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英语学案 Period Three Using Language新人教必修.docx

1、英语学案 Period Three Using Language新人教必修Period ThreeUsing Language1They had no time to arrange their own wedding,so.他们没有时间来准备自己的婚礼,所以(回归课本) 用法点拨The secretary arranged an appointment for me with the manager.秘书替我向经理预约。Ive arranged for him to meet her.我已安排他跟她见面。He arranged that the meeting (should) be put

2、 off for a week.他安排把会议延后一星期召开。 归纳拓展arrange sth.整理;布置;排列arrange (for) sth.安排;协商arrange sth. for sb.为某人安排某事arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange (with sb.) to do sth.(与人)约定干某事arrange thatclause 商定;安排(从句用shouldv.,should可以省略)arrangement n筹备;安排;整理make an arrangement 筹备;安排 完成句子(1)Lets make_arrangements

3、_for(安排一下)getting there on time.(2)He arranged_his_papers(整理文件)before starting to write.(3)Youd better make proper_arrangement_of_work_and_rest(劳逸结合)2Worried about the time available,Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。(回归课本) 用法点拨The

4、swimming pool is available only in summer.这个游泳池只在夏天开放。TV sets are available in any department store.电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。If I am not available,you can ask him for help.如果找不到我,可以让他帮忙。 归纳拓展be available for use可加以利用make sth.available for.使可以享受某物all available means千方百计availability n可用性;有效性;实用性availably adv

5、.可利用地unavailable adj.不可利用的 完成句子(1)We should employ_all_available_means(千方百计)to do the work well.(2)Free medical care is available_to_people_here(适用于这儿所有的人)3Her first delight was going to the Tower.她最想参观的地方是伦敦塔。(回归课本) 用法点拨She read the book with delight.她欣喜地读着这本书。Her dancing delighted everyone.她的舞蹈使得大

6、家很高兴。They were delighted that the date of the conference had been fixed.会议的日期定了,他们很高兴。 归纳拓展take/find/have (a) delight in.喜爱;以为乐(much) to ones (great) delight使某人(大为)高兴的是be delighted at./to do sth./thatclause因而高兴Its a delight to do sth.做某事是一件令人愉快的事delightful adj.令人愉快的,可喜的delighted adj.欣喜的,快乐的 完成句子(1)T

7、here is a delighted_look(高兴的神气)on her face.(2)The boy takes_delight_in (喜爱)playing football.(3)We had delightful_weather(晴好的天气)on our journey.4This solid stone,square tower had_remained standing for one thousand years.这个坚实的用石头砌的方形塔已经屹立在那儿一千年了。(回归课本) 用法点拨He remained calm in face of danger.面对危险他镇定自若。P

8、lease remain seated until all the lights are on.请坐着不动,直到灯全部打开。Much work remains to be done.很多工作有待于去做。 归纳拓展remain作系动词时,意为“保持不变,仍然处于(某种状态)”,后面常接形容词、名词、不定式、分词或介词短语作表语。remainder n剩下的人/部分;余数remains n(pl.)剩下的部分;残留物;遗体remaining adj.剩余的,常作前置定语;而left(剩余的)则只能作后置定语。 佳句背诵(1)Victories remain with us.胜利属于我们。(2)He

9、 left the shop with the remaining 20 dollars.带着剩下的20元钱,他离开了商店。(3)Few buildings remained standing after the earthquake.地震过后几乎没有几座房子幸存下来。5Zhang Pingyu found,.who,on special occasions,.张萍玉发现在一些特殊日子里(回归课本) 用法点拨On such occasion there is only one thing to dostick it out.在这种情况下只有一件事情可做,那就是坚持。He never drink

10、s except on special occasions.除非在特别场合,他从不喝酒。 归纳拓展on that occasion那时on occasion偶尔,有时on the occasion of在之际take this/that occasion乘机,抓住机会have (no) occasion to有(无)需要;有(无)理由occasion作先行词时,定语从句用on which或where引导occasionally adv.偶而,有时 完成句子(1)On_that_occasion (那时),I was not at home.(2)A birthday is not_an_occ

11、asion_for_tears(不是哭的时候)6It looked_splendid when first built!刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌。(回归课本) 用法点拨How splendid the emperor looks in his new clothes!皇帝穿上他的新衣服看上去真是光彩照人!A splendid church is being built now.一座金碧辉煌的教堂正在建设之中。 归纳拓展splendid在口语中意为“很好,好极了”。Ill be there at 4 pm.我会在下午4点到那儿。Oh,splendid!啊,太好了! 佳句背诵(1)She

12、 is a splendid painter.她是位了不起的画家。(2)You have a splendid opportunity to do something different and original.你有个极好的机会去做与众不同并且有创意的事情。(3)The huge windows gave us a splendid view of the grounds.巨大的窗户让我们看到了庭院的美景。7But she was_thrilled_by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the

13、museum.但是使她感到震惊的是博物馆里那些美丽的来自不同文化的珍稀瑰宝。(回归课本) 用法点拨This band has thrilled audiences all over the world.这支乐队使全世界的观众狂热痴迷。I was thrilled to be invited.我有幸受到邀请,感到非常兴奋。 归纳拓展thrilling adj.令人激动的;令人兴奋的;毛骨悚然的;颤抖的thrilled adj.感到激动的;兴奋的;刺激的(与介词at/to连用)a thrill of joy/fear/horror一阵欢乐/害怕/恐惧 佳句背诵(1)His music contin

14、ues to thrill the audience.他的音乐至今仍然令听众激动。(2)It gave me a thrill to know I had passed the examination.我得知考试及格后很兴奋。(3)Im absolutely thrilled that you are coming.知道你要来我太激动了。8The countries are_alike in wanting their own systems to continue.这些国家都想要自己的制度继续存在。(回归课本) 用法点拨We are much alike in character.我们的性格

15、很相似。The twins dont look alike at all.这对双胞胎一点儿都不像。No two people think alike.没有两个人的想法是一样的。 归纳拓展alike作为形容词时,一般不作定语,而只作表语。类似的形容词有:alive活着的;alone单独的;ashamed感到羞耻的;asleep睡着的;afraid害怕的 佳句背诵(1)By nature all men are alike,but by education widely different.性相近,习相远。(2)Its a show that appeals to young and old al

16、ike.这是个对青年人和老年人都有吸引力的节目。9All of the words below can take_the_place_of said,.下面所有这些单词都能代替动词said,(回归课本) 用法点拨When Mr.Wang is out,who will take the place of him?当王先生不在时,谁将取代他的职位?Computers will never take the place of teachers in the class.课堂上电脑永远代替不了老师。 归纳拓展take ones place坐某人的座位;任某人的职务;入座in place of替代,而

17、不是(书面语)instead oftake placehappen发生;举行 完成句子(1)When did the conversation take_place(发生)?(2)Electric trains have_now_taken_the_place_of(现在已经取代了)steam engine trains in England.(3)The professor was too ill,so Ill give you lesson instead_of/in_place_of_him(替他)break down(机器等)损坏;破坏;(身体)垮了;(物质)分解;(情感)失控;抛锚;

18、(谈话,通讯等)中断On my way to the station my car broke_down.在去车站的路上,我的车坏了。(回归课本) 用法点拨The machine broke down and we cant repair it.机器坏了而我们又不会修。Our plans have broken down.我们的计划失败了。He broke down as he was singing.他没唱完就突然停住了。 归纳拓展break forth突然(迸出)break into强行闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)break in 闯入;打岔;插嘴break through突破;打通;克服

19、完成句子(1)Her health broke_down_under_the_pressure_of_work(在工作的压力下垮了)(2)Talks between the two countries have_broken_down_completely(已经彻底破裂了).,begged Sarah as her brother picked_it_up by one leg.萨拉的哥哥抓住猫的一条腿提起来时萨拉祈求道(回归课本) 用法点拨The boy picked up a stone and threw it at the window.那个男孩捡起一块石头向窗户扔去。I picked

20、 up the news from the newspaper.我是从报纸上得到这消息的。 归纳拓展pick out选出,认出;看清楚pick through搜查,搜寻 佳句背诵(1)I will pick you up at the hotel at 800.八点钟我去旅馆接你。(2)My radio can pick up the BBC World Service.我的收音机可收听英国广播公司的国际广播节目。(3)They are picking through the ruins,searching for survivors.他们正在废墟中寻找幸存者。It contained sta

21、tues in_memory_of dead poets and writers,such as Shakespeare.它里面珍藏着已故的诗人和作家的雕像,例如莎士比亚的雕像。(回归课本) 用法点拨This statue was built in memory of the great man.这座雕像是为纪念这位伟人而建造的。He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.他创办这个慈善机构是为了纪念他已故的妻子。 归纳拓展in honor of为了纪念,为了对表示敬意in celebration of为了庆祝in favor of赞成;

22、有利于in terms of就来说,根据in praise of赞扬 完成句子(1)In_memory_of_his_father (为了纪念他的父亲),he named his baby after his father.(2)People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in_memory_of_Qu_Yuan(为了纪念屈原)1 用法点拨What interested her most是what引导的名词性从句作主语,称为主语从句。what表示“所的”,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语,what还可以引导宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。What I want

23、 to emphasize is this point.我想强调的是这一点。(主语从句)We should never pretend to know what we dont know.我们切不可强不知以为知。(宾语从句)Thats exactly what I am planning to do.这正是我打算做的事。(表语从句) 归纳拓展What引导的名词性从句与that引导的名词性从句不同,what表示“所的”,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;that没有实际意义,并且在从句中不作成份。That he is honest is true.他诚实这一点是真的。 翻译句子(1)What he s

24、aid is true.他所说的话是真的。(2)Choosing the right dictionary depends on what you want to use it for.要根据你想用它干什么来选择合适的字典。(3)Theres no doubt that he is lying.毫无疑问他在撒谎。2 There followed St Pauls Catherdral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.接着参观的是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1666年伦敦大火以后建造的。 用法点拨There followed意为“接着,随

25、后”,是倒装句型。结构为:There谓语主语,可用于这个句型的动词有come,stand,live,remain,occur,lie,exist,follow等。There remains one matter still to be discussed.有一个问题尚待讨论。There stands a big tree on the top of the hill.山顶上有一棵大树。 归纳拓展在表示方向、地点的副词或某些介词词组开头的句子里,如there,here,out,in,up,down,away,in front of等的句子要用倒装句,以示强调。 翻译句子(1)There goes

26、 the bell.铃响了。(2)Out rushed the children.孩子们冲了出来。(3)Here comes a bus.汽车来了。3 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。 用法点拨在It is strange/a pity that.句式中,常用虚拟语气:should do或should have done,前者意为“竟然要做某事”,后者意为“竟然做

27、了某事”,should可省略。Its strange that such a great man should be so forgetful.真奇怪,这么一个大人物竟然这么好忘事。Its strange that you should not have heard of it.真奇怪,你竟然没听说过这件事。 归纳拓展在It is important/vital/necessary/essential that.句式中,that从句中的谓语动词也常用虚拟语气,即:shouldv.原形,should可省略。 佳句背诵(1)Its a pity that you should leave so s

28、oon.你竟然这么快就要离开,真可惜。(2)It is vital that Mr.Jones should receive the letter before this evening.重要的是琼斯先生在今晚以前要收到这封信。(3)Is it necessary that you be so strict with your students?你有必要对学生这么严厉吗?伦敦观光记由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想要在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。她最先想参观的地方是伦敦塔,它是很久以前由入侵的诺曼人在公元1066年修建的。真是太棒了!这个坚实的用石头砌的方形塔已经屹立在那儿一千年了。尽管在塔的



31、自豪感。第二天,萍玉就要离开伦敦去温莎城堡了。她边睡觉边想:“也许我能见到女王呢?”.单词拼写1The policemen look especially handsome in uniform (制服)2To his delight(快乐;喜悦),his son was admitted to Fudan University.3Shall we go sightseeing(观光)to Shanghai this spring?4Plenty of rooms are available(可供使用的)in that town if you go travelling there.5Can you arr

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