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1、北师大版高中英语模块一至四重点核心词汇讲解及扩展Suppose +that 从句引导条件状语从句 =supposing= if Be supposed to do PeacefulBe at peace with sbMake peace with sbAt peace 处于和平状态Stress V. Lay/place/put stress on/upon.Under the stress/ of Complain to sb about/of sthGo off 食物变质 电力切断 熄灭Take up Take after sb Take on 呈现 流行 this kind of dre

2、ss took on in the fashion filed this yearTake for. Take in 欺骗 吸收 收养 dont take his words in.Suffer pain/loss/grief/insult/hardship/wrongSuffer from 战争、自然灾害所带来的苦难、患病Reduce sb to tears 使某人流泪Be reduced to 沦落到。Stand doing 忍受做某事Stand outStand up for Stand for Beyond challenge 无与伦比At the momentAt any In a

3、For the 暂时 目前Let out 放出 发出 泄露秘密Let sb out 使某人解脱Let sth 衣服 out 把较小的衣服加大Leave out 遗漏 Let alone 更不用说 更别提Skilful 指人聪明 做事灵巧 手的灵巧 be skillful at doing sth Skilled 受过正规训练,有多年经验 掌握某专门技术A skilled mechanic is skillful at doing .Be keen on doing sthBe keen to do sth Be keen about sth着迷Be keen on 喜爱 渴望In the ev

4、ent that 万一 如果 in case that 以防万一Event accident incident 小事件Result in 导致 主语为原因 in 后跟结果Result from 由于 主语是果 from 后加因Injury 在事故中受伤 造成容颜 机能的损害Damage 物体的损害 destroy 毁灭Hurt 在事故中受伤 有强烈疼痛感 还指心理的受伤Wound 在战斗 攻击中受伤 有明显伤口Come to oneself 苏醒Come to the end 结束to a point 到了紧要关头Relationship 暗含带有强烈感情色彩的紧密关系 Relation 人们

5、或群体之间更为正式或较远的关系Confident confidential 秘密的 机密的Above all After allFor the occasionOn one occasionOccasionallyKeep/break the traditionBe made ofBe made fromBe made up of consist ofMark off 划分Full marks 满分Have a mark on 喜欢 喜好Come into powerBe in powerBe in serviceBe in the serviceStick to adhere to Stic

6、k outStick at something 坚持不懈做某事Operate vt 运转 运作 vi 对。做手术on 给。做手术Salary 按月 年Wage 按周 计时计件工资Apply application applicantfor Apply oneself to doing sth 专心从事Even as 恰在此时Attend on/upon sb attentive Attend to 处理 注意倾听find out /find find it hard to do VirusesIn chaos chaos and confusion affect (v.) out lives

7、affections affecting affectivehave an effect oncome into effectmake an attack onbe under attackbe optimistic/ pessimistic about it is clear/ obvious that feel like (sth./ doing sth.) take immediate action take measuretake stepsget all sorts of informationfancy doing sharewith get in touch (with) be

8、up to (What are you up to this weekend?) virtual reality an around-the-world tourgo on a world tourIt has a population of be located plenty of make a visit to carry out carry on carry forward 发扬do some research onsurf the Internetsearch forkeep contact with sbget contact with sbchat on the netsend e

9、-mail to sbHang on Hang out Hang upReject refuse repel declineHistorical 与历史有关的 历史上的 event 历史事件 novel 历史小说Historic 具有历史意义的 novelSettle into 习惯于Settle up 付清 了结go with special effect in the public eyein publicbe used to doingcome out make her world famous make albumsan incredibly cold night warm it up

10、 manage to do be (greatly) impressed by date back (to) play an important role in in other words in a wordhand in various body movements be based onat the end ofpick upshave offcombine with so thatat timeswhetheror notas a result of be an important part of see it as a two-way exchange make sure that

11、are taught from one generation to another in the mid-1980sin the early / late 1980sbe dressed in dance to music back and forthdream of be related to in fact refer to recommend doing sthrecommend sb to do sthnot .untilfolk n.1.复数人们,世人2.复数特定阶级(或集团)的人3.the folk(某一种族、民族或社会阶层中的)广大成员,老百姓4.复数口语大伙们,各位用作称呼5.

12、复数口语双亲,父母亲;家属,亲属adj.民间的;民俗的;平民百姓的;起源于民间的短语1.just (plain) folks 口语老实人,朴实无华的人们2.(ones)folks 家人,家属;双亲Effect n Vt 使发生,引起,招致,完成(任务);实现,达到(目的等);使生效:to effect a compromise达成妥协The president effected several changes in the company.总裁使公司发生了几个变化。2.造成;产生(效果)to the effect that大意是,带有那个意思Butterfly Effect performan

13、ce pf:mnsn.1.履行;执行;完成2.进行;施行3.行为;行动;(机器的)性能4.工作;成绩;功绩5.演出;演奏;展出6.演技;把戏perform ones place 履行职责;尽义务award w:d rewardvt.1.【法律】(法院、仲裁人、公断人)判给;判定,判断:The plaintiff was awarded damages.原告被判给损失赔偿费。2.授予(奖品、奖金、金钱等);把给予(应得者或需要者);把赠与:at base 本质上 based on according toAdj 卑贱的,下贱的,卑下的;奴性的;有失身份的,不体面的,不名誉的mass audien

14、ce 大众受众 mass mediaImpress adj.impressive 感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的impressionistic 印象派的;印象主义的;给人深刻印象的impressible 敏感的;感受强烈的;易感动的n.impression 印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想impressionist 印象主义者;印象派作家impressionism 印象派,印象主义priceless treasure无价之宝 treasure up铭记,珍藏under the mask of 在的伪装下,在假面具之下,借之名Disposable mask 一次性口罩immigrant

15、imirntn.1.移民;侨民2.从异地移入的动物(或植物)adj.1.移来的,移入的,迁入的2.移民的;侨民的emigrant 移入 迁入 skip over略过;遗漏;作短期旅行不出席,无故缺席:to skip a class无故缺课Shave 刮脸,刮胡子,修面:He doesnt shave every morning.他不是每天早起都刮脸。2.讨价还价:While shopping he likes to shave.无论买什么东西他都讨价还价。3.勉强通过;挤过(through):to shave through the crowd挤过人群close(narrow)shave幸免于

16、难,死里逃生;间不容发shave off剃掉,刮掉identifyadj.identical 同一的;完全相同的identifiable 可辨认的;可认明的;可证明是同一的adv.identically 同一地;相等地N. identical 完全相同的事物identification 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明vi.identify 确定;认同;一致vt.identify 确定;识别;使参与;把看成一样Abstract adj 抽象的 不具体的N. 摘要V 提取 ;提炼;抽取;使分离,析离(from):to abstract juice from an orange从橘子中提取液汁使抽象(化

17、),把抽象出来(from):to abstract the idea of greenness from the colour of all green objects从所有绿色物体中提取出绿的概念转移(注意力、兴趣等);使心不在焉(from):She tried to abstract my attention from my work.词组 abstract away from 对不予考get straight搞清楚,弄明白,了解办好,弄好,整理好keep straight (使)行为端正;(使)过正直生活;使循规蹈矩imaginative 虚构的;富于想像的;有创造力的imaginabl

18、e 可能的;可想像的imagined 想象的;构想的 determinismTake pains to do something painstakingNo pains no gainsspare no pains/efforts 全力以赴;不遗余力;不辞劳苦a shade better 稍好一点 shed tears 流泪fall into the shade 变得黯然无光Valueless 无价值的,没有用的Priceless 无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的Worthless 无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的Invaluable 无价的;非常贵重的emphasis n 重点、V Emphasize

19、 highlight/ stress/ underlinedown to the last detail 非常详细地for further details 有关(或欲知、为了知道)更详细情况(请询问、参看)go / get / enter into detail(s) 详细叙述,详述,详细说明,逐一说明,深谈in detail详细地fold up倒闭;撒手;垮台;放弃交叠,交(臂),抱(臂):to fold the arms拥抱,搂抱,抱紧:She folded the crying child to her breast.她把哭闹的小孩搂抱在怀中。shore up支持,支撑;加固off sh

20、ore离开岸边;在近海处in shore靠岸in the concrete实际上,具体的 theorydistinguishing distinctive distinguished feature特点;特征in ruins成为废墟,变成一片瓦砾ruinous 破坏性的,毁灭性的;零落的Arrive at/ draw/ come to /make / jump to a conclusionnarrow down缩小;限制;减少;变窄narrow escape九死一生,幸免于难;千钧一发in a narrow sense在狭义上cast(或strike, throw) a damp over(

21、或into) 给泼冷水,扫的兴,使沮丧,使不快乐Date back to 后加时间点Date back 时间段Participant 参加者vt.评价;估价;求的值value / estimatevi.评价;估价assess / appraiseSign 预兆,征兆;迹象V 在上署名,签字于用手势(或身体姿势)表示;示意:He singed me not to say.他示意我别说。make no sign 看来并未发觉;没有反应,没有动静V signify表示;意味;预示 significantbe on a hunt for 找,寻找 haunta collection of一批,一些;收

22、藏的;许多的;集为一体的collective集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的 individualism collectivismkeep up ones spirits 提神,振作精神lose ones spirits 意志消沉,垂头丧气out of spirits 意志消沉,没精打采Inspire 激励 鼓励 给予灵感 inspiration Bon voyage一路顺风 ; 一路平安 ; 旅途愉快 ; 美丽航程 Persuadevt.说服,劝说;使某人相信;劝某人做(不做)某事satisfy / convince / arguevi.说服;被说服talk around / win ov

23、erpersuasive有说服力的;劝诱的,劝说的persuasible可说服的;听话的Eventually/finally/ultimately/lastlydeed di:dn.(所做的)事情,作为 行为行为,行动,实际行动(与言论相对而言)常作复数(尤指说明意图、许诺等的)行动,实行英勇事迹;功绩,功劳,功勋;杰出成就【法律】(尤指不动产的)证书,契约vt.美国、加拿大英语立契转让(财产)in deed 事实上,实际上,真正地in practicein effectas a matter of factactuallyin factA good deed bears a blessing

24、 for its fruit. 谚语善有善报。vi.道歉(等于apologize)square oneself / apologize for / make an apologyadj.apologetic 道歉的;赔罪的Handle .柄,把,(桶等的)提手负责,管理;处理,处置:get a handle on 口语控制,掌握,驾驭,左右handle with处理 deal/do with door handle门把手Intelligentintelligible 可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的intellectual n 知识分子;凭理智做事者intelligence 智力;情报工作;

25、情报机关;理解力pass the seals获得批准,得到准许(证明等上)盖有公章set the seal on使成定局;使确定come off (或turn out) crabs 终于失败;终至失望crabby 易怒的;脾气坏的crabbed 暴躁的;难懂的;晦涩的;潦草的at a discount【商业】a)低于正常价格b) (股票值)低于票面价值(商品)没有销路的,跌价的,减价的,打折扣的;容易得到的不受重视(或尊敬、欢迎)的,不值钱的,不吃香的,不再时兴的,被贬低的有保留地,不全信地把(费用、价格等)打折扣;从费用(或账单、价格等)中打去(一部分)折扣:The store promis

26、ed to discount prices at 10%.该店承诺所有商品打10%的折扣。All bills that are paid promptly will be discounted at three percent.对所有即付的账单都将打去3%的折扣。20 percent discountbe at ones trick 捉弄人do (或 turn)the trick 达到目的;达到(预期的)效果;完成某项任务;发生效力get (或 learn) the trick of it 知道做法,学会诀窍trick or treat不招待就使坏melt in ones mouth 入口即化

27、melt away. 消失;融掉give full(或 good) measure(售货)给足分量给予充分的报酬give short measure(售货)短少分量不能满足要求make (good) ones (escape) (顺利)逃脱survive svaivvi.1.活下来,幸存;残存:the people who survive in the war经过战争洗礼而幸存的人们In the big fire, some trees survived.大火之后,仍有一些树木残存。2.继续存在;继续使用:fish that survived with the palaeolithic fis

28、h现在依然存活的古生鱼vt.1.比活得长:My grandma survived my grandpa by ten years.我祖父去世以后,我祖母又活了十年。2.幸免于,从逃生;经历后继续存在:to survive the fire从大火中逃生Ancient farming methods still survive in the Midle East.在中东,古代的耕作方式依然存在。3.从中坚持过来:to survive the difficulties渡过艰苦时期survive on靠活下来;靠生存scream for强烈要求;为而尖叫scream out大叫;尖声喊叫sink in

29、渗入;完全被理解heart sink感到沮丧opposite direction相反方向;敌对方向opposite sex/gender异性A subject of much debate有争议的问题debate on关于进行辩论public debate公开辩论under debate在争论中local product土产bay beivi.1.(狗)吠叫,嚎叫;(猎犬追捕猎物时)不断吠叫:The hound bayed mournfully.猎犬凄厉地嚎叫。A hound was baying at the moon.狗正对月狂吠。2.大声叫嚷:The demonstrators were baying for the resignation of the prime minister.游行示威者大声疾呼,要求首相辞职。vt.1.向吠叫(或嚎叫):A troubled hound was baying the moon.一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。2.(狗)吠叫着追捕(猎物),吠叫着进攻:A hound bays its quarry.猎犬边吠边追逐猎物。3.(猎物等)不使(猎人等)迫近4.把(猎物)围困住,使(猎物)走投无路;迫使作困兽斗,

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