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七年级英语Unit 7 Poems.docx

1、七年级英语Unit 7 Poems Units 7 Poems1. Water has no taste .水根本没有味道。2. Now, he is sitting in his favourite chair tired laugh or to play. 现在,他正坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,太累了,笑不动,也玩不动。3. Soon hell go to .不久他就会去睡觉。4. Then I see him , on the building .之后,我在建筑工地上看到他在工作。5. Hes in the clouds higher than a kite. 他高高地站在云中,比风筝还高。6

2、. Hes working on a piece of wood not the height. 他正走在一块狭窄的木板上,并不担心它的高度。7. Hes at the newspaper stand, the bus stop, and hes . 他坐在报摊前,就在车站旁,他微笑着。8. A bus stops, and the people 公车停了,人们鱼贯而出。9. Theyre to work. 他们赶去上班。10. A of people, all very busy, tired faces.一群人,都非常忙碌,面带倦容。11. Or will you it two? 还是你愿

3、意成为第二个?12. dawn dusk, I never stop. 从破晓到黄昏,我从不停止。13. We drive the street night to stop and those who fight . 我们沿着街道彻夜行驶,拦截小偷,阻止斗殴。词汇笔记 1.advice=suggestion 【展示】1. Could you give me some advice on buying a car? 你能就买车给我点建议吗?2. Our English teacher advises us to speak English as often as possible. 我们英语老师

4、建议我们尽可能多说英语。【总结】1advice为_(可数不可数)名词,意为“劝告;建议”。一条建议应该说_ 表示“在某方面提出建议”,一般用_,如例1。2advice动词形式为advise=suggest,常用于句型:advise sb to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”如例2。Keys:不可数;give advice on sth【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。1我妈妈经常给我一些建议。My mother often _ _ _ _.2医生建议他多运动。The doctor _ _ _ _ more exercise.2.agree动词, 同意赞同 名词为_【展示】1. No on

5、e agrees with her on that point. 在那一点上没有人同意她。2. They disagree with my decision. 他们不同意我的决定。3. My mother agreed to buy me a new bike. 我妈妈同意给我买一辆新自行车。【总结】agree意为“同意、赞同”,常用作不及物动词。agree _后可接人,表示“同意某人”,如例1;也可接opinion,view,idea,decision等,表示“同意(某人)对某事的意见、想法、观点、决定等“。当表示“不同意(某人)对某事的决定”时,要用disagree with ones d

6、ecision, 如例2。表示“同意做”,要用agree _结构,如例3。如果指双方决定用agree_.Keys:with;to do【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。3他同意帮我做作业。He agreed _ _ me do my homework.4我妈妈同意我的主意。My mother _ _ my idea.3.rush 【展示】1. I saw my mother rush down the steps to stop him. 我看见我母亲急速冲下台阶去阻止他。2. The man left in a rush. 这个男人在匆忙中离开了。3. Customers are expec

7、ting a rush for the cheap books. 顾客们正期待着抢购这些便宜的书籍。【总结】 通过观察以上例句,我们可以看出:在例1中,rush用作_(词性),意为“急速;快速”。在例2、3中,rush用作_(词性),例2中意为“匆忙”,例3中意为“争购”。Keys:动词;名词【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。5我们的时间很多,用不着太急促。 We have a lot of time, so there is no need to _.6我现在很忙,你待会再来。I am in a _ now, please come back later.4.feel v. 感觉;摸触我感觉

8、不错。I _ _.常考句型:feel like doing sth. 想做某事 我不想吃。 I dont _ _ eating.注:feel 表示“感觉”时,通常不用于进行时态。5.height 名词,高度 形容词为_高的例如:What is your height?你有多高=How tall are you?还有以下类似名词变形容词的有:名词形容词Weight 重量重的:Age 年龄老的:Height 高度高的:Width 宽度宽的:Depth 深度深的:6. order 【必会考点】 【C】n. 命令,顺序 【知识拓展】 order v. 命令 order sb. to do sth. W

9、illiams ordered him to leave. 威廉斯命令他离开。 order v. 订购;点菜 The waitress appeared, Are you ready to order? 女服务员走了过来,“你们准备好点菜了吗?” in order to 为了 In order to lose weight, he exercises regularly every day. 为了减肥,他每天规律地运劢。 7. tell VS. say VS. speak VS. talk 【必会考点】 tell 表示“告诉,诉说”,如:tell a story; 后可接双宾语,如:tell

10、you a secret say 表示“说”,后接说话的内容 speak表示“讲,说” ;后接语言,表示“说(某种语言)”或作不及物劢词,表说话的能力 talk 表示“谈话,聊天”,常用搭配为 talk with/to sb.戒talk about sth. 1. The teacher_ the students not to be late again. 2. Do you often_to your friends on the phone? 3. Dont forget to_“Thank you” when someone opens the door for you. 4. Can

11、 you_Japanese? 5. Our English teacher comes from America, but she often_we can_ Chinese when we_with her. Sometimes she_ us stories in Chinese. Key: 1. tells 2. talk 3. say 4. speak 5. says; speak; talk; tells 8. afraid 【必会考点】 be afraid of sb. / sth. 害怕某人或某事 I was afraid of dogs when I was a child.

12、当我是个孩子的时候,我很怕狗。 【知识拓展】 be afraid to do sth. / of doing sth. 害怕做某事 I am afraid to speak in public. 我害怕在公众场合说话。= I _ in public. be afraid that 恐怕; I was afraid that nobody would believe me. 我担心没有人会相信我的话。应用完成句子 女孩子一般都怕蛇。Girls are usually_ _snakes. 他怕把杯子打碎,因而很小心。He was careful because he was afraid_ _th

13、e glass. 恐怕她会迷路。I am _ _she will lose her way. 汤姆把钱丢了,也不敢告诉他母亲。Tom lost the money and was afraid_ _his mother. Key:afraid,of of,breaking afraid,that to tell 7. worry worries; worrying; worried; 【必会考点】 be worried about 为担忧 She is worried about the safety of her son. 她在担心她儿子的安全。 worry about 担心Dont wor

14、ry about me. 别为我担心。 例:She is very _ _her sick mother.9. They cannot go through it at the same time.【解析】go through表示“穿过”,侧重从立体空间通过。而go across表示“穿过”,侧重从平面空间穿越。例如:At last, we went through the forest.最终,我们穿过了这片森林。Pay attention to cars before you go across the street.过马路之前要注意车辆。辨析 through / across / over

15、 through, prep. 通过;穿过。指从某处的内部穿过。across, prep. 通过,穿过。指从某处表面横穿而过,与某处交叉而过。over, prep. 越过,翻越。指从某处的一边到另一边。Eg. 用适当的介词填空。a. It is dangerous to go _ the road.b. They climbed _ many mountains last year.c. He came _ an open window and stole the money.10.Too tired to laugh or play.【解析“too形容词副词动词不定式”结构简称为“too.t

16、o”。表示“太以至于不能”,这个结构常常可以和sothat结构的句子转换。例如:The tree is too tall for the cat to climb up.= The tree is so tall that the cat cant climb up.这棵树太高了以至于这只猫爬不上去。【跟踪练习】 1太晚了我不能一个人回家。 Its _ late _ go back home on my own.【例题】 The car run too _ to stop before it hit the wall. A. quick B. quickly C. fast D. Late 1

17、1.Theyre hurrying to work. hurry to do.匆忙做.例句:He hurried to his class.Hurry up 赶快 in a hurry 匆忙,很快地例如:Hurry up,or well be late. She went to school in a hurry. =_短语:1. 一点也(不);完全(不)_ 2. 为担忧_3. 报摊_ 4. 冲出去_ 5. 一群_ 6. 经过;通过_ 7. 太.而不能_ 8. 看见某人在做_9. 匆忙做_ 10.敲门_ 11.(太阳)升起_ 12.打扫;把弄干净_13.让我们做._ 14.害怕做._15.洗淋

18、浴_ 15.同时_ 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。1.她脸上有一种厌倦的表情。她认为这个聚会很无聊。There is a _ expression on her face. She thinks the party is _.2.我看见苏姗在读英语单词。I _ Susan _ English words.3.在建筑工地上,那个强壮的人正走在一块窄窄的木头上。On the _ _, the strong man is walking on a _piece of wood.4.我们没有太多的时间可以浪费。We dont have much time _ _.5. 经常微笑对人们有好处。It i

19、s good _ people _ smile often.6.假如你怕蛇,你就过不了那片森林。If you are _ _the snakes, you wont _ _ the forest.7.那座山高900米。The mountain is 900 metres _. The _ of the mountain is 900 metres.8.不要担心这次考试。我相信你能通过的。Dont_ _ the exam. I believe you can pass it.9.今天的球赛令人激动。我们都感到很兴奋。The match today is very _. We are all ve

20、ry _ about it.10.当一名警察很危险,但是警察总是帮我们维持城市的安全。It is _ to be a policeman, but the policemen always _ our city _.11.夜幕正在降临,月亮出来了。Night _ _, and the moon comes out.12.我们在鱼缸里根本看不到鱼。We saw _ fish in the fish tank _ _13.那些人太累了,他们不笑也不玩。Those people were _tired _ laugh _ play.14.我同学经常在学校附近的报摊买篮球先锋报。My classmat

21、es often _Basket Pioneers at the _ _near our school.15.一群年轻人正沿着街边骑着自行车去广场。 _ _ _ young people are _a bike to the square along the street.英英解释。1.Id like a piece of bread and a bottle of cola.A.a bit of B.a slice of C.a lot of2.He has many friends,so he feels happy all the time.A.always B.never C.some

22、times3.The bus stopped ,all the people rushed out slowly out quickly out late4.What happened?There are a crowd of people over there.A.a few B.a large group of C.some5.The boy saw his father standing on a narrow piece of wood.A.not wide B.not big C.not heavy6.It suddenly started

23、 to shower this afternoon.A.take a bath B.rain heavily C.wash your body D.small rain7.He ordered his son to buy a newspaper for him.A.told B.asked for C.arranged D.requested.8.Sandy wants to tell these children a complete story about Snow White.A.interesting B.funny C.whole D.part of9.Look!There are

24、 a crowd of people over there.What happened?A.a few B.a little C.a lot of D.enough10.They are even good friends when they strongly disagree.A.have the same idea B.have different each other D.argue11.Whats his height?A.How tall is he? B.How high is he?C.How heavy is he? D.How is he?12.

25、He got up so late that he couldnt catch the first C.such.that D.enough.to13.They hurried to school this morning.A.walked B.rode a hurry D.went.slowly14.Lets make a cake,shall we?A.How about making a cake? B.What about make a cake?C.Shall we making a cake? D.Why not m

26、aking a cake?15.Its not boring to read the poem.A.exciting B.surprising C.tiring D.interesting 16.The teacher listened to the children reading aloud.A.happily B.carefully C.slowly D.loudly单项选择。( ) 1. -Mum, Dad isnt reading or playing. He is sitting _ his favorite chair. - He is _ tired. A. at; so B.

27、 at; too C. in; so D. in; too( ) 2. - Can you see _ children near the lake from your window? - No, I cant. A. a group of B. a lot C. a group D. lot of( ) 3. - Why does he always hurry _? - Because he often stays up late and _ gets up early. A. to work; always B. to work; never C. works; never D. works; always( ) 4. - What happened? You look _. - I saw a _ film, so I have no time to do homework. A. worried; bored B. worrying; boring C. worried; boring D. worrying; bored( ) 5. - What _ did your mother _

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