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1、高考复习顶层设计英语复习习题必修一题组提分练5题组提分练五必修1Unit 5限时35分钟见学生用书P321加黑体小题训练细节理解题之间接信息题和正误判断题阅读理解A(原创)体裁:记叙文话题:文娱与体育难度:As the youngest team in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge with an average age of 23.5, they broke the record of 40 days 8 hours and 26 minutes set by a British female team two years ago, scori

2、ng 34 days 13 hours and 13 minutes in the 5,556 kilometer race starting from San Sebastian of La Gomera, in the Canary Islands of Spain.“We are so proud and excited. We didnt expect to break the record. But when it came true, it was like a dream,” said Li Xiaobing, an English major who graduated in

3、2014.“Every day we checked how far the Norwegian team was. We felt very nervous and stressed, and we worked hard to keep them away from us. But they were very strong,” said Chen Yuli, a physics major who graduated last year. The worst moment came on Jan. 4 when the boat capsized (倾覆) after three big

4、 waves hit one after another.During the joyful times, the girls sang pop songs loudly or ate noodles they had brought from China. The biggest take-away from the trip is about life attitude, Li said. “Everything will be all right in the end. If not, its not the end.”Meng Yajie and Liang Mintian, majo

5、ring in English and finance respectively, graduated from the university last year.【语篇解读】4名汕大女生划艇横渡大西洋,她们不仅是第一支到达的女子队伍,也是比赛中最年轻的选手。1The underlined word “Jasmine” in Paragraph 5 refers to _.A. the boat B. one member of the teamC. one big wave D. the rope答案与解析A词义猜测题。根据上一段可知由于三次巨浪的袭击,船翻了;再结合画线词之后的turned

6、 back over“翻过来”可知,Jasmine是她们的船的名字,故选项A正确。2Which of the following about the team is NOT true according to the passage?A. They were the first Asian team competing in the race.B. Two team members majored in physics.C. They tried hard to be ahead of the Norwegian team in the race.D. Not all the four gir

7、ls graduated last year from Shantou University.答案与解析B正误判断题。根据文章中对四个队员的专业介绍可知她们有两人是英语专业、一个物理专业,一个是金融专业,故B项符合题意。3After the waves capsized the boat, _.A. two girls were choked by seawaterB. they sang loudly to remain calmC. they might be at a loss what had happenedD. the members had to hang on the rope

8、 to finish the race答案与解析C间接信息理解题。根据第五段陈钰丽对船翻后情况的描述可知队员不知道发生了什么事情,故选项C符合题意。at a loss 与原文中的didnt know为同义表达。词汇微存respectively adv.分别地; go blank 变为空白阅读理解B(2018东莞质检)体裁:记叙文话题:个人情况难度:Back about 20 months ago I started college and just struggled with everything, such as classes and friends. I quickly became

9、depressed and angry at myself for not being about to do better in school, in addition to lack of friends due to poor social and communication skills.【语篇解读】作者由于缺乏社交技能,在刚上大学时,没有朋友,后来作者开始跑步,不仅身体健康了而且也有了朋友。4What made the author decide to run at night?A. His 19th birthday. B. His parents cake.C. His lone

10、liness. D. His friends.答案与解析C间接信息理解题。根据第一段可知作者缺乏社交技能,缺乏朋友,第二段叙述作者一个人过生日,没有人和他分享蛋糕,由此推断出作者是孤独的,因此作者出去跑步是因为孤单,故C项正确。5Which of the following best describes the author?A. Traditional. B. Determined.C. Humorous. D. Generous.答案与解析B推理判断题。第三段叙述作者坚持跑步,两个月后到体育馆开始游泳,由此推断出作者是坚定有决心的,故B项正确。6What is the biggest be

11、nefit of the authors running?A. Regaining his confidence.B. Losing his weight.C. Playing with his brothers.D. Joining in other activities.答案与解析A间接信息理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句中的“grew confidence”可知,作者增强了自信,故选项A正确。7Why do you think the author wrote this passage?A. To recall his life in college.B. To show his grati

12、tude to his parents.C. To emphasize the importance of friendship.D. To share his experience of dealing with hardship.答案与解析D推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“我希望这篇文章能帮助也许或已经处于同样情形的人”可知,作者通过写该篇文章旨在向读者讲述他处理友谊的经历。阅读技巧2意义类似定答案间接信息类间接信息理解题(如第4小题)的设问方式常有According to the author/passage .; From ., we can learn .间接理解题的答案选项的表述

13、方式通常不是使用文章的原话,而是使用与文章同义或近义的词语表达。解题时,先阅读题干,确定关键词,再利用关键词定位题干关键词的同义词或近义词的转换形式,从而确定答案。阅读理解C(原创)体裁:记叙文话题:社会难度:Eight-year-old Wang Fuman, better known to Chinese netizens as “frost boy”, got a chance to fly on a plane for the first time as he traveled from his home in Ludian county, Yunnan Province to Bei

14、jing to watch the flag-raising ceremony held each morning at Tiananmen Square. Earlier this month a photo showing Wang with his hair and eyebrows all covered in frost after walking for an hour to school during minus 9 conditions went viral nationwide, earning him the nickname “frost boy”During his t

15、hree-day visit to the capital, Wang, his elder sister and father also visited the anti-terrorism police, the Peoples Public Security University of China and a police museum. In previous interviews, Wang had revealed that he always wanted to go to Beijing and that he wanted to be a policeman when he

16、grows up. Since Wangs photo went viral, continuous donations in various forms, such as cash and clothing, have been made to Wangs family from across China, with a portion going to Wangs school and his schoolmates. Wangs father, a migrant worker, has also managed to find a better job due to recent me

17、dia attention. Fu Heng, principal of Wangs primary school, told media that he is worried that Wang may never have another moments peace again now that he has gone viral.(陈述校长的担忧)While many netizens were happy to see photos of Wang enjoying his trip to Beijing, some are worried that Wang may end up b

18、eing “consumed by those who want to help him.” Many donors have asked why their donations were given to other children besides Wang. The local government and charities made it clear that the donations would go to children who have as much need as Wang.(网友的态度:喜忧参半)【语篇解读】8岁的“冰花男孩”王福满和家人飞抵北京,开启三天的圆梦之旅。

19、8Why did the “frost boy” fly to Beijing?A. To express his thanks to the donors.B. To help his father support the family.C. To go on a brief visit.D. To study in Beijing.答案与解析C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知小男孩去北京是为了进行为期三天的旅行,故选项C正确。9According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Not all the donations

20、were given to the frost boy. B. No one is in greater need of help than Wang.C. Wangs father is now working in Beijing. D. All are happy with the present result of the boy. 答案与解析A正误判断题。根据第三段中的“with a portion going to Wangs school and his schoolmates.”可知,捐赠的物品还赠给了其他孩子和学校,故选项A符合题意。10What is the attitud

21、e of the author to Wangs becoming popular?A. Approving. B. Negative.C. Critical. D. Subjective.答案与解析D观点态度题。作者在文章中介绍了“冰花男孩”学校校长和网友们的不同观点,属于客观的态度,故D项正确。阅读技巧3对号入座辨是非正误判断题正误判断题(如第9小题)的常见命题方式:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?或Which of the following is NOT true according to .?解题技巧如下

22、:速览题目所提供的四个选项。若各选项针对同一内容,则要注意找出各选项之间的差别,再带着问题去原文中核实文章的实际内容。若各个选项陈述的内容不一致,则要根据题干或选项中提供的线索回读原文,逐个找到相关句,最后确定答案。注意表达“绝对化”的选项一般不是正确答案。阅读七选五(2018邯郸质检)体裁:说明文话题:学校生活难度:Take care of yourself. During final exam week, it is common for students to fall behind on sleep and meals. Make sure you get a good nights

23、sleep and have regular meals. Studying while hungry or sleepy is ineffective and will slow you down in the long run. Also try to make time for friends and family. _5_答案与解析【语篇解读】尽管大家智商各不相同,但是好的学习习惯至关重要,本文介绍了几个考高分的好习惯。1F 空前两句说明有些学生考A,同时是三个俱乐部的会长,而有些学生拼命学习才能拿到平均分,而且他们几乎所有时间都用在学习上,故F项符合语境。2A该段说明计划的重要性。且

24、根据上下文标题句特点(祈使句)可判断A项“一切保持条理”符合语境。3G空前一句说明做一个周日程表。空后一句说明日程包括吃饭睡觉以及与做作业无关的时间,故选项G“列出每天中每个小时要做的事情”符合语境。4D该段说明每小时休息15分钟放松大脑,空后一句说明不休息的坏处,故选项D“我们的大脑不是为了无休止的工作”符合语境。5E 空前一句提到的朋友和家人是支持的力量,他们能够帮我们对抗压力,故选项E正确。词汇微存ineffective adj. 无效的; in the long run 从长远来看 予少家汉东,汉东僻陋无学者,吾家又贫无藏书。州南有大姓李氏者,其于尧辅颇好学。予为儿童时,多游其家,见有弊筐贮故书在壁间,发而视之,得唐昌黎先生文集六卷,脱落颠倒无次序,因乞李氏以归。读之,见其言深厚而雄博,然予犹少,未能悉究其义徒见其浩然无涯,若可爱。 是时天下学者杨、刘之作,号为时文,能者取科第,擅名声,以夸荣当世,未尝有道韩文者。予亦方举进士,以礼部诗赋为事。年十有七试于州,为有司所黜。因取所藏韩氏之文复阅之,则喟然叹曰:学者当至于是而止尔!因怪时人之不道,而顾己亦未暇学,徒时时独念于予心,以谓方从进士干禄以养亲,苟得禄矣,当尽力于斯文,以偿其素志。

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