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1、人教版中考英语总复习九年级全册Unit910【人教版】2017年中考英语总复习九年级全册中考英语复习资料第18讲九年级英语Units9-10一、重点词汇1prefer(v.) (过去式) (过去分词)2electricity(n.) (adj.)电的 (adj.)电子的;电子设备的3direct(v.) (n.)导演;部门负责人4Australia(n.) (adj.&n.)澳大利亚(人)的;澳大利亚人5shut(v.) (过去式) (过去分词)6pain(n.) (adj.)令人痛苦的7relax(v.) (adj.)放松的;自在的8north(n.) (adj.)北方的;北部的9teena

2、ge(adj.) (n.)青少年10suggest(v.) (n.)建议11behave(v.) (n.)表现;举止二、重点短语1 随同一起唱歌2 随着跳舞3 既然那样;假使那样的话4 坚守;固守5 充足的;大量的6 关闭;停止运转7 偶尔地;间或8 总共;合计9 毕竟;终归10 气愤;大动肝火11 顺便访问;随便进入12 努力守时13 .把擦掉14 脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞15 特地;格外努力16 使(某人)感到宾至如归17 习惯于三、重点句型1我喜欢可以跟着跳舞的音乐。I like music I can 2他喜欢能演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。He likes musicians pla

3、y different kinds of music.3当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更偏爱看那些能使我高兴起来的电影。When Im down or tired,I movies that can me 4那是我听到过的最感人的音乐。It was one of of music that Ive ever 5我感到太恐怖以至于不敢独自去看。Im scared watch them 6你应该握手。You to shake hands.7当你第一次见到某人时你应该做什么?你不应该行亲吻礼。What are you to do when you meet someone for ?You are sup

4、posed to 8他们尽一切努力让我感到宾至如归。They their way to me home. 9我发现记住每样事情很难。I find to remember every thing.10我最大的挑战是学习餐桌礼仪。My biggest challenge is learning how at the dinner table.四、考点解析重点词汇1、prefer【典例在线】你喜欢咖啡还是茶?Do you coffee tea?她更喜欢住在农村。She in the countryside.= She in the countryside.他喜欢吃鱼而不喜欢吃肉。He fish me

5、at.我喜欢游泳胜过打球。I swimming playing balls.我宁愿买辆新车也不愿去修那辆用过的。I buy a new car repair the used one.【拓展精析】Prefer 意为“更喜欢;更喜爱”,相当于like.better。现在分词应双写 再加ing,过去式与过去分词形式应双写 再加ed。prefer sth. 意为“ ”prefer doing doing sth. 意为“ ”prefer to do sth.rather than do sth. 意为“ ”=would rather do sth.than do sth.

6、【活学活用】1)我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。(2012,烟台)I music that great lyrics.2)他喜欢听音乐而不是看电视。He prefers to music to TV.3)我喜欢葡萄胜过苹果。I grapes apples.2、suppose【典例在线】他应该准时到达。He arrive on time.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。You smoke on the bus.You smoke on the bus.我认为他不会告诉你这件事。I dont suppose that he will tell you about it.【拓展精析】suppose动词,意为“推断

7、;料想;猜想”be supposed to do sth. = should 意为“ ”be not supposed to do sth. = shouldnt 意为“ ”suppose/think/believethat,当变为否定句时,否定词应前移。【活学活用】4)You are to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.(2013,菏泽)Asuggested BsupportedCtaught Dsupposed3、worth【典例在线】这个问题不值得讨论一

8、遍又一遍。The question is not again and again.这幅画值100元。This picture is 100 yuan.【拓展精析】worth形容词,意为“值得;有价值(的)”,常用于以下结构中:be worth doing sth. 意为“ ”be worthn. 意为“ ”【活学活用】5)It is worth (mention) that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities.(2013,南京)重点句型1、I love music that I can sing along with.我喜欢能

9、跟着一起唱的音乐。【典例在线】我喜欢可以随之起舞的音乐。I like music (that) I can dance to.【拓展精析】that I can sing along with是定语从句,引导词that(which)在从句中作宾语,可以省略。along with相当于together with,表示“伴随着”。修饰名词或代词的句子在复合句中充当定语,因此称之为定语从句。先行词:定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。关系词:引导定语从句的词,分为关系代词(who,whom,that,which,whose)和关系副词(where,when,why)。注意:初中阶段只学习who作主语,that

10、和which作主语和宾语的情况。当定语从句所修饰的名词是人时,用who,that;所修饰的名词是物或事时,用which和that。【活学活用】1)I will never forget the day we spent in the old town with small houses.(2014,杭州)Awho Bwhom Cthat Dwhat2)Do you know the man _ is talking to Miss Wu?(2014,广州)Ahe Bwhom Cwho Dwhich3)I didnt see you last night.Where did you go? (2

11、014,兰州)I went to see a movie called Coming Home was directed by Zhang Yimou. Awho Bwhom Cwhen Dwhich2、In many eastern European countries,.take off your gloves before shaking hands.在许多东欧国家,握手前要脱掉手套。【典例在线】他脱下湿衣服,坐在火旁。He his wet clothes and sat by the fire.飞机晚起飞了一个小时。The plane an hour late.他见我走过来便赶快转身离

12、开了。When he saw me coming,he in the opposite direction.我已决定下周休息几天。I have decided to a few days next week.【拓展精析】take off 意为“ ”put on 意为“ ”take off (飞机等)起飞匆匆离去,急忙离开休假;休息【活学活用】4)What bad weather!The plane will at 8:00 oclock this evening.(2013,黔东南)Aput off Btake off Cturn off Dget off5)Its hot today,isn

13、t it?(2013,济南)Yes,it is.Why not your jacket?Atake care Btake placeCtake after Dtake off易错易混1、except,besides,but【典例在线】除了约翰未通过考试外,我们全都通过了。All of us passed the exam John.除你之外,我还有几个朋友。I have a few friends you.他除了汉堡包之外,别的什么都不吃。He eats nothing hamburgers.【拓展精析】except是介词,意为“除了(某人/某事)之外”,表示所说的 在内。besides是介词

14、,意思是“除(某人/某事)之外(还有)”,表示所说的 在内;but也表示“除了”,相当于except,往往放在all,none,every,any,no以及everything,everybody,nothing,anywhere等词之后。【活学活用】1)除星期天外,我们每天都去上学。We go to school every day Sunday.2)除了英语学得好之外,他语文、数学学得也很好。 English,he did well in Chinese and math.2、on time,in time【典例在线】所有学生都按时到校了。All the students came to

15、school .他们及时赶上了公交车。They caught the bus .【拓展精析】on time = at the right time 意为“ ”in time 意为“ ”【活学活用】3)我希望你能及时赶来参加这个会议。We hope you will arrive to attend the meeting.4)倘若你明天不准时到的话,我就要写信告诉你父亲。Ill write to your father if you arent here tomorrow.3、relax,relaxed,relaxing【典例在线】我需要喝杯茶使自己放松一下。I need a cup of t

16、ea to myself.他感到很轻松。He is feeling .你可以边洗澡边听(令人)轻松的音乐。You can listen to music in the bath.【拓展精析】relax动词, 意为“ ”relaxed形容词, 意为“ ”,常用来修饰 。relaxing形容词, 意为“ ”,常用来修饰 。【活学活用】5)Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination.Why not music?It can make you .(2013,鄂州)Alisten to;r

17、elaxed Bto listen to;relaxedClisten to;relax Dto listen to;to relax五、当堂检测(一)、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1You should take your (护照) with you when changing money.2His grade doesnt (反映) his character.3Listening to light music makes me feel (放松的)4In Brazil,when women meet,they k each other on the cheek.5Dont s y

18、our chopsticks into the food.6There are four s in a year.7Everyone is here e Peter,because he is ill.8Who is k at the door?Go and see who it is!(二)、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。value,greet,empty,behave,suggest,praise,pain9The box is I can carry it.10The discovery is of great to him in his study.11I made a

19、 few about how we could spend the afternoon.12Our teacher often him for his courage.13It must be very for you to tell her about the accident.14When we meet our teachers,we are supposed to them politely.15Youll be punished if you dont well at school.(三)、单项选择。16Im sleepy.I prefer at home to going out

20、for a walk.(2013,徐州)Asleeping Bto sleep Cslept Dsleep17Most students like the teachers understand them well.(2013,滨州)Awhich Bwho Cwhere Dwhen18In a text message,88 means Byebye.And another example is F2F stands for face to face.(2014,黄冈)Athat Bwho Cwhom Dit19All of us went to the park Bob.He had to

21、look after his sister.Abesides Bwith Cexcept Dbeside20You were to close the windows.Why were you so careless?(2013,绵阳)Aallowed Bbelieved Csupposed Dcaused(四)、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。21这些书一共花费了我五百元。These books cost me 500 yuan 22我们必须尽可能地多读书。We must read books as we can.23你应当表扬你的儿子。毕竟,他比以前用功了。You should praise y

22、our son. ,he works harder than before.24我们必须每天努力去学一点新东西。We should to learn something new every day.25你很快就会习惯你的新工作的。You will your new job very soon.(五)英语写作开放式作文的写作一、开放式作文一般在写作提示语中只给出一段素材(文字、图画、表格提示等形式)或主题,让考生在此基础上充分发挥想象力,自由创作。这种写作给考生提供了较大的个性展示空间,因此答案不唯一。写开放性作文的步骤一般是:1认真审题,把握所有信息。经过审题,考生需要明白在写作时应写的要点。

23、2确定主题,罗列提纲。列提纲的时候,要认真回顾题目要求,把握全部要点,理清脉络。3组织语言,展开写作。写作时要考虑用哪些词语、句型,用哪些时态、语态,使用哪些过渡词和过渡句等。4认真检查,查漏补缺。要检查语法结构是否正确,标点拼写是否有误,词数是否符合要求等。二、写作典例。(一)暑假是每个中学生期盼的一段时光,请你围绕如何过一个轻松、愉快、有意义的暑假,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。注意:1.文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名;2下列词汇可供参考:summer holiday,travel,do sports,do some reading,help.with housework,take part

24、in.3题目自拟。【范文欣赏】My Dream Summer HolidayThe summer holiday is coming.After so much work at school,how I want to relax myself!My first choice is to watch TV and do more sports.Then I will help my parents with some housework.After all,they have done so much for me.Besides,visiting the World Expo is my b

25、iggest wish.At the same time,I will continue to study,especially to improve my English.I also want to take part in some interesting activities,which can enrich my experience.That is my dream summer holiday.Im sure my holiday will be relaxing,happy and meaningful!(二)亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢中学生英语征稿,请

26、你以“A(n) Lucky (Unusual/Exciting/Proud/Regretful (遗憾的)/.)Thing”为题,简要描述一件你亲身经历的、印象深刻的事情,并谈谈你从这件事中所获得的启示。【范文欣赏】A Regretful ThingIn the past three years,the life of middle school has impressed me deeply.Many stories happened.The following is one of them.Xiao Ming was one of my good friends.One day,a lit

27、tle thing caused a serious quarrel between us.From then on,we didnt talk to each other.I had hoped to make peace with him,but I finally failed to do that because of my being afraid of losing face.Not until when he moved to another city with his parents did I know I lost my friend forever.The lesson I learnt from this is that if you realize your mistakes,you should correct them at once,or you may regret.

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