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1、排队论经典程序MM1代码 修理店仿真报告一问题:1 修理店空闲的概率;2 店有三个顾客的概率;3 店至少有一个顾客的概率;4 在店顾客的平均数;5 顾客在店的平均逗留时间;6 顾客必须在店消耗15分钟以上的概率。二求解问题的方法:修理店空闲的概率: (sim_time-area_server_status) / sim_time);店有三个顾客的概率: area_3_in_q/sim_time);店至少有一个顾客的概率: abv_1/sim_time);在店顾客的平均数: area_num_in_h/sim_time);顾客在店的平均逗留时间: (total_of_delays+total_o

2、f_server)/ num_custs_delayed );顾客必须在店消耗15分钟以上概率: abv_15/num_custs_delayed); 三。求解过程中计算统计量的方法:1area_server_status += server_status * time_since_last_event;2/店有三个顾客的概率 if(server_status = BUSY) /服务台忙,则有队列中有两个顾客 if(num_in_q = 2) area_3_in_q += time_since_last_event;3/店至少有一个顾客的概率 if(server_status = BUSY)

3、/服务台忙,则店至少有一个顾客 abv_1 += time_since_last_event;4/在店顾客的平均数 if(server_status = BUSY) /服务台忙,总的顾客数为排队顾客数加一 area_num_in_h += (num_in_q+1) * time_since_last_event;5total_of_server += time_next_event2-sim_time;/总的服务时间加一个服务时间为新的服务总时间 delay = sim_time - time_arrival1;/排队时间=当前时间-这个人来的时间 total_of_delays += del

4、ay; 6/离开时总的消耗时间大于15,必须在店消耗15分钟以上的顾客数加一 if(delay+time_next_event2-sim_time)15) abv_15+; /到达时总的服务时间大于15,必须在店消耗15分钟以上的顾客数加一 if(time_next_event2-sim_time)15) abv_15+;程序代码:/* External definitions for single-server queueing system. */#include #include /*#include lcgrand.h Header file for random-number gen

5、erator. */#define Q_LIMIT 100 /* Limit on queue length.队伍最长100人 */#define BUSY 1 /* Mnemonics for servers being busy 忙碌状态*/#define IDLE 0 /* and idle.空闲状态 */int next_event_type, /下一个事件类型 num_custs_delayed, /已模拟的顾客数 num_delays_required, /模拟的顾客数 num_events,/事件数 num_in_q, /队列中的顾客数 server_status;/服务状态fl

6、oat area_num_in_q,/有顾客的时间 area_server_status,/总的服务时间 mean_interarrival,/平均顾客到达时间间隔 mean_service,/平均服务时间 sim_time, /模拟时间 time_arrivalQ_LIMIT + 1, /到来的时间 time_last_event, /上一个事件的时间 time_next_event3,/下一个事件的时间 total_of_delays; /总的排队时间/添加的变量float abv_15, /15分钟以上的顾客数量 total_of_server, /所有顾客的总的服务时间 area_3_

7、in_q, /有3个顾客的时间 abv_1, /至少有一个顾客的时间 area_num_in_h; /顾客总数/FILE *infile, *outfile;/* The following 3 declarations are for use of the random-number generator lcgrand and the associated functions lcgrandst and lcgrandgt for seed management. This file (named lcgrand.h) should be included in any program us

8、ing these functions by executing #include lcgrand.h before referencing the functions. */float lcgrand(int stream);void lcgrandst(long zset, int stream);long lcgrandgt(int stream);void initialize(void);void timing(void);void arrive(void);void depart(void);void report(void);void update_time_avg_stats(

9、void);float expon(float mean);main() /* Main function. */ /* Open input and output files. */ infile = fopen(, r); outfile = fopen(mm1.out, w); /* Specify the number of events for the timing function. */ num_events = 2;/两种事件 /* Read input parameters. */ fscanf(infile, %f %f %d, &mean_interarriv

10、al, &mean_service, &num_delays_required); /* Write report heading and input parameters. 输出*/ fprintf(outfile, Single-server queueing systemnn); fprintf(outfile, Mean interarrival time%11.3f minutesnn, mean_interarrival); fprintf(outfile, Mean time%16.3f minutesnn, mean_service); fprintf(outfile, Num

11、ber of customers%14dnn, num_delays_required); /* Initialize the simulation.初始化仿真 */ initialize();/初始化 /* Run the simulation while more delays are still needed.没服务完,仿真继续 */ while (num_custs_delayed num_delays_required) /当已服务顾客数小于1000时 /* Determine the next event. 确定下一事件*/ timing(); /* Update time-ave

12、rage statistical accumulators.时间记录更新 */ update_time_avg_stats(); /* Invoke the appropriate event function. 根据事件的不同,调用不同的函数*/ switch (next_event_type) case 1: arrive();/到达 break; case 2: depart();/离开 break; /* Invoke the report generator and end the simulation. */ report(); fclose(infile); fclose(out

13、file); return 0;void initialize(void) /* Initialization function. */ /* Initialize the simulation clock. 仿真时间置为0*/ sim_time = 0.0; /* Initialize the state variables.最开始状态初始化 */ server_status = IDLE;/服务空闲 num_in_q = 0; /队伍里无人排队 time_last_event = 0.0; /上一个事件的时间,最开始肯定是0开始 /* Initialize the statistical

14、counters. */ num_custs_delayed = 0; /已经服务的人数 total_of_delays = 0.0;/总的排队时间 area_num_in_q = 0.0;/有顾客的时间 area_server_status = 0.0;/总的服务时间/添加的变量的初始化 area_3_in_q = 0.0;/有3个顾客的时间 abv_1 = 0.0;/有顾客的时间 area_num_in_h = 0.0;/顾客的总数 total_of_server = 0.0;/所有顾客的所有的服务的时间 abv_15 = 0.0;/消耗15分钟以上的顾客数/ /* Initialize

15、event list. 初始化事件列表 Since no customers are present, the departure (service completion) event is eliminated from consideration. 无顾客存在和离开*/ time_next_event1 = sim_time + expon(mean_interarrival);/下一事件是来的时间 time_next_event2 = 1.0e+30; /下一事件是离开的时间void timing(void) /* Timing function. */ int i; float min

16、_time_next_event = 1.0e+29; /像指针一样的对于当前服务的人来说下一个事件的时间 next_event_type = 0; /* Determine the event type of the next event to occur.接下来将要发生的事件的类型 */ for (i = 1; i = num_events; +i) if (time_next_eventi Q_LIMIT) /* The queue has overflowed, so stop the simulation. */ fprintf(outfile, nOverflow of the a

17、rray time_arrival at); fprintf(outfile, time %f, sim_time); exit(2); /* There is still room in the queue, so store the time of arrival of the arriving customer at the (new) end of time_arrival. 队列中仍有空间时,记录新到达的时间*/ time_arrivalnum_in_q = sim_time;/在这个时间的时候有这么多的排队人数,用于计算3顾客的问题 else /服务空闲的状况 /* Server

18、is idle, so arriving customer has a delay of zero. (The following two statements are for program clarity and do not affect the results of the simulation.) */ delay = 0.0; total_of_delays += delay; /总的排队时间 /* Increment the number of customers delayed, and make server busy. */ +num_custs_delayed; /已经模

19、拟的顾客数加1 server_status = BUSY; /人到来,服务开始 /* Schedule a departure (service completion). 服务完成*/ time_next_event2 = sim_time + expon(mean_service);/这个人离开的时间为现在时间+服务时间/总的服务时间加上当前服务时间,更新总的服务时间 total_of_server += time_next_event2-sim_time;/总的服务时间加一个服务时间为新的服务总时间/总的服务时间大于15,必须在店消耗15分钟以上的顾客数加一 if(time_next_ev

20、ent2-sim_time)15)/如果这个人服务时间超过15分钟则耗费15分钟人数加1 abv_15+;/ void depart(void) /* Departure event function. 讨论离开事件*/ int i; float delay; /* Check to see whether the queue is empty.检测队列是否为空 */ if (num_in_q = 0) /* The queue is empty so make the server idle and eliminate the departure (service completion) e

21、vent from consideration. 队列空,服务空闲*/ server_status = IDLE; time_next_event2 = 1.0e+30; /离开的时间无限大(无人离开) else /* The queue is nonempty, so decrement the number of customers in queue. 有人离开,队列人数减少*/ -num_in_q; /* Compute the delay of the customer who is beginning and update the total delay accumulator. *

22、/ delay = sim_time - time_arrival1;/排队时间=当前时间-这个人来的时间 total_of_delays += delay; /* Increment the number of customers delayed, and schedule departure.已经服务人数+1 */ +num_custs_delayed; /服务人数加1 time_next_event2 = sim_time + expon(mean_service);/当前接受服务的人的离开时间/总的服务时间加上当前服务时间,更新总的服务时间 total_of_server += tim

23、e_next_event2-sim_time;/总的消耗时间大于15,必须在店消耗15分钟以上的顾客数加一 if(delay+time_next_event2-sim_time)15) abv_15+;/ /* Move each customer in queue (if any) up one place.有人离开,队列前移 */ for (i = 1; i = num_in_q; +i) time_arrivali = time_arrivali + 1;/人的到达时间也前移 void report(void) /* Report generator function. */ /* Co

24、mpute and write estimates of desired measures of performance. */ fprintf(outfile, nnAverage delay in queue%11.3f minutesnn, total_of_delays / num_custs_delayed); fprintf(outfile, Average number in queue%10.3fnn, area_num_in_q / sim_time); fprintf(outfile, Server utilization%15.3fnn, area_server_stat

25、us / sim_time); fprintf(outfile, Time simulation ended%12.3f minutes, sim_time); printf(统计量:n);/ /总时间减去服务台忙的时间除以总时间,得到服务台空闲的概率 printf(修理店空闲的概率:%24.3fn, (sim_time-area_server_status) / sim_time); printf(店有三个顾客的概率:%20.3fn, area_3_in_q/sim_time); printf(店至少有一个顾客的概率:%16.3fn, abv_1/sim_time); printf(在店顾客的平均数:%22.3fn, area_num_in_h

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