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秋四年级英语上册 Unit3 My Friends教学设计 新版人教PEP.docx

1、秋四年级英语上册 Unit3 My Friends教学设计 新版人教PEP2019年(秋)四年级英语上册 Unit3 My Friends教学设计 (新版)人教PEP一、教学内容:Book 3 Unit 3 B Lets talk. 二、教材分析:本课时是PEP教材 Unit3 My friends B部分的第五课时,是有关询问朋友的姓名,描述朋友的外貌特征与爱好。它综合了本单元的三类句型,以串成对话的形式出现,正是本单元的难点所在。三、学情分析:四年级阶段的小学生,是小学英语学习的重要时期。学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础。四、教学目标:知识目标:1.能够认读本课的单词和句型.2.能理解cha

2、nt 等部分的内容.能力目标:1能够提问和回答别人的姓名: Whats hisher name? His Her name is .2能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有or句子。3能吟唱 Lets chant 中的歌谣.情感目标:注重培养学生严谨的学习态度和与人交往的能力.培养学生交朋友的能力,明白人多力量大的道理,培养学生的团结合作的能力和助人为乐的精神.五、教学方法:游戏教学法,合作式教学法六、教学重难点:教学重点:Whats his her name? His Her name is 教学难点:区分Whats his her name? His Her name is 的用法以及

3、he, she, his, her 的区别.七、设计理念:本课教学内容贴近学生的生活实际,便于学以致用,体现学科整合理念,促进学生多元智能的发展。因此,我抓住这个特点,以询问别人的姓名,描述人的特征、爱好为主题,设计活动,让学生有话可说,有话想说,给学生一个说话的空间、交流的情景、展示的机会。八、教学过程:Step1: Step 1 Warm-up1Greeting设计意图:师生之间互相问候是一堂课的开始,也是很重要的环节,良好的问候不但能拉近师生间的距离,体现一种民主、平等、合作、交流的思想。2Sing a song :Friends设计意图:集中了学生的注意力,为学生营造一个轻松和谐的氛围

4、,也给孩子们创造了学习英语的环境。 3Review:lets do 设计意图:让孩子们在做做唱唱中复习一节课的学习,既活跃了课堂气氛,同时为本课内容的学习做下铺垫。4 Look and say : who is she/he? (she/he is) Whats does she/he like?( music, sports, paint, science, computer games)设计意图:通过看看说说,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣的同时,也培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力.还复习了上节课的内容,同时也为本课内容的学习打下牢固的基础. 5They are my friends ,

5、my friends.设计意图:通过复习上节课的内容,引出今天的课题Step 2 Presentation1listen and answer: ask one student to close his eyes, invite a boy stand, and then ask: Boy or girl ? Whats his name? (板书: whats his name ? His name is )设计意图: 通过这个活动,引入了新知识or 的用法.让学生理解会用. 通过猜猜,引出了本节课的重点句型. 2I have a friend, do you want to know?(S

6、s:yes ),now listen carefully, she is tall and thin, she has short hair, she likes Chinese,she is in our classroom, Guess Whats her name ? Her name is .(板书: whats her name ? her name is )(设计意图: 通过听听猜猜,既锻炼了学生的听力和理解力,又引出了本节课的重点句型.)3出示图片:姚明、周杰伦、红果果 T:Whats his name ? (s: His name is Yao Ming) T: He like

7、s.(s: He likessports) ,in the same way ,practice the others. If students are right, lets say rightright, you are right设计意图:通过孩子们喜欢的大众明星,来练习本节课的重点句型,孩子们会非常感兴趣.热情很高涨. 用right, right, you are right.来评价学生,即引出了新的知识点。4 Lets sing together.Hello, hello, whats her name? whats her name? whats her name?Hello, h

8、ello, whats her name? Her name is Chen Jie.Hello, hello, whats his name? whats his name? whats his name?Hello, hello, whats his name? His name is John.(设计意图:孩子们喜欢唱歌,表演,在唱唱玩玩中,巩固了本节课的重点句型,既强化了重点,又弱化了难点.)5 出示Chen Jie 的图片,T: Whats her name ? (s: Her name is Chen Jie.) Chen Jie has a friend. Do you want

9、 to know? Lets listen. Who is Chen Jies friend? Who is Johns friend?(设计意图:在学生听录音之前,教师提出问题,让学生有目的的去听.)6 Play the tape again, the children listen and follow it.(播放课件)7 Read in pairs.8 Act: Lets talk9 Guess: who is she/he?10Task work ( Divide the class into two groups). Now, class, do you want to help

10、others? (S: yes). Two children are missing. Their mothers are very worried. Lets help them ,find their children ,OK? (S:OK). Group 1 helpsthe first mother . Group 2 helps the second mother. Now , Lets look.ReportGroup 1Which one is the first mothers child?Group 2Which one is the second mothers child

11、?设计意图:新课程标准指出,要培养孩子的综合语言运用能力,要学有所用,设计这个活动的目的就是让孩子用学过的知识来解决实际问题.同时培养孩子们乐于助人的高尚品德.11 learn a chant.a. Play the tape, the children listen. b. The children chant together.Step 3Add-activities Homework: 某明星公司的业务员,需要招收明星,男女不限,请你向他推荐一下你的朋友:I have a friend, she is a girl, She is She has. she likes.十、板书设计: U

12、nit3 My friendsWhats his / her name ?His / Her name is He / She likesPEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends教学设计一、教学内容:PEP小学英语Unit 3 Part A Lets learn ,Lets talk的整合.二、教学目标:1、知识目标:能听、说、认读friends, long/short hair ,strong ,quiet, thin等单词和词组。.能听懂,会说”My friend is .She/He has ”What is his name ?His name is”。2. 能力目标

13、:培养学生的综合实践能力,能用英语做事情,能将所学语言”My friend is .She/He has ”What is his name ?His name is”运用于实际情景中,能适当利用一些形容词描述自己的朋友。3.情感目标 培养同学、朋友间团结合作的情感。三教学重难点教学重点:能适当利用一些形容词描述自己的朋友。教学难点:句型He/ She has,He /She is.及Whats his name? His name is的运用。四、教学策略及教法、学法设计:在教学设计中,注重将知识与能力、过程与方法和情感态度与价值观三维目标相统一,及时对学生的学习进行评价和激励;充分利用多媒

14、体的优势,积极给孩子们创设运用英语进行交际的情境。采用直观教学、情景教学、小组比赛等方法,将话题、结构、功能及任务相结合,引导孩子们运用看、听、读、说的方法,在听做、说唱、玩演、视听、读练等活动中感悟、体验、理解所学知识。教学以完成各个任务的形式,通过合作交流、相互促进的渠道,让学生当课堂“主演”的角色,在合作中学得、习得语言,从而达到培养学生良好学习习惯和运用英语进行交际能力的目的。五课前准备 教学卡片,多媒体课件等。六教学过程与设计意图:1. Warming - up. Free talk .Hello/Good morning ,boys and girls .Whats your na

15、me ?介绍评价方式.2Presentation and practiceStep1: 介绍自己,引出课题 My friends.T: I am your teacher. I am your friend ,too .Would you like to be my friend ? S: T: You are my friends. (边读课题边与学生击掌握手)设计意图 :让学生在情景中理解friend 和friends, 带领学生进入今天的课题.Step 2 :观看课件,复习反义词long ,short ;big ,small; tall,shortT: Look, whats this

16、? Long or short?Big or small ?.S :设计意图:复习旧知,为下面的学习新知做准备。Step 3:教学新词组:long hair,short hair.并操练。I have He /She has . 教师由课件直接转移到自己身上,指着自己的头发问:T:Long or short? S: Long .T: I have long hair .He has short hair.Practice教学long hair ,short hair ,学生上口后,让学生在实际情景中操练I have He /She has .Step 4:教学新词strong ,thin, q

17、uiet课件出示Zhang Peng 和Wu Yifan的图片,通过比较引出新词strong and thin ,并教学。 Practice Activity 1: 师生一起说绕口令并做动作。 Activity 2: Strong,strong,make yourself strong. Thin,thin,make yourself thin.Activity3: 运用句型操练:He/She is设计意图 :让学生在实际的情景中操练巩固所学单词和句型。教学单词quiet.Step 5:利用课件,介绍自己的朋友,引出句型:Whats his name?His name is 并操练。3、Pro

18、duction利用明星图片“刘翔”,师生一起描述人物。教师示范描述班上的同学。设计意图 : 给学生一个很好的示范,层层铺垫,为学生的输出运用语言做准备。小组内描述自己的朋友,并展示。设计意图 : 描述自己的朋友,给学生学以致用的机会,让学生感受到学习的知识就在生活中,体验到语言的实用性,并且提高学生综合运用语言的能力。4. Summery and assessment引导学生小结本课学习内容。教师小结评价。5、布置作业用英语向家长描述自己的朋友。设计意图 :课后作业把课堂学习延伸到课后,让学生有更多练习的空间,学有所用,给学生予学习策略的指导,让学生学会自主的学习。Part A Lets ta

19、lk一、教学目标:1知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说Whats his name ? His name is用He has .来介绍自己的朋友,并能熟练运用。(2)能听、说、认读单词:Chinese photo hes his has.2能力目标:(1)能就本课的重点句型来进行对话和描述自己的朋友。(2)能结合新旧知识完成猜谜语的游戏,提高综合运用语言的能力。3情感目标:(1)营造宽松的课堂氛围,让学生乐于学习,善于表达。(2)注重良好的语音语调训练。二、教学重难点1句型Whats his name ? His name is . He has .2用简单的句子对自己的朋友进行描述。三、学情分析本

20、课时的教学对象是小学四年级学生,四年级的学生已有一年的学习基础,但是因为所学知识不够,此时的学生正处于由感性认识向理性认识发展的阶段。大多数学生乐于参与各种英语学习,并在英语学习中体会了成功的乐趣。四、教具准备:课件、照片、John和Mom的头饰。教学过程:1Step1 Warming up(1)Sing a song :Head should knees and toes.复习身体部位的单词。(2)认读单词卡片:long hair short hair strong thin.Step2 Revision(1) 课件呈现大眼睛和小眼睛,引导学生用He has.说出big eyes和 smal

21、l eyes。(2) 课件呈现黑头发和黄头发,用What colour are they?引出black hair 和 yellow hair。(3) 说出下列词语的反义词和相对词。Big-small , short-long , thin-strong , black-white .Step3 Presentation(1) 课件出示两组照片一组是Zhang Peng 和Wu Yifan,另一组是John 和 Mike。T:Where is Zhang Peng from ?S: He is from China.T: Yes. He is a Chinese boy. 跟读Chinese

22、boy。(2)问题引出Zhang Peng . Whos Johns friend? Guess.T:He has short black hair. He has big eyes. He is tall. He is strong, too.S:Hes Zhang Peng.(3)T:Look! This is his photo.重复,同时拿出照片,帮助理解意思,跟读。出示多张同班同学照片。T: I have many photos. They are my friends. Whats his name. 引导学生用“His name is .”回答。(4)T: John has a

23、Chinese friend. He is Zhang Peng . He will tell his mother.(5)播放空中课堂光盘,学生理解并跟读。(6)角色表演。Step 4 Consolidasion猜谜语。猜对一个,课件上就依次出现该动物的照片。(1) It is white and black, it likes eating bamboons. Who is it?(2) It is tall, it has long neck and legs. Who is it?(3) It has two long ears and big eyes. It can jump. W

24、ho is it?(4) It looks likes a tiger, but not a tiger. It likes catch mice, and it likes eating fish. Who is it?Step 5 Home workDraw a picture of your friends, then describe it.Blackboard designing :He hasWhats his name? His name is .小学英语四年级上册教学设计(PEP)Whats her/his name?Unit3 Part A Lets learn吉林省洮南市实

25、验小学 孙慧卓教学理念:1 通过设制各种活动,让学生在感受,体验和参与的过程中,来学习语言.2 在语言学习中,力求关注每一个孩子,让孩子的情感同时得到发展,用我的情感感染学生,或鼓励大家试一下,Just have a try,体会用英语来表达的快乐。活动目标:学习句子“Whats her nmae?”和“Whats his name?”并能在生活中熟练运用。一、 Lets chant.1 First,Lets listen to the tape and do .Ok?2 This time,lets chant and do.(通过课前的热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,使学生自然

26、地进入英语学习的状态,为本课的教学创造了良好的条件)二、Preview. 1 出示图片。 快看快说。Look at the picture . Let me see who can say the quickly?(出示的卡片贴在黑板上)T:What do you like? S1:I like . S2:I like .Lets together.What?What?What? S1:I like music.(去摘黑板上对应的图片) S2:I like . S3:I like . S4:I like.Show me your pic

27、ture.We can say(依次指向S1,S2,S3,S4):S:She likes . S:He likes .(Lets say:right,right,you are right.)2 “or”的练习.出示课件(5对图片)big or girl?music or sports?open or close?strong or thin?boy or girl?反说练习:Now,I say big,you say small,ok?Tall-( ) girl-( ) thin-( ) close-( ) you and me-( )Me and you-( )(1、通过快看快说,引出本课

28、所须单词;2、通过韵律和节奏并存的游戏,点滴渗透,解决了本课的非重点语句。)三 Presentation.1小引:You and me,we are friend.I have a lot of friends in our classroom.What about you?S:I have a friend,too.she is.He is .2出示照片: Today,I have a friends photo.(出示照片)Look,this is the photo.Guess,boy or girl?(girl)(you are right) 生说生画. Who ca

29、n come here,drow my friend?Who can say? 引导her: (指着画)her big eyes, her _, her _,her _. Guess,Whats her name? S:Her name is_.3 呈现句型:板书句型,扩词领读: Whats her name? Her name is _.(指一名女生站起来)Please,stand up.T:Whats her name? S:Her name is_.(在学生说和画的相互配合下,使学生在玩中学,在玩中用。让学生的学习兴趣得到很好的释放。同时亲切自然的引出了本课的重点语句Whats her name?)四、Consolidation and extersion1、生问生答:Who asks,who answers?S1:Whats her name? S2:Her name is _.2、用节奏练习:A Show me your hands. Whats her name? Her name is _. Whats his name? His name

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