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1、高考短文改错复习专题高考短文改错复习专题 高考短文改错技巧,答题技巧总结 1. 名词:主要是查名词是否可数, n加油 与其修饰语是否一致。1) I han加油ve many hobby, such as football, sn加油ing, listen music.Hon加油bby是可数名词,在这要用复数形式;playing footn加油ball是一项运动,football只是一种球; singn加油和listen to 要用动名词形式。2) Do exercisesn加油do good to our healthn加油y.3) exercise作运动讲是不可数名词,do en加油xerc

2、ise作主语要用动名词形式,谓动用单数;healthy是形容词n加油, 这里要用名词形式。3) Readingn加油 books is one of my hobby. one ofn加油 后的名词应用复数形式。2. 代词:对于短文中出现的每一个代词都要查一下它所n加油指代的内容及在句中的作用,注意其数、格、词性是否正确和前后是否一致,常考的n加油代词包括人称代词、指示代词、反身代词、关系代词及疑问代n加油词等。1).He drove too fast,n加油 and the police stopped her.n加油前面提到的是he而后面却用her来代,n加油故应将her改为him. 2)

3、.This is then加油 best film which I have ever sen加油en.先行词前有最高级修饰应用关系代词that 而不是whichn加油。3. 冠词:英语中只有三个冠词,但用n加油起来却很复杂,在短文改 错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时n加油却用了;该用an用了a,该用a(n)却用了the.1) I meann加油t to write letter and ten加油ll you all the thingsletn加油ter为可数名词,故write后应加a.2) I like pn加油laying the football. 去the 3) Hen加

4、油 is a honest boy. a改为an4.介词:检n加油查介词主要是查介词与动词、 形容词、n加油名词的搭配,介词惯用词组等是否正确。1) I am wrin加油ting to thank you with your kind hen加油lp. thank sb. for sth.为固定搭配,故应n加油将with 改为for.2) Im tn加油he happiest in all.此句想表达的意思是“n加油我是所有人中最高兴的”。故应将in改为 of.3n加油) Under the help of my father, n加油I under 改为 with4) He wen加油nt

5、 to Beijing in next Sunday. 去掉n加油in 5, 形容词、副词:形容词、副词的误用主要指在该用形容词的地方用了n加油副词,该用副词的地方用了形容词。改错行中出现n加油形容词或副词时就要仔细分析该形容词或副词修饰n加油什么,形式是否正确,是原级、比较级还是最高级。形容词、副词误用也是常考n加油的改错项目之一。1) I had notn加油 interest in English .interestn加油是名词,应用形容词no来修饰,而not是副词,副词不能修饰名2) n加油These are the happier girlsn加油 Ive ever seen.此处有

6、Ive ever n加油seen限定,应用最高级,故happier应改为 happiest.n加油3) You can borrow a book very easyn加油. easy 改为easily.4) Then加油se books are very worth readin加油ng. 用well 修饰6,连词:短文n加油改错中出现连词就要判断连词用的是否正确,是否 n加油符合句子意思;连接的是词还是句子,是否符合逻辑关系。此外如果是平行结构就要注n加油意前后时态、语态、词性一致问题平行结构常借助n加油与并列连词and , or , but , not onn加油lybut also,

7、notbut, eitn加油heror, neither nor, an加油s well as等。1) As it has been rainingn加油 these days, so we hn加油ave decided to put off our sn加油ports meeting. 由于前句有As引导原因状语从n加油句,因此后句不能再用so,故应把so 去掉n加油。 2) The population isn加油 growing, but the earth mustn加油 support too many peopn加油le.根据上下文意思判断,前后两个并列分句不存在意义上的折,所以

8、bun加油t应改为and或so.这是典型的并列连词误用。7,动词:动词错误在n加油短文改错中所占比重最大,它所涉及的错误 包括n加油动词的时态、语态错误;易混动词的用法错误; 动 词的第三人称单数错误;n加油动词的非谓语形式,以及动词的句型搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词n加油方面的考查比例较大。1) 动词的时态、语态错误n加油 a. I will write again n加油and send you the photos we take togethern加油.take photos动作发生在过去,应用过去时. b. The boon加油k you borrowed from the libr

9、ary shn加油ould returned in five days. 根据n加油本句意义,should后应加上been,构成被动语态。c. In schn加油ool, I often playing football for my n加油friends. playing改为n加油 play; for 改为with2) 易混动词使用错误a. I n加油persuaded him to stop smokingn加油, but he didnt listen. persuaden加油 意为“说服”,强调成功的结果,而根据下句 hn加油e didnt listen可知,劝说并没n加油有成功,故应

10、改persuaded为 advised.b. Yon加油u please rise your hands. n加油 rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词n加油,所以举手应用 raise your hands.n加油这属于及物动词与不及物动词的误用。3) 非谓语动词使用n加油错误a. We are looking forward to see youn加油 on the birthday party.lookn加油 forward to 中的to是介词,应加动名词n加油,将see改为seeing.b. Im sorry I keepn加油 you wait for a long time

11、 .n加油I got caught in the trn加油affic.在任何情况下keep均和doing连用,如keep doingn加油 sth.; keep sb. (sth).doin加油ng sth. ;keep from doingn加油 等.c. Id like to your pen frien加油nd, and get to know more about yon加油ur country.to后加be。因其后是名词,而不是动词原形,n加油不能直接用to.8,词语固定搭配:主要考查介词与动词、名词、形n加油容词的固定搭配;副词、动词的固定搭配;及物动词n加油后多介词或副词以及不

12、及物动词后少介词,英语中的一些固定句型n加油与习惯搭配等。1) My teacher advised men加油 to keep my diary.keepn加油 a diary是固定搭配,意思是“写日记”.2) In my surn加油prise, he did very well in n加油his previous job. To ones surprn加油ise 是固定搭配3) I thought thatn加油 was dull to watch a game(NMETn加油2019)此题考查it的功能,It + be + adj. +n加油 to do为固定结构。4) the ac

13、tivities are notn加油 only enjoyable and also helpful.解析: n加油 not only but also为固定结构,故n加油将and 改为but.5) I have no difficuln加油ty learn maths.have difficulty n加油(in) doing sth.为固定结构6) He spends too n加油much time play games.spn加油end some time (in) doing sth.为固定结构n加油 规律:181 比例(即多一词1个;缺一词n加油1个;错词 8 个)【热点题型】题

14、型一 名词和冠词n加油 例1、【提分秘籍】 1.指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。2. 冠词n加油a, an和the的用法错误【热点题型】来源:学|科|网Z|X|n加油X|K题型二 动词 例2、【提分秘籍】 1.谓语动词主n加油要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。 n加油2 非谓语动词(1)非谓语动词细辨别不定式动名词作主语、n加油宾语and连接的不定式或动名词前后一致现在分词和过去分词的区别n加油等 (2)名词动词的修饰词修饰名词、系动词要用形容词;修饰n加油动词、形容词、整个句子用副词;比较级和最高级的使用n加油。形容词的ed形式与ing形式【举一反三】【热点题型】n

15、加油题型三 连词例3、Im sorry, and In加油 wont be able to come tonight .n加油【提分秘籍】 连词but,and,or, so和altn加油hough等的用法错误【举一反三】【热点题型】n加油题型四 代词例4、 来源:n加油【提分秘籍】1.人称代词的误用2.人称代词格的误用n加油3.反身代词的误用【热点题型】题型五 从句n加油引导词例5、【提分秘籍】复合句中从句的关系词或引导词运n加油用是否得当【举一反三】(1) 2019年(全国卷I)Every onen加油 of us can make a greatn加油 efforts to cut off

16、 the usen加油 of energy in our country. To begn加油in with, all of us can stn加油art reducing to the use of on加油il by driving only when we havn加油e a real need. That wont easy,n加油 I know,but we have to start anywhn加油ere. Whats more, we can n加油go to work by bike once n加油and twice a week, and we can also buy

17、n加油 smaller cars that burn lessn加油 oil. Other way is to wan加油tch our everyday use of water and electn加油ric at home. For example, how many timen加油s have you walked out ofn加油 a room and leave the ln加油ights or television when nn加油o one else was there? (2) 2019年(全国卷n加油II)Dear Editor,Im writing to n加油tel

18、l you opinion about water savingn加油. Water is important. Wen加油, as well as animal, cannot livn加油e without water and nn加油either agriculture or industry n加油can go without it. Yet it seen加油med water is becoming less andn加油 less. Many countriesn加油 in the world find we don加油nt have enough water. To deal

19、with a pn加油roblem, I think, we should n加油first go all out to plant trees thougn加油h trees will help save water.n加油 Next, no drinking water shouldn加油 left running. Third, we should fin加油nd ways to reuse the water usn加油ing in washing, especially bath water fn加油or which is quite a lot, and thatn加油 will

20、save much water. Sincerelyn加油, Li Hua(3) 2019年新课标1n加油I hardly remember my grandmothern加油. She used to holding mn加油e on her knees and sing old sn加油ongs. I was only four when sn加油he passes away. She is just a n加油distant memory for me now. I remember mn加油y grandfather very much. n加油He was tall, with br

21、oad n加油shoulder and a beard that tun加油rned from black toward grn加油ay over the years. He had a deep voin加油ce, which set himself apart from othersn加油 in our small town, he was strong n加油and powerful. In a fact, he even加油n scared my classmates away dun加油ring they came over to play or don加油 homework wit

22、h me. Hon加油wever, he was the genn加油tlest man I have never known. n加油 (4) 2019年新课标2The book Im rean加油ding of talks about afternoonn加油 tea in BritainIt is saidn加油 to have started in the early 1800sn加油Have tea in the late afternoon加油n provides a bridge between lunch n加油and dinner, that might n加油not be

23、served until 8 on加油clock at nightThis customn加油 soon becomes another meal of dayIn加油nteresting, it had a connectionn加油 by the British porcelain(瓷器)indun加油stryTea in China was tran加油ditionally drank from n加油cups without handlesn加油When tea got popular in Brin加油tain, there was a crying need for gn加油ood

24、 cup with handlesn加油 to suit British habin加油tsThis made for the grow in the pon加油rcelain industry(5) 2019年 (全国n加油一卷)My father and I n加油stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a wn加油eek when we visit Beijing last month. n加油It is in the downtown area, bn加油ut it is easy to go to anywheren加油 from the hotel b

25、y public n加油transport. We lived in a comforn加油tably double-room with n加油a big bath. What I liked best were the n加油free high-speed Internet connection n加油in the room. I checked n加油my email messages every day.n加油 I also shared for my fn加油riends many photos takn加油ing in Beijing. The food was wonderful

26、wn加油ith reasonable prices, and we enjoyn加油ed several local dish. It is such grn加油eat hotel that I would recommn加油end it to any friend of me who in加油s going to Beijing.(6) 201n加油9年 (全国二卷)Two years befn加油ore, I traveled to Brazil an加油nd I rented for a car. Unfn加油ortunate, I had an accidenn加油t and hit

27、another carn加油, and I needed to stan加油y in a hospital for at least two weekn加油. I called my parents, so n加油I did not tell them what had n加油happened. I knew that they n加油will be worried about myself because In加油 was so farther away, n加油and that my mother would not sleen加油p if she knew. Therefore, I t

28、n加油old them interested stories andn加油 how I was enjoying Brazil. As a rn加油esult, nobody knew truth. I sn加油till think that it was the right thin加油ng to do.(7) Nearly fiven加油 years before, and withn加油 the help by our fatn加油her, my sister and I planted son加油me cherry tomatoes(圣女果) in加油n our back garden

29、. Since then加油nfor all these yearwe had bn加油een allowing tomatoes to selfseed wn加油here they please. As resuln加油t, the plants are growing somewhern加油e. The fruits are small in sin加油ze, but juicy and tasten加油. There are so much that we on加油ften share them with our neighbon加油urs.Although we allow tomat

30、o plantsn加油 to grow in the same place yearn加油 after year, but we have nevn加油er had any disease or insn加油ect attack problems. We aren加油 growing wonderfully tomatn加油oes at no cost! (8) Mn加油y father took me out camping fn加油or the first time whn加油en I was seven. He wanted teachn加油 me about animals, inse

31、cts and treen加油s. My uncles all come alonn加油g with bows and arrows fon加油r hunting. One eveningn加油 at sunset, we sat by the fire, hn加油ave our barbecue. Just then an加油 bird was flying over us. My uncles n加油immediate jumped up and shot their an加油rrows on the bird. Neither n加油of the arrows hit the targe

32、t. Sudn加油denly the arrows was flying down n加油at us from the skythey were looked n加油like rain! We ran to en加油scape but fortunately n加油no one was injured.That day I didntn加油 learn much about anin加油mals, insects or trees, but I learn加油nt a impressive lesson about gravity(9n加油) Dear Jeremy and Alice,Although

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