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1、SAT 测试题测试题SAT 测试题Sentence completion(每题两分,共 30 分)1.Although its publicity has been-,the film itself is intelligent,well-acted,handsomely produced,and altogether-.A.tasteless-respectableB.extensive-moderateC.sophisticated-amateurD.risqu-crudeE.perfect-spectacular2.Dangerously high winds-attempts to b

2、egin the space shuttle mission on schedule,delaying the launch by nearly a week.A.thwartedB.forfeitedC.implementedD.dischargedE.redoubled3.More valuable and comprehensive than any previously proposed theory of phenomenon,Salazars research has-the basis for all subsequent-in her field.A.underminedadv

3、ancementsB.prepareddebaclesC.providedinvestigationsD.dissolvedexperimentsE.reinforcedmisconceptions4.Hoping to-the dispute,negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be-to both labor and management.A.enforceusefulB.enddivisiveC.overcomeunattractiveD.extendsatisfactoryE.resolveacceptable5

4、.For many of the villagers,marriage was a practical-,one not necessarily-of love but nevertheless grounded largely in economic advantage.A.arrangementdevoidB.entertainmentdisparagingC.attitudeconsistingD.bargainworthyE.misfortunetrusting6.The research is so-that it leaves no part of the issue unexam

5、ined.A.comprehensiveB.rewardingC.sporadicD.economicalE.problematic7.It is sometimes customary to view rain as-sign;many believe that if it rains on the day of your wedding,you will enjoy financial inopportune B.a meager untimelyE.a modest 8.The scene was even-than

6、 Rebecca had-;dead trees and patchy brown seemed to stretch on forever under a leaden sky.A.uglierfeigned B.drearierenvisionedC.lazierdivulgedD.scantierdesiredE.keenerperceived.9.The name of the housing development is a-;although it is called“Forest Hills,”it is located in a-valley.A.dilutionriver B

7、.fallacyneglectedC.misnomertreelessD.retellingcontentedE.faultbarren10.A true ascetic,Jorge-luxuries and other worldly pleasures in an effort to-his spiritual side.A.spurnsfortifyB.embracesemulateC.relishesassistD.condonesreclaimE.lambastesinterpret11.Scientific discoveries are often thought of as t

8、he result of-effort,but many discoveries have,in fact,arisen from-or a mistake.(A)conscientious.a method(B)incidental.a mishap(C)collaborative.a design(D) extension(E) accident12.As-as the disintegration of the Roman Empire must have seemed,that disaster nevertheless presen

9、ted some-aspects.A.momentousformidable B.decisiveunavoidable C.unexpectedambiguous D.advantageousbeneficial E.catastrophicconstructive 13.For a long time,most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless;now,however,some are warning that excessive dosages can be-.

10、A.healthy B.expensive C.wasteful D.toxic E.inane 14.Brachiopods,clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times,were one of the most-forms of life on the Earth:more than 30,000 species have been-from fossil record.A.plentifulsubtracted B.ornateretrieved C.multifariouscatalogued D.scarceextracted E.anachronis

11、ticextrapolated 15.Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such-strategies that only the most-player can master them.A.Byzantineadroit B.nefariousconscientious C.deviouslackadaisical D.onerousslipshod E.predictablecompulsive Improving Sentences&Identifying Sentence E

12、rrors(两部分共 25分)Improving Sentences(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1.Some of the Smithsonian Institutions most prized items,form Duke Ellingtons musical transcripts to First Ladies gowns,coming from unsolicited donations.A.coming fromB.they come fromC.they have come fromD.came fromE.which came from2.Lecturing at the

13、university,read the poetry of Margaret Atwood was the advice Professor Clark gave her the poetry of Margaret Atwood was the advice Professor Clark gave her audienceB.the poetry of Margaret Atwood was what Professor Clark advised her audience to readC.her audience was advised by Profe

14、ssor Clark to read the poetry of Margaret AtwoodD.Margaret Atwoods poetry,advised Professor Clark,was what her audience should readE.Professor Clark advised her audience to read the poetry of Margaret Atwood3.Evidence from surveys and interviews show friendships made in high school tend to last long

15、er than those made in friendships made in high school tend to high school friendships that tend to showing high school friendships tending to lastD.shows that friendships made in high school tend to lastE.shows friendships in high school tends to last4.Conners,a pu

16、blishing and media services company,is acquiring Dispatch Education,it manufactures school uniforms.A.Dispatch Education,it manufacturesB.Dispatch Education,which manufacturesC.Dispatch Education,manufacturingD.Dispatch Education;it is manufacturingE.Dispatch Education;for the manufacturing of5.The

17、campus newspaper does not print as much world news as does my does my does my hometown newspaperC.compared to what my hometown my hometown newspaper the one in my hometown does6.The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica who spent most of his life

18、in the United States but writing some of his poems in the Jamaican dialect.(A)The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica who spent most of his life in the United States but writing(B)Being that he was a Jamaican who spent most of his life in the United States,thepoet Claude McKay writing(C)Althou

19、gh a native of Jamaica,the poet Claude McKay spent most of his life in the United States,he wrote(D)Although the poet Claude McKay spent most of his life in the United States,hewas a native of Jamaica and wrote(E)Because he was a native of Jamaica who spent most of his life in the United States,the

20、poet Claude McKay writing7.Many ancient Eastern rulers favored drinking vessels made of celadon porcelain because of supposedly revealing the presence of poison by cracking.(A)because of supposedly revealing the presence of poison(B)for being supposed that it would reveal the presence of poison(C)be

21、cause of being supposed to reveal poison in it(D)for it was supposed to reveal that there is poison(E)because it was supposed to reveal the presence of poison8.John believes that plants respond to human attention,which causes his talking to his African violets every night.(A)attention,which causes h

22、is talking(B)attention and talking is what is done(C)attention and his talks(D)attention;for this reason has been his talking(E)attention;he therefore talks9.All the demands on soprano Kathleen Battle for operatic performances,solo concerts,and special guest appearances,tempting her to sing too ofte

23、n and straining her voice.(A)appearances,tempting her to sing too often and straining(B)appearances not only tempt her to sing too often plus they strain(C)appearances tempts her not only into singing too often but then she strains(D)appearances,tempting her into singing too often and she therefore

24、strains(E)appearances tempt her to sing too often and strain10.One reason that an insect can walk on walls while a human cannot is that the mass of its tiny body is far lower than humans.(A)far lower than humans(B)far lower than that of a humans body(C)lower by far than humans(D)far lower than a hum

25、an(E)far lower than is a humans bodyIdentifying Sentence Errors(每题 1 分,共 5 分)11.Fourteen years after the Galileo space probe was launched from the space shuttle A Atlantis,the mission was purposed ended when the Galileo disintegrates in the dense B C Datmosphere of the planet Jupiter.No error E12.Ma

26、ny professional athletes are motivated by either personal pride and love of their A B sport,but some seem interested only in money.No error C D E13.Even though only parts of clay vessels may be recovered,these pottery shards are A B invaluable to the archaeologist because it is virtually indestructi

27、ble.No error C D E14.Paule Marshall,whose Barbadian background has influenced her writing,describes A B Cmany details of life in the Caribbean Islands vividly in her novels and short stories.DNo error E15.It is far easier to ride a bicycle than explaining in words exactly how a bicycle A B C is ridd

28、en.No error D EPassage-based reading(每题 3 分,共 45 分)The passages below are followed by questions based on their content;questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages.Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in th

29、e passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.Question 1-4 are based on the following passages.Passage 1The eighteenth-century botanist Carolus Linnaeus enormous and essential contribution to natural history was to devise a system of classification whereby any plant or animal coul

30、d identified and slotted into an overall plan.Yet Linnaeus himself would probably be the first to admit that classification is only a tool,and not the ultimate purpose,of biological inquiry.Unfortunately,this truth was not apparent to his immediate successors,who for the nest hundred years were to c

31、oncern themselves almost exclusively with classification.Passage 2 I am a heretic about Linnaeus.I do not dispute the value of the tool he gave natural science,but I am wary about the change it has effected on human relationship to the world.From Linnaeus on,much of science has been devoted to sorti

32、ng masses into individual entities and arranging the entities neatly.The cost of having so successfully itemized and pigeonholed nature is to limit certain possibilities of seeing and apprehending.For example,the modern man thinks that he or she can best understand a tree(or a species of tree)by exa

33、mining a single tree.But trees are not intended to grow in isolation.They are social creatures,and their society in turn supports other species of plants,insects,birds,mammals,and micro-organisms,all of which make up the whole experience of the woods.1.Compared to the author of Passage 2,the author of Passage 1 regards Linnaeus with more(A)cynicism(B)bafflement(C)appreciation(D)nostalgia(E)resentm

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