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1、最新完形填空经典练习题最新完形填空经典练习题一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I started volunteering at a soup kitchen several years ago. The original reason I was going was to 1 community service hours for school. My plan was to 2 go there a few times and get my service hours, but it taught me a l

2、ot. The typical volunteer there served 3 to people. Basically, I was 4 serving bread and juice to whoever wanted it, which was a simple task. Some of the people were homeless, and some of them were 5 families. All of them were people in need of a hot meal and a place to 6 for an hour or several minu

3、tes. 7 some of them looked like they werent behaving well, we always took care of them. The first time I went there was right before Christmas. For the people coming to the soup kitchen, it was not exactly a 8 time. It made me think about my happy Christmas and made me feel how 9 I was. Unlike them,

4、 I have a home and I dont 10 cold or hunger. At that point, I decided that I 11 wanted to go back there. I couldnt offer them much, but I could always offer my time and 12 . The experience also gives me a feeling of 13 . Whenever I go there, people are 14 that I showed up again. They know my name an

5、d they know that I am more than happy to 15 them. It truly feels good to know that you can 16 someones day. Ive realized that the feeling of doing good for people can be a better 17 than any amount of money. You cant buy that feeling. I have never 18 a single second of my volunteering. It 19 me that

6、 dozens of cities have made it illegal to set up a soup kitchen. But I will continue my volunteer work and find more ways to show my 20 to people in need.1. A. reduceB. avoidC. completeD. cancel2. A. yetB. justC. evenD. still3. A. foodB. workC. timeD. money4. A. tired ofB. worried aboutC. responsibl

7、e forD. free from5. A. busyB. seriousC. experiencedD. struggling6. A. hideB. restC. liveD. study7. A. AlthoughB. IfC. BecauseD. Until8. A. availableB. strangeC. pleasantD. painful9. A. wiseB. honestC. curiousD. fortunate10. A. turn downB. suffer fromC. pass downD. learn from11. A. definitelyB. gradu

8、allyC. equallyD. hardly12. A. reasonB. effortC. chanceD. patience13. A. stabilityB. guiltC. lossD. appreciation14. A. gratefulB. confidentC. proudD. shocked15. A. changeB. leaveC. forgetD. help16. A. describeB. wasteC. brightenD. disturb17. A. rewardB. excuseC. riskD. mistake18. A. plannedB. regrett

9、edC. forgivenD. understood19. A. remindsB. confusesC. encouragesD. disappoints20. A. talentB. concernC. kindnessD. weakness【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)D;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)D;(10)B;(11)A;(12)C;(13)D;(14)A;(15)D;(16)C;(17)A;(18)B;(19)D;(20)C; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了在流动厨房当志愿者的经历,最初打算去完成规定的服务时间,最后爱上了志愿者服务

10、,喜欢去帮助别人。 (1)考查动词。A. reduce“减少”;B. avoid“避免”;C. complete“完成”;D. cancel“取消”。根据下文“My plan was to 2 go there a few times and get my service hours”可知,作者去流动厨房是为了获得学分,完成社区服务时间,故选C。 (2)考查副词。A. yet“但是”;B. just“仅仅”;C. even“甚至”;D. still“仍然”。根据下文“but it taught me a lot”可知,作者的计划仅仅是获得学分,但是却收获了很多,故选B。 (3)考查名词。A.

11、food“食物”;B. work“工作”;C. time“时间”;D. money“金钱”。根据下文“serving bread and juice to whoever wanted it”可知,流动厨房的典型志愿者就是提供吃的,故选A。 (4)考查形容词。A. tired of“疲倦”;B. worried about“担忧”;C. responsible for“负责”;D. free from“不受.限制”。根据“which was a simple task.”可知,作者的工作就是负责发放食物,故选C。 (5)考查形容词。A. busy“繁忙的”;B. serious“严重的”;C.

12、 experienced“有经验的”;D. struggling“困难的,挣扎的”。本句描述那些接受食物的对象的情况,有些人的家庭很困难,故选D。 (6)考查动词。A. hide“隐藏”;B. rest“休息”;C. live“生活”;D. study“学习”。根据上文“a place”可知,需要一个地方休息,故选B。 (7)考查连词。句意:尽管有些人看起来表现很差,我们总是照顾他们。A. Although“尽管”;B. If“如果”;C. Becaus“因为”;D. Until“直到”。前后句属于让步关系,故选A。 (8)考查形容词。A. available“可以得到的”;B. strang

13、e“奇怪的”;C. pleasant“令人快乐的”;D. painful“痛苦的”。根据上文“The first time I went there was right before Christmas.”可知,作者第一次去做服务是在圣诞节前夕,本该家人团聚,但是很多人还需要靠施舍的东西为生,这不是令人高兴的事,故选C。 (9)考查形容词。A. wise“明智的”;B. honest“诚实的”;C. curious“好奇的”;D. fortunate“幸运的”。根据上文“It made me think about my happy Christmas”可知,看到这些场景,让作者回想起自己快乐

14、的圣诞节,感觉自己很幸运,故选D。 (10)考查动词短语。A. turn down“拒绝”;B. suffer from“遭受”;C. pass down“传递”;D. learn from“向.学习”。根据上文“Unlike them, I have a home”可知,跟他们不一样,作者有个家,不用饥寒交迫,故选B。 (11)考查副词。A. definitely“当然”;B. gradually“逐渐地”;C. equally“相当”;D. hardly“几乎不”。根据句意可知,从那时起,我明确了自己还要回去做志愿者,帮助需要帮助的人,故选A。 (12)考查名词。A. reason“原因”

15、;B. effort“努力”;C. chance“机会”;D. patience“耐心”。根据上文“I couldnt offer them much”可知,作者无法提供太多的东西,但是可以奉献自己的时间和努力,故选B。 (13)考查名词。A. stability“稳定”;B. guilt“愧疚”;C. loss“迷失”;D. appreciation“感激”。根据下文“They know my name and they know that I am more than happy to”可知,作者的付出得到了大家的认可和回应,故作者很感激,选D。 (14)考查形容词。A. grateful

16、“感激的”;B. confident“自信的”;C. proud“自豪的”;D. shocked“震惊的”。当作者出现在那里的时候,人们很感激他,故选A。 (15)考查动词。A. change“改变”;B. leave“离开”;C. forget“忘记”;D. help“帮助”。根作者去流动厨房做志愿者是帮助那些需要帮助的人,故选D。 (16)考查动词。A. describe“描述”;B. waste“浪费”;C. brighten“照亮”;D. disturb“打扰”。根据下文“Ive realized that the feeling of doing good for people”可知

17、,帮助别人可以照亮别人,让他们对未来充满信心和希望,故选C。 (17)考查名词。A. reward“回报”;B. excuse“借口”;C. risk“风险”;D. mistake“错误”。根据下文“any amount of money”可知,帮助别人的感觉是任何金钱无法相比的,故选A。 (18)考查动词。A. planned“计划”;B. regretted“后悔”;C. forgiven“原谅”;D. understood“理解”。根据下文“But I will continue my volunteer work”可知,作者很满足自己的志愿者工作,不后悔,还会继续下去,故选B。 (19

18、)考查动词。A. reminds“提醒”;B. confuses“使迷惑”;C. encourages“鼓舞”;D. disappoints“使失望”。根据句意可知,有些人非法建立流动厨房,这让作者很失望,故选D。 (20)考查名词。A. talent“天赋”;B. concern“担忧,关心”;C. kindness“善意”;D. weakness“弱点”。根据上文“I will continue my volunteer work”可知,作者会继续自己的志愿者服务,表示对那些需要帮助的人的善意,故选C。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,连词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇

19、故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Its not easy for me to forget the guy, whom I call Bean. For the past year and a half, I 1 Bean almost every workday morning. In the beginning I 2 Bean. After all, hes just a beggar on the freeway off

20、-ramp (匝道) who 3 people at a stoplight that seems to always be red. Over time a few things dawned on me. The first was that it was always the 4 guy at this off-ramp. The next was that he never actually 5 anything. He just danced and waved at everyone. Then 6 , and perhaps the most important, was tha

21、t he was ALWAYS 7 . Some days he was dancing and playing a guitar. Most days hed wave a cardboard at cars, smiling. Bean slowly became part of my 8 routine(常规). I noticed this one day, only because he wasnt there and 9 danced and waved at me. I 10 him. I worried something had happened to him. I 11 t

22、o look for him every morning as I came down the ramp to that red light. One morning, after one of these 12 , I was so relieved to see him that it was like the sun had come out after a week-long storm. I sat at the red light, watching his morning 13 . I realized that I, too, was smiling and 14 myself

23、 waving back. Wow, something as 15 as a wave brought 16 to my whole day. I finished the drive to work that morning, feeling lighter and happier. I 17 you now. Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings, and 18 just your grocery store with eyes that truly see. What 19 lies in front of you.

24、 Do you have a Bean in your life you havent noticed yet? Watch for them. They will 20 your life in ways you cant even dream.1. A. joinedB. knewC. contactedD. saw2. A. inspectedB. ignoredC. avoidedD. supported3. A. stopsB. bitesC. trapsD. greets4. A. sameB. poorC. meanD. special5. A. gave awayB. held

25、 upC. picked upD. asked for6. A. reallyB. presentlyC. finallyD. frequently7. A. happyB. helpfulC. carefulD. painful8. A. walkingB. morningC. workingD. testing9. A. somebodyB. everybodyC. anybodyD. nobody10. A. missedB. affectedC. searchedD. dreamed11. A. continuedB. thoughtC. startedD. stopped12. A.

26、 preparationsB. absencesC. signalsD. failures13. A. movingB. workingC. exercisingD. dancing14. A. keptB. suggestedC. foundD. imagined15. A. smallB. strangeC. obviousD. common16. A. victoriesB. successesC. devotionsD. blessings17. A. remindB. challengeC. broadcastD. accept18. A. evenB. stillC. everD.

27、 nearly19. A. mottoB. secretC. magicD. beauty20. A. changeB. enrichC. protectD. touch【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)D;(6)C;(7)A;(8)B;(9)D;(10)A;(11)C;(12)B;(13)D;(14)C;(15)A;(16)D;(17)A;(18)A;(19)C;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一个快乐的乞丐Bean。Bean从不直接要东西,而是一个常以跳舞的形式向人打招呼来乞讨的乞丐。有几天Bea不见了,这让作者很担心。一周之后,Bean终于出现,作者

28、又可看见他的晨舞,心情非常高兴。作者由此可悟出了生活中有很多的这种人,他们对于我们的生活有很大的影响。 (1)考查动词。句意:在过去的一年半里,我几乎每个工作日的早晨都能看到Bean。A. joined“加入”;B. knew“知道”;C. contacted“联系”;D. saw“看到”。根据下文可知Bean是作者几乎每个工作日的早上都能看到的,故选D。 (2)考查动词。句意:一开始我忽略了比恩。A. inspected“检查”;B. ignored“忽略”;C. avoided“避免”;D. supported“支持”。根据下文“After all, hes just a beggar ”

29、毕竟,他只是高速公路出口匝道上的一个乞丐,可知,作者起初是忽略他的。故选B。 (3)考查动词。句意:毕竟,他只是高速公路出口匝道上的红绿灯处缠着人们(乞讨)的一个乞丐。A. stops“停止”;B. bites“咬”;C. traps“绊住,缠住”;D. greets“欢迎”。由设空处前的 a beggar 和常识可知,作者起初对乞讨者的看法就是缠着他人来乞讨的,故选C。 (4)考查形容词。句意:随着时间的推移,我逐渐明白了一些事情。第一个是在这个出口匝道上总是同一个人。A. same“相同的”;B. poor“贫穷的”;C. mean“小气的”;D. special“特殊的”。根据上文“Fo

30、r the past year and a half, I _1_Bean almost every workday morning”可知,Bean每天出现在这个地方,所以此处是说总是同一个人。故选A。 (5)考查动词短语。句意:第二件事是他从来没有真正向别人要求过什么。他只是跳舞,向大家挥手。A. gave away“泄露、捐赠”;B. held up“支撑、阻碍”;C. picked up“拾起”;D. asked for“索要”。根据常识,乞丐都要要索要东西的。根据下文“He just danced and waved at everyone.”可知,此处是指他不像其他的乞丐要东西,故选

31、D。 (6)考查副词。句意:最后,也许是最重要的,.。A. really“真正地”;B. presently“目前,现在”;C. finally“最后”;D. frequently“经常地”。按照一般思维,最重要的往往最后提到,符合语境。故选C。 (7)考查形容词。句意:最后,也许最重要的是,他总是很快乐。A. happy“快乐的”;B. helpful“有帮助的”;C. careful“小心的”;D. painful“痛苦的”。根据上文的“dancing, playing, smiling”,可知他是很快乐的,故选A。 (8)考查名词。句意:Bean 慢慢地成了我早晨日常的一部分。A. walking “散步”;B. morning“早晨”;C. working“工作”;D. testing“测试”。根据上文“I _1_Bean almost every workday morning.”可知是每个工作日早晨的一部分。故选B。 (9)考查代词。句意:有一天我注意到:因为他不在,没有人向我跳舞和挥手。A. s

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