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本文(广东省阳江市江城区学年八年级上学期期末英语试题含听力.docx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省阳江市江城区学年八年级上学期期末英语试题含听力广东省阳江市江城区2020-2021学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)学校: 姓名: 班级: 考号: 一、完型填空SOme Children WiSh to be WriterS When they grow up. That that they Want to Write StOrieS Or books They WOUld be happy if many PeOPle read their StOrieS Or books SOme day, but I WOUld Iike 2 these Children that they

2、Will need to be good readers and read a IOt before they become good WriterS.NCarly all great WriterS Often IiStened 3 OtherS tell StOrieS IOng before they Started SChOOL They also 4 On reading for hours and hours for years. EVen When they had become writers, they SPent much Of their time 5 books ins

3、tead Of WatChing TV in the evening If you are a good reader, it wont take you IOng 6 the reading homework your teacher asks you to do. Then you Will have time to read 7 books for fun YOU Will read SO 8 that you Will always Want to IOOk for more books to read.If you Want to be a WriteE reading is ver

4、r 9 When you decide to become a writer,you had better tell 10 , Hl must read more and more if I really Want to become a goodwriter.,1. A. means.B. meaningC. meanD meant2. A. tellB. tellingC. toldD to tell3. A. forB. toC. atD. Of4. A. keepB. keepingC. keptD. WiII keep5. A. readB. readsC. readingD to

5、read6. A. doB. doingC. didD. to do7. A. OthCrSB. OthCrC. anotherD. the Other8. A. goodB. WellC. betterD. best9. A. imponamB. importantlyC. importanceD. moreimportantly10. A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yoursNiCk is a 10-year-old boy. He,s the Only Child in his family HiS father always SeemStoo 11 He USU

6、ally gets back home after NiCk SleePS and IeaVeS home before NiCk 12 up. JUSt Iike Other boys, NiCk WantS his father to SPend 13 With him.One evening, NiCk WaS SUIPriSed to See his father at home. HDad. its a big surprise/ NiCk said.,Yes, SOIL my meeting WaS CanCeleCl (取消)SO I Were at home early;1 h

7、is father repliedMCan I ask you SOme questions now?M NiCk Went on. How much money do you make a year?M,It,s a 14 number and you WOn,t be able to UnderStand it. ”nAre you happy 15 the InOney you,ve made?”Yes, SOiL m verr happy and m PIanning to 16 another new StOre Anything else?”Yes, I have One InOr

8、e question 一 how much do you make in One 17 ?,MNiCk, it,s a funny question. BUt I Can tell you 一 it,s about IOO dollars every hour/Hearing this, NiCk 18 ran to his room and SOOn got down With a Piggy bank (储 钱罐) MDadr I have 300 dollars here. Can you SPCnd three hours With me 19 I give all the InOne

9、y to you?HRUnning for money makes kids 20 IOVe and Care from ParentS MOney can,t buy everything!11 A. busyB. IaZyC. funnyD. happy12. A. PUtSB. getsC. StandSD. turns13. A. timeB. WOrkC. moneyD SPaCe14. A. IargeB. ShOrtC. tallD. heavy15. A. toB. forC. WithD. in6 A. IOOkB. OPenC. findD. WatCh17. A. hou

10、rB. dayC. monthD. year18 A SlOWIyB easilyC. finallyD quickly19. A. SOBifC. butD. Umil20. A. getB findC. IOSeD enjoy二、阅读单选Dear Mr & MrS Miller,ThiS term, Mike COUld do better in SeIf-COntrOl (自我控制)but he is not in the Way We Want him to. I think more family Care Will help him SOlVe this PrOblem.Mike

11、is Very Smart. but it is hard for him to do his homework for a IOng Iime HOWeVen he SeemS to be better now. Mike is able to do his homework Very Well. He is good at SPeIling andCan USe the WOrdS corrective 正确地)in his homework He Can also WOrk OUt the math PrOblelnS quite easily. Mike is Very interes

12、ted in SCienCe He enjoys reading books and Writing reports in an interesting way.I enjoy having Mike in my class. He is going to StUdy in Grade Three next term MiSS King Win be his teacher. I hope he Can do better than beforeSincerely, Cindy BrOWn21 WhO is this Ietter for?A. Mike Miller. B. Mike,s p

13、arents. C. Cindy Brown. D MiSS King.22 What does Mike,s teacher Say about his self-control?A. He does Very Well in it.C.ItiS not as good as expected23 What is Mike good at?A. Math and PE.C. SPelIing and music24. What does Mike enjoy doing?A. WOrking OUt math PrOblems.C. DOing his homework for a IOng

14、 time.B He has IOtS Of PrOblemS in it.D.He does WOrSt in it.B SCienCe and artD SPelling and math.B Reading books and Writing reports.D HeIPing OtherS With their homework.25 What Can We know from the IaSt paragraph?A Mike is a StUdent Of Grade Three now.B It is difficult for Cindy BrOWn to teach Mike

15、.C.MrS MilIer Wiil teach Mike next year.D.Cindy BrOWn hopes Mike Can do better.A new Way Of eating becomes POPUlar With young PeOPle On the Internet. It is Caned mukbang Starting from SOUth Korea, nnkbang means Heating broadcast (吃播)” The hosts IiVe-Stream (直播)themselves eating a Iarge number Of fd

16、Online At the Sanle time, they talk With those WhO are WatChing them through the Internet.In SOUth KOrea its not COlnInOn for PeOPle to go OUt to eat by themselves Dining is a SOCiaI (社交的)activity, and PeOPIe dont Sit and eat alone (独自).FOr those WhO cant eat With Others, theyll Stay at home to eat

17、alone, but they StilI Want to Ineet and SPend time With PeOPle While eating SO they think Of the idea for mukbang In this way, theyll never eat alone again and they Can even Inake a IOt Of money.NOW mukbang is POPUlar in the WOrld. PeOPIe Can Share Ihe happiness Of eating and Inake friends through m

18、ukbang Il also helps PeOPle WhO have PrOblemS With fd. By WatChingmukbang, those WhO always eat too much Can SatiSfy their appetite (胃 口)and those WhO donteat enough Can build their appetite26 PeOPle CANNOT through inukbangA. ICamhOWtOCOOk B. make new friends C. talk With OtherS D make lots ofmoney2

19、7 The SeCOnd ParagraPh (段落)is Inainly about A. When InUkbang began B. Why PeOPle WatCh mukbangC. how InUkbang Started D. Why PeOPle do SOCial activities28 ThC UnderIined WOrd HSatiSfVM means in ChineSeA.共享 B.满足 C.增加 D.减少29 WhiCh Of the following is TRUE?A. The host Of mukbang never interacts (沟通)Wit

20、h Internet USerSB SOUth KOrea is the SeCOnd COUntnf to do the eating broadcast.C. The host Can Share the happiness Of eating through mukbang.D MUkbang is a hot TV PrOgram for PeOPle Of all ages30 WhiCh is the best title for this passage?A. HOW to make food VideOS OnIine B. Key to being a mukbang Per

21、fOrmerC. The most POPUlar mukbang StarS D. LiVe Stream eating 一 mukbang三、信息匹配配对阅读左栏是五位学生的职业梦想,右栏是一些帮助实现职业梦想的辅导班的介绍。 请根据左右两栏的信息为这五位学生选择合适的辅导班,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。31 Diana is a 14-year-old girl. She IiVeS in the city. She has a talent for dancing She always SayS dancing makes her happy. She is going to be a f

22、amous dancer When She growsA. YOU Can have CIaSSeS in Mr. Smith,s big garden. YOU Can not Only CnjOy the beautiful flowers, but also ICarn how to grow different flowersB ThiS is a basketball class! We have three basketball COUrtS (球场) We have different groups forup.32 BrUCe is in ClaSS 3、GradePeOPIe

23、 Of different ages. OUr COaCheS are Very skillful.JOin us!8. He is StrOng HC is going to be a basketball Star When he grows tall enough.33. JUIia is a quiet girl.Shcis good at ClraWing PCOPle and animals She WantS to be an artist inC.EVeryOne IikeS to eat delicious food. but Can you cook? COme to OU

24、r class! There are excellent COOkS WhO Will teach you how to COOk ChineSe food and WeStern food.D.If you Want to IeanI drawing, OUr ClaSS is a good ChOiCe We have Inany experienced teachers inthe future34 Ted is 15 years old. He IikeS the Sea He is going to be a diver(潜水员)to SWim in the sea, Singing

25、 to the dolphins and fishes.35. Mark is from an AmeriCan middle school. He IikeS PlantS. HC enjoys Planting and Watering the PlantS HC is going to be a gardene匚drawing YOU Can Iearn a IOt through their guidance (扌旨 导) YOUr drawing IeVel Will be improved soon.E.WelCOme to OUr body-building class! We

26、have a IOt Of CXerCiSe machines for you to ChOOSe from. We also have SOnle PrOfeSSiOnal fitness (健美)COaCheSE WelCOme to OUr dance class! OUr famous dance teacher. MrS White, is good at all kinds Of dances ShC is kind and IOVeS her StUdentSG We have a big SWimlning pI. The Water in the SWiInming POOI

27、 is Clean and WarS a. YOU Can Iearn IOtS Of SWiInming and diving SkillS here. PIeaSe join us!4.单词填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡相应的横线上。每个空只能 填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。m ChineSe and I IOVe ChineSC CUltUre Of all the traditional ChineSe festivals, I Iike the SPring FeStiVa!36. EVery family Will make good PreParat

28、iOns37. the big event before it COmeS PeOPle Clean the house, buy new ClOtheS and PrePare a IOt Of delicious food FOr those WhO WOrk 38. from their hometowns, they have to take a train Or PIane home and the ride USUally takes a few hours. TO get back home On time they USUally buy Plane Or train 39.

29、in advance (预先)DUring the festival, there are all kinds Of interesting 40. PeOPle Set Of fire CraCkerS (爆 竹)and enjoy the ClragOn dances to 41. it. Many PeOPle always42, their relatives (亲戚) to a big dinner. 43. Can get IUCky money from their parents, grandparents and relatives Old friends Iike to g

30、et 44. to talk about the happy Old daysThC SPring FeStiVal means the45, Of a new year. PCOPle always have good WiSheS for the COming year. WhafS your WiSh for 2020?5.回答问题JaCk is 15 years old. He PraCtiCeS Playing the guitar CVery day, and he is really good at Playing the guitar. Emma is Jacks sister

31、. She IOVeS to IiSten to JaCk When he PlayS the guitar. JaCk IikeS to Play COUntry music and ClaSSiCal (古典的)music With the guitar. Emma IikeS the COUntry music best. She really IikeS WatChing JaCk Play the COUntrJf music that he CreateS Emma also WantS to ICarn to Play the guitar SO that She Can PIay as Well as JaCk does.UMUnL Can I take guitar lessons?0 EnIma asksHer mum replies, nIt takes a IOt Of hard WOrk to PIay the guitar for JaCk Are you SUre you have en

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