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1、年产1500吨无糖糖果车间设计年产1500吨无糖糖果车间设计摘要.ABSTRACT.第一章总论. 1. 1项目背景. 1. 1. 1项目产生的背景. 1. 1. 2无糖糖果的概念及其功能特性. 1. 1. 3国外无糖糖果的现状. . 1. 1. 4我国的无糖糖果现状及开发前景. 1. 1. 5无糖糖果原料的生产情况.1. 2设计依据. . 1. 3设计范围. 1. 3. 1图纸. 设计说明书.第二章生产车间平面设计.2. 1项目选址. 2. 2生产过程设计. 2. 3车间平面布置基本原则. .第三章工艺论证及设计. 3. 1产品方案. 产品方案的确定. 3. 1. 2硬糖及软糖产品方案的确定.

2、 3. 2生产工艺及论证. 3. 2. 1硬糖的生产工艺. 3. 2. 2硬糖工艺论证及说明. . 3. 2. 3软糖的基本特性及工艺论证. 3. 3质量标准及质量关键控制点. 3. 3. 1主要原辅料的质量标准. 3. 3. 2成品的质量标准. . 3. 3. 3质量关键控制点. 3.4物料衡算. 3. 5设备选型. . 3.6水、电、汽估算. 3.6. 1车间用水量估算. 3.6. 2车间用电量估算. 3.6. 3车间用汽量计算.19 3. 7管路设计与计算. 3. 7. 1用水管路的设计与计算. 3. 7. 2蒸汽管路的设计与计算. . 3. 7. 3物料输送管路的设计与计算. 3.8车

3、间劳动力安排. 3.9车间工艺布置与结构. 3.9. 1生产车间工艺布置原则. . 3.9. 2糖果车间平面布局的特点. 3.9. 3车间尺寸设计. 车间的其他设施及结构设计内容.第四章辅助部门及公用系统. 4. 1化验室. 理化指标分析室. 微生物化验室. . 4.2仓库. 4.2. 1原料库. 成品库. 4.3工厂运输. . 4.3. 1厂外运输. 厂内运输. 车间运输. . 4.4机修车间. 4.5给排水、供电、供汽. 4.5. 1给水系统. 排水系统. 供电. 供汽.第五章EHS分析和质量控制. . 5. 1环境保护. 主要污染源及其治理. 5. 1. 2绿化方案. 5. 1. 3环境

4、监测及管理机构. 5. 2劳动保护和职业卫生. 5. 2. 1劳动安全和职业卫生评价. 5. 2. 2装置劳动安全设计中采用的主要防范措施. . 5. 3消防. 5. 4 HACCP计划及GMP规范. 5. 4. 1 HACCP计划. 5. 4. 2 GMP规范. 5.4. 3设计的符合性. .第六章技术经济分析. 6. 1项目投资. 固定资产投资. . 6. 1. 2运输及其它. 6. 2生产总成本及利润测算. 6. 3财务效益静态分析. 6. 3. 1投资利润率. . 6. 3. 2投资回收期. 6. 3. 3投资纯收入率. 盈亏平衡分析. . 6.4敏感性分析及经营安全率分析. 6.4.

5、 1财务综合分析评价. 经营安全率分析. 结论. . 附录. 参考文献.摘要 糖醇热量低,具有某些生理活性,如减少龋齿,促进钙吸收和双歧杆菌增殖等,被称为功能性甜味剂。用糖醇代替食糖制成的无糖糖果具有的抗龋齿性和低热量等的健康食品特征。无糖糖果在发达国家已相当普及,而在国内虽然刚刚起步,上规模的无糖糖果生产厂家也很少,但发展势头相当迅猛。国外的无糖糖果价格相当高,而国内的无糖糖果可以低价赢得市场,有着广阔的市场前景。 罗盖特公司为推广其新产品LYCAS工衅HBC麦芽糖醇浆在国内市场上的应用而开发了无糖糖果工业化生产项目,作为一项技术储备,计划与国内相关的食品工厂进行合作,并将该项技术提供给食品

6、工厂使用。本课题的来源正是建立于此基础上,论文所述,旨在开发、设计一种集营养、健康、美味、休闲功能于一体的无糖糖果,其相关依据是无糖糖果生产线的相关数据和文献,以及工厂设计的相关资料。 本设计主要是进行年产1500吨无糖糖果的车间设计。在开展可行性研究的基础上,查阅了大量的资料,进行了详细的工艺论证;在此基础上进行了物料衡算、热量衡算,对主要设备进行选型,最后进行了经济技术分析,并绘制了工艺流程图,一楼车间平面布置图,二楼车间平面布置图、车间剖面图、管路图等。 在设计过程中,秉承以人为本,安全第一,质量至上的设计理念,发展有竞争力、自动化程度高、工艺先进、质量合格的无糖糖果生产厂;力求生产向着

7、自动化、机械化、连续化、现代化方向发展;车间布局力求科学、规范、灵活;充分利用原辅料,降低生产成本,增强企业的市场竞争力。论文为此做了大量的工作,包括市场调研、产品论证、工艺论证、平面设计、辅助部门及公用系统设计、环境、健康和安全分析、质量保证论证、食品安全控制点分析、技术经济分析等。 本设计依据有关法律法规的要求,并力求满足HACCP计划和GMP规范的要求,在设计时主要考虑了以下几点:1)设计了三次更衣,使用生产的洁净程度超过了国家现有的规范要求;2)包装间等布置了紫外线灭菌灯等,定期进行空气灭菌,保证空气的洁净度;3)人流、物流分开,避免交叉污染;4)设置了参观走廊,使非一线操作人员尽量避

8、免进入生产车间;5)专门设置了车间化验室,保证原辅料质量和产成品的质量。该项目建成投产后,必将会推动国内无糖糖果的发展,带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益。该项目预计投资1200万元,建成投产后每年获利313. 5万元,3年内收回投资。关键词:无糖糖果,车间设计,工艺论证ABSTRACTABSTRACT Glycitols is one type of functionality sweetener, the quantity of heat is low, and has somephysiological activity, can decrease decayed tooth, and hav

9、e sorbefacient of calcium,proliferation of beneficial bacillus function, and so on. Sugar is replaced by glycitols as amaterial of sugarless confectionery, the confectionery have characters of healthiness foodstuff,just as anti-decayed tooth and low quantity of heat. Sugarless confectionery is very

10、popular in developed country in this years, but the industry just started, and there are few large-scale manufacturers, but the tendency of development is very fast. The price of sugarless confectionery made in abroad is very high, the homemade sugarless confectionery is low, so their market will be

11、 very good. For spreading LYCASIN. HBC, their new product;s application in China, Roquette Company study the process of sugarless confectionery, as a technical repertory, and want work together with one foodstuff manufacturer, and the study production will supply to the manufacturer freely. On the b

12、asis of lots of related research, such as some data of sugarless confectionery product line and their literature, and some plant design information, I want to design the sugarless confectionery with nourishment, health, daintiness, and lies fallow function. The product line design is mainly about ye

13、arly one-thousand-five-hundred-ton output of sugarless confectionery. On the basis of lots of related references, the feasibility study has been put up and the flowchart has been validated, Meanwhile, the mass and energy calcucation have been worked out, which have determined the main equipments, an

14、d the technical and economical analysis have been accounted. Afterwards, the design also consists of the flowchart of the workshop, the layout drawing and the elevation drawing of the main workshop. The design of the plant has been based on the following principles: base on humanism, and safety is f

15、irst, quality is very important. We should push the manufacturer development, which have strongly competition, the product line is advance, their product qualify is high; And the equipments should be mechanization, automatization, concatenation and modernization; The layout of workshop should be sci

16、ence, standard and flexible; The product should meet the market development, and improve peoples; standard of living; Use raw materials well, decrease the product cost. I finished some of works for the design, just like market investigation, product demonstrate, flowchart demonstrate, layout design,

17、 assistant department and public system design, EHS analysis, quality assure demonstrate, HACCP analysis, technical and economical analysis, and so on.The sugarless confectionery is made from the sweeteners which can not bring decayed tooth, and the quantity of heat is less than normal sugar, the ot

18、hers nutrition is same as normal confectionery. The process primarily includes some parts as follows: Sugar dissolving一 Evaporation一Adjust一Cooling and molding一Packaging. The design is base on the related regulations and standards, do my best to meet HACCP and GMP regulation, and some characteristics

19、 is following: 1) Thrice change clothes, and ensure the sanitation request meeting the regulation of state; 2) Some ultraviolet radiation lamp for killing microbe, kill the microbe in air regularly, ensure the are is clean; 3) People flowing and goods flowing is dividual, avoid pollution each other;

20、 4) Set up visiting hallway, ensure the persons who are not operators do not go to the product line nearly; 5) Set up a special workshop laboratory, ensure the raw materials and product is good. The market of sugarless confectionery is very big, after the project is finished, it will push the sugarless confectionery industry to improve, and take large society benefit and

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