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1、MLAFormatMLA格式MLA 格式指南(文学论文适用)1.文内引用格式(In-Text Citations)文内引用是指在论文中对其它文献内容进行直引用或对文献中的某些观点、内容进行诠释。以下部分将简要介绍文内引用时可能遇到的情况及其相应的处理方法。(1) 基本引用格式(Basic In-Text Citation Rules)根据MLA格式的要求,如引用他人作品,应该用 “文内/括号内引用法 (parenthetical citation)”对其出处进行标注。 引文的出处应紧跟在引文或对引文观点、内容的诠释之后;格式为:(作者姓名+空格+引文所在页码)。例:Human beings h

2、ave been described as symbol-using animals (Burke 3). 当原文作者不明时,要用缩写的文献名来代替作者姓名这一项。如文献的篇幅较短,文献名上要加引号;如篇幅较长,则将文献名斜体或加下划线。 文内引用项要与你的“Works Cited”页中的条目相对应。如上述对Burke的引用,在Works Cited中应有如下项: Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method. Berkeley: U of California P, 19

3、66. 如同时进行多项文内引用,用分号将各引用信息分开。例 has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21). 作者名可以出现在正文句子里,也可放在引语或对引语的诠释之后的括号中;页码只能出现在括号中,而不能出现在正文句子里。例如:Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings (263).Romantic poetry is characterized by the spontaneous o

4、verflow of powerful feelings (Wordsworth 263).(2) 古典或经典著作引用格式(Author-Page Citation for Classic and Literary Works with Multiple Editions)页码信息是必不可少的,而除此之外的其他引用信息则会对那些和你持有不同版本的古典著作(如,马克思和恩格斯的共产党宣言)的学者们有所帮助。这时,在你所用版本的页码后应加一分号,然后附上卷(vol.)、部 (bk.)、部分(pt.)、章(ch.)、小节(sec.)、段落(par.) 等信息,注意要用其适当的缩写形式。例:Marx

5、and Engels described human history as marked by class struggles (79; ch. 1).(3) 引用多位同姓作者的格式(Citing Authors with Same Last Names)如两位或多位作者的同姓,在引用信息中还应给出他们名的首字母(而当他们名的首字母也相同时,则给出其全名)。例:Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the

6、 advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).(4) 引用同位作者多部作品的格式(Citing Multiple Works by the Same Author)当引用同一作者的多部作品时,在其姓后加上所引用作品的题名的缩写,以与作者的其他作品区分开来。例:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children (Too Soon 38), though he has acknowledged

7、 elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development in a childs second and third year (Hand-Eye Development 17).(5) 转引格式(Citing Indirect Sources)有时可能不得不使用转引/间接引用。转移是指对对另一引语中的内容进行引用。此时,用“qtd. in”来标注出你所实际参考的文献资料。例:Ravitch argues that high schools are pres

8、sured to act as social service centers, and they dont do that well (qtd. in Weisman 259).值得注意的是,负责的研究者会尽量使用原始资料,而尽少地使用转引。(6) 圣经引用格式(Citing the Bible)在第一次引用圣经时,应明确给出你所使用的版本(书名要斜体或者加下划线);又因各版本的译本各异,故应同时给出“部book”(不要斜体或加下划线)、“章chapter”和“小节verse”等信息。例:Ezekiel saw what seemed to be four living creatures,

9、each with faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10).此后再引用时,均可只给出“部book”、“章chapter”和“小节verse”等信息,因为你已对所用版本做过说明。_2.引文格式处理(Formatting Quotations)(1) 短引文格式(Short Quotations)当引文较短(散文体打印后少于四行,诗歌少于三个诗行)时,在引文上加双引号。在文内标出作者和引语页码(如引用诗,则标出诗行号),并在“Works Cited”页中给出完整的参考信息。例:A

10、ccording to some, dreams express profound aspects of personality (Foulkes 184), though others disagree.(2) 长引文格式(Long Quotations)当引文长于四行,将其单独列出,并省去双引号。引文另起一行,并将整个引文部分从左起缩进一英寸;双倍行距。 如果引文为多个段落,只在首行上缩进半英寸。括号内/文内引用信息放在引语的最后的标点之后。当引文为诗时,应保留其原来的断句格式(论文通篇双倍行距)。例如:Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and deh

11、umanizes him throughout her narration:They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaws door

12、, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78)(3) 对引文作调整的格式(Adding or Omitting Words In Quotations)如在引文上添加文字,将所添加文字用方括号括起来,以区别于原文。例如:Jan Ha

13、rold Brunvand, in an essay on urban legends, states: some individuals who retell urban legends make a point of learning every rumor or tale (78).省略引文中的文字时,应在省略部分换上省略号;省略号为三个英文句号,且其前后需各留一空格。例:In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that some individuals make a point of learning every

14、recent rumor or tale . and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs (78)._3.脚注与尾注(Footnotes and Endnotes)(1) 使用注释的情况(When to Use Footnotes and Endnotes)MLA不提倡过度使用说明性或繁冗的注释。然而,MLA却允许你使用脚注或尾注来对有价值的作品评论的信息进行介绍,例如:1 See Blackmur, especially chapters three and four, for an insightful analysis

15、of this trend.2 On the problems related to repressed memory recovery, see Wollens pp. 120- 35; for a contrasting view, see Pyle.脚注或尾注中偶尔也可包含一些说明性或其他简要、有帮助的附加信息,而这些信息如放在文内则会使正文显得过于繁冗:3 In a 1998 interview, she reiterated this point even more strongly: I am an artist, not a politician! (Weller 124).(2

16、) 注释标号(Numbering Endnotes and Footnotes)MLA格式的正文中的脚注/尾注用连续的、上标式的阿拉伯数字表示;其位置在需注释短语或句子的标点之后:Some have argued that such an investigation would be fruitless.6Scholars have argued for years that this claim has no basis,7 so we would do well to ignore it.但脚注/尾注的上标号应放在破折号之前:For years, scholars have failed

17、to address this point8a fact that suggests their cowardice more than their carelessness.(3) 注释格式(Formatting Endnotes and Footnotes)MLA格式要求注释与正文分开。注释要另起一页,此页标题为 Notes (居中、正文文字格式、不加上引号或斜体),位置在“Works Cited”页之前。注释须按连续的、上标式的阿拉伯数字排列,并使用普通段落格式、双倍行距(一个注释自成一段)4.引用文献条目格式(Works Cited Page: Basic Format)(1) 基本规

18、则(Basic Rules)Works Cited页位置在论文最后,另起一页。Works Cited页上应标出页码;Works Cited 字样位于此页最上方、居中。均为双倍行距;条目之间不留空行。如需要,可直接列出所引用的页码。如你所引用的期刊文章出现在225到250页,则可在Works Cited上这样标出页码:225-50。(2) 大小写与标点(Capitalization and Punctuation)文章、书籍等的题名需要大写,但其中的冠词、短的介词或者连词不能大写,除非这些词位于标题或者副标题的开头:Gone with the Wind, The Art of War, Ther

19、e Is Nothing Left to Lose篇幅较长文献(书、杂志)的题名要斜体或加下划线;篇幅较短文献(诗、文章)的题名则加双引号。(3) 条目排序与姓名顺序(Listing Author Names)引用文献的条目按作者姓名(而整部经过编辑的作品集,则按编者姓名)排列。作者姓名的排列顺序为: Family Name+First Name+Middle Name。不要将作者头衔(Dr., Sir, Saint, etc.)或学位(PhD, MA, DDS, etc.)与名字同时列出。如一本作者为John Bigbrain, PhD的书,在Works Cited 页中应为Bigbrain

20、, John;但务必要给出如Jr. 或 II.这样的后缀,如Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.的作品的引用格式应为King, Martin Luther, Jr. 即后缀要放在first/middle name和逗号之后。(4) 书籍条目格式(Works Cited Page: Books)第一作者或单独作者姓名的书写方式为last name, first name。书籍引用的基本格式为:Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. (5)

21、单作者(Book with One Author)Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.(6) 多作者(Book with More Than One Author)当作者为多位时,第一作者的姓名书写顺序为last name, first name;其他作者姓名书写顺序为first name, last name。Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston:

22、Allyn, 2000. 如作者多于三个,可只列出第一作者然后在其后附上et al.这一短语,或按作者在书籍题名页上出现的顺序依次列出全部的作者。Wysocki, Anne Frances, et al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2004.或Wysocki, Anne Frances, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Cynthia L. Selfe, and Geoffrey S

23、irc. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2004. (7) 同作者多部著作(Two or More Books by the Same Author)当引用同一作者的多部著作时,在首次列出作者姓名后,用三个连字符和一个英文句号来代替作者名。而书籍则按书名的字母顺序排列。Palmer, William J. Dickens and New Historicism. New York: St. Martin

24、s, 1997.-. The Films of the Eighties: A Social History. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1993.(8) 集团作者(Book by a Corporate Author)集团作者可以是委员会或未在书籍题名页上单独列出其成员的任何集团:American Allergy Association. Allergies in Children. New York: Random, 1998. (9) 无作者(Book with No Author)当作者不明时,按书名的字母顺序来排列文献引用页中的作品。Ency

25、clopedia of Indiana. New York: Somerset, 1993.如文内引用的文献作者不明,则用缩写的文献名来代替作者姓名项,并可酌情在文献名加双引号和下划线(短文献、双引号;长文献、斜体后下划线)。例如:如对对上例中的文献进行引用时,可做如下处理:(Encyclopedia 235).(10) 译著(A Translated Book)格式与引用书籍格式相同,但要在翻译者名字后标注Trans.字样。Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reaso

26、n. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Vintage-Random House, 1988.(11) 编选著作(Anthology or Collection)按编者姓名排列,姓名后加一逗号和ed.;如编者为多位,将“ed.”改为“eds.”。Hill, Charles A. and Marguerite Helmers, eds. Defining Visual Rhetorics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.(12) 书的部分(A Part of a Book)书的部分包含选集中的一篇文章或

27、一本书中的一章时,基本格式如下:Lastname, First name. Title of Essay. Title of Collection. Ed. Editors Name(s). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages. Harris, Muriel. Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers. A Tutors Guide: Helping Writers One to One. Ed. Ben Rafoth. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2000. 24-34. (1

28、3) 多卷著作(A Multivolume Work)如引用多卷本著作中的一卷时,应在著作名后或其作者/编者名后标注出其卷号。例:Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria. Trans. H. E. Butler. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Loeb-Harvard UP, 1980.当引用多卷本著作中的多卷时,应标注其总卷数。例:Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria. Trans. H. E. Butler. 4 vols. Cambridge: Loeb-Harvard UP, 1980.文内引用多卷本著作时,务必在引用信息中给出

29、卷号,并在其后加一冒号,然后附上引文页码例 Quintilian wrote in Institutio Oratoria (1:14-17).(14) 序言或后记(An Introduction, a Preface, a Forward, or an Afterword)当引用导语、序、前言或后记时,先给出作者姓名,然后给出所引部分题名,并注意不要在题名上进行斜体或加下划线及双引号。例:Farrell, Thomas B. Introduction. Norms of Rhetorical Culture. By Farrell. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

30、 1-13.如以上述部分(导语、序、前言或后记等)的作者与整部作品的作者不同,应标注为:“By 引用部分作者的全名”。Duncan, Hugh Dalziel. Introduction. Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose. By Kenneth Burke. 1935. 3rd ed. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. xiii-xliv.(15) 圣经 (The Bible)给出具体版本的名及编者,并附上出版信息。The New Jerusalem Bible. Susan Jones, gen.

31、ed. New York: Doubleday, 1985.(16) 连续出版物条目格式(Works Cited: Periodicals)MLA格式对报纸、学术期刊等连续出版物的引用要求有所不同,具体参看以下各条。(17) 报纸杂志(An Article in a Newspaper or Magazine)基本格式:Author(s). Title of Article. Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages.日期要按月日顺序排列;月份要用三个字母的缩写形式。如同一日期中有多个版本 (如报纸有早间版和晚间版),要在日期后标注出版本。例:Poniewozik, James. TV Makes a Too-Close Call. Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71.(18) 学术期刊(An Article in a Scholarly Journal)Author(s). Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages.作者. 文

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