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山西省初三英语上人教版Unit1综合检测 无答案.docx

1、山西省初三英语上人教版Unit1综合检测 无答案2019年山西省初三英语上人教版U1综合检测1、单项选择1. I got Lindas phone number _ asking her friends so I could contect her last weekend.A. with B. by C. fromD. at2. _ you want to know more about the product, please look through this website.A. If B. After C. ThoughD. Unless3. When Tony got into th

2、e classroom, he surprisingly _ that nobody was there.A. discovered B. repeatedC. memorized D. remembered4.If you read a sentence and _each word that you dont know in the dictionary, youll often misunderstand its meaning.A. pick up B. look up C. cut up D. mix up5. What do you think of Tom?He hardly s

3、peaks. Its difficult _ what hes thinking.A. know B. stop C. to know D. to stop6. The movie is _ interesting _ I have watched it three times.A. enough; to B. such; that C. too; to D. so; that7. Our teacher says that _ we practice, _ our spoken English will be.A. more; better B. the more; the betterC.

4、 more; the better D. the more; better8. Lindas father is strict with her, so she is afraid _ him what has happened to her.A. of telling B. to tellingC. of showing D. to showing9. Jenny, have you found _ in todays newspaper?Yes. Its all about NPC & CPPCC.A. everything special B. special everythingC.

5、special anything D. anything special10. I dont have much work to do this week._. In fact, you need more time to relax.A. I hope not B. That doesnt sound too badC. I agree D. Thats a great idea2、完形填空A primary school in Canada has made some of its students very1by banning (禁止)homework.Teachers will st

6、ill be able to ask students to2and read at home, but they cannot give them homework like pages of math problems. The school will3 the way students spend time in class to make sure they dont fall behind in their work.Some4think its a bad idea. They say homework is a way for them to know how their chi

7、ldren are doing in school, and to help them if they are having problems.The school says it will send home an exercise book5 parents can see how their children are doing.Several schools in Canada and the United States have been discussing6homework is a good idea or not.In 2009, a study7that students

8、with more homework may get higher marks. But this was only true for students in the seventh grade and higher, not in primary school.Many people believe that homework is important because it23children to manage their time better. They say it also reinforces (巩固)what the students are learning in schoo

9、l. But other people think homework causes stress for students and makes them less interested8learning. They say childrens lives are too9, and they need to be able to spend more free time with their families, or just playing. 1.A.sad B.happy C.angry B.sing D.dance3.A.change B

10、.stop D.continue4.A.students B.parents C.teachers B.but C.or D.if6.A.why B.whether D.what7.A.told B.guessed C.tested D.found8.A.tells B.forces C.teaches C.on B.interesting C.relaxing D.busy 3、阅读理解A Did you know the meaning of a word m

11、ay change over time? Many English words we know now had different meanings a long time ago. One example is the word nice. Around the year 1300, nice was first used in English to mean stupid(silly). Two hundred years later, nice began to carry a better meaning. If people said a book was written nicel

12、y, they meant the book was written clearly or carefully, not stupidly. After 1800, nice began to take its meaning like kind or friendly. Since then, people have thought of nice as a word with good meanings. A good change of a words meaning like this example of nice is called AMELIORATION. Though we

13、dont use nice to mean stupid any more, it is fun to know how much a words meaning can change from its start! For more examples of AMELIORATION, see next page. 1. The passage is most probably taken from .A. the Internet B. a newspaper C. a guidebook D. a magazine2. 1300 years ago, when people said a

14、nice person, they meant a person.A. smart B. happy C. stupid D. lovely3. The second paragraph is mainly about .A. what nice used to meanB. how long nice has been usedC. why the meaning of nice changedD. how the meaning of nice changed over time4. The word AMELIORATION means a words meaning .A. can c

15、hange from its start B. changes from bad to goodC. changes from good to bad D. remains the same over time5. What will you most probably find on the next page?A. The meaning of the word nice changed in some other ways.B. The meanings of some other words changed in different ways.C. The word silly use

16、d to mean happy, but now it means stupid.D. The word terrific used to mean terrible, but now it means excellentBThepurposeofstudentswhocometoschoolistostudy.Butstudyingneedsrightways,orwewouldwastethetimeorthemoney.Thefollowingarewaysofstudying.Thebesttimeforreadingismorning.Becauseinthemorningtheai

17、risfreshandourmindsareclear.Forthatreason,wecangetgoodresults.Whenwestudy,wemustbepatient.Ifwedontunderstandatextwell,wemustreaditagain.WeshouldnotreadthenextuntilwehavelearnedthefirstonewellWhenwearestudying,wemustputourheartsintothebook. Wecantreadabsentmindedly,_orwecouldgetnothingfromthebookwhil

18、ewearereading.Wemustalwaysask“why”.Ifwecantunderstandwell,writeitdownandaskourteachersorparents, brothersorfriends,inanypossibleway.Wemustknowitcompletelyandthenourknowledgecanbeusedwell.Thoughtherearemanywaysofstudying,however,theabovementionedwillbehelpfulifwecankeeptheminheart.1. Morningisthebest

19、timeforreadingbecause_.AwecanbemorepatientBwecanhaveagoodtimeCwecanrelaxourselvesDtheairisfreshandourmindsareclear2.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“absentmindedly”meaninChinese?A仔细认真地 B慢慢地C心不在焉地D心情愉悦地()3.Ifwedontunderstandatextwell,_.AweshouldreaditagaintillweunderstanditBweshouldcopyothersanswersCwedontd



22、studywemustbepatient.Ifwedontunderstandatextwell,wemustreaditagain.Weshouldnotreadthenextuntilwehavelearnedthefirstonewell.Whenwearestudying,wemustputourheartsintothebook.Wecannotreadabsent-mindedly(心不在焉地),orwecouldgetnothingfromthebookwhilewearereading.Wemustalwaysask“why”Ifwecantunderstandwell, wr

23、iteitdownandaskourteachersorparents,brothersor friends,inanypossibleways.Wemustknowitcompletelyandthenourknowledgecanbeusedwell.Thoughtherearemanywaysforstudying,however,theabovementioned(提到的)willbehelpfulifwecankeeptheminheart.1.Morningisthebesttimeforreadingbecause_.AwecanbemorepatientBwecanhaveag



26、BDontWasteTimeCBePatientDLearntoAsk“Why”D“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!”says Englishtown student Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty, and in just a few years, she has made great progress!Ellen chose to study on Englishtown because no

27、evening classes were offered in the German countryside where she lives. On Englishtown, she has conversation classes online and speaks with native English-speaking teachers.“Englishtown is a wonderful place for study,”she says. Ellen began with the first level (水平)of Englishtown and quickly progress

28、ed.“I spent hours and hours studying,”she said.“Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my courses after 2 years, but I still had grammar difficulties.”Instead of giving up, she chose to continue. After another two years on Englishtown, shes still studying in the online classroom.“St

29、udying online is never boring, but you need practice, practice, practice!”Ellen says studying English isnt all about hard work. It should also be fun.“I really like the online conversation classrooms,”she says.“I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.”Ellen has been able to put he

30、r English to use by visiting England five times!“Im very thankful to Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,” Ellen says.1.When did Ellen start to learn English?2. Why did Ellen study English on Englishtown?3. What did Ellen have trouble in?4. How long has Ellen learned English?5.What does the passage mainly tell us?4、词语运用从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,每空一词。downanotherfastusepronouncee

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