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1、新理念交互英语教案设计1unit3 西安海棠技师学院大学英语教 案 任课教师: 王洋洋 编写时间: 2016 年 10月 17 日 课程大学英语执行记录日 期10.1710.1910.24星 期检查签字教研室节 次教学科班 级课题Unit3 Famous People课的类型基础课教学目的教会学生单词发音,教会学生语法。教学重点Section A Students are able to understand the expressions of making requests or suggestions, and choose the best answer for the exercis

2、es.Section B Students are able to introduce Steve Jobs in oral presentation.Section CStudents are able to spell and know the meaning of some key words and expressions in Text A and Text B.Students can get familiar with the structure and main ideas of Text A and Text B.Students master the language po

3、ints in Text A and Text B. Students are able to do Focus Exercises independently after having learned Text A and Text B.教学难点语法的掌握教学方法课堂提问、课堂讨论主要教具课本、多媒体作业安排练习册教学反思第 页 续页 教 学 内 容时间分配Unit3 Famous People Teaching Objectives Section A Students are able to understand the expressions of making requests or

4、 suggestions, and choose the best answer for the exercises.Section B Students are able to introduce Steve Jobs in oral presentation.Section CStudents are able to spell and know the meaning of some key words and expressions in Text A and Text B.Students can get familiar with the structure and main id

5、eas of Text A and Text B.Students master the language points in Text A and Text B. Students are able to do Focus Exercises independently after having learned Text A and Text B.Teaching Procedures Period 1Section A Wake Up Your Ears Teaching Steps:1.Students work in pairs and brief1y discuss the expr

6、essions of making requests and suggestions in English.2. Students study Word Tips to get prepared for doing Listening Practice3.Students listen to the recording and do Listening Practice one by one.4.Check answers to the exercises together.Period 2Section B Open Your Mouth Teaching Steps:(This activ

7、ity requires students pre-working on the PPT making and rehearsal.)1.Choose 1-2groups to present their introduction to Steve Jobs.2.Ask students to raise questions and make comments.3.Conclude students performance and brief1y introduce Steve Jobs.Homework:1.Review the expressions of making requests

8、and suggestions learned in the class and practice with classmates or roommates after class.2.Preview Text A,including the new words and expressions.Period 3-4Section C Enrich Your Mind Part One Texts Text ATeaching Steps:1.Ask students to listen to the recording of Word List and read after it.2.Expl

9、ain key words in the Word List in detail. Key Words:truth graduation loss hire talented graduallyfai1ure event successful remarkable faith trulysatisfied feature garage studio brick 3.Ask students to listen to the recording of Useful Phrases and Expressions and read after it.4.Explain the useful phr

10、ases and expressions and ask students to make sentences with them.Useful Phrases and Expressionsbe honored to graduate from get(be)fired side with sb.(against sb./sth.) think about run away from start over go on to be fired from5.Students read the text for the first time to get the main ideas,discus

11、s about the structure of the text, and then do Reading Comprehension individually.6.Check the answers to Reading Comprehension together.7.Ask students to listen to the recording of the text and read after it.8.Ask some students to read the text one by one.9.Explain some difficult language points in

12、the text in detail. In this process, teachers should pay more attention to the sentence patterns mentioned in Notes.Language Points: Paragraph 1 1. be honored to 很荣幸e.g. Im greatly honored to be invited to attend and address the meeting.我非常荣幸能应邀参加此次大会并发言。I would be honored to be shown around your fa

13、ctory. 若能参观一下你们工厂我将深感荣幸。2. graduate from 毕业于e.g. She graduated from an American college. 她毕业于美国一所学院。He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业。Paragraph 41. think about 考虑e.g. May I think about it for a moment? 我可以考虑一下吗?You can think about it and let me know your decision later.你可以把这事考虑一下,以后

14、再把你 的决定告诉我。2. run away from 逃离;回避e.g. He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. 他十三岁那年就离家了。Ive never been one to run away from trouble . 我这个人从不逃避困难。Paragraph 61.Im pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadnt been fired from Apple. 我很确定,如果当年苹果公司没开除我,就不会发生这些事情。此句是一个由if引导的表示过去情况的虚拟条件句,表

15、示与过去事实相反 的假设,其结构为: if+从句主语+had+过去分词,主句主语+would have+过去分词。e.g. If he had come, I would have told him the news.如果他早来,我就会和他说这个消息了。If I had known the plan, a huge amount of time would have been saved.如果我早知道这个计划,就不会浪费那么多时间了。另外,if还可以引导表示现在情况的虚拟条件句和表示将来情况的虚拟条件句。if引导的表示现在情况的虚拟条件句,表示与现在事实相反的假设,其结构为: if+从句主语+

16、were/did,主句主语+would/should/could/might+动词原形。e.g. If 1were you, I should do that. 如果我是你,我就那么做。If引导的表示将来情况的虚拟条件句,表示与将来实现的可能性不大的情况,其结构为: if+从句主语+were to/did/should +动词原形,主句主语+would/ should/ could/ might+动词原形。e.g. If anyone set me free,I would make him very rich. 如果有人把我放出来,我会使他富有。2. Im convinced that th

17、e only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. 我坚信,这些年来我之所以能够坚持不懈,是因为我热爱自己的事业。而且,人若要真正满足,就得做自己认为伟大的事情。1) 此句的结构比较复杂,其中包括that引导的宾语从句、定语从句和表语从句,以及what引导的名词性从句。句中第一个that引导的是宾语从句, 做convinced的宾语:第二个that引导的是定语从旬,修

18、饰先行the only thing,需要注意的是,在定语从句中,若先行词被the only,the very,the first,the last等词修饰时,关系代词用that而不用which; 第三个that引导的是表语从旬,做was的表语。句中第一个what引导的名词性从句做loved的宾语,第二个what引导的名词性从句做do的宾语,做从句的主语。另外,what引导的名词性从句在复合句中还可以做表语和同位语。e.g. This is what I want to say. 这就是我想说的。 (做表语) I have no idea what we should do next. 我不知道

19、下一步我们该干什么。(做同位语)2) 此句中的to be truly satisfied是不定式做后置定语,修饰主语the only way。当不定式做定语时,一般都放在所修饰的名词或代词后面。e.g. We have made a plan to learn from the hero.我们制订了一个向英雄学习的计划。 We need someone to help with the work. 我们需要有人来帮忙干这个工作 。Period 5-6 Text B Teaching Steps:1. Ask students to listen to the recording of Word

20、 List and read after it.2. Explain key words in the Word List in detail Key Words:Key Words:enter university researcher secretary type characterbar publish achieve instant success adult plot3.Ask students to listen to the recording of Useful Phrases and Expressions and read after it.4.Explain the us

21、eful phrases and expressions and ask students to make sentences with them.Useful Phrases and ExpressionsSpend(in) doing sth. pull into work as take shape type up come to sb. In ones mind5.Students read the text for the first time to get the main ideas and discuss about the structure of the text, and

22、 then do Reading Comprehension individually.6.Check the answers to Reading Comprehension together.7.Ask students to listen to the recording of the text and read after it.8.Ask some students to read the text.9.Explain some difficult language points in the text in detail. In this process,teachers shou

23、ld pay more attention to the sentence patterns mentioned in Notes .Language Points: Paragraph 21.spend. (in) doing sth. 花费 (时间、精力、金钱等)做某事e.g. The time I end in commuting eve可 day adds up to two hours. 上下班乘车花费的时间加起来有两个小时。 Most of her life was spent in caring for others.她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。 ones mind

24、 在心里e.g. He turned the new idea over in his mind. 他仔细得考虑了这种新想法。Dont keep your secret in your mind. 不要把秘密藏在你的心里。3.take shape 成形;形成e.g. The new building is beginning to take shape. 新大楼已初具规模。This project will soon take shape if we get more people working on it.如果我们有更多的人参与工作,这项工程即可见雏形。4.During this time

25、, on a long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990,the idea came to her of a boy who is a wizard. 在1990年的夏天,她坐在由曼彻斯特出发前往伦敦的火车上,旅途十分漫长,就在那时她想到了魔法小巫师哈利波特这个男孩的形象。the idea came to her of a boy who is a wizard是一个介词短语后置的句子,目的是使主语更加明确,其正常语序应为the idea of a boy who is a wizard came to her

26、。5.By the time the train pulled into King s Cross Station four hours later,many of the characters and the early plot had been fully formed in her head. 四个小时后当火车驶入国王十字车站的时候,大部分人物和故事的前期框架已经在她的脑海里形成了。此句中by the time引导的是一个时间状语从句,表示当的时候。如从句的时态为过去时,则主句使用过去完成时;如从句的时态为现在时或将来时,则主句使用将来完成时。e.g. By the time he w

27、as 14 years old,he had learned maths all by himself.到十四岁的时候,他就自学了数学。 By the time you graduate, I will have been working for five years.等你毕业时,我就已经工作五年了。Homework: 1) Review new words and expressions in Text B and prepare for a dictation next class. 2) Do Part Two Focus Exercises after class. 第 页西安海棠技师

28、学院大学英语教 案 任课教师: 王洋洋 编写时间: 2016 年 10 月 26 日 课程大学英语执行记录日 期10.26星 期检查签字教研室节 次教学科班 级课题Unit3 Famous People课的类型基础课教学目的教会学生单词发音,教会学生语法。教学重点Section DStudents can understand and master the c1assification and usage of Verb.Students are able to do Test Yourself independently.Section EStudents can get familiar

29、with the basic format and some sentence patterns of Note.Students are able to write a Note in English.Section FStudents can complete the dialogues in the film c1ip and understand its main idea. 教学难点Grammar教学方法课堂提问、课堂讨论主要教具课本、多媒体作业安排默写单词教学反思第 页 续页 教 学 内 容时间分配Unit3 Famous People Teaching Objectives Se

30、ction DStudents can understand and master the c1assification and usage of Verb.Students are able to do Test Yourself independently.Section EStudents can get familiar with the basic format and some sentence patterns of Note.Students are able to write a Note in English.Section FStudents can complete t

31、he dialogues in the film c1ip and understand its main idea.Period 7Part Two Focus ExercisesCheck the answers and correct students mistakes. Section D Keep Your Feet on the GroundGrammar-VerbTeaching Steps:1.Ask students to do a brainstorm on what they have known about verb in English grammar, such as its classification.2.Teach students the

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