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1、七年级英语上册Module7Computers词汇篇试题新版外研版Module 7 词汇篇 _1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用关于电脑的介绍1. mouse n.鼠标,其复数形式为mousesMy mouse is broken, so I need to get a new one. 我的鼠标坏了,得去买个新的。n.老鼠,其复数形式为miceWhen the cat is away, the mice will play. 谚猫儿不在,鼠儿成精。2.connect vt.连接connect with 意为:把和连接在一起The living room connects with

2、 the toilet. 客厅与卫生间相连。connectto 意为:把连接到How do you connect to the Internet?你怎样连网?3. turn on意为“打开”,多指打开电器(电视、电脑或收音机等)的开关,接通电源。I want to turn on the television. 我想开电视。相关短语:turn off 关掉/上;turn up 旋大,将音量调高;turn down 旋小,将音量调低4. save vt.保存;储存;挽救,拯救;节省,节约Save the document before closing. 在关闭文档前存盘。He can save

3、 the girls life. 他能救这个女孩的性命。We should save water. 我们应该节约水。5.share vt.共用,分享。sharewith sb.意为“与某人分享/共用”。6. Internet n. 互联网on the Internet 在网上Internet plays a very important role in modern life. 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。7. plan n.计划,make a plan 制订计划;v.计划,打算,plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”What is your summer vocation

4、 plan? 你的暑假计划是什么?Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假?8. search v.搜寻,搜索,查找search for 搜寻,查找They searched everywhere for the missing child. 他们到处找失踪的小孩。9. information,不可数名词,可用much, a lot of, some, any等词修饰,a piece of information表示 “一条信息”。The book contains much useful information. 这本书包含

5、了许多有用的资料。10. email n. 电子邮件send an email 发电子邮件;receive/get an email 收电子邮件;email address 邮件地址11. sendvt.发送,寄,send sb. sth./send sth. to sb.意为“发送/寄给某人某物”。I send him a book in reward for his help.=I send a book to him in reward for his help. 我送给他一本书来答谢他的帮助。12. sometimes 频度副词,意为“有时”,相当于at times,常位于系动词之后、

6、行为动词之前。She sometimes walks to school. 她有时步行去上学。拓展:some time为词组,意为“一段时间”;sometime为副词,意为“某时”,表示时间的不确定性,强调一个时间点,可用于过去时态或将来时态;some times为词组,意为“许多次 / 倍”。13. paper n. 纸(为不可数名词),一张纸可以用:a piece of paper14. on the left of . 在.的左端,左侧;on the right of. 在.右端15.use sth. to do sth. 用做某事You can use this cup to drin

7、k water. 你可以用这个杯子喝水。16. want to do sth. 想要做某事I want to buy a new tennis bat. 我想要买一个新网球拍。I want to join the chess club. 我想加入象棋俱乐部。单项选择1.(2014年四川成都中考)Mum wants to watch CCTV news. Lets the TV.A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off2. (上海中考改编)You can get much about the World Expo(世博会) on the internet.A. ma

8、p B. picture C. ticket D. information3. We are talking with each other the Internet.A. by B. with C. in D. on4. The boy usually uses the Internet _ online computer games.A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing5. connect the monitor the computer, and then you can do your homework it.A. to, in B. with,

9、 at C. to, on D. in, of6. Please give me .A. two piece of paper B. two pieces of paperC. two pieces of papers D. two piece of papers7. Please send a photo.A. I B. me C. mine D. my8. The little boy does his homework in the evening.A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. some times解析及答案:1. 可用“逻辑推理法”解

10、题。turn down调低;turn on打开;turn off关上。有前句“妈妈想看中央电视台新闻”可推知,空格所在句句意为“让我们打开电视吧”,故选B。2. 可用“语法分析法”解题。much后接不可数名词,四个选项中只有information是不可数名词,故选D。3.考查介词搭配。句意为“我们彼此正通过互联网聊天”。on the Internet意为“在互联网上;通过互联网”,故选D。4. 表示“用来干某事”,应是use sth. to do sth. 故选C。5.意为“把.连接到.”;“通过.”用介词on,故选C。6. paper表示纸时,为不可数名词,表示张数要

11、用“piece”表示, 故选B。7. 本题考查send用法。send sb. sth. 意为“送给某人礼物”。本短语中,sb.作动词send的宾语,应用宾格代词me,故选B。8. 本题考试时间的副词及短语的用法。sometimes意为有时,表示频率;some time 意为一段时间;sometime表示将来或者过去的某个时候;some times意为几次。句意为那个小男孩有时候晚上做作业。故选A。基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. I usually get online at the w .2. Please click “save” to save the d .3. Do yo

12、u often w your novels on your computer?4. How do you c the monitor to the computer?5. You can use the printer to p your homework.6. Do you like s letters to your parents?7. I cant hear. Say that a , please.8. How o do you use a computer?9. We can get i from the Internet.10. I sometimes d games from

13、the Internet.11. Please t on the computer for me.12. The boy wants to l English very much.13. You can use the m and click print.14. Can you tell me how to s the document?答案:1.weekend 2.document 3.write4.connect 5.print 6.sending 7.again 8.often 9.information 11. turn 12. learn13. mouse 1

14、4. save巩固提高二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)1. Mary is 12 and she comes from (澳大利亚).2. (有时) I go to the supermarket to buy school things.3. Tony often (检查) his emails in the evening.4. My father works in a big (公司).5. Can I (分享,共用) the room with you?6. My brother often plays games on the (因特网).7. He often (拜访) his

15、 friends on Sundays.8. Do you like listening to (音乐)?9. Whats your (计划) for this Sunday?10. She has two (票).答案:1. Australia 2. Sometimes3. checks 4. company5. share 6. Internet7. visits 8. music9. plan 10. tickets三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限) 1. 苏珊每天什么时候吃早饭? does Susan have breakfast every day?2. 每个星期六晚上,我给

16、我的朋友们发电子邮件。I every Saturday night.3. 我们可以在因特网上查找信息。We can .4. 他家里没有电脑。 in his home.5. 现在我们制定旅行计划吧。 now.答案:1. What time2. send emails to my friends3. search for information on the Internet4. There is no computer5. Lets make travel plans一、单项选择1. Can you see the computer? Please . A. turn on itB. turn

17、it onC. open itD. turn it in2. There is on the desk. A. a papersB. some paper C. some papersD. two piece of paper3. If(如果) it is dark, the lights(灯), please. A. pick upB. look atC. turn onD. play with4. How does Mary the new document? A. turn onB. openC. turns onD. opens5. Before(在之前) you turn off y

18、our computer, dont forget to this document. A. openB. saveC. putD. click6. There are millions of websites(网站) on the Internet and there a lot of useful(有用的) on the websites. A. are; informationsB. are; information C. is; informationD. is; informations7. My sister usually computer games on Sunday. A.

19、 playB. playsC. playingD. to play8. - does your mother go shopping?- On Sunday. A. How longB. How often C. WhenD. How many times9. She plans English in Australia next year. A. learnB. learnsC. learningD. to learn10. The boy his homework night. A. dont; atB. does; of C. doesnt do; atD. isnt do; on11.

20、 They send photos and emails, they dont chat online (网上聊天). A. andB. butC. soD. because12. I like computer games. And I play a lot of games. A. some timesB. sometimesC. some timeD. sometime答案:1-5 BBCBB 6-10 CBCDC 11-12 BB二、完形填空 Mingming has a computer. He likes 1 very much. He often uses the Interne

21、t. He 2 music from the Internet. He often visits websites(网站) to get 3 for 4 homework. He also 5 emails to his good friends. He makes many good friends from all 6 the world with the help of his computer. He likes travelling very much, so he often 7 travel plans on the computer. 8 he never(从不) downlo

22、ads games 9 the Internet, because he 10 like computer games at all.1.A. himB. itC. itsD. them2.A. makesB.下载)D. downloads3.A. informationB. questionsC. answersD. books4.A. hisB. herC. heD. she5.A. sendsB. sendC. buyD. buys6.A. forB. overC. inD. on7.A. takesB. makesC. buysD. has8.A.

23、AndB. BecauseC. ButD. So9.A. inB. fromC. toD. at10.A. dontB. cantC. doesntD. isnt答案:1-5 BDAAA 6-10 BBCBC _ _一、单项选择1. I have got email. email is from Wang Lin. A. an; TheB. a; TheC. an; AD. a; An2. Can you connect the screen the computer? A. inB. forC. toD. on3. John often goes to that to watch movie

24、s. A. cinemaB. hospitalC. stationD. farm4. Zhou Yus mother often makes travel on the Internet. A. ideasB. plansC. jobsD. maps5. I want to do my homework. Can I the computer? A. search forB. talk toC. turn onD. play with6. His sister often uses her computer emails. A. to sendB. sendsC. sendD. sending

25、7. There two books in his bag. A. hasB. areC. isD. have8. I like history, my brother doesnt like it. A. andB. orC. soD. but9. - does Li Ming usually do in the evening?- He usually writes his homework. A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. When10. you like to TV at home? A. Does; lookB. Do; watchC. Do; lookD. Does;

26、watch二、完形填空(江苏句容市天王中学2013年期末试题) Its April the 23rd today. Its the World Book Day. Look, in the city 1 , there are many people. Some of them are old, some are 2 .What are they doing there? Some are 3 and reading different kinds of books at the table. Some are standing and looking for their 4 books. What about people over there? All of them have ipads in their hands. Oh, they are reading books on the 5 . Its a good way to r

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