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1、小鹿斑比电影中英文对白起床!Wake up!又怎么了啊?What now?快点起床喔! 猫头鹰Wake up, Friend Owl.到底发生什么事?Whats going on around here?- 起床! - 有大事发生了!-Wake up. - Its happened. Its happened!新的王子诞生了The new prince is born.我们要去看它哟Were going to see him.对 要看就快点哟Come on. You better hurry up.好可爱哟Well, Isnt he cute?真难得的场面 太热闹了Well, this is

2、quite an occasion.当然了 这也难怪了 不是每天都有王子出生的Yes, sure, it isnt every day a prince is born.你们应该好好的道贺一下Youre to be congratulated.- 对呀 恭喜呀 - 恭喜呀- Yes, congratulations. - Congratulations.谢谢你们 赶快醒来吧Thank you very much.Come on. Wake up.我们有客人来了We have company.你好啊Hello.你好啊Hello. Hello, there.你好啊 小王子Hello, little

3、 prince.- 你好啊 - 你好啊 小王子- Hello. Hello, there. - Hello, little prince.你们看 它想要站起来了Look. Hes trying to get up.它还是站得摇摇晃晃的Kinda wobbly, isnt he?桑普!Thumper!我说的没错啊Well, he is.你说是不是?Arent you?我看它是有点困了Looks to me like hes getting kind of sleepy.好了 我们该走了 各位I think its time we all left.走了.Come on.桑普 快走了!Thumpe

4、r. Come on.你要给它取什么名字啊?Whatcha gonna call him?这个嘛.Well.我想就叫它 斑比 好了I think Ill call him Bambi.斑比.Bambi.可以 这个名字满不错的Yep, I guess thatll do all right.斑比 我的小斑比Bambi. My little Bambi.你看谁来了? 它已经会走路了Walking already. Well, what do you know?早安!Good morning.早安啊 桂太太!Good morning, Mrs Quail.早上怎么不见到小王子呢?And wheres

5、 the young prince this?早安啊 小王子!Good morning, Bambi.早安 小王子-Good morning, young prince.再见Goodbye.早安啊 小王子Good morning, young prince.早安 小王子Good morning, young prince.早安Good morning.今天天气不错哟Nice sunny day.怎么了 它发生什么事情了?-Whats the matter? -What happened?小王子跌倒了吗?Did the young prince fall down?它受伤了吗?Is he hur

6、t?没有 它很好啊No, hes all right.它走路像不大稳He doesnt walk very good, does he?桑普Thumper.什么事 妈妈?Yes, Mama?你爸爸今天早上 是怎么跟你说的?What did your father tell you this morning?假如你不能说好听的话If you cant say something nice,那就. 一句. 一句也都不要说dont say nothing at all.斑比 要勇敢喔Come on, Bambi, get up. Try again.赶快起来 站起来喔Come on, get up.

7、对呀 起来嘛 斑比 起来嘛Come on, Get up.Bambi.Get up.再试一次Try again.我很会敲打Im thumping.所以呢 大家都叫我桑普喔Thats why they call me Thumper.桑普!Thumper!跳过来呀! 你可以跳得过来的Come on. You can do it.快点嘛 像这样子喔!Hop over it. Like this.我表演给你看喔Hop over it.就像这样Like this.你跳的还不够远喔You didnt hop far enough.对了 现在换另外一只脚Thats it. Now the other on

8、e.天啊! 刚才是怎么一回事啊?Gee whiz, what happened that time?那是一群小鸟喔Those are birds.鸟?Bird?鸟!Bird!听 它是在学说话Look, hes trying to talk.鸟!Bird!它是在说: 鸟Hes trying to say bird.说 鸟Say bird.鸟!Bird.鸟Bird.鸟!Bird.不对 不对 是 鸟Bird.快点说鸟嘛 快说啊Come on, say bird, say bird.小鸟 小鸟Say bird. Say bird. Come on, say bird.小鸟Say bird.鸟Bird.

9、它说话了 它说话了 妈妈He talked. He talked, Mama.小王子说话了The young prince said bird.鸟 鸟.Bird, bird, bird.鸟Bird.不对喔 斑比No, thats not a bird.那只不是鸟 那只是蝴蝶Thats a butterfly.蝴蝶?Butterfly?蝴蝶.Butter.蝴蝶!Butterfly!不对 那是花No, thats a flower.花?Flower?是漂亮的花Its pretty.漂亮Pretty.花Flower.花?Me?笑死我了No, no, no, no.不是啦 你说错了Thats not

10、a flower.那只不是花 它是.-Hes a little.没关系Thats all right.它喜欢叫我花 那就叫好了He can call me a flower if he wants to.我不会在乎的I dont mind.漂亮Pretty.漂亮的花Pretty flower.天啊.Gosh.我想我现在应该回家去了 斑比I think I better go home now.# Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # Beating a tune As you fall all around # Drip, drip, drop Litt

11、le April shower # What can compare With your beautiful sound? # Beautiful sound Beautiful sound # Drip, drop Drip, drop # Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy # Your pretty music Can brighten the day # Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy # You come along with a song right away # Come with you

12、r beautiful music # Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # Beating a tune As you fall all around # Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # What can compare With your beautiful sound? # Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy # You come along With your pretty little song # Drip, drip, drop When the sk

13、y is cloudy # You come along With your pretty little song # - Gay little roundelay - Gay little roundelay # - Song of the rainy day - Song of the rainy day # How I love to hear your patter Pretty little pitter-patter # Helter skelter, when you pelter Troubles always seem to scatter # Drip, drip, dro

14、p Little April shower # Beating a sound as you fall all around # Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # - Little April shower - With your beautiful sound # Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # Beating a tune As you fall all around # Drip, drip, drop Little April shower # What can compare With your

15、 beautiful sound? # Beautiful sound #妈妈 我们今天要做什么?Mother, what we going to do today?我要带你到草地上去Im going to take you to the meadow.草地? 草地是什么呀?Meadow? Whats the meadow?草地呀 是一个很好玩的地方Its a very wonderful place.那为什么我们以前都没去呢?Then why havent we been there before?因为那个时候你年纪还小啊You werent big enough.妈妈 你知道为什么吗?Mo

16、ther, you know what?什么?What?我们不是在这里唯一的鹿Were not the only deer in the forest.你从哪儿听来的?Where did you hear that?是桑普告诉我的Thumper told me.它说的没错Well, hes right.除了我们之外 森林里面还有很多的鹿There are many deer in the forest besides us.那为什么我们 都没有看到它们呢?Then why dont I ever see them?总有一天你会见到的You will, sometime.在草地上On the m

17、eadow?说不定Perhaps.安静.Hush now.我们就快要到了Were almost there.- 草地! - 等等- The meadow. - Wait.斑比 等等Bambi, wait.千万不可以在草地上乱跑You must never rush out on the meadow.这样会有危险的There might be danger.在草地上我们得不到保护Out there, were unprotected.草地非常的宽广The meadow is wide and open,没有树 还有丛森来隐藏and there are no trees or bushes to

18、 hide us.所以我们要非常的小心So we have to be very careful.你在这里等我Wait here.我先走出去Ill go out first.假如草地很安全我就通知你And if the meadow is safe, Ill call you.斑比 可以出来了Come on, Bambi.不要怕啊Its all right快出来啊Come on.早啊 斑比王子Good morning, Prince Bambi.早 小王子Good morning, young prince.你好 你们在吃什么啊?Hello. What ya eatin?木树Clover.很像

19、很好吃喔Its awfully good.美味可口喔Its delicious.你也吃吃看吧?Why dont you try some?不对! 不对 斑比No, not that green stuff.不那个东西 是花果Just eat the blossoms.只吃花果 它是最美味的东西Thats the good stuff.桑普!Thumper!什么事 妈妈?Yes, Mama?你爸爸是怎么告诉你的?What did your father tell you?有关于什么?About what?关于吃花果留下绿叶的故事啊About eating the blossoms and lea

20、ving the greens?原来是那个啊Oh, that one.吃绿叶是特别的糟蹋Eating greens is a special treat.会长出长耳朵和大脚It makes long ears and great big feet.不过绿叶的味道真的很难吃But it sure is awful stuff to eat.最后一句话是我自己编的I made that last part up myself.小心喔 小心Watch out.她是小芬妮Thats little Faline.妈妈 它会不好意思喔Hes kind of bashful, isnt he, Mama?如

21、果你跟他打声招呼就不会了Well, maybe he wouldnt be if youd say hello.你好 斑比Hello, Bambi.你好啊I said hello.斑比 赶快回答她啊Well, arent you going to answer her?你应该不会害怕 对不对?Youre not afraid, are you?赶快上前去啊Well, then, go ahead.快说啊 快说你好!Go on, say hello.你好Hello.他停下来看着我He stopped and looked at me.是啊 我知道Yes, I know.为什么它在草地上出现 大家

22、都不动呢?Why was everyone still when he came on the meadow?因为大家都很尊敬他Everyone respects him.森林里所有的鹿For of all the deer in the forest,没有一只活得比他还要长久的not one has lived half so long.他既勇敢 又很贤能Hes very brave and very wise.所以他是大家公认的森林大王子Thats why hes known as the Great Prince of the Forest.小玲Faline.斑比Bambi.妈妈Moth

23、er.斑比Bambi.妈Mother.妈Mother.妈Mother.斑比 可以出来了Come on out, Bambi.出来吧Come on.现在已经很安全了Its safe now.已经不必躲藏了We dont have to hide any longer.妈到底发生什么事了?What happened, Mother?为什么我们要躲呢?Why did we all run?这是因为. 人类来到了森林Man. was in the forest.妈 快看Mother, look.外面那是什么?Whats all that white stuff?啊 那是雪Why, its snow.-

24、 雪? - 是的- Snow? - Yes.对啊 因为冬天已经来了Winter has come.你好啊 斑比!Hiya, Bambi.过来这边 看看我的能耐!Watch what I can do.过来 没关系嘛!Come on. Its all right.你看 它已经凝固了Look.The waters stiff.好好玩Some fun,对不对 斑比?huh, Bambi?起来嘛 像我这个样子Come on, get up. Like this.你会摇摇晃晃的 对不对呀? 斑比Kinda wobbly, arent you?你不能光看前脚 也要注意后脚嘛Got to watch bot

25、h ends at the same time.我想你的脚不打结会比较好看Guess you better unwind it.起床了!Wake up.该起床了Wake up, Flower.春天到了吗?Is it spring yet?没有 冬天才刚开始呢!No. Winters just started.你在做什么啊?What you doing?你在冬眠吗?Hibernating?对呀yes.那你为什么要冬眠呢?What do you want to do that for?就是我可以长时间的睡觉嘛All us flowers sleep in the winter.晚安了 两位Well

26、, good night.冬天很漫长是不是 妈妈?Winter sure is long, isnt it?感觉上很漫长It seems long.可是它不会永远持续下去的But it wont last forever.我肚子饿死了Im awful hungry, Mother.我知道 忍耐一下吧Yes, I know.斑比Bambi.斑比 过来呀Bambi, come here.你看这里Look.这是春天刚刚长出来的草喔New spring grass.斑比 快Bambi. Quick.躲到灌木丛里The thicket.斑比 躲到草丛里Faster. Faster, Bambi.别往后看

27、 快跑 快跑Dont look back. Keep running. Keep running.我们成功了We made it.我们跑回来了 妈妈We made it, Mother.我们.We.妈.Mother.妈妈!Mother!妈妈 你在哪里?Mother, where are you?妈妈!Mother!妈!Mother!妈!Mother!妈!Mother!妈!Mother!你妈妈再也不能陪在你身边了Your mother cant be with you anymore.好了 走吧Come.跟我来My son.# Lets sing a gay little spring song

28、 # This is the season to sing # So Id like to suggest That we all do our best # And warble a song about spring # Spring, spring, spring # Lets get together and sing # Lets sing a gay little spring song # Just like the bird on the wing # Things always seem right When youre cheerful and bright # So le

29、ts get together and sing # Sing, sing, sing # Lets sing a song about spring # Lets twitter and tweet Like the birdies in May # Get into the mood And be merry today # Forget all your troubles And warble away. #怎么了?Wait.又怎么了?What now?喂Hey.不要在这里吵 走开Stop that racket. Scat.好家伙 我要来修理他们Ill fix em.好了 停下来了啊Ther

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