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1、英语第二册教案12Unit 12Teaching objectives:1. Improve students skills in listening, speaking, reading and translation.2. Enable students to master the language points and the grammatical structures.3. Enable students to know some information about cultural background.Teaching focus:1. Learn how to make pla

2、ns.2. Learn new words and language points.1-2 periodsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warm-up (10 minutes)1. Talk about how to express oneself in class.Step 2 Listening: Now Class, Is Everybody Here? (35 minutes)1. Listen and choose the best response. (10 minutes)(1) “Now class, is everybody here?” Which

3、answer to the question above is wrong? (2) Theres one question that confused me in the test yesterday. (3) Im sorry I made a mistake. (4) What do you think of your new teacher? (5) I take a new job as an engineer. I come to say goodbye.2. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer to each qu

4、estion after the dialogue. (15 minutes)3. Listen to the sentences and write down what youve heard from the tape. (10 minutes) (1) A good beginning makes a good ending. (2) Mary answered the questions correctly. (3) Mother told me not to speak quickly. (4) We must finish the test in seventy-five minu

5、tes. (5) The more you learn, the more you want to learn.Step 3 Speaking: Making Plans (30 minutes)1. Read the model dialogue: Future Plans (5 minutes)2. Learn the sentence patterns and try to use them to express yourself. (5 minutes) (1) What are you planning to ? (2) Whats your plan for ? (3) What

6、do you like to ? (4) He cant decide what to do. (5) We really need to plan better.(6) I havent made up my mind whether or(7) She wants to be a when she leaves school.3. Do some substitution drills. (10 minutes)4. Pair Work: Talk with your partner about what you plan to do this weekend. You may focus

7、 your topic on the following two points. (10 minutes)(1) Where are you planning to go?(2) What are you going to do?Step 4 Preview the new words and expressions in reading (10 minutes)1. Read the new words and expressions.Average, necessarily, additional, weekly, task, schedule, chart, commit, aside,

8、 normal, assignment, occupy, relaxation, hobby, entertainment, aware, furthermore, enable, activity, distraction, concentrate, regularly, review, confused, skim, meaningful, performance, permanent, technique, fill in, decide on, set aside, be aware of, concentrate on/upon, make use of, take notes, g

9、o over, lead toStep 5 Homework (5 minutes)1. Review the sentence patterns.2. Preview the text.3-4 periodsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Revision (5 minutes)1. Substitution drillsWhats, wheres, whos, do, go, see Trying out best, attempting, tryingDo some homework, get some sleep, visit some friends Leave

10、 school, grow up, go abroad Convenient, possible, necessaryStep 2 Warm-up (5 minutes)1. Do you want to be a top student? How can you become one?2. Why is it important to plan your time carefully?Step 3 New words and expressions (35 minutes)1. Ask students to read the new words and expressions. (5 mi

11、nutes)2. Read aloud after the teacher. (5 minutes)3. Explain in detail. (25 minutes)1. average n. 平均, 平均水平, 平均数, 海损near the average in size.大小接近平均值Although the wines vary, the average is quite good.尽管每种酒各不相同,平均水准很不错 vt. 平均为, 均分, 使平衡, 达到平均水平 average a set of numbers.取一组数的平均值averaged three hours of wo

12、rk a day.将每天的工作量调为三小时average ones income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度.If you average 7, 14 and 6, you get 9.将 7, 14, 6之和均分得9。We average 8 hours work a day.我们每天平均工作八小时。The rainfall average s 800 mm. a year.平均每年降雨量为800毫米。adj. 平均的, 普通的, 平常的, 一般水平的men of average a

13、bility能力一般的人the average age of the boys这些男孩子的平均年龄students of average intelligence普通智力的学生继承用法av“eragelyadv.(副词)av“eragenessn.(名词)习惯用语above the average在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上batting average【体】(棒球等)击球手的平均击球率; 口平均成功率be well up to the average完全达到一般水平be quite up to the average完全达到一般水平be about up to the avera

14、ge刚达到一般水平below the average在一般水平以下, 中下; 在平均数以下on the average平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说on an average平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说strike an average平均起来算, 算出平均数take an average平均起来算, 算出平均数average down低于平均价格买进average out达到某一平均数最终达到平衡average up高于平均价格卖出2. necessarily adv. 必要地, 必然:必需地,不可避免地not necessarily不一定, 未必You should necessar

15、ily go to the party.你一定要参加这舞会。The study of a foreign language is necessarily difficult.学习外国语言必然困难。3. additional adj. 附加的, 另外的; 补充的anadditional tax附加税the additionalregulation补充规定继承用法 additionally adv. 另外4. weekly adj. 一星期(一次)的, 每周的, 周刊的weekly wage周工资Business W-商业周刊, 商业周报Publishers W-美出版商周刊twice weekl

16、y半周刊5. schedule n. 目录, 一览表, 清单, 美程序表, 计划表, 时间表, 课程表, 日程表; 火车时刻表, 议事日程, 美预定日期计划a schedule of postal charges邮资一览表a sailing schedule航运时刻表a train schedule火车行车时刻表a production schedule生产进度计划表Whats your schedule for tomorrow ?你明天的日程安排如何?He always has a full schedule.他的时间表一向排得很紧。The train was in an hour beh

17、ind schedule.火车误点一小时到达。vt.为.作目录, 将.列入时间表中, 排定(在某时间作某事), 安排(某事)于将来某特定日期, 为.规定进度程序 The meeting is scheduled on Friday.会议安排在星期五。The plane is scheduled to take off at 4.飞机定于四时起飞。习惯用语according to schedule按时间表; 按照原定进度ahead of schedule提前behind schedule落后于计划或进度; 迟于预定时间on schedule按时间表, 准时tight schedule排得紧紧的时

18、间表; 难以遵守的时间表to schedule美按照预定时间6. commit vt. (committed; committing) 犯(错误, 罪行); 干(坏事)委托(to), 对.作出保证;承诺; 把.提交给; 把.押交拘留, 判处, 使.承担任务; 使表态, 调配.供使用; 指定.用于, 使(部队)投入战斗, 约束; 连累commit an error做错事commit a crime犯罪commit suicide自杀commit ones soul to God将自己的灵魂托与上帝commit him to jail将他监禁commit one million dollars w

19、orth of iron and steel in capital construction调拨价值一百万美元的钢铁用于基本建设He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿作任何承诺。Our brigade will be committed at dawn.我们旅黎明就要投入战斗。继承用法committable, committibleadj.可以拘禁判处的; 可能犯的committedadj.承担义务的; 忠于既定立场的; 坚定的(作品、作家等)根据一定(政治或宗教)观点写的; (政治上)结盟的习惯用语commit oneself on对.表态com

20、mit oneself to委身于, 专心致志于7. aside adv. 在旁边, 到旁边 put my doubts aside.我不怀疑 a day set aside for relaxing.留一天休息put a little money aside.存一点钱stand aside站开, 站在一边speak aside独语, 旁白He laid his book aside.他把书丢在一边(不读了)。We turned aside from the main road.我们离开大道。n.【剧】旁白; 独白, 离题的话 习惯用语aside from除了.以外8. occupy vt.

21、占, 占用, 占领, 占据The workers were -pied in building new houses.工人们正在忙碌着盖新房子。He occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.他在教育部充任要职。习惯用语be occupied in正在(做某事)occupy oneself with从事于., 忙于., 专心于.occupy oneself in从事于., 忙于., 专心于.9. entertainment n. 款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演, 娱乐活动, 文娱节目, 受理, 采纳抱怀有(希望、怀疑等)g

22、ive an entertainment to sb.招待某人the entertainment of guests对宾客的招待a house of entertainment娱乐场; 旅馆; 酒馆a musical entertainment音乐演奏会entertainment tax娱乐税hold a farewell entertainment举行欢送会much to my entertainment我感到最有趣(的是).to the entertainment of使感到有趣的是习惯用语 Jack Drums entertainment粗鲁的接待(目的在于撵走不受欢迎的客人)John

23、Drums entertainment粗鲁的接待(目的在于撵走不受欢迎的客人)Tom Drums entertainment粗鲁的接待(目的在于撵走不受欢迎的客人)特殊用法associated entertainment非业务直接有关的招待费business entertainment业务招待费directly related entertainment与业务直接有关的招待费sports entertainment文娱体育活动entertainment for children儿童娱乐10. aware adj. 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的习惯用语 be aware of知道, 意识到bec

24、ome aware of发觉, 注意到词义辨析aware conscious sensible都含有“意识到的”意思。aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”, 如:Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations.每个人都意识到了四化的重要性。conscious 侧重“心理感知”, 如:He is conscious of a sense of quilt.他感到内疚。sensible 指“可用感官察觉到的(较复杂或抽象的事物的)”, 如:I was sensible of her solemn grief.我知

25、道她很悲哀。unaware unconscious11. enable vt. 使能够, 授予权利或方法习惯用语enable sb. to使人能(做).enable sb. to do使人能(做).12. concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩concentrate troops集结军队concentrate fire集中火力(射击)concentrate ones attention on upon把注意力集中在concentrate sugar solution into syrup将糖的溶液浓缩为糖浆词性变化concentrate vi. 集中; 聚集; 聚精会神, 集中思想(on,

26、 upon)You should concentrate on your work.你应该专心于你的工作。concentrate n. 浓缩物; 提浓物;【畜】精料;【采矿】精砂习惯用法concentrate on集中在; 专心于concentrate upon集中在; 专心于13. confused adj. 困惑的, 烦恼的, 混乱的; 慌乱的a confused shouting乱哄哄的喊叫a confused sea波涛汹涌的海洋a confused set of instructions.毫无章法的说明a confused mass of papers on the floor.地板

27、上一堆杂乱无章的纸张继承用法confus“edlyadv. (副词)confus“ednessn.(名词)14. skim vt.(skimmed; skimming) 撇取(乳皮、奶油等); 从.中提取精华; 撇去(浮沫), (使)掠过; (使)擦过, (使)滑过, 使盖上一层薄膜,略读, 快读skim the cream off from the milk (=skim the milk of its cream)撇去牛奶上的奶油; 喻提取精华skim a flat stone over the water撇一块扁石使之掠过水面a pond skimmed with ice结了一层薄冰的水

28、池It took me an hour to skim the book.我费了一个小时把这本书草草地读了一遍。 vi. 掠擦, 滑过(over, along, through), 浏览, 略读(over, through), 结涂上薄的复盖层, 美俚瞒税, 漏税The puddles skimmed over during the cold night.夜间寒冷, 水潭结上了薄冰。The swallows skimmed along the ground.燕子掠过地面。The book is worth skimming through.这本书值得浏览一下。n.撇去之物; 脱脂乳, 掠过,

29、薄薄的表层; 一层膜, 疙瘩; 麻面贴胶胶片, 玻璃中的小汽泡条纹adj. 撇去奶油的; 用脱脂乳做的skim milk脱脂牛乳习惯用语skim it down美俚我可不信! 别吹牛!skim off撇取去; 提出精华skim through浏览, 翻阅一下Step 4 Reading (40 minutes)1. Listen to the text twice and finish the True or False exercise. (20 minutes)(1) A student with average intelligence can hardly be a top stude

30、nt unless he does a lot of additional work.(2) A weekly schedule or chart of time will solve all of your problems.(3) A good place for study should be comfortable and have no distractions.(4) You should spend all your time on your work.(5) Being attentive and taking notes in class will save you a lot of time after class.(6) If you review class work regularly, you will surely get better grades in tests.(7) The main pu

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