well these days.But Ill try my best to help with his lessons.(Text 7)M: Im sorry,Miss,but dogs arent allowed in.W: But I have a ticket for him.M: Im very sorry,but its the rule.W: You dont understand.

14、This is a special case.My dog is so well trained and so intelligent that hes almost a human.M: I see that you have an exceptional animal,but.W: I promise you that if theres any problem,well leave the theater immediately.I assure you that this dog isnt like any other dogs youve ever seen.M: Well.all

15、right.Ill let you in,since the theater is almost empty tonight.But your dog will have to behave himself,or youll have to leave.(Text 8)W: Have you moved to your new apartment yet,Fred?M: Yes,we moved in last Saturday.Weve been there for five days.W: So,how do you like it?M: Oh,its great!Theres plent

16、y of room.Its quiet,too.W: Yeah?Uh,whats the building like?Does it have a pool?M: No,it doesnt have a pool,but downstairs theres an area outside the house with a solid floor but no roof,where we can sit and eat.And theres also a big yard for the kids to play in and a garage for our car.W: It sounds

17、nice.M: It is.Why dont you come over this weekend and see it?W: OK.Id like to.(Text 9)W: My goodness!Is that you,Mr.Lee?This is the last place Id expect to see you!M: Me,too.My old friend,how is it going?W: Oh,I cant complain.What about you?M: Ah,the same,I guess.How is your family?W: My husband and

18、 I have a son and a daughter.They are both in primary school now and they both keep me very busy.If I remember correctly,you have two daughters and two sons,dont you?M: Thats right.All our children often make my wife and I quarrel.What if we hadnt listened to my mother?W: Its no use saying that.What

19、 you need to do is earn more to support the family.By the way,are you still working in the post office?M: Yes,but I plan to change next year.I might become a businessman.W: You mean,youd like to start a business?M: Yes.Id like to start a fast food restaurant near my home.W: Oh,good luck.(Text 10)M:

20、You asked me if I have ever been in a plane in your last email.Of course,I have.Now I will tell you how I like it.Last Monday I flew to Singapore.Two weeks before that I went to the office in Kuala Lumpur and bought my ticket.Then very early on Monday morning.I went to the office again with my lugga

21、ge and got into the bus with other passengers.The bus took us to the airport.There people took our luggage and put it in the plane,and then,after about twenty minutes,we got in,too.I was a little afraid at first,because it was my first ride in a plane,but a kind airhostess brought us some sweets and

22、 spoke to me,and soon I was quite happy again.It was very interesting.When we got out of the plane,I said,“I like flying!”第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21My interests include football,bowling and surfing the web _ studying my favorite subjects.Aas well a

23、s Binstead ofCless than Drather than答案与解析:A从句意看,应该选用表示并列的词,故选A项。句意为:我的兴趣包括足球、保龄球和网上冲浪,还有学习喜欢的学科。22My daughter _ in a restaurant for the summer,but she doesnt like it very much.Aworked Bis workingCwas working Dworks答案与解析:B考查动词时态的用法。句意为“我女儿这个夏天要到餐馆工作,但是她不太喜欢做。”从but连接的第二个分句的时态和含义可知第一分句的时态是现在时,故排除A和C,而D

24、项则表达经常性的动作和状态,和句意不符。is working 在此是进行时表达将来时含义。故选B。本题容易误选其他答案,主要是对时态的含义掌握不准。23Do you think he will attend the meeting this afternoon?_.AI hope not BI dont hope soCI dont think it DI hope he will答案与解析:AI hope not意为“我不希望如此。”此处是对“你认为他会参加今天下午的会议吗?”的希望。没有I dont hope so这种结构;C项应该是I dont think so;D项不符合英语习惯。24

25、On AIDS day,the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _ paid special attention to.Areferred to being Breferred to beCrefer to being Drefer to be答案与解析:Breferred to是过去分词作定语修饰the problems,表示被动的关系;demand之后的宾语从句用should动词原形,be是should be的省略。25I always have so many things to _ when I come

26、 back to the company after a trip abroad.Aadd to Bcontribute toCattend to Dappeal to答案与解析:Cattend to此处相当于deal with,意为“处理”。26Are you going to have a holiday this year?Id love to.I cant wait to leave this place _.Aoff BoutCbehind Dover答案与解析:C答语的第二句句意为:我迫不及待地想离开这个地方了。27The construction of the two new r

27、ailway lines _ by now.Ahas been completed Bhave been completedChas completed Dhave completed答案与解析:A主语是construction,并且construction和complete之间是被动关系,所以答案选A项。28The old man who _ in the deserted house alone for ten years has been settled in a nursing home now.Alived Bhad livedChas lived Dhas been living

28、答案与解析:A考查动词时态的用法。句意为“那个在孤零零的房子里独居了10年的老人现在已经搬进了养老院。”独居10年是过去的动作,和现在搬进养老院进行对比,所以使用一般过去时,故选A。29All the preparations for the task _ and were ready to start.Acompleted BcompleteChad been completed Dhave been completed答案与解析:D根据语境,首先确定用现在完成时;由于句子的主语是动作的承受者,所以要用被动语态。故只有D项符合题意。30A good story does not necess

29、arily have to have a happy ending,but the reader must not be left _.Aunsatisfied BunsatisfyingCto be unsatisfying Dbeing satisfied答案与解析:A题干中的leave是使役动词,意为“使处于某种状态”,可接宾语补足语表示宾语所处的状态或感受。该题中leave是承受者是readers,与后面的unsatisfied之间是被动关系,所以选A项。31No matter how well the plan is made,it wont be carried out until

30、 the government leader _ it.Aagrees BadmitsCapproves Dacquires答案与解析:C考查动词的意义和用法。approve为及物动词,表示“批准,通过(计划、提案等)。”而agree表示“同意”,为不及物动词,不能直接加宾语;admit表示“承认”,一般表示对自己做过事情的确认;acquire表示“获得”,不符合句意。32If anyone ever catches _ of the mugger anywhere,please call the police at once.Aview BglimpseCglance Dsight答案与解析:Dcatch sight of“看见”,强调突出一下子“看见”;view意为“观察”,不与catch构成短语;glimpse“瞥见”,与catch构成短语时,前面应带有不定冠词a;glance表示“(有意识地)看”,后面常跟介词at。

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