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1、情态动词2008-04-26 02:30:43来自:中国 情态动词本身有语义, 表示说话人的语气或情态, 但语义不完整, 不能单独作谓语动词, 一般只能与动词原形一起构成谓语动词。现就考试中出现频率高的情态动词及其用法作些说明: 一、must与must有关的题型经常与其后面应跟什么时态有关. 在有must的句中, 常?表示说话人在进行依据较充分的推测。至于用哪些时态, 则有两个参考标准: ?句中的时间状语和句间的关系。You look so sleepy. You must have sat up late last night.你看上去这么困倦, 昨晚一定睡得很晚。I mailed that

2、 letter a week ago. He must have received it.我一周前就发出了那封信, 想必他一定收到了。must + have + -ed分词: 用于肯定句, 表示对过去情况的推测, 意为“肯定, 一定”。You had only a little egg at breakfast today. You must be hungry now.Must 加动词原形的进行式, 表示对现在发生动作和事物的猜测, 有“一定, 准是”的意思。其他情态动词如may (might), should (ought to), can(could), need的用法分别如下: 二、m

3、ay(might)may(might) + have + -ed 分词: 用于肯定句和其他否定句, 表示对已发生事情的不肯定的推测, 意为“可能, 大概”, 其中might较may语气更弱, 把握更小。They may have derived inspiration from these words.他们可能从这些话语中获得了灵感。Our manager may (might) have gone to Guangzhuo attending Spring Fair there last week.我们经理可能已于上周去广州参加春交会了。 三、should除了其一般的用法以外, should

4、 也表示说话人的感情如愤怒, 惊奇, 失望等。I am sorry that he should be so stubborn.他居然如此固执, 我对此感到很抱歉。Why should I go there while she stays home?为什么我得去那儿, 而她却能呆在家里?should(ought to) + have+ -ed 分词句型: 指过去的事情。如果是肯定句, 表示过去本应发生的事却没有发生, 含“遗憾、责备、建议或指正”等意味; 如果是否定句则表示已发生了本不该发生的事。You should have told him the paint on that seat i

5、s wet.你本应告诉他座位上的油漆未干。They shouldt have left so soon.他们不该这么早就离开。四、can(could)用于否定或疑问句中, 后面跟动词原形的完成式时, 表示对过去发生的事件的“怀疑或不肯定”。could 比can更表示说话人语气的不肯定。Nobody could have foreseen all this.当时无人能预见到所有这一切。It couldnt have been Mr. Smith. He has gone to China.不太可能是史密斯先生。他已去了中国。五、needneednt + have + -ed分词: 表示过去做了但

6、不必做的事情, 意为“其实不必”。You neednt have walked up; you could have taken the lift.你本不必跑上来, 你本来可以乘电梯的。You neednt have watered the vegetables, as it is going to rain.你本不必给蔬菜浇水, 因为天要下雨了。Exercises 11 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:1. The room is such a terrible mess. It _cleaned as t

7、he landlady said.A. mustnt be B. mustnt have beenC. cant be D. cant have been2. With her hands so full, she_to the concert last night.A. wouldnt go B. oughtnt to go C. shouldnt have gone D. mustnt go 3. We _ her letter last week. We dont know what has happened to her.A. must receive B. must have rec

8、eivedC. ought to receive D. ought to have received4. There _be an open window somewhere, I can feel cold air coming in.A. should B. mustC. seem D. ought5. If the doctor had been available, the patient _.A. could not have died B. should not have diedC. wouldnt have died D. would not die6. Since its s

9、nowing so hard, we_at home.A. had better staying B. should stayC. had better to stay D. might as well stay7. The wine bottle is nearly empty; you _ a lot.A. may have drunk B. ought to have drunkC. must have drunk D. could have drunk8. According to western culture, you _ask a woman her age; it is imp

10、olite.A. neednt B. dont have to C. mustnt D. have not got to 9. She didnt know you were here; otherwise she _ to meet you.A. would have come B. had comeC. must have come D. would come10. I wish you_a little longer.A. would stay B. will stayC. would have stayed D. will have stayed11. It was when he t

11、ook a job in a company _ he began to learn English.A. when B. thatC. which D. what12. It was president of the union _ the students elected him.A. who B. whom C. which D. what13. Nancy is so poor that even fifty dollars _ a big sum to him.A. is B. are C. add D. equal14. Truth and honesty _ always bes

12、t policy.A. are B. is C. have been D. be 15. They found the conditions there _.A. much improve B. much to improveC. much improved D. be much improved16. There was no reason _the meeting yesterday.A. for your not attending B. for your not to attendC. for your not attend D. for you to not attend17. I

13、remember _ the novel last month. It was very interesting.A. to read B. readingC. read D. to have read18. I felt like _ to him, Dontt be such a complainer all the time.A. say B. to say C. saying D. said19. Why is there _ traffic on the streets today than yesterday?A. less B. little C. fewer D. few20.

14、 Colored people are by no means _ white people.A. inferior over B. more inferior thanC. inferior to D. more inferior to 21. The construction of the building _ by the end of this month.A. will have completed B. will have been completedC. will be completed D. will completed22. Ted Robinson these days

15、_.A. was worried B. is worriedC. had been worried D. has been worried23. She had her finger _ when she was paper-cutting.A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. cuts24. This material _ well.A. wears B. is worn C. worn D. is wearing25. He insisted that all of them _ present at the banquet.A. are B. were C. be

16、 D. are to 26. It is necessary that an efficient worker _ his work on time.A. accomplishes B. can accomplishC. accomplish D. has accomplished27. My sister cant cook; _.A. my brother cant too B. either can my brotherC. neither can my brother D. nor my brother can28. _, they have boldly undertaken the

17、 construction of a 26storied building.A. As they are young B.Young as they are C.They are as young young as they are29. China is no longer _ it used to be.A. what B. of what C. if D. which30. To a highly imaginative writer, _is a pad of paper and a pen.A. all are required B. all required is C.

18、all is required D. all that is required31. It was _ he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive.A. as B. for C. because D. because of 32. You are mistaken. She _ like you.A. really B. do C. does D. is 33. The secretary and the manager _ present at the meeting yesterday.A. was B.

19、 were C. have been D. has been 34. Each one of us who _ now living is destined to witnessremarkable scientific discoveries.A. is B. are C. have being D. were35. _ that they are fresh from university , the young people havedone a good job.A. Giving B. Because C. Given D. As36. If the work _ by the en

20、d of the month is delayed the construction company will be fined.A. to be completed B. will be completedC. has been completed D. being completed37. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks trafficregulations.A. having been fined B. being finedC. to have been fined D. to be fined38. Jean di

21、d not have time to go to the concert last night because shewas busy _ for her examination.A. to prepare B. preparingC. to be prepared D. being prepared39. _ all the writers of the time Lu Xun enjoyed the greatest poplarity among the people.A. In B. About C. Of D. Over40. There is nothing I dislike _

22、 children who are dishonest. Thissentence means that I most dislike children who are dishonest.A. more B. than C. more than D. as41. He will come to call on you the moment he _ his work.A. will finish B. had finishedC. finishes D. finished42. When I come back in ten years time all those old houses _

23、 down.A. will have pulled B. will have been pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled43. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I _ to it.A. have not gone B. did not go C. had not gone D. should not have gone44. The boy _ by the peddler (贩子) to carry goods for him.A. made use of B. made

24、usedC. was made use D. was made use of 45. Are you going to take the post Mr. Smith offered you?I dont know, but it is worth _ about, isnt it?A. to think B. of thinkingC. thinking D. to be thought46. The book is not _ what we paid.A. worth B. valueC. valuable D. cost47. Id rather you _me. Youve made

25、 the matter all the worse.A. had not helped B. did not helpC. will not help D. would not have helped48. _ the English exam I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.A. In spite B. But for C. Because of D. As for 49. He speaks French as if he _ a French man.A. is B. be C. is being D.were50. Hardly

26、 _ time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.A. he had B. he had hadC. had he had D. had he51. _had I reached school than the bell rang.A. No sooner B. Only C. Hardly D. rarely52. _, he faced the difficult situation calmly.A. As he was young B. Young was he C. Young as he was D

27、. He was young53. There is some evidence _ dishonesty may ebb and flow.A. why B. how C. when D. that54. All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A. what is needed B. the time neededC. for our needs D. that is needed55. _ the train accident was a miracle.A. The child would surviv

28、eB. Why the child survivedC. That the child survivedD. When the child survived56. It _ by the end of last year the new student dormitory building _had been completed.A. waswhich B. wasthatC. had beenwhich D. had beenthat57. It was in 1978 _ the Whites settled down in France.A. that B. at the timeC.

29、when D. by the time58. _ you go on the earth, there is always gravity to keep your room from falling off.A. when B. wheneverC. since D. because该回答在2008-04-26 02:31:09由回答者修改过评论 举报 回答:ctjulien级别:幼儿园2008-04-26 09:58:54来自:四川省广元市 情 态 动 词一、一般疑问句中几个情态动词的问与答1. Need I/he/?Yes,you/he/must.(不用need)2. Must I/ he/?No,you/ he/neednt/dont(doesnt,wont)have to.(不用mustnt)3. May I/ he/?No,you/ he/mustnt.(少用may not)4. Could(Can)you?Yes,I can (不用could)5. Shall I/she/ he?No,you(she,he)neednt/cant/mustnt二、情态动词表“推测”1.can,may,must使用的句式:1)肯定陈述句中:must表“肯定、必定、一定”意,may/might表“也许,或许”意。2)

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