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1、初中中考非谓语动词总结附上海二模真题初中中考非谓语动词总结(附上海二模真题)1、want to do sth、 想要做某事 = would like to do sthI want to buy a new computer this afternoon、 = I would like to buy a new computer this afternoon、我想今天下午买台新电脑。2、 would rather do sth、 宁愿做某事I would rather stay at home tomorrow 、明天我宁愿呆在家里。3、 promise to do sth、 承诺做某事I h

2、ave promised to give the children some books、 我已经承诺给孩子们一些书籍。4、 plan to do sth、 计划做某事He plans to travel around the world、他计划要周游世界。5、 decide to do sth、 决定做某事She has decided to travel all over the world、她已经决定周游世界了。6、 determine to do sth、 决心做某事He determined to learn French、他下定决心学习法语。7、 afford to do sth、

3、 负担得起做某事(时间或金钱方面) We cant afford to go abroad this summer、今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。8、 wish to do sth、 希望做某事I wish to live on the moon one day、我希望有一天在月球上生活。9、 hope to do sth、 希望做某事I hope to have a good rest this weekend、我希望这周末好好休息一下。10、 encourage (sb、)to do sth、 鼓励做某事Langlang was encouraged by his family to le

4、arn music at a young age、郎朗在很小的时候就被家人鼓励学习音乐。11、fear to do sth、 惧怕做某事She fears to live on the mountain、她害怕住在山上。12、 learn to do sth、 学会做某事He finally learned to play the piano with the help of the teacher、 在老师的帮助下,他最终学会了弹钢琴。13、 manage to do sth、 设法做成某事They managed to escape the fire yesterday、昨天他们设法逃脱了

5、火灾。14、 offer to do sth、 主动提出做某事Never offer to teach fish to swim、别在强人面前逞能。15、 agree to do sth、 同意做某事He agreed to do it at once、他同意立刻行动。16、 arrange to do sth、安排做某事I arrange to wash clothestomorrow morning、 我安排好明天上午洗衣服。17、 choose to do sth、 选择做某事He chose to believe what she had said、 他选择相信她说的话。18、 dem

6、and to do sth、 要求做某事I demand to see the manager、我要求见经理。19、 expect to do sth、 等待做某事I am expecting to hear from you soon、我期待着早点收到你的来信。20、 prepare to do sth、 预备做某事They prepared to go hiking this Sunday、 他们准备周日去远足。21、pretend to do sth、 伪装做某事She pretended not to see me、她假装没有看到我。22、 refuse to do sth、 拒绝做某

7、事She refused to buy a new cellphone for her boy、她拒绝给她儿子买新手机。23、 help (to)do sth、 帮助做某事 I often help to do some chores at home、我在家经常帮着做家务。24、 ask (sb)to do sth、 要求做某事The boy asks to go to school by bike、这个男孩要求骑自行车去上学。25、 tell (sb)to do sth、 告诉某人做某事I told her to go home、我告诉她回家二、只接动名词1、practice doing s

8、th、练习做某事I practice playing the piano twice a week、我每周练习两次弹钢琴。2、 consider doing sth、考虑做某事I consider waiting a bit longer before I give up、我考虑放弃之前再等待一段时间。3、 like/ enjoy doing sth、喜欢做某事I like/enjoy playing basketball、我喜欢打篮球。4、 finish doing sth、完成做某事Lets finish doing the work together、让我们一起完成工作吧。5、 deny

9、 doing sth、 否认做某事John denied signing the contract、约翰否认签了合同。6、 give up doing sth、放弃做某事My father has given up smoking、我爸爸已经戒烟了。7、 keep doing sth、一直做某事I kept studying English for1 hour yesterday evening、昨天晚上,我一直学了1小时英语。8、 suggest doing sth、建议做某事I suggest traveling abroad next month、 我建议下个月出国旅行。9、 advis

10、e doing sth、 建议做某事He advises going to see a movie、他建议去看电影。10、 admit doing sth、 承认做某事He admitted making the mistake、他承认犯了错误。11、allow doing sth、 允许做某事We dont allow smoking in the classroom、我们不允许在班里吸烟。12、 put off doing sth、 推迟做某事Sometimes students put off doing their homework until the last minute、有时学生

11、们会拖延到最后一分钟才做作业。13、 risk doing sth、冒险做某事To win the gamble,he risked losing100 dollars、为了赢这场赌局,他冒了失去100美元的风险。14、 avoid doing sth、 避免做某事Try to avoid drinking and smoking、尽量避免喝酒和抽烟。15、 discuss doing sth、 讨论做某事I like to discuss doing sports with my friends、我喜欢和我朋友讨论体育运动。16、 dislike doing sth、 不喜欢做某事He di

12、slikes dancing in public、他不喜欢在公众场合跳舞。17、 escape doing sth、 逃脱做某事He escaped being killed、他没有被杀。补充三、只接原形(使役动词)1、let sb、 do sth、I let him go、 我让他走开。2、 make sb、 do sth、He made me laugh、 他使我发笑。3、 have sb、 do sth、Please have him come here、 请叫他到这里来。附 上海xx二模真题1、With the invention of computer, many teenagers

13、 would rather _ computer games than _ other things、 【xx奉贤二模】A)to play、to doB)to play、do C)play、to doD)play、do2、 He still denied _ anything about the robbery though he was questioned many times、 【xx奉贤二模】A)knowB)knew C)to knowD)knowing3、 The doctor has worked in the operation room all night without _a

14、ny rest、 【xx普陀二模】A、take B、 takes C、 to take D、 taking4、 To escape the noise, Jacob would rather _out of the city centre、 【xx普陀二模】A、 live B、 living C、 to live D、 lived5、 Would you like _the sunshine on the beach with me? 【xx黄浦二模】A)enjoy B)enjoying C)to enjoy D)enjoyed6、 Peter keeps _us hes going to b

15、e a famous artist before hes40、 【xx黄浦二模】A)tell B)telling C)to tell D)told7、 Some businesses refuse_ products from the rainforests so as not to destroy them、 【xx杨浦二模】A)buy B)buying C)to buy D)to buying8、 He kept _ to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter、 【xx杨浦二模】A)try B)trying C)to t

16、ry D)to trying9、 The heavy rain made the tourists _ at the hotel all day with nothing to do、 【xx闵行二模】A)to stay B)staying C)stayed D)stay10、 The two young men denied _ the valuable painting from the safe、 【xx闵行二模】A)to steal B)stole C)stealing D)steal11、They hope _ a new underground railway line in th

17、e area in the near future、 【xx虹口二模】A)build B)to build C)building D)will build12、 If you keep on practicing _, you will be a very good swimmer one day、 【xx虹口二模】A)to swim B)swimming C)swim D)swum13、 Michaels mother never makes him _his room、 He does it by himself、 【xx长宁二模】A)clean B)cleans C)to clean D

18、)cleaning14、 To improve our spoken English, we practiced _again and again、 【xx长宁二模】A)pronounceB)pronounced C)to pronounce D)pronouncing15、 Each student is asked to give a report when he/she finishes _ a novel、 【xx静安二模】A)read B)reads C)to read D)reading16、 The lady is going to have an important meeti

19、ng _in Beijing in two weeks time、 【xx静安二模】A)attend B)to attend C)attends D)attending17、How glad they were _each other again in Beijing、 【xx宝山二模】A、to seeB、seeC、seeing D、seen18、Lindan succeeded in _a gold medal in全文结束 London Olympic Games、 【xx宝山二模】A、winB、wonC、to winD、winning19、 Amy and Kitty became go

20、od friends soon and promised _ to each other often、 【xx崇明二模】A)wroteB)writingC)write D)to write20、 His parents encouraged little Jerry _ to play the violin at a young age、 【xx松江二模】A)to learnB)learnC)learnedD)learning21、Jack is considering _ his flat into a big house at the moment、 【xx松江二模】A)to change

21、B)changedC)changeD)changing22、 Doctors warned people _ stay outdoors for a long time in foggy weather、 【xx闸北二模】A、not B、 dont C、 to not D、 not to23、 Rio de Janeiro still has a lot of things _ to prepare for the全文结束 Olympics、 【xx浦东二模】A)doB)didC)to doD)does【答案】1-5: DDDAC6-10: BCBDC11-15: BBADD16-20: BADDA21-23: DDC

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