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1、英语时态语态专题训练及超详细解释英语时态、语态专题训练一选择题(共 50 小题)1I half of the English novel , and Ill try to finish it at theweekend( )AreadBhave readCam reading D will read2Jackin the lab when the power cut occurred()AworksBhas worked C was workingDwould work3When walking down the street,I came across David, who I _ fory

2、ears ()Adidnt see Bhavent seenChadnt seenDwouldnt see4Silk _ one ofthe primarygoods traded along theSilkRoadby about100BC()Ahad become Bwas becomingChas become Dis becoming5Dashan, whocrosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition, fordecades,wants to mix itup withthe Western standup tradition()Awill be le

3、arningBis learningChad been learning Dhas been learning6 Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for? The new Star Wars Wehere for more than two hours()Awaited BwaitCwould be waitingDhave been waiting7However frequentlyheindoingthe experiment ,he never loseshis confidence()AdefeatBgets defeatedCwas de

4、featedD will defeat8I will haveacquired alot of knowledgeand become fully equipped forfuture life by the time I _ from college()AgraduatedBgraduateCwill graduateD had graduated9As the town _ good restaurants,we justtreatedthe foreign friendsto some local food at home yesterday()Adidnt haveB doesnt h

5、aveCwont have Dhadnt had10How happy we are ! The winter holiday we have been looking forward_soon()Ahas comeBto have comeCto comingDto will come11 Wed better leave now No hurryThe train _ at 10 oclock()Ahas leftBleftCleavesDwould leave12It is known that oil _ on water()Afloats BfloatedCwas floatedDi

6、s floated13The Dragon Boat Festival_ the beginningof the hottest seasonof the year ()Ais marking BmarksCwill markDmarked14As you go throughthisbook, you _ thateach of the millionsof people wholived throughWorld War IIhad a differentexperience ()Awill findBfoundChad foundDhave found15 Have you persua

7、ded him?YesAfter hours of discussion ,I_ to reason him into acceptingthe new plan ()AmanagedBwould manageC have managedDhad managed16Jane cantattend the meeting at3oclockthis afternoon because she_ a class at that time()Awill teach Bwould teachChas taught Dwill be teaching17 Since its start, WeChat

8、_ into the most popular messagingcommunication service in China()Ahas developedB developedCdevelopsDwas developing18He _ in a youth hostel fortwo months whenhe was in London()Ahas stayed BstayedChad stayed D had been staying19 The room looks bigger! We _ the furniture()Ahave changedB had changedCcha

9、nged Dare changing20His sister left home in 2010, and _ since()Ahad not been heard ofBhas not been heard ofChad not heard ofDhas not heard of21 The iphone6s has been on the market forsome time Have you gotone? Yes, I _ one during my visit to Hong Kong()AboughtBhave boughtC had bought D would buy22 L

10、ong time no see Havent you graduated from college? YesI _ Social Science for 4 years in Shanghai()AstudyBhave studiedC studiedDam studying23 DrJackson is not in his office at the moment All rightI_ him later()Awill callBhave calledCcallDwill be calling24 Have you got any job offers? NoI _ ()AwaitedB

11、had been waitingChave waitedD am waiting25AlbertEinsteinwas born in 1879As a child ,few peopleguessed thathe _a famous scientistwhose theorieswouldchangetheworld ()Ahas beenBhad beenCwas going to beDwas26 Thissustainabledevelopmentneeds tobe differentfrompastdevelopment ,which _ the pollution of the

12、 environment and wasteof natural resources()AcausedBwill cause C had caused D causes27 Did you note down what the teacher said? Sorry Imy Iphone 6 just now()Ahad played B have playedCwould play Dwas playing28 Sorry for being late this morning Never mind The weatherwas terribleandmany people_thebus()

13、AmissBwill missCmissedDhave missed29 Mobilepayment_moreandmorepopularinthelasttwoyears ()Ahas become Bwill becomeCbecame Dhad become30I _ football since I left university()Adidnt playB dont playCwont play D havent played31A team of scientists_ the effectsof acidrain over the last twenty year period(

14、)AstudiedBhad studiedCis studyingD has been studying32We didnt get a hotel room because we _ in advance()Ahadnt bookedB havent bookedCwerent bookingDwouldnt book33 Lets go to the cinema this Sunday morning Idloveto , butI_ as a volunteerinmy communitythen ()Awill workBhave workedCwill be working Dwa

15、s working34Dont phone me between 10 :00and 11 :30 tomorrow morning I ameeting then ( )Ahad B haveCwas having D will be having35 Could I use your car tomorrow morning? Sure I _ a report at home()Awill be writingBwill have writtenChave writtenD have been writing36At college ,Barack Obamadidntknow that

16、he _the first blackpresident of the United States of America()Awas to becomeB becomesCis to becomeD became37 Inthelastfewyears, China_ greatachievementsinenvironmental protection()Ahas madeBhad madeC was making D is making38I _downto London when Isuddenlyfound thatI was on the wrongroad ()Awas drivi

17、ngB have drivenCwould driveD drove39Kimberly _ an article,so dont disturb her()Awould writeB writesC wrote Dis writing40Chinese peoples spending on overseas trips_ year by year ()Ahad risenBriseCis risingDrose41MrSmith letoff upon methe speech he_ to makeallalong ()Ahad diedBdiedCwas dyingDhad been

18、dying42After school we went to the readingroom to do some reading ,onlyto be told that it()Awas decoratedB had decoratedChad been decorating Dwas being decorated43The train we _ for so long was crowded,so we decided to catcha later one()Ahave been waiting Bwere waitingChad been waitingDhave waited44

19、 I hope youll make good efforts while Im away Be assured!Youllbe amazedatwhat _ accomplished when you getback()Awill have beenB has beenCwas Dwould be45We_ our new restaurantinManhattan by the time you visit usin New York ()Ahad opened B will have openedCwould open D have opened46You arehardworkinga

20、nd surelymost of you _ a collegeadmissionnotice by the end of September this year()Awill receiveB will be receivingCwill be receivedDwill have received47More efforts,as reported ,intheyearsahead to acceleratethe supply side structional reform()Aare madeBwill be madeCare being madeD have been made48

21、The studentshavebeen workinghard ontheirlessonsand theirefforts_ success in the end()ArewardedBwere rewardedCwill rewardD will be rewarded49Despite the previousroundsoftalks,no agreement _ so farby the two sides()Ahas been reachedBwas reachedCwill reach D will have reached50More subway lines _ to ma

22、ke travelling easy in Beijing in thecoming years()Awill build Bwill be builtCbuild Dare built英语时态、语态专题训练参照答案与试题分析一 (共 50 小 )1I half of the English novel , and Ill try to finish it at theweekend( )Aread Bhave read Cam reading D will read【解答】 答案: B A 是一般 去 ,表示 去某个 点 生的 作; B 是 在达成 , 表示从 去某个 点开始的 作, 向来持 到 在, 可能 下去; C 是 在 行 ,表示正在 行的 作或存在的状 ; D是 去未来 , 表示未来要 生的 作或存在的状 依据 境可知,

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