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1、秋深圳九年级上册英语unit12单元测试之欧阳理创编九年级(上)Unit 1-2 综合单元能力测试题时间:2021.03.05创作:欧阳理姓名: 日期:I. 词语释义(15分)( )1. -What do you think of the coming exam, Pauline?-I am not certain whether it will be easy or not.A.sure B. surprised C. happy( )2. -Never give up and you will make it.-Youre correct.A.wrong B. interesting C.

2、 right( )3.-Ive made some new friends here. -Thats a pleasure.A. boring thingB-. happything C. sad thing( )4.-Linda, remember tofillthe bath with warm water. -OK,1 will.A. make.full of B.make.worried about C. make.busy with( )5. -Its not good for you to play a joke on the blind man. -Im sorry I wont

3、 do that again.A. say bad things about B. smile at C. make fun of( )6.-If you dont obey the school rules, youll be punished. -I see.A.break B.follow C.make( )7. -Almost everyone feels surprised at the result.-You can say that again. Angela won first prize without difficulty.A. very easily B. very ha

4、rd C. very badly( ) 8. -Theyre in trouble. How can we help them?-We can ask Mr. Lee for help.A . getting good news. B, listening to a lecture C. meetinga problem( ) 9. A person who is usually has much courageA. certain B. brave C. correct( )10. A(n)refers to a wise person.A.mind B. artist

5、( )11. If Tim receives an he is invited to a place or something.A.invitation B. advertisement C. adventure( )12-Dont add anything to the coffee or it will . -But the coffee tastes bad without sugar.A. rush out B. act out C. run over( )13. -1 can hardly believe Ford can be so excellent now. After all

6、, he was awful in the past.-In fact, last months lecture is a . Since then, hes changed a lot.A. Sense of humour B. turning point C. news( )14, -Maybe Paulis right butI neverhim-Me either. He cannot get along well with others so he has few friends.A.solve B. avoid )15.-If you want to lose w

7、eight, you have tosweets,oil and fat.-Its a piece of cake for me. But I seldom take exercise.A.fill Bavoid C.solve,完形填空(15分)Mr. James travelled to Moscow on holiday by air. When he got onto the 16 . he looked for a 17 seat because he would love window seats like others. A moment later, he found ther

8、e was only one window seat.A 18 man was sitting near it. To his surprise, the fat man didnt take it. Then Mr. James 19 went towards n. But he saw a notice on the seat, 20 said. “This seat is kept for proper load(负荷)balance. Thank you.” Mr. James had _21 seen such a notice in a plane before, but he t

9、hought the plane must be carrying something specially 22 , so he walked on and found another empty seat, but not by a window to sit in. Several passengers tried to sit in the window seat 23 the fat man, but when they read the notice,They went away. When the plane was almost full, a very 24 hurried i

10、n. The fat man quickly took the notice off the seat and in this way he 25 the company(陪伴) of the girl during the whole trip.( ) 16. A. plane B. train C . bus( )17. A. front B.middle C.window( )18.A. thin B.fat C.short( )19. A. slowly B. suddenly C. quickly( )20. A. which B. who C. what( ) 21. A. oft

11、en B. never C. always( )22. A. heavy B. light C. cheap( )23. A. far from to C.out of( ) 24.A. tall boy B.oldman C.beautiful girl( )25.A. succeeded in having B.filled with having C. failed to have.阅读理解(30分)AA few people have a very poor sense of direction. Unluckily, I am one of them. I have v

12、isited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.When I was a little girl, I never dared to ask strangers the way. And so I used to walk around in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.Now, I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, b

13、ut I often receive helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere,I would say,. Sorry,I am a stranger here.”Once on my way to workI was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building

14、. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didnt want to keep him waiting.When Ijust got to my office, t

15、he secretary showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight.( )26. The writer always refuses to give people directions becauseA. She is a stranger to the city B. she doesnt know the peopleC. she has

16、no time to help others D. shes afraid of giving wrong direction ( )27.A man stopped the writer on the way toA.Sell her something B. ask her the time C. Makefriendswithher D.askherforthedhecton( )28. The Friendship Building is the place where the writerA.lives B. studies C. works D.teaches( )29. Whic

17、h of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer is too shy to give others directions.B. The writer has a very poor sense of directiornC, The writer never got lost when she was youngD. The nan was quite nervous when he saw the writer.( )30. What willprobably happen according to the

18、passage?A. The writer will say thank you to the man B. The writer will say 6sorry to the manC. The writer will be angry with the man. D. The writer will shout at the man.B“So, your kids must love the iPad? “I asked Steve Jobs, who ran Apple before Cook, CEO of Apple now.“They havent usedit,” Jobs to

19、ld me. “We limit(限制)how much technology our kids use at home.”On hearing his answer, I respond with a silence. I had imagined the Jobs had a house with huge touch Screens on the walls, the dining table made from tiles of iPads and iPods handed out to guests. Since then, !ve met quite a few CEOs of t

20、he tech companies who say similar things: They strictly limit Their childrens screen time, seldom allowing all electronic devices (设备) on school nights and encouraging given time limits on weekends. I was confused by this parentine stvle. After all, most parents seem to take the opposite method, let

21、ting children enjoy the fun from tablets(平板电脑),smartphones and computers, day and nightYet these tech CEOs seem to know something the rest of us dont.( )31. Who runs Apples now?A.Jobs. BCook. C. The writer. D. We dont know.( ) 32. Which of the following belongst. “this Darenting stvIe” in Paragraph

22、3A. Tech CEOs never limit their childrens screen time.B. Tech CEOs allow all electronic devices on school nights for their kids.C. Most parents dont limit their kids screen time.D. Tech CEOs encourage given time limits on Saturdays and Sundays for their children.( )33. In the writers imagination, Jo

23、bs house hadA.Very large screens on the walls B. A dining table which was made from tiles of iPadsCiPods given to guests D. All the above( )34. When the writer heard Jobs answer, he feltA.excited Bsurprised C bored DFrightened( ) 35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. Steve

24、 Jobs andApple. B.Tech CEOs are low-tech parents.C. Children and electronic devices D. Electronic devices at school.CSam dreamed of having a dog as his friend, but Mum didnt let him keep one because there wasnt room for it at home. His dream came true when a new neighbor, Mr. Brown, moved in with a

25、lovely dog named Bailey. Sam was very happy. After school he played with Bailey and trained her. Sometimes Bailey stared at Sam with her bright eyes that seemed to say“ We are best friends”,One day Sam came home afier school. He saw Bailey looking over the fence, whining (呜咽). Sam dropped his bag an

26、d ran to the fence. In the garden half-lying against the tree was Mr. Brown. He had a fall and broke his ankle. Sam called an ambulance immediately. When Mr. Brown was in hospital, Sam looked after Bailey and took her for a walk every day. He also trained Bailey to sit and shake hands with people. A

27、t the pet show, Bailey won a prize for the best trained dog. Afier Mr. Brown came home from hospital, they ate a welcome home cake happily.( ) 36. Was Bailey Sams own dog?A. Yes,itwas. B No,itwasnt C. It was Sams friends. D. It was Mr. Browns friends.( ) 37. How did Sam and Bailey become best friend

28、s?A.Sam loved dogs very much. B.They were good neighbours.C. He played with Bailey all the.time. D .Sam looked after her and trained her.( ) 38. What happened to Mr. Brown? A. He lost his dog B.He cut down a tree.C. He fell down and broke down his ankle. D. He was looking over the fence, whining.( )

29、 39. How did Sam know something had happened in the garden?A.Bailey showed him. B. Mr. Brown was whining in the garden C.He saw Mr. Brown half-lying against the tree. D.Sam got the news on his way home after school( ) 40. From the story we know .A.Sam loved his own dog very much B. Mr. Brown and Sam

30、 trained the dogC. Sam and Bailey got a prize at a pet show D .dogs can be peoples good friends if we are good to themDChinese medical experts sent to West Africa have trained 10,202 local staff to treat Ebola(埃博拉)patients,The Health News,a newspaper affiliated with(隶属于)the National Health and Famil

31、y Planning Commission (NHFPC), reported Friday.China has sent 64 Ebola experts to West Africa since 9 November, 2014. They have trained 5,093 doctors, Nurses and community health workers for Sierra Leone; 1,823 for Liberia; 1,481 for the Republic of Guinea; and 1,805 for six other countries in the r

32、egion including Senegal. The task was Chinas first overseas health training Programme, allowing China to pass on knowledge and experience gained from dealing with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS), according to the Health News.Since the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, China has offered medical aid, and sent health personnel to help with treatme

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