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1、常见化学物质中英文表一 常见无机物英文名Chemical symbolChemical nameRelated compounds, salts, propertiesSsulfur Elemental sulfurSO32-sulfitesulfurous acid 亚硫酸SO42-sulfate Sulfate,硫酸盐; sulfuric acid 硫酸SO2sulfur dioxideSO3: sulfur trioxideH2Shydrogen sulfideOdorous, poisonousS2-sulfidePbS, lead sulfideN2nitrogenLiquid ni

2、trogenNO3-nitrate K NO3 Potassium nitrateNO2-nitriteNa NO2 NO2nitrogen dioxideMajor air pollutantN2Onitrous oxideLaughing gasF2flourineCFC chloroflourocarbonsCl2chlorineHClO, hypochlorous acidBr2bromineHBr, hydrogen bromideI2iodineAgI , silver iodideHClHydrogen chloride; hydrochloric acidHF , hydrof

3、luoric acidCl-chlorideNaCl sodium chlorideCCarbonActivated carbonCCl4Carbon tetrachchlorideCO32-Carbonate ionNa2CO3 sodium carbonateHCO3-bicarbonate ionCa(HCO3)2 calcium bicarbonateCO2carbon dioxidePphosphorusPO43-phosphate H PO42-H3PO4phosphoric acidNasodiumAlkali metalNaOHsodium hydroxideCaustic s

4、odaKpotassiumK2HPO4 dipotassium hydrogenphosphsateKOHpotassium hydroxideCaustic potash CacalciumCa(OH)2calcium hydroxidehydrated lime 熟石灰Ca CO3calcium carbonateScale, precipitateCa(HCO3)2calcium bicarbonateImportant bufferMgmagnesiumMg(OH)2magnesium hydroxideAlaluminumAlum 明矾Al(OH)3aluminum hydroxid

5、eZnzincZnSO4zinc sulfateFeIronFeOiron oxide; ferrous oxideFe2O3ferric oxidePbLeadPbO lead oxide, CoCobaltCoCl2 cobalt chlorideCrChromiumCuCopperCu(NO3)2 Copper nitrateHgMercury MnManganeseMnO2 managanese dioxideNiNickelSiSiliconSiO2 silicaTiTitaniumTiO2 titanium dioxideAgSilverAgNO3 silver nitrateAu

6、Gold表二 常见有机物英文名(Fill in the blanks for practice.)Chemical symbolChemical nameOther names; related compoundsCnH2n+2alkaneMethane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, heptanes, octane, nonane, decane, hexadecaneCnH2nAlkene, cycloalkaneEthene or ethylene, propene or propylene, butene or butylene,

7、 cyclopentaneCnH2n-2Alkyne, dieneEthyne, 1,3-butadieneAromatic hydrocarbonsBenzene, naphthaleneR-OHalcoholCH3OHmethanolethanolAlcohol; propanol, butanolHCHOformaldehydeCH3CHOacetaldehydeR-O-RketoneAcetone, methyl ethyl ketoneR-COOHAlkanoic acidR: saturatedAcetic acidEthanoic acid; butanoic acidHCOOH

8、Formic acidFormate (salt)R-COOResterCH3COOC2H5Ethyl acetateRCOOCH3FAMEFatty acid methyl ester, C12-18 biodieselDimethyl etherDME 二甲醚Diethyl ether乙醚Methyl-t-butyl etherMTBEbezenetoluenemethylbezenexyleneDimethylbenzene, 3 isomersethylbenzenenaphthaleneC6H5OHphenol苯酚C6Cl5OHpentachlorophenolanilineamin

9、obenzenenitrobenzeneC6H5OOCCH3Phenyl acetateCHCl3chloroformtrichloromethaneglucoseHexose 六碳糖ribosePentose 五碳糖R-CHNH2-COOHAmino acidGlycine, lysine, glutamic acidHOCH2CH2OHEthylene glycolGlycol; diethylene glycolglycerolGlycerine, 甘油triglyceridePalmic acid棕榈酸Stearic acidUnsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸P

10、olyunsaturated fatty acidsCyclopentanecyclohexanolFurantetrahydrofuranthiophenedimethyl sulfideDimethyl disulfidepyridinepyrrole1,4-dioxanen-heptaneCH2CH2OEthylene oxideProphylene oxideisooctaneCH2=CHClVinyl chlorideMonomer of PVC常用工业化学品中英名硝酸钙 Calcium nitrate 冰醋酸 Glacial acetic acid 对苯二酚 Hydroquinon

11、e 氢氧化钠 Sodium Hydroxide 叔丁基胺 Tert-butylamine 丙烯酸树脂 Acrylic resin 十六烷醇 Cetyl alcohol乙二醇 Ethylene glycol 甘油 Glycerine or glycerol过硫酸铵 Ammonium persulfate硫酸铵 Ammonium sulfate 三聚磷酸钠 Sodium tripolyphosphate 氧化镁 Magnesium oxide 磷酸三钠 Trisodium Phosphate 对苯二酚 Hydroquinone 月桂醇硫酸钠 sldium lauryl sulfate 对羟基苯甲酸

12、 para-hydroxybenzoic acid 苯甲酸钠 Sodium benzoate 过氧化氢 Hydrogen Peroxide 邻苯二甲酸酐 Phthalic Anhydride 2,3-二氨基甲苯 2,3-diamino toluene 三苯基硼 Triphenyl borane 松油精 Dipentine 高锰酸钾 Potassium Permanganate 二环戊二烯 Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) 金红石型氧化钛 Titanium Dioxide (Rutile) 硼酸 Boric acid 氧化铅 Lead Oxide 邻苯二甲酸酐 0-Phthali

13、c Anhydride 碳黑 Carbon Black 粒状活性炭 Granular activated carbon粉状活性炭 Powered activated carbon磷酸 Phosphoric acid 次硫酸钠 Sodium Hydrosulfite 磷酸二氢铵 Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate 水合肼 Hydrazine Hydrate 干酪素 Casein (food grade) 柠檬酸 Citric acid 硫代硫酸钠 Sodium thiosulfate 硝酸钙 Calcium nitrate 硫酸钾 Potassium sulfate 氯化

14、钠 Sodium chloride 丙烯酰氯 Acrylyl chloride 苏打灰 Soda ash 间氯苯胺 m-chloroaniline 尿素 Urea 氧化铁黄 Iron oxide yellow 氧化铁红 Iron oxide red 1,1,1-三氯乙烷 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 氯化铵 Ammonium chloride 苯酚 Phenol 磷酸三钙 Tricalcium phosphate 碳酸氢钠 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸钠 Sodium carbonate山梨糖醇 Sorbitol 一水葡萄糖 Dextrose monohydrate

15、 碳化钙 Calcium carbide 酒石酸盐 Tartrate 鉻酸銨 Ammonium chromate 甲酸铵 Ammonium formate 聚丙烯薄膜 Polypropylene (PP ) Sheet表三表四 环境科学英语重要单词定义表TermDefinitionAcid rainPrecipitation (rain,snow, sleet, etc) that is more acidic than normal caused by air pollutants; also known as acid precipitation.Acid-base titrationTh

16、e determination of acid or base concentration by a titration method.AcidityThe amount of acid in water which requires certain amount of alkali to neutralize to a given pH, often pH 8.3 as defined in water chemistry.Acoustical materialsSound-absorbing materials that can be used to reduce noise.Activa

17、ted carbonSpecially produced carbon particles or granules which possess large inner surface area, effective in adsorbing solutes in water, or gaseous material.Activated sludge processA controlled aerobic biological treatment process which can oxidize organic materials (BOD) and ammonia, etc, and mak

18、es the water more acceptable to discharge or reuse.AerationExposing water to the air; often results in the release into the atmosphere of gaseous impurities found in polluted water.Agricultural waste, or residueLarge quantity of unused products such as rice straw, corn stalk, etc. Often can be conve

19、rted to compost or other useful products. Agricultural chemicalsChemicals used for agricultural purpose, such as fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, etc. AlkalineThe opposite of acidic; basic. Alkaline oil or rock may neutralize acid rain.Alpha particlesA type of radiation essentially composed of

20、 energetic helium nuclei.Alternative energy sourcesEnergy sources, such as solar power, wind power, and so forth, that are alternative to the fossil fuels, nuclear power, and large-scale hydroelectric power.AlumHydrated aluminum sulfate used as coagulant for water teatmentAtmosphere The sphere or “l

21、ayer” of gases that surrounds the Earth.Atomic numberThe number of protons in an atomic nucleusBacterium, plural: bacteriaMicroorgamisms of a size range about 0.2 to 10 microns, important for waste and wastewater treatament, but some may cause diseases (pathogens).Beta particles A type of radiation,

22、 essentially high-speed electrons.Biodegradable plastics “Biodegradable” generally refers to a substance that can be degraded, decomposed by microorganisms into simple compounds such as water and carbon dioxide. A biodegradable plastic is a plastic that can be broken down in such a manner. However,

23、most plastics are synthetic polymers that are not biodegradable.BiodegradabilityOften refering to the susceptibility of an organic material or compound to microbial degradationBiological oxygen demand (BOD)The amount of oxygen used by organisms and chemical processes in a particular stream, lake, or

24、 other body of water to carry out decomposition.Biological treatment processesProcesses which use biological or microbiological transformation (biodegradation) to convert pollutants to less harmful products.Biosphere The sphere or “layer” of living organisms on Earth.BTU, or British Thermal UnitThe

25、amount of heat to raise one pound of water for one degree F of temperature under spedified condition, about 0.25 Kilocalorie (Kcal). KilocalorieThe amount of heat to raise one kilogram of water for one degree C of temperature under spedified condition, Carbon cycleThe biogeochemical cycle of carbon.

26、Catalytic converterA device that carries out a number of chemical reactions that convert air pollutants to less harmful substances, often used for treating vehicle exhaust. Chain reactionIn a nuclear reactor, when the fissioning of one atom releases neutrons that induce the fissioning of other atoms

27、, and so forth.Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)The amount of oxygen equivalent by an oxidizing chemical solution, often potassium dichromate in strong acidic condition, to carry out decomposition of mainly organic material in water.Chlorinated hydrocarbonsA group of synthetic organic pesticides that inc

28、ludes chlordane and DDT.Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)Artificially produced compounds composed primarily of carbon, fluorine, and chlorine. CFCs have been implicated in the deterioration of the ozone layer. ClayA fine-grained, firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated, consis

29、ting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks, tiles, and potteryClosed-loop recyclingThe indefinite recycling of a material or substance without degradation or deterioration, such as the recycling of many metals and glasses.Coal-fired power plantA electricity gen

30、eration plant which uses coal burning for energy. (cf. gas-fired power plant, oil-fired power plant)Cogeneration A power plant produces several types of energy simultaneously, such as electricity and heat that can be used locally. CometabolismThe product of composing, or transforming organic waste to farming and gardeni

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