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本文(人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 5 Travelling abroad.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 5 Travelling abroad.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七Unit 5 Travelling abroad 必修 Unit 5 .单词拼写1I _ (推荐) it to any student and any teacher,including the selftaught student.答案:recommended2Her parents _ (安慰) her for her failing in the driving test.答案:comforted3The leading singer was ill and her _(代替者) wasnt nearly as good.答案:substi

2、tute4He is _ (承认;确认) as the best football player.答案:acknowledged5Before you get a degree of a bachelor,you have to meet many _ (要求) by the university.答案:requirements6The island is _ (丰富的) in various kinds of plants and animals.答案:abundant7He _ (草拟) a plan for the project yesterday.答案:drafted8Before

3、you work as a teacher,you must get a teaching _ (资格证书)答案:qualification9She finally received an _ (道歉) from the company.答案:apology10What _ (评论) have you about my sons behaviour?答案:comments.完成句子1_ _ _ _ _,you can forget about it.就我认为,你可以忘记它。答案:As far as Im concerned2He _ himself _ designing a tall bui

4、lding.他在忙于设计一座高楼。答案:occupies;in3Does this plan _ _ _ your arrangements?这个计划和你的安排一致吗?答案:fit in with4_ _ _ and you will succeed at last.坚持,胜利终将会属于你。答案:Keep it up5They have planned to _ _ Virginia.他们已打算在维吉尼亚居住。答案:settle in.单项选择1He _ the fact that he had made a mistake.Aaccounted BpermittedCallowed Dack

5、nowledged解析:句意:他承认了他犯错误的事实。acknowledge“承认”,符合句意。account“将看作,视为”;permit“允许”;allow“准许”。答案:D2(2011抚顺模拟)During the Spring Festival,friends get together to _ each other and wish each other good luck.Agreet BthankCcomfort Dplease解析:句意:在春节期间,朋友们通常聚在一起相互问好,并祝福对方来年好运。本题考查动词辨义;greet“问候”;thank“感谢”;comfort“安慰”;

6、please“使高兴”。答案:A3(2012长沙一模)In order to _ what he said,he tried his best to collect all possible evidence.Aentertain BconvinceCpreserve Dcontradict解析:句意:为了反驳他所说的话,他尽力收集所有可能的证据。contradict“反驳;驳斥”,符合句意。答案:D4Its very difficult when she first lost her hearing,but she has learned to live _ it.Aon BwithCoff

7、 Dby解析:句意:当她开始失聪时她感到很难,但她已学会容忍这种现实了。live with“忍受;忍耐;学会适应”。答案:B5(2012福州模拟)He had every _ for the job except impartiality(公正无私)Acertificate BproofCqualification Ddiploma解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:除了公正无私这一点外,他具备担任那项工作的一切资格。qualification“资格”,符合题意。certificate“证书;执照”;proof“证据,证物”;diploma“文凭,学位证书”。答案:C6Its very wise of

8、 you to _ well trained workers _ untrained ones in the assembly line.Asubstitute;for Bsubstitute;withCreplace; by Dreplace;with解析:句意:在这条集装线上你用一些训练有素的工人来取代生手真是太聪明了。substitute A for B用A代替B。答案:A7(2012南昌模拟)I _ to be quite afraid to live in that city,but now I have _ to the life there.Aused;been used Bus

9、ed;usedCwas used;got used Dgot used;been used解析:句意:我过去害怕住在那座城市里,但现在我已习惯了那里的生活。used to动词原形,意为“过去常常”be/get used to n/doing sth.习惯于某事,或习惯干某事。答案:A8The notice hanging on the front wall is meant to _ the unwanted visitors,especially at working hours.Akeep up Bkeep offCkeep from Dkeep out解析:keep up“保持”;kee

10、p off“不接近”;keep out“(使)留在外面”;keep sb.from doing“阻止某人做”。答案:D9Having retired from business,he now _ himself with the welfare of the disabled.Aassociates BoccupiesCcharges Drewards解析:句意:不再做生意了,现在他忙于残疾人的福利事业。occupy oneself with sth.忙于做某事。答案:B10(2012太原模拟)Im very glad that you come and see our new house w

11、hen we have settled _Ain BforCdown Don解析:句意:当我们安顿下来时,你能来看我们的房子我会感到很高兴的。settle in“(迁入新居后)安顿下来”。答案:A11We tried our best to make our garden _ its surroundings.Afit in Bfit in withCfit up with Dto fit in with解析:make后的不定式作宾补不带to;fit in with与相适应。答案:B12He was too busily occupied _ to the show.Ato go Bof go

12、ingCwith going Din going解析:句意:他忙于演出这项工作。be occupied in doing sth.忙于干某事。答案:D13(2011海口一模)Since he has just had a major operation,he knows that a trip to Europe this summer is _.Ain question Bout of the questionCbeyond question Dwithout question解析:句意:既然他刚刚做了一个大手术,他知道今年夏天去欧洲的旅行是不可能的。out of the question“

13、不可能”,符句题意。答案:B14I recommended _ an EnglishChinese dictionary,which I thought would be of great help to his studies.Abuying BboughtCto buy Dbuy解析:考查recommend的用法。recommend“建议”,后跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语,或跟不定式作宾语补足语。recommend do sth.“建议某人做某事”。答案:A15(2012武汉质检)With all the two hundred passengers _,the plan

14、e took off.Aon board Bon the boardCon boards Dgoing on board解析:所有这二百名乘客坐好后,飞机开始起飞了;on board在(车、船、飞机)上,其他搭配不当。答案:A.完形填空I can still remember it like it was yesterday.I was a college freshman and had _1_ up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends.Now just before my first _2_ of the d

15、ay my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a _3_.A few minutes nap(小睡) time before class couldnt _4_,I thought.BOOM!I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers.I looked around with my _5_ beating wildly trying to fi

16、nd the cause of the _6_.My young professor was looking at me with a boyish smile on his face.He had _7_ dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk.“Good morning!”,he said still _8_.“I am glad to see everyone is _9_.Now lets get started.”For the next hour I wasnt sleepy at all.It wasnt from

17、the _10_ of my professors textbook alarm clock either.It was instead from the _11_ discussion he led.With knowledge and good _12_ he made the material come _13_.His insight was full of both wisdom and lovingkindness.And the enthusiasm and joy that he _14_ with were contagious(有感染力的)I _15_ the classr

18、oom not only wide awake,but a little _16_ and a little better as well.I learned something far more important than not _17_ in class that day too.I learned that if you are going to do something in this life,do it well and do it with _18_.What a wonderful place this would be if all of us did our work

19、joyously and well.Dont sleepwalk your way through _19_ then.Wake up!Let your love fill your work.Life is too _20_ not to live it well.解题导语作者在大学一年级期间因熬夜而在上课前打瞌睡,被年轻的教授用独特的方式惊醒。对方的博学、睿智、幽默和激情深深地感染了作者,也让作者慨叹人生的短暂,不可以在人生中梦游。1A.took BdividedCstayed Dput解析:下一句提到作者的眼皮越来越沉,由此可知作者在晚上的大部分时间都是在“熬夜”与朋友嬉笑、交谈。sta

20、y up表示“熬夜”。答案:C2A.class BtestCtask Dlecture解析:作者由于昨晚熬夜,在第二天的第一节“课”前就打瞌睡。答案:A3A.platform BpillowCcarpet Dwall解析:作者难以睁开双眼,头不由自主地垂到了课桌上,把教材当成了“枕头”。答案:B4A.lose BhelpClast Dhurt解析:作者认为在上课前小睡几分钟不会“产生不良影响”。此外hurt意思是“产生不良影响,无大碍”。答案:D5A.heart BmindCthought Dhead解析:作者正在小睡,突然被一种声音惊醒,“心跳”加速,所以环顾四周,想搞清楚是怎么回事儿。答案

21、:A6A.trouble BnoiseCfailure Dincident解析:根据本段开头提到的响声可知作者想找到“噪音”的起因。答案:B7A.angrily BcarelesslyCintentionally Daccidentally解析:上一句中提到这位年轻的教授正用孩子般的微笑看着作者,由此可知他是“有意”把携带的教科书重重地放在讲桌上的。intentionally“故意地”。答案:C8A.smiling BtalkingCcomplaining Dshouting解析:他仍然“微笑”着问候学生。此处与上文的“. with a boyish smile.”相呼应。答案:A9A.act

22、ive BcuriousCpresent Dawake解析:上文提到作者在昏睡中被教授故意制造的噪音惊醒,由此可知此处表示教授看到每个人都“清醒”后感到非常高兴,然后开始上课。 答案:D10A.sound BshockCinterruption Dblow解析:在随后的一小时中,作者不再困倦,但这并不是教授的教科书把作者“惊”醒的。此处shock是名词,表示“震惊”。上文提到的是作者从“噪音”中惊醒,所以A项不恰当。答案:B11A.fascinating BconvincingCpuzzling Dencouraging解析:下文提到他知识渊博,富有感染力,由此可知他引入的讨论非常“吸引人”。

23、fascinating“极有吸引力的”。答案:A12A.gesture BsenseChumor Ddesign解析:根据第14空前面的joy一词可知他不但知识渊博,而且很有“幽默”感。答案:C13A.strange BnaturalChandy Dalive解析:他用渊博的知识和幽默让材料“生动”起来,come alive“变得兴趣盎然,生动起来”。A项表示“奇怪的”,B项表示“自然的”,C项表示“方便的”,均不符合语境。答案:D14A.taught BspreadCcombined Dstarted解析:他用热情和快乐“授课”的方式富有感染力。that he taught with是定语从

24、句,修饰先行词the enthusiasm and joy。答案:A15A.decorated BfilledCleft Dentered解析:在这一个小时中,作者完全沉浸在教授的讲课中,所以“离开”教室时无比清醒。答案:C16A.clearer BsmarterCquieter Dstronger解析:受到博学多才的教授的感染,作者离开教室时不但非常清醒,而且“聪明”了一些,并且感觉好多了。A项与本句前半部分中的内容重复,故可排除。答案:B17A.discussing BspeakingCcheating Dsleeping解析:上文提到作者在上课前睡着了,后来被教授以独特的方式惊醒,而且深

25、受感染,由此可知作者学到的东西远比在课堂上不要“睡觉”重要得多。答案 BspeedCaim Ddetermination解析:教授用热情和快乐感染了学生,所以作者感悟到的是“快乐地”把想要做的事情做好。下一句中的joyously也是线索提示。答案 BlifeCjourney Dcollege解析:结合本段第二句中的“.going to do something in this life.”以及本段最后一句的开头部分可知作者所要强调的是不要在“人生”中梦游。答案:B20A.hard BcomplexCshort Dsimple解析:此处作者感叹人生“短暂”。

26、其余选项都不符合语境。答案:C.阅读理解Most people dont realize it,but cell phones are becoming a huge contribution to pollution on our planet right now.The average American gets a new mobile phone at least every 18 to 24 months.Thus you may buy 34 phones in all during your lifetime if you get your first phone startin

27、g at the age of 18,and there are many kids who have them even younger.As part of our“throwaway”society,along with our endless desire for new cell phones,it is estimated(估计) that over 125 million cell phones are thrown away every year.Knowing that the landfill doesnt have to be the end point of your

28、cell phone can greatly reduce the amount of unnecessary waste produced each year.The reason why cell phone recycling is important is that they contain some pretty toxic(有毒的) stuff.But they also contain some nontoxic materials that can be recycled and used again.Yet in reality,we pollute the earth ev

29、en more by trying to produce these components over again from our limited natural resources.Unfortunately,no landfill is 100% safe.It is the toxins that come from these toxic materials into the ground which pollute our drinkable water supply and affect our health.Currently,less than 1% of the entire earths water is drinkable,so we must take steps to protect it.So,before you decide to throw away your old cell phone in exchange for a new one,think for a moment if you really need it or is it because you want the coolest new style?If your older mo

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