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1、PSC检查日常用语登轮常用语PSCO:Hello,are you the sailor on duty?(你好,你是值班水手吗?)Sailor:Yes,I am.Who are you looking for?(是的,请问你找谁?)PSCO:Im the Port State Control Officer.We want to talk to your captain./captain on board?(我是港口国监督官,船长在船上吗?)值班水手需要根据保安检查的要求检查ID card和随身携带的包。常用语为:Would you please/Could you please show m

2、e your ID card?或者 May I check your bag/briefcase?PSC检查根据IMO A.1052(27)决议,PSC官员上船第1步是初始检查PSC官员通常需要船方提供以下证书和文件:Ship certificate;Last psc inspection report;Crew list(Signature and Stamp);Last 10 port of call 等。首先是对船舶证书和有关文件的检查 PSCO:Would you please show me all your ships certificates,Captain?(船长,请出示所有的

3、船舶证书?)Captain:What certificate do you want,sir.(先生,你需要什么证书)PSCO:I need all of statutory certificates.(所有的法定证书)主要证书包括:SC、SE、SR、LL、IOPP、IAPP、ISPP、SMC、DOC、ISSC证书的检查点主要包括:1、证书的有效期限(valid date);2、证书的年度和期间检验是否符合公约要求(Annual survey and intermediate survey)。3、附件(Supplement)经常检查的文件包括:1、oil record book;2、Garba

4、ge record book;3、SOPEP or SEPEP;4、Annual test report(VDR、AIS、SSAS、LSA annual&5-yealy)主要的有关安全和保安的培训和演习记录。Abandon ship drill and Fire fighting drillSecurity drill常用的英语会话有:Please show me?(the annual test report of EPIRB、CSR 等等)在检查证书和文件的过程中,PSCO通常会向船员问一些问题以确认记录的正确性。例如:PSCO:How often do you conduct the o

5、il spill drill?Captain:Every three month.PSCO:But according to the drill record of SOPEP,the last drill was carried out 6 months ago.Captain:The last oil spill drill was conducted in June.My crew forgot to record it in the SOPEP,but I remembered recording in the SOPEP Drills Log Book.Crew certificat

6、e(船员证书)PSCO:please show me crew endorsement issued by flag state?Captain:Okey,all officers hold the endorsement except for the third officers.He just signed on one month ago and his endorsement ment is under way.The company has already applied for him.主甲板检查用语Air pipes(空气管)PSCO:Whats the condition of

7、 the air pipes,filling pipes and sounding pipes for each hold?CO:Every one is clearly identified with the name of the corresponding tank it serves.All pipe covers are in sound condition.Doors(门)PSCO:How about the weathertight doors?CO:All weathertight doors are in good condition,with handles complet

8、e and well maintained.PSCO:Can all the weathertight doors be operated from both sides of the bulkhead?CO:Yes,the clamping devices can be operated from both side.Hatch cover and coaming(舱盖和舱口围)PSCO:What is the condition of the hatch covers?Is there any sign of leaking?CO:Of course not.The tightness o

9、f our hatch covers is very reliable.No matter how heavy the wind and waves are,there will be no problem.The rubber seal is in good condition.PSCO:How about the hatch coaming?CO:The coaming and their stays and brackets are all in normal condition.No damage or excessive deformation,corrosion or rusted

10、 holes are found.Mooring arrangement(系泊装置)PSCO:How do your windlass and mooring winches perform?CO:They are tested satisfactorily.PSCO:The windlass and mooring winches are hydraulic and their pipes are liable to leak or break,or even cause oil pollution.Whats your maintenance work for them?CO:We mai

11、ntain them periodically and strictly according to the regulations.As soon as something abnormal is found,we take effective measures right away.Fairleads bollards mooring bittsPilot ladder(引水梯)PSCO:What have you done for the maintenance of the pilot ladder?Co:The pilot ladders construction is in full

12、 compliance with the requirements.So are its wooden and rubber steps.No break or deterioration can be found and the side ropes are of sufficient strenght.Manholes/flush scuttles(人孔)PSCO:The cargo holds manhole gaskets are aged.Co:Yes,we have planned to renew them,but the new gaskets are unavailable.Ventilators(通风筒)PSCO:There are holes in the ventilator coversCO:Sorry,we dont notice it.Please close the damper.I want to determine whether the damper has seized or not.

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