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1、away的用法UP和down的动词搭配away adv.(副词) 1.From a particular thing or place: 远离:远离某件特指的事情或地点: ran away from the lion; sent the children away to boarding school. 远离狮子身边;送孩子去寄宿学校就读 2.At or to a distance in space or time: 在或到空间或时间上的一段距离: We live a block away from the park. 我们住的街区远离公园 3.At or by a considerable

2、interval: 相差一个相当大的间隔: away back in the 17th century; away off on the horizon. 回到远离的17世纪;远离地平线 4.In a different direction; aside: 转向:在不同的方向;在一边: glanced away. 向别处看 5.On the way: 上路: We want to get away early in the day. 我们想白天早点出发 6.In or into storage or safekeeping: 保存:放入贮存室或妥善保管: put the toys away;

3、jewels locked away in a safe. 把玩具收好;锁在保险箱里的珠宝 7.Out of existence or notice: 消失:不存在或不被注意: The music faded away. 音乐渐渐消失 8.So as to remove, separate, or eliminate: 便于除去,分离或清除: chipped the paint away; cleared away the debris. 刮除油漆;清除这些瓦砾 9.From ones possession: 赠送:拿出某人的所有物: gave the tickets away. 把票送人 1

4、0.Continuously; steadily: 连续地;稳固地: toiled away at the project for more than a year. 这项工程持续了一年多 11.Freely; at will: 无拘束地;随意地: Fire away! 扫射! adj.(形容词) 1.Absent: 不在的: The neighbors are away. 邻居不在家 2.Distant, as in space or time: 遥远的:遥远的,如在空间或时间上: The city is miles away. The game was still a week away.

5、 这个城市在几英里以外。离比赛还有一星期 3.Played on an opponents field or grounds: 在对方赛场或场地比赛的: an away game. 作为客队比赛的 4.Baseball Out: 【棒球】 出局的: bases loaded, with two away. 两人出局的满垒adv.离; 远离; 不在与动词连用, 表示损失、减少、变弱、耗尽.去,.掉不断.下去立刻(=out)(棒球)退场用于无动词的命令句和感叹句去掉; 走开run away 逃掉take away 拿走work away (at) 做下去fade away 消失; 褪色away b

6、ack 早在, 远在away below the average 远在平常以下, 远在中等以下right away 立刻, 马上The shops are only a few minutes walk away. 商店离此地只有几分钟的路程。He is away today. 他今天不在。The water has all boiled away. 水完全烧干了。They blazed away all their ammunition. 他们把所有弹药都打光了。The sound of their footsteps died away. 他们的脚步声逐渐消失了。A-with them!

7、把他们带走!A-with care! 不必担忧!A-with you! 滚开!走开!习惯用语cannot away with 古无法忍受, 受不了far away在远处 最.far and away 最最., 大大., 超过其他地get away with 携带.潜逃 干某事未受惩罚give sb. away 背弃, 使暴露out and away 无可比拟right away口马上, 立刻straight away口马上, 立刻Where away ? 【航海】在什么方向? 你上哪儿去?away with 把.拿走带走; 离开 UP的搭配 1.break up 打碎,拆散;分解,腐蚀(及物或

8、不及物) Although the sea breaks up the waste, beaches may become polluted. 虽然大海可以把粪便冲散,但海滨可能受到污染。SEFC 3A The word can be broken up into four syllables. 这个词可以分成四个音节。1 2.bring up 抚养;教育(及物) Chaplin, who was brought up by his mother learnt to dance at an early age. 卓别林很小时就学会了跳舞。他是由母亲带大的。SEFC 2A up

9、逐步建立;增强(及物或不及物) Her husband had built up a large business during his lifetime. 她丈夫在世时创立了一个大企业。SEFC 3B You must build up your health. 你必须增强你的体质。1 4.catch up 赶上(with)(及物,通常不用作被动语态) He began to catch up with Jim. 他开始赶上吉姆。JEFC 2A You go on ahead;I will catch you up in a few minutes.你先走,我几分钟就会赶上你的。2

10、ear up 整理,收拾(及物);放晴(不及物) Nobody clears it up at the end of the day. 傍晚时也无人清扫。SEFC 2A The weather cleared up after a heavy storm. 在一场暴风雨之后,天气晴朗起来。SEFC 3B 6.climb up 爬上(及物或不及物) Jim is climbing up the ladder. 吉姆正在爬梯子呢。JEFC 2A e up 走上;走过来;走近;抬头;上升;上来;被提出来(不及物) Come up these steps with me, please, and be

11、 careful.请跟我上台阶,小心点。JEFC 3A He soon comes up for breath.(台词说明) 很快他(从水里)抬起头来呼吸。SEFC 2B He came up to them and asked in English. 他朝他们走过来,并用英语问道。SEFC 2B The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money for our research. 我们是否有足够的科研资金,这个问题在会上被提了出来。SEFC 3B 8.cut up 齐根割掉;切碎(及物) Im cutting th

12、is tree up, answered the woodcutter.“我在劈柴呢。”樵夫答道。SEFC 1B 9.divide up 分配(多作及物) The lawyer explained how my aunts money was to be divided up. 律师对我姑妈的钱财如何分配的问题作了说明。SEFC 3B 10.dress up 穿上盛装,乔装打扮(及物或不及物) Mr Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat. 有时格林先生穿上红衣(打扮成圣诞老人)。FEFC 3AHe hated being dressed up. 他不

13、愿穿得那么正式。 up 吃完(光);吞没(及物);尽情地吃(不及物)I ate up all the food I could find in the fridge.我吃完了能在冰箱里找到的食物。SEFC 1ATheres plenty for everyone, so eat up! 吃的东西多得很,大家尽情地吃吧!2The house was eaten up by flames in no time. 房子倾刻被火吞没。112.end up 结束;告终(及物或不及物,无被动态。非正式用语)It is probable that one day we will end up

14、with a disability.很可能某一天我们会变成残废。SEFC 2B13.fix up 安顿;安装;修理好(及物或不及物)Will you help me fix up this sheet? 你帮我搭好这块遮阴布好吗?SEFC 3AWe were fixed up for the night in a hotel. 我们被安顿在一个旅馆过夜。214.fold up 折起(及物);破产;塌下(不及物)These are folded up inside the satellite. 这些(帆板)都折叠在卫星内部。SEFC 2BThe business finally folded u

15、p last week. 这家企业终于在上周倒闭了。215.get up 起床;起立(及物或不及物)Jim! Jim! Its time to get up! 吉姆!吉姆!该起床了! JEFC 1BAfter they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar and got up.他们吃完中餐,汉克点燃一支雪茄,站起身来。SEFC 2B16.give up 放弃(及物)One habit he cant give up is smoking. 他不能放弃的一个习惯就是吸烟。SEFC 2A17.go up 上升;建造(不及物或及物,无被动语态)I beli

16、eve prices might go up next week. 我认为价格在下周可能会上升。SEFC 1AHow many houses have gone up this year? 今年兴建了多少房屋?218.grow up 成长;发展(不及物)Do they grow up by themselves? 他们是自己长大的吗?SEFC 1ANew cities grow up in the desert. 新的城市在沙漠中崛起。219.hold up 举起(及物);阻挡,使停顿(及物或不及物)If it is possible, hold up the part of the body

17、 which is bleading.如有可能,就把出血的那个部位抬起来。SEFC 2ASorry, Im late. I was held up by the traffic.对不起,我来晚了。交通堵塞耽搁了。220.hurry up 赶快(不及物);催促(及物)(口语用语)Please hurry up! 请快点!JEFC 3AI tried to hurry him up, but he wouldnt walk any faster.我催他快走,但他就是不肯快一点。2 (to be continued)21.join up 联合(接)起来(及物或不及物);参军(不及物) Norther

18、n and Southern states joined up again as one country.南北各州又重新联合成一个国家。SEFC 1AIts impossible to join the wires up. 这电线不可能再接上。3Many young people joined up during the two World Wars.两次世界大战中,许多年轻人参军入伍。322. keep up 保持;维持;继续(及物或不及物)They lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even i

19、n very cold winter weather.他们生活得很活跃,即使在严寒的冬天也能保持正常的体温。SEFC 3AI hope the weather keeps up. 我希望这样的天气能继续下去。2keep up with 跟上;保持联系(及物)He walked so fast that I could hardly keep up with him.他走得那么快,我简直跟不上了。223.look up 向上看(不及物);(在词典、参考书)查寻(及物);拜访(某人)Now look up the words in a dictionary. 在词典里查一查这些单词。JEFC 3A

20、When you go to Boston, look an old friend of mine up.你去波士顿时请去拜访我的一位老朋友。2look up to 尊敬,仰望(及物)All the students looked up to him. 他的学生都尊敬他。224.make up 编造;虚构;组成(及物);化妆(及物或不及物)Make up a dialogue, using the following as a guide.按下面提示编一段对话。SEFC 1BThe actors were making up when we arrived. 我们到达时,演员正在化妆。2mak

21、e up ones mind 下决心(后常接不定式或从句)I havent made up my mind yet. 我还没有决定。SEFC 2BHaley made up his mind to find out more about his ancestors.哈利下决心要进一步了解祖先的情况。SEFC 3Bbe made up of 由.组成The UK is made up of four countries. 联合王国由四部分国土组成。SEFC up 开创;开辟;打开(及物)Florence Nightingale opened up nursing and Ma

22、dame Curie opened up sciences to women.F南丁格尔开创了护理工作,居里夫人为妇女开辟了学科学的道路。SEFC 3B26.pick up 拾起;接收;用较少的钱买到(及物)Let me pick it up for you. 我来帮你拾起吧。JEFC 2AIt is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes.有必要使用短波收音机收听节目。SEFC 1AThey cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers.他们不能用手指捡起小

23、物品。SEFC 1BYou can often pick up packs of used stamps very cheaply.你常常能够很便宜地买到大批用过的邮票。SEFC 2A27.pull up 拉上来,拖起;(使)停下(及物或不及物)The children pulled the boat up from the water.孩子们把小船从水面拉上来。JEFC 2BThe car pulled up outside the hotel. 汽车在旅馆外停下。328.put up 举起;张贴(及物)Put your hand up when youve found out the an

24、swer. 找到答案了就举手。JEFC 3APlease write a notice for the students and put it up.请给同学们写一个通知并贴出来。SEFC 1A29.ring up 打电话(给某人)(及物或不及物,口语用语)Jim rings you up.吉姆给你打电话。JEFC 2BCan you ring up the bus company? 你能跟公共汽车公司打个电话吗?SEFC 1B30.round up 赶拢;集中一起(及物)Farmers use motor bikes or helicopters for the task of roundi

25、ng up the sheep or cattle. 农场主用摩托或直升飞机把羊群或牛群赶拢来。SEFC 3A up 向上跑(及物或不及物,无被动态);升起(及物)Theyre running up the trees.他们正向树上跑呢。JEFC 1BThen the white flag was run up.很快升起了白旗。232.send up 发射;长出(及物)Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.许多国家都向太空发射了人造卫星。JEFC 3BThe plant sent up

26、 two new shoots. 这株植物长出了两支新芽。233.set up 建立;创立(及物)They will set up a new training centre. 他们将建立一个新的训练中心。SEFC 1ABut the Southern states wanted to set up a country of their own.但是南方各州想建立一个他们自己的国家 SEFC 1A34.speed up 加速(不及物或及物)If you want to speed up your work, you should use a computer.如果你想加快工作,就应使用电脑。S

27、EFC 2A35.stand up 站起(不及物)The young woman stood up and stepped forward. 那位年轻妇女起身往前站着。SEFC 3B36.stay up 挺住;站立;不睡觉(不及物)Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.不结实的建筑物在地震中会倒塌,而结实的则可能安然无事。SEFC 1AI stayed up because I wanted to talk to you about something important.我没有睡

28、,因为我有重要的事和你谈。237.take up 占据(时间或空间);拿起(武器)It will take up more space in the room. 它会占房间的更多地方。SEFC 1A.but they should never take up arms to fight. .而不应该拿起武器去战斗。SEFC 3B38.think up 想出(及物,口语)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an adertisement.出席会议的还有广告的策划者。 SEFC 3A39.throw up 吐出(食物);呕

29、吐(及物或不及物,非正式用语)Make the person throw up.使这个人呕吐。SEFC 2AThe child has thrown up her dinner again! 小孩子把晚饭又都吐出来了。240.turn up 到达;意外出现(不及物,口语);开大,扭亮(及物)At around a quarter past eleven their father turned up.大约十一点过一刻,他们的父亲(突然)出现。SEFC 2BPlease turn the radio up a little.请把收音机音量开大些。241.wake up (叫)醒来;觉醒 (及物或不

30、及物)Half an hour later she woke up and began to cry.半小时后她醒过来,开始哭起来。JEFC 2BThe noise wakes me up. 响声总是惊醒我。JEFC 3AWe must wake up to the danger facing our country.我们对国家面临的危险必须有清醒的认识。21.break down 分解(及物或不及物);打破(及物);发生故障(不及物) A better method is to take the waste far out to sea in ships where the wind andwaves break it down.比较好的办法是把粪便用船运到很远的海上,那里的风浪会把它分解。SEFC 3A The washing machine seems to have broken down again.洗衣机好象又坏了。1 They broke down the door and entered the room.他们破门而入。 1 2.bring down 降低;使倒

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